MAY THE PEACE OF GOD WHICH PASSETH UNDERSTANDING BE WITH YOU AT THIS CHRISTMAS MILLIONTH FARM PHONE SINCE WAR NUMBER ONE MILLION! —I One millionth rural telephone to be added by the Bell System since! World War II was placed in ser vice on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pace in Alamance County, N. C. Mr. Pace is shown at center receiving the instrument fr»m Ray F. Hewitt, Southern ten. Zebulon Man Is Elected To Soil Conservation Post G. L. Winchester and J. B. Baucom Soil Conservation Service Joe Tippett of Zebulon has re cently been elected to a three-year term as member of the Wake County Soil Conservation Commit tee. This committee has the re sponsibility of setting up soil con servation goals for the county and devising ways and means of reaching these goals. The N. C. Bankers Association is sponsoring a state wide Public Speaking Contest on “Soil Conser vation.” The Wake County contest is being sponsored by the banks of tl e county. The following prizes are being offered: Ist. prize—$50.00 savings bond 2nd. prize—$25.00 saving bond 3rd. prize—$10.00 cash Two Manger Scenes Presented Here On School Campus and Parking Lot On the campus in front of the elementary school building at Wakelon is a manger scene de signed with near-life size figures of the holy family, wise men, and shepherds. The display was erected by students of the high school. The figures were painted by Jack Terry, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Terry. Directing the work were Billy Bunn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Bunn, Worth Croom, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Croom, The Zebulon Record Volume XXV. Number 39. I Bell installer, as Mrs. Pace smiles approval. Farmers in this community are ! hoping for the 1,000,0015 t phone to be installed in this community—at present telephone company work ers are running a cable to Wake field, Hopkins Cross Roads, and a few other rural locations. 4th. prize—ss.oo cash All other school winners $3.00 each. Anyone wishing to enter the contest should see the high school principal, English teacher, or teacher of Vocational Agriculture for rules and materials for the contest. Cedric Todd of Wendell believes in really covering his land with a green blanket for soil conservation, pasture, hay and supplementary grazing. He sowed a field of al falfa in 1947. In the fall of 1948 he sowed a poorly drained area back of his house to tall fescue and ladino clover for grazing. Mr. Todd states that this field was too wet for cultivation so he has sown (Continued on page 4) Sr., Mary Sue Long, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Long, and Ru ric Gill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ruric Gill, Sr. Lights illuminate the manger scene at night, making it one of the most attractive decorations in the community. Another* display of the same group has been arranged by Whitley Furniture Company on the corner opposite the Zebulon Drug Company. This is also light ed at night and has caused much favorable comment. Zebulon Farm Bureau Concludes Good Year With Top Membership By E. H. Moser The Zebulon unit of The Farm Bureau Federation brought its fall drive for the 1949 membership campaign to a close Wednesday : evening, the Bth., with the annual , barbecue in the Wakolon Gymna ; sium. Nearly seven hundred in cluding wives, participated in this annual get-together meeting. |We enjoyed a good time, a good | meal, and a good talk by Senator- I elect, J. M. Broughton. Senator ! Broughton’s talk was clear and convincing. The idea of the im portance of unity among the far mers was clearly and forcefully brought out in the Senator’s talk. Robert Ed Horton, the Treasur er, reported that the Zebulon unit now has 541 members. This is the largest membership we have ever had. Much of the credit f r this successful drive goes to the faithful vice presidents who work ed overtime during the member ship campaign to reach this goal. The writer was chairman of the county drive for members. The chairmen of the local units (Continued on page 4) NEW C. P. & L. POWER PLANT The multimillion-dollar steam electric plant now under construc tion in the Lumberton area by the Carolina Power & Light Company Fluoride Treatment Used Here The new sodium fluoride treat ment for prevention of dental de cay in children’s teeth is being used by both Dr. L. M. Massey and Dr. J. F. Coltrane and by most dentists in Wake County. The United States Public Health Department suggested that treatment be given once a week Zebulon, N. C., Friday, December 24, 1948 Zebulon Cotton Growers Advised to Use Loans Many Zebulon cotton growers are losing money by failing to take advantage of the government loan program, says Dan F. Holler, cotton marketing specialist for the iY PJERCE The Christian approach to the Christmas season: “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.”—Mark 11:9. is pictured here by the architect. Os radically new design, the plant will attain a hitherto unreached ef ficiency of power production. for three successive weeks, and then once a month later. They state that results are better if the sodium fluoride is applied every six months until the child is fif teen years old. Dr. Massey has been using the treatment for nearly a year, ai d says that already he has seen bene ficial results in its use. State College Extension Service. This is particularly true, he says, of producers who have cotton which has been damaged by rain. The lowest loan made on white grades of cotton with a staple of 1 -32 inch is 20.02 cents per pound. The loan value on low middling 1 1-32 inch cotton is 20.97 cents per pound in eastern North Carolina and slightly higher in the western part of the State. The farmer who sells this quality cotton for 20 cents per pound is losing approxi mately $35 per bale, states Mr. Holler. The grower may find out the loan value on any bale of cotton at no cost. All he has to do is request his ginner to submit cut samples to the government cotton classing office for classification. The office will return to the grower a green card showing the grade, staple, and loan value. Classing offices, heavily over worked a few weeks ago, now have caught up and are giving prompt service, Mr. Holler says. The Ral eigh office now is classing cotton the same day it is received. No (Continued on page 4) Wakelon Splits Twin Bill with Neighbors; Defeat Rock Ridgers The Wakelon basketball teams split two hard-fought games play ed in the Wakelon gymnasium with Wendell last Friday night, the Wakelonettes losing, 32-36, and the Bulldogs winning, 33-21. This was the first meeting of the two schools this season. Ruth Brown tallied 23 points to lead the local lassies. For Wen dell Nan Mattox scored 23 points. The Wakelon team stayed in the lead in the neck-and-neck race until the last quarter, when Wen dell forged ahead to win. Bill Brantley played a brilliant defensive game and scored 10 points to lead the Bulldogs to vic tory over their ancient rivals. The Bulldogs led at halftime, 16-9, and were never in danger. Bobby Bridgers scored 10 points for Wakelon. On Monday night of this week, both Wakelon teams won easy victories over Rock Ridge school of Wilson County. Long Holiday Stores in Zebulon will remain closed Monday, December 27, giv ing their employees an additional holiday for Christmas, it was an nnounced yesterday.