Page Two IT TAKES A ZEBULON MAN TO CATCH THE BIG FISH ITMHf Bgg EB U y| Mi Mm Mr 1 j', jg Hm* Hi Jflffln BBT 'Sot -i H H ms&k mSkMampk saMMmmmi R«ik#^HrU mr*k jHhP Mmtw > : f SB IMB v * J| H JMI MB || I ajiMHa Bt B ,.C?h pi B jw*w ». rmamf vattk f 9HL. ... w -P B RPBB 9? U ■ •ff;-j; ' ’ . •^^B^‘M’'^,;^j • & hHk v r >x • B Bk BRa B - Hj M wHHK £,,. k| H* * 'safe,.'-. _ , , - - && 'HK Jjpj>;-- ;•:. . Talk about landing big fish, well, Zebulon folks always seem to know how to drag them out of the water, and E. C. Daniel is no exception. He journeyed down to Morehead City for a fishing trip, and landed the largest catch of the day. In case you have trouble recognizing him, he’s second from the right. This, That, and the Other (Continued from Page 1) tea kettle was too full of leaves and twigs to hold much more was it entirely emptied for the process to begin all over again. Indians are said to have taught the early colonists how to use this shrub, which is a species of holly. An ancient writer of proverbs listed four things as too wonderful for him to understand: “The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maid.” If that ancient had been here last week he might probably have added to those numbered above the way of a citizen of the United States with a ballot in his hand. To this Mr. Gallup and others would probably agree. Never am I invited to take a meal with friends or to make a talk anywhere that it does not seem imperative for me to dye something or work in dirt—or both —that day. I was getting up glad iolas last week when Mrs. Howard Massey asked my husband and me to supper with them, the Exum Chamblees and Mrs. Harper being other friends there for the meal. The glads had to be looked after. Not having been taken up last fall, they were in sad shape, and moles had already begun eating the corms. Gladiolas multiply by splitting into two or more smaller corms or by forming numerous tiny ones at the base of the first. The really ambitious ones do both. As a rule the old part dries up, but some times it rots and the infection spreads to the young growth. That is one reason why they should be taken up every year or two. And it is much better to remove the dead or dying corm from the new ones. After curing until all foliage is dry enough to come off easily, we are advised to place the corms in paper bags and sprinkle naph talene flakes over them to stay about ten days. This is to kill thrip which might otherwise ruin ATHLETES FOOT GERM KILL IT* FOR 35C If not pleased, your money back. Ask any druggist for this STRONG fungicide. TE-OL. Made with 90 percent alcohol, it PENETRATES. Reaches and kills MORE germs ON CONTACT* Today at Zebulon Drug Company. the bloom next year. When the naphthalene ‘is shaken off the corms may be stored in a box. They are easy to keep, as light freezing does not kill them; but should not be kept in too warm a place. The tiny bulblets—if you pre fer that name to corms—should be put in the ground as early as pos sible in spring; some will have small spikes of bloom in late sum mer, and all will bloom the second year. And there may now be some thing better to use than naphtha lene. Recently I read an article which declared we do not use our sub conscious minds as we might and should. The writer said he never worries over anything forgotten; just puts his subconscious to work on it and goes about something else. He was rather technical, which I couldn’t be; but I decided to try it for myself. It worked pretty well a few times; and then I persisted in staying awake one night and was saying poetry to myself and suddenly remembered part of one not seen for more than forty years, it seemed a real test of my subconscious mind to order it to find the first stanza of that poem, not one word of which I could recall. I fell asleep finally, and next morning as I stooped to pull on a stocking, plain as could be there came before my mind’s eye a page of the Delineator with that poem on the last column of the left-hand page just as I had first seen it; and I began repeat ing: “Beyond the reach of sky and sea; Beyond the touch of hard.” That’s the truth; but please don’t ask me how it was done. NOTICE FARM FOR RENT IN UPPER EDCE OF JOHNSTON COUNTY with 8 acre tobacco allotment If interested see J. S. PULLEY Zebulon, N. C., Route 1 The Zebulon Record PLEASANT HILL Hephzibah Baptist Church, Joe F. Roach, pastor, will have Sun day School at 10 o’clock in the morning and worship at 11 o’clock. In the evening B.T.U. will be at 6:30 and regular services at 7:30. We had present for last Sunday 168. We need that many more. Please come. The church' needs you and you need the church ser vices. In spite of the heavy rain Wed nesday night a goodly number was present for the Harvest Day at Hephzibah. Around noon the sun came out and those that brought parasols for rain used them in stead for the sunshine. A large table was spread in the basement. There was enough food to feed many more. A table was loaded on the church ground with pro duce for sale, such as com, hay, cotton seed meal, hogs, chickens, and many other items. We think the collection was some over twenty-three hundred dollars. Most of the farmers have their crops in except some fields of cot ton which are waiting for the cotton pickers to pick their cotton. I think while they wait they are losing weight. We have a real grocery store that comes by our door twice a week now. Mr. Julian Johnson carries anything you need from chewing gum to 100 pound bags of feed. Mr. Willard Gay was in a wreck a few weeks ago and was in the hospital but is at home now and getting on fine. We are sorry Lawrence Puryear, son of A. O. Puryear, is on the sick list. We ae glad to report Mr. Clifton Carter is home from the hospital and also Mr. Roscoe Perry. Both are getting on fine. Mr. and Mrs. Alfonza Starnes, Mr. and Mr.s T. Y. Puryear, Sr., Mr. and Mrs.. John Carter and Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Pearce attended the wedding of Mr. David Moody and Miss Dorothy Wall at Roles ville Church last Friday evening at % 7:30. Our sympathy goes out to the relatives of Mr. Ronald Perry, who was killed in a wreck a few weeks ago. Also Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen Perry have our sympathy in the death of their baby last week. Also Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Haswell in the death of Mrs. Haswell’s father, Mr. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Liles have returned from a visit in the moun tains. Mrs. E. W. Hood spent the week end in Raleigh with her daughter, Mrs. D. A. Gay. Mrs. T. Y. Puryear spent Wed nesday afternoon with her daugh ter, Mrs. L. H. Williford of Beth any. Mr. T. Y. Puryear, L. H. Willi ford, A. O. Puryear and Maynard Puryear went on a deer hunt Mon day of last week around Manches ter. Mrs. Ruth Puryear and children spent the week end with her moth er, Mrs. Joseph Allen of Selma. Mrs. T. Y. Puryear. NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Lillie E. Par sons deceased, late of Wake Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to noti fy all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Wake Forest, N. C., on or be fore the 15th day of October, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 7th day of October, A. D. 1948. Donald Gulley, Administrator of Estate of Lillie E. Parsons, deceased. 015,22,29,N5.12 * ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of D. Sulley Bail- North Carolina, this is to notify ey, deceased, late of Wake County, all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned, at R. F. D. No. 3, Zebulon, North Carolina, on or before the 3rd day of October, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 27th day of September, 1948. Mrs. Nora Allen Bailey, Administratrix Os D. Sully Bailey’s Estate. A. R. House, Atty., 307 Lawyers Bldg., Raleigh, N. C. v-.* fly + »*U* ft, SUNRISE f*oFi«o * C^THYx 4 Lll.’ IDA z anda HOST of radio stars TUESDAY, NOV. 16 Two Night Shows 7: 30-9:00 p.m. . O" Screen - "BANJO" WAKELON THEATRE ZEBULON, N. C. Friday, November 12, 1948 J. M. Chevrolet Co. Chevrolet* Oldsmobilet Dr. Chas. E. Flowers Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 3311 Residence 3901 Dr. L. M. Massey DENTIST Office Phone 4281 Residence - 3131 Office over Zebulon Drug Store Dr. L. A. Raynor, Jr. —OPTOMETRIST— wiII be in the office of Dr. G. S. Barbee in Zebulon on the last Wednesday in each month. Eye Examination by Appointment Ph. 4011 Zebulon, N. C. Dr. G. S. Barbee Physician and Surgeon Office Hours 9 a.m. - 12 noon 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. —7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Telephone 4011 Dr. J. F. Coltrane DENTIST Office Phone „ 4961 Office Hours: 9-12:30 a.m. 1:30-5 p.m. Allen Cawthorne WE REBUILD WRECKS Complete Repair Work for any Cat All Work Guaranteed Little River Ice Co. Quality and Service RADIO SALES AND SERVICE Expert Repair Service JAMES CREECH Next Door to Carolina Power fc Light Co. Floors Sanded and Finished No Job Too Large and None Too Small Royal Bunn Telephone 2231 Upstairs Over City Market **— " ■ ~ " " " " ■' WAKELON AUTO SERVICE Route 4, Zebulon, N. C. WELDING Electric and Gas Radiator Cores Replaced and Repaired Trailers Built to Order L. E. Poole