Four PEARCE NEWS Mr. Chas. Seller attended the officers and teachers study course at Pilot last week. I wish more of our people could have attend ed it for I know it would be a great help if we should ever be a teacher or hold an office of any kind in Sunday School. Those who called in the home of the Berry Johnstons Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Forest Broughton and daughter, Mary Vick, of Roles ville, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Yeargin of Wendell, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wil liams of Sutton, Mrs. P. G. Pearce, S and Mrs. Ivon Pearce. Mr. John son is sick. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Perry call- i ed to see Mr. Buck Medlin Sunday, who is real sick. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Medlin of Franklinton, Mr. Medlin’s son, spent Sunday with him. Mr. P. G. Pearce and son, Dock, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pearce of Clayton went on a fishing trip to Noale Pond do' ,r n below Rocky Mount Sunday. They reported not much luck. Better luck next time. The Home Demonstration Club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. L. D. Perry with Mrs. Ivon Pearce, the president, pre siding. There were 14 present. There was one new member, Mrs. P. G. Pearce. Mrs. L. F. gave an interesting report on food and nutrition. Mrs. Essa Shaw, our home demonstration agent, gave the demonstration which was on patterns. After the demonstra tion she took the measurements of several of our members for their correct sizes. I for one, but don’t ask me. I’m not telling my size. The hostess served delicious re freshments of chicken salad sandwiches, mixed cakes, pickle, peanuts, and coco cola. Mrs. Lucy Perry of Raleigh is spending the week with Mrs. L. Perry. Mrs. Lucy and Miss Katie Mae Pearce are having their time fishing this week. It’s nice to have time to fish, but the weeds on the tobacco beds beds grow too fast for me. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams of Sutton took dinner with the Bud Johnsons Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gupton went to Raleigh last Friday after their son who goes to school at the Blind Institution. His little school friend came home with him to spend the weekend. Mrs. C. L. Perry spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. E. G. Richards, of Raleigh. Mr. Johnny Smith and Miss Elizabeth Smith were visitors at our evening service last Sunday night. We welcome you all. Come again and everyone else. Mr. Tommy Baker, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Perry, Lawrence and Don nie Perry attended a birthday din ner Sunday at the Thomas Tim berlakes’ in honor of Mr. Tim berlake’s mother. Mr. Eric Yeargin of Wendell visited his parents, the Dock Yeargins, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Brantley went on a trip to the western part of the state a couple of weeks ago. They visited the Blue Ridge Mountains and reported having a wonderful time. Mr. and Mrs. Brodie Privette of Pilot visited his parents, the M. G. Privettes, last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Richards of Raleigh spent bedtime with Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Perry Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Etheridge and Mr. Onnie Pearce and Miss Hattie Pearce spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Amos of Clayton. Mr. Grady Ray spent sever al days last week in Augusta, Ga. While there he called on the Brof ton Pearces. Correction of last week: Mr. S. J. Smith attended a teacher’s meeting in Asheville, N. C. instead of Nashville, Tenn. Miss Shirley Doan Pearce, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Willie Pearce, formerly of this commun ity, was married last week to Mr. Gardner Hodge of Knightdale. Mr. Hodge is in the army. Mrs. Hodge holds a position with an insurance company in Raleigh. She will still make her home in Raleigh for the time being. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnson vis ited one of Mrs. Johnson’s nurses she had when she stayed in the hospital so long at Raleigh Sunday. Mrs. Blanche Dean of Wendell, mother of Mrs. H. K. Baker, spent a recent weekend with Mrs Baker. Mrs. J. W. Johnson visited her mother, Mrs. Catlette, of Wake field Sunday. Mr. L. D. Pearce has returned home from the hospital and is getting along just fine. They did n’t have to take off but one of his «.■ rmCBAU POH'S/REO^) "fvryrf 9 IT started the day the 1951 Roadmaster There’s a sweeping view fore and aft through made its first appearance—and has been hroad and uncluttered glass' areas, and the building up ever since. new clarity of an instrument panel with Folks looked at the fresh new styling—the high visibility at night, power-the features-the fabrics-the cloud- Even the brakeß are new , 6e lf-cooluig, with soft cushions and the prices and said, a g r jp 11]at takes bold like steel fingers in a “Here’s the smart buy in the fine-car field.” velvet "love. don t you come and see for yourself Here indeed is a car that is fine in bearing, what a sensational buy this proud beauty j n act j an< J j n th e precision of every really is? structural part —a Roadmaster custom It’s a honey to handle—a joy to ride in—and built by Buick. When will you try one as just about the handsomest thing on wheels. our guest? It haS rOOm, and Poise, and a level-going Equipment, trim and models are abject YOUR KEY TO , r ’ . e to change without notice. GREATER VALUE /'JSV gait that comes from coil springs front (fijAU Tune in HENRY J. TAYLOR, ABC Nelworl, every Monday evening. llj and rear. •!/ There’s a urious of its Dynaflow Drive, which tUicn bolter antnmnbiloM are GILL MOTOR tOMPAMY TELEPHONE 2561 Gannon Ave. ZEBULON, N. C. The Zebulon Record fingers. He wants to thank every one for the nice cards, flowers, and visits he received while in the hospital. Mrs. P. G. Pearce and Mrs. Hel en Johnson went to the river be low Bunn fishing last week. Helen caught a real large horse fish but let it jump back into the water. Helen, I believe I would have just gone in after it. After being so near and yet so far. Better luck next time. Mr. Billy Yeargin and son, Dan, Mr. Hovan Johnson, Mr. Ivon Pearce, Mr. Ervin Taylor, and Mr. Yates Johnson attended a hot rod race at Henderson Sun : day evening, or at least part of one. They got rained out. Bad luck | on the races; they got rained out ! the last two Sundays. I guess it’s i a good sign they shouldn’t race |on Sunday. Mrs. Ivon Pearce visited the Everette Bunns of Bunn of Satur day evening. Mrs. Murray of Wilson, mother of Mrs. Risby Brannon, spent the week with her daughter a few weeks ago. Mrs. J. W. Perry is having a new living room built on her home. I know it will be pretty. Let’s hope she will invite us all to see it when it is finished. Howard Upchurch of Blooming ton, Indiana, has been spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otha Upchurch. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Renn and son, Gerald, of Bunn spent the day with Mrs. Renn’s parents, the Julius Pearces, Sunday. Mrs. Victor Stallings visited her husband in Raleigh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Plybon Pearce and family of Garner and Mr. and Mrs. David Lee Clayton of Durham spent Sunday with Mr. Pearce and Mrs. Clayton’s parents, the A. N. Pearces. Mrs. Hilliard Privette is in Rex Hospital. Friday, April 27, 1951 Miss Jimmy Pearce spent Sun day night with Miss Barbara Jean Brantley. Miss Barbara Jane Perry spent the night with Mrs. E. G. Richards in Raleigh last week. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Broughton and daughter, Mary Vick, of Rolesville, visited in the home of Mrs. Broughton’s sister, Mrs. Wil liford Gay, Sunday evening. —Mrs. Ivon Pearce - ATLANTIC SERVICE STATION 11 We Never Close GAS & OIL/ EXPERT WASHING | j| AND GREASING FIRESTONE TIRES Always Ready to Serve You ——*