THE ZEBULON RECORD Volume XXV. Number 25. REFUGEES ARRIVE AT NEW YORK t" ■’■i ~ r ' rrr^ r -' ' y, i : 'jj r k y."’ . Jo-.- SISKs; . • :!%&/ ||e?' E w ff&SSSEgray - ■'•■'.■ ,J/.' . lpy|§lf Pictured arriving at the immigration headquarters at Ellis Island, New York City, are these refugees from the Russian-occupied portions of Europe. Reminiscent of the days of Hitler’s reign of terror are the conditions from which these people are fleeing. They will work in the South on farms, and the mid-West in factories. Local Farmers Advised To Check Cotton Prices Zebulon cotton farmers are urg ed to take full advantage of the poor example set by cotton farm ers in Robeson, Scotland, Harnett Cumberland, and Hoke Counties, who are losing hundreds of dollars by selling their cotton below the government support price, says Dan F. Holler, Extension Market ing specialist at State College. Town Board Holds Meeting on Monday Town Clerk W. B. Hopkins was instructed by the Zebulon Board of Commissioners at their regular monthly meeting on Monday night to enforce the year-old ordinance requiring all houses in Zebulon to connect their sewer lines to the town system. The order further prohibits outdoor privies within the city limits of the town. The ordinance was passed by the Town Board a year ago, but because of material shortages has not yet been enforced. The Clerk was also instructed to take whatever legal action he deemed necessary to gollect delin quent taxes in Zebulon. Members of the Board promised complete cooperation. Present at the meeting were Mayor R. H. Bridgers, Commis sioners Bob Sawyer, Howard Beck, Norman Screws, and Barrie Davis, and Town Clerk W. B. Hopkins. CARL BJORK'S TIPS: A Homily Was Heard Now it happen quite often that Nos-Taw sendeth me to The Corn er Store for to buy some Cheese, Pivkles, and Coconut. And when I arriveth there, 10, and hehold, no less than twenty Weary Men are resting on the pemises. And sure enough, I resteth with them. And by and by one of them saith to me, Occabot, I heareth that thou are good at Pounding Pulpits. Deliver thou to us A Short Sermon that we might judge whether thou are a Good Pounder or a Poor Pounder. And after a little more persuas ion, I did consider such an invita tion, and having forgotten Nos- Taws admonitions, did begin to speak on. Now boys, I did say, I will de- Mr. Holler, upon a recent tour of these counties, found farmers selling their cotton to independent buyers for 31.50 to 32 cents per pound when the loan value on the same qualities ranged from 32.57 to 36.12 cents per pound. Such a practice is expensive to farmers, Mr. Holler said, adding that farmers should take advant age of the free classing service and place their cotton under govern ment loan when the loan value is above the market price. A cotton producer can procure a loan by placing his cotton in any of the approved bonded warehous es. If the cotton has been sampled at the gin, the producer can get his money after the class card is returned and the loan papers filled out. In case the bales have not (Continued on Page 8) Record Writers, Shop Force Given Barbecue A chicken barbecue honoring the employees of Theo. Davis Sons and the correspondents of The Zebulon Record was given at the Legion Hut last Thursday night by Ferd and Barrie Davis. Present besides the guests of honor were members of the Zeb ulon Town Board, the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Com merce, the Wakelon School Board, airport officials, and local pastors. liver unto thee the story pf The Two Stone Angels who standeth night apd day in A Country Ceme tery. For one man did erect one of the stone angels above his wife’s grave for to show his great love for that spouse, and the other stone angel was placed there by a woman over her husband’s grave for the same tender reason. And day after day, and night after night, these angels keepeth their watch over the dead. And it was not long before they had been on guard for one week. And by and by they becometh clean tired of such watching. So they contriveth to leave the dead alone with the dead, and go look in on the living. Where shall we go? saith The (Continued on Page 8) Zebulon, N. C., Friday, September 10, 1948 Wakelon School to Begin Term Sept. 15 with Large Enrollment Ed Ellington Addresses Zebulon Rotary Club On Agricultural Growth Ed Ellington, speaking to the Zebulon Rotary Club last Friday night, described the tremendous advances in farm practices made during the past decade, stating that farming is being developed as a science with higher and high er goals set every year. Ed, a member of the Vocational Serv ice Committee of the Club, is vo cational teacher at Wakelon School. Only a short time ago, the speaker said, the goal for corn growers in this state was 100 bushels an acre. Today farmers in North Carolina are striving for 200 bushels an acre, a figure be yond the wildest dreams of farm ers ten years ago. By selective breeding livestock have been developed which pro duce more meat and more milk, and chickens have been made to lay more. Many farm crops have become resistant to diseases as a result of experiments. Ed pictured a bright future for farming, if the farmer will follow the modern trend toward scientific development of his farm. President Vester Brantley wel comed new Rotarian Carlton Mitchell into the club. Carlton is pastor of the Zebulon Baptist Church and is the only minister now a member of the group. * ’ Help Asked for Negro Family Struck by Fire The Zebulon Junior Woman’s Club is assisting the Wake County Red Cross Chapter and Chief W. B. Hopkins of Zebulon in supply ing needs of the family of Lillie Morgan, colored resident of Rt. 1 Zebulon, whose 4 room dwelling house was completely destroyed by fire on July 28, 1948. All household furnishings and utensils were destroyed, also all the clothing the family had except what the residents were wearing at the time of the fire. Any one having any discards that the family could use please bring same to Chief Hopkins at Town Office in Zebulon, or con tact Mrs. E. D. Ellington, Welfare Chairman, Zebulon Junior Wom an’s Club, or Mrs. Norman M. Screws, assistant Red Cross Case Worker. All the persons listed below were living in the house at the time of the fire. Lillie Morgan, age 54 years, dress, size 20, shoes, size 7 (nar row). Savannah Parks, age 28 years, dress, size 40, shoes, size 8 (wide). Pernell Parks, age 11 years, av erage size 11 year old boy. Toby Brantley Now Member of Air Force Toby Brantley, son of B. W. Brantley of Zebulon, has enlisted in the Air Force and is now sta tioned in Texas for training. His address at present is Pvt. Toby B. Brantley, AF14281952, 3714 Training Squadron, 3557 Flight, Lockland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. Heads Campaign I' Pictured is Dr. Ralph MacDon ald, North Carolina educator and former candidate for Governor, who has been named chairman of the state’s March of Dimes cam paign for the seventh consecutive year. He will announce local of ficials in the anti-polio drive dur ing the fall. Sunday School Opening Planned Next Sunday Sunday School classes will be resumed at both the local Baptist and Methodist churches Sunday, September 12, according to a joint announcement made by the pas tors, the Rev. Carlton Mitchell and the Rev. Paul Carruth. The Methodist Sunday School is meeting in the Wakelon School building while construction con tinues on the new Methodist church building. The Intermediate Department of the Baptist Sunday School will meet at 8:30 a. m. at the church for a Sunday morning breakfast and rally. All departments of both churches expect to be in full op eration this Sunday. Local Legion Meets The Wendell-Zebulon Post of the American Legion met last Wednesday night at the Legion Hut with nearly 30 Legionnaires present. Only rouUne business was transacted. THE COUNTY AGENT: Farm Safety Urged Records of the National Safety Council show that farm residents have contributed more than their share to the post-war increase in motor vehicle accidents, County Agent J. L. Reitzel for the State College Extension Service, said to day in urging farm residents to practice highway safety. More farm people are killed in motor vehicle mishaps than in any other type of accident, the county agent asserted. Last year there were 7,000 fatalities and 250,00 lost-time injuries, he added. “Farmers especially have to be good drivers because most of their traveling is done on high-speed roads,” Mr. Reitzel declared. “Their safety and that of their families depends on their know ledge of the rules of the road.” Theo. Davis Sons, Publishers School Cafeteria Spends $2,000 for Equipment; Piano Recital Thursday Wakelon School, originally scheduled to open September 1, will begin its 1948-49 term next Wednesday morning, September 15. Postponements were made be cause of the summer polio epi demic. “Students will meet with their teachers at 9 a.m. for registra tion,” Principal Fred Smith stated yesterday, “and assembly of all students will take place at 10 o’clock. The public is invited to this meeting.” Wednesday will be given to reg istration, Principal Smith contin ued, with curriculum adjustments being handled that day. Students will be dismissed at noon. Classes will begin at 8:30 Thursday morning, and the class day will end at 3:10. This schedule will be continued through the major part of the year. A preliminary teachers’ meeting will be held Tuesday afternoon, September 14, at 2 o’clock. Several new teachers will be at Wakelon this year. “Since a large enrollment is an ticipated, additional facilities have been added to the Wakelon lunch room,” Mr. Smith said. “These ad ditions include stainless steel sinks and drainboards, a mechanical potato peeler, a baker’s mixer, and new cooking utensils. Thesse units were installed at a total cost of $2,000.” A feature of the opening of school will be a piano concert by Miss Marilyn Alderman, music teacher, Thursday night, Septem (Continued on Page 8) First Bale of Cotton Ginned Here Friday The Zebulon Gin . Company ginned the first bale of, cotton for this community this season on last Friday, September 3. The cotton was grown by E. A. Eatman, Zeb ulon, Route 1. There were 1,500 lbs. of seed cotton and the bale weighed 596 lbs. Because it was the first bale of the season, no ginning charges were made. Mr. Alford bought the bale at 31c per lb. “When you are at the wheel, your life and the lives of others are in your hands,” he continued. ‘You cannot afford to take a chance.” The Extension agent offered the following tips for safer driving: Have a courteous attitude. Know the rules of the highway. Keep car in good condition. Stay alert when driving. Keep car under control. Obey the signs and road rules. Avoid driving when tired or under the influence of alcohol. Use tail lights on trailer equip ment. Remember the same rules apply with tractors on the highway. Cooperate with your community traffic officers.