Page Two The One Talent Candidate (Continued from Page 1) of state funds under reasonable safeguards and in the exer cise of ordinary prudence and good judgment. So, when Mr. Johnson pleads the absence of specific man date, he passes over entirely too hurriedly his own failure to se cure this mandate if he felt it were required. As the chief fis cal officer of the state, he not only had the power and the pres tige, but he had a specific, positive duty tp direct the attention of the lawmakers to any deficiency under law which would re quire the continued idleness of enormous accretions of state funds. In his recent radio speech on the matter, he makes much of the fact that Kerr Scott has been a member of the council of state. He makes no mention of the fact that he himself was the chief fiscal officer of the state and charged with full responsi bilities for the intelligent administration of fiscal affairs; that Scott was charged primarily with a full time responsibility for the administration of the department of agriculture; and that the Governor of the state was charged with onerous burdens as the chief administrative and excecutive officer of the gen eral affairs of the state. In the very nature of things, it was the duty, the right, and the inescapable obligation of the treasurer of the state to initi ate and carry through sound fiscal policies. At no time has he stated that he called the attention of the council of state to the fact that these enormous sums of money were lying idle. There was, therefore, nothing that other members of the council could do except assume that the treasurer was discharg ing the duties of his own office and that he would call to their attention those matters dealing with state finances which should be acted upon by the council. This matter of idle funds is not the responsibility of the commissioner of agriculture; it is not the responsibility of the Governor of the state. The full and final responsibility rests squarely upon the treasurer of the state. In Mr. Johnson’s speech, he says: “My books have been audited fifteen consecutive times without the disclosure of a single irregularity. Every dollar of state money entrusted to my keeping is either invested in strictest accord with the law or is on deposit in the more than 200 banks of North Carolina, amply secured by legal collateral.” This statement by Mr. Johnson almost inescapably raises the specter of the one talent man so known in the New Tes tament parable. The man given one talent counted it carefully at the beginning of his charge. When called upon to render ac counts to his lord, he again accounted for every cent. There was not the slightest suggestion of an irregularity. Yet the very fact that he accounted so neatly that he made no effort to earn a reasonable increment was 'considered ample reason to deprive him of the one talent and turn the money over to somebody else who would make a reasonable use of it. The lord of the one talent man promptly discharged him and sent him out into the by-wavs to earn his own living by other means than accounting scrupulously for the one talent that had been so smothered with care that it never had a chance to grow. Mr. Johnson protests that in order to make investments he would be compelled to purchase long term bonds of the United States. In making this protest he is either astoundingly innocent of the most elementary financial knowledge or deliberately con fusing the issue. The very statute from which he 4ias quoted at great length carefully points out Treasury notes as one of the approved in vestment media. As every bank messenger knows these Treas ury notes are bought on subscription made in advance. They run for short periods of time and bear interest at one-half percent or better. Any person with as much as SIOOO.OO to invest can go into the open market and buy United States Bonds maturing in from one to 5 years at prices which will have a net earning to the investor Who holds them to maturity of 3-4 to 1 3-4 percent. Mr. Johnson’s statement that he would be criminally and civilly liable for a paper loss shown at any time as a result of a drop in the market price of bonds is utterly absurd. He would be liable for actual losses only and by actual losses we mean the loss of money actually paid out. Such a loss would be in curred only upon default by the United States Government by failure or refusal to pay the face amount of the bonds at matur r- The Zebulon Record Ferd Davis Editor Barrie Davis Publisher Entered as second class matter June 26, 1925, at the post office at Zebulon, North Carolina, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription rate: $1.50 a year. Advertising rates on request The Zebulon Record ity; or by the incompetence of a State Treasurer who would •stupidly invest short-term funds in long-term obligations. Mr. Johnson protests that he could not make investments between 1944 and 1948 without jeopardizing the operating funds of the state. Yet the inescapable fact that even after he had split his funds into 234 separate bank deposits there still was an ample margin for bankers to make enormous profits from the very same funds and yet keep enough money on hand at all times to meet every requirement of the state government. In fact no less than 180 of these banks seen never to have been called up to participate in any sort of financial opera tion of the state beyond the bare receipt of enormous deposits. Bank owners expect the managers of the banks to earn at least 1 per cent annually on demand deposits. Is it unreason able for the taxpayers of this state to expect equally sound business capacity of the State Treasurer in handling the money entrusted to him? We have had a one talent man for State Treasurer. Do we want the same one talent man for governor.? - ■ TELEPHONE ZEBULON 5401 ! LOVE REDDY kiuowatt! ©Z*' Cr'cty"\ I YeS, Reddy Kilowatt, who typifies your electric service, is a popular character with the youngsters . . . and with good reason. .... Electricity does a lot for children as well as grown ups. It protects „ their food in refrigerators and storage lock ers and preserves its goodness by modern electrical cooking. Good lighting protects young eyes that must do homework. But of more importance, in the all-electric home everybody is more comfortable .. . they live better from day to day. Mother is relieved ot old fashioned household drudgery and has more time with the children . . and she is not too tired to play with them. . /*i , T he Youngsters understand most of these things ... so they love Reddy Kilowatt. 1 POWER & LIGHT COMPANY^ F r iday, May 14, 1948 Teddy and Lynne Davis visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo B. Davis over the weekend. Floors Sanded and Finished No Job Too Large and None Too Small * ROYAL BUNN Upstairs over City Market MEMORIALS WARNER’S SINCE 1902 Visit our show yard on Hillsboro Road, near State Fair Grounds. Come, see what you buy and be better satisfied. PHONE 22350