Tuesday, January 8, 1952 Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Whitley’s little daughter, Jeannette, is in Rex Hospital seriously ill with membranous croup. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Shorter of Lynchburg, Va., en route home from their bridal trip, paid a short visit to relatives in Zebulon Sat urday. Mrs. Shorter is the former Louise Farmer of Gladys, Va., a niece of Mrs. Theo. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Crafton Hudson have returned from Detroit, Mich., where they were called last week by the death of Mr. Hudson’s bro ther-in-law, James D. Mickler. Mrs. H. A. Hodge, Jr., is in Mary Elizabeth Hospital recuperating from a burn. Mrs. Morris Hood called her daughter, Miss Jewel Hood, who is attending U. S. C., in Southern California, on December 26th. Miss Hood will graduate as a Den tal Hygenist in June. Cpl. Royce Hood returned to Ft. Benning, Ga., January 2nd, after a fifteen day leave at home. The Wallace Temples visited the Jack Temples in Lillington Sunday. Joe Wood returned home from Rex Hospital Friday following an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Douglas Finch was confin ed to her bed for a good part of last week but is much better now. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Watson were dinner guests of the Homer Blan tons in Raleigh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Sexton are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Dick Swain and her baby daughter, in Wilmington, Delaware. They were accompanied by Mrs. A. S. Hinton, who is visiting her son, Charles Hinton. Miss Irene Pitts of Raleigh spent the weekend with the Rodney Mc- Nabbs. Dabney Gill is again a patient at McGuire General Hospital in Rich mond. Mrs. S. M. Washington of Louis burg spent Thursday in Zebulon with her niece, Mrs. E. C. Daniel. Little Patsy Hales, daughter of the W. C. Hales of Wilson, spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Ro chelle Long. Mrs. J. W. Strickland, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hales of Wilson spent the weekend in Lexington with Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Strick land. The H. V. Andrews and Mrs. Ethel Parker visited the Norris Collins in Franklinton Sunday. From there they went to Lexing ton to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Snyder. The J. P. Arnolds were dinner guests As the James Alfords Fri day night. Mrs. R. H. Brantley has been sick in bed with a terrible cold. Mrs. Barker Kannon was called home to Norfolk Sunday night be cause of the illness of her father. Pvt. Raymond Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Perry, is home on leave from Hamilton Field, Calif., because of the poor health of his mother. Mrs. Lela Horton entertained at a dinner recently for her hus band’s brothers and sisters. Pres ent were Mrs. Rigsbee and Mrs. Siddie Underhill of Wendell, and Dr. William Odie Underhill of Morganton. Norman Lewis Dean of Wendell, nephew of Mrs. Ruric Gill, under went an emergency operation for appendicitis Sunday night at Rex Hospital. He requires special nurses because of danger of stran gulation following the operation due to a piece of corn in his wind pipe. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith re turned to Nashville, Tenn., after spending Christmas wee with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Kit chings and the Hilliard Smiths. Cpl. Robert Kitchings returned to Keelersville, Miss., after spend ing Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Kit chings. Hostess at Bridge Miss Ruby Dawson was hostess to her bridge club and a number of guests Friday night at her home on Gannon Avenue. Beautiful ponisettias decorated the living room where two tables of bridge were enjoyed. After several progressions high and low score prizes for club mem bers were presented Mrs. Arm strong Cannady and Mrs. Frederick Chamblee. High for guests was a wardqtf to Mrs. Lois Wall. Delicious refreshments of fruit cae with whipped cream, sand wiches, and coffee were served by the hostess. Playing were Mesdames Wal lace Temple, Norman M. Screws, Armstrong Cannady, Wilson Bras well, Frederick Chamblee, Lois Wall, Helen Gregory, and Miss Margaret Barrow. Seen and Heard Wife Judy said that for the first time she was glad Christmas is over. She says that she enjoyed it tremendously, but having it be hind is a relief. That, a mother of five told her, is the result of hav ing a son. Mayor Worth Hinton reports that there is nothing to learning to dance. He had no trouble at all getting all the steps right. He runs into complications, however, fit ting the steps to music. A news story reveals the in teresting information that in North Carolina there are 27,719 more women than there are men. From appearances, most married women do not realize how fortunate they are. If they did not have their present spouse, they would be bat tling against odds in obtaining an other. The chances of a high school girl getting the man of her choice grows slimmer as the ratio of women to men goes up. • Bernice Bunn dropped by the' town office to pay his town taxes the other day and dropped a check for ovter $1,500.00 on the desk. Mrs. Hopkins glanced down at the check very casually and asked: “Do you want to pay your water bill?” Bernice gagged and then responded with one of his famous earth-shaking whoops. • Children are sad about classes resuming at school; but mothers are happy enough to make up for it. • An article the other day told of a mother of triplets who had to spend seven hours a day feeding the three. Knowing die time it takes to feed one, seven hours seems a very conservative figure for the time to feed three. Three All Kinds of Insurance FIRE, WIND, HAIL, AUTO, LIABILITY, CASUALTY, & HOSPITAL INSURANCE for any amount of coverage you wish to carry. ALSO FARM LOANS D. D. Chamblee THE INSURANCE MAN The Zebulon Record is an awkward number of children to have. A mother can sometimes handle one or two. And if she has five or more, the family’s fi nancial worries are over. With three she has triple trouble in one dose. • The scarcity of rental apart ments in Zebulon is alarming. There are an unusually small number built especially to rent. We asked the other day why some body didn’t make themselves some money by building rental proper ty, what with the rents being paid nowadays. “Why don’t you do it?” was the question which bounced right back at us. And, after men tally noting the condition of our post-Christmas bank account, we think we have the answer. • The atomic-bombs and superson ic weapons are beyond comprehen-1 sion. But when the army starts talking about guns that will shoot around corners, they really cap ture my interest. This new devel opment caught my favorite de- ] tective flat-footed, it seems. Dick Tracy has got to go some to re- j gain his place in my esteem, even though he does have a wrist watch radio. • Every home-owner needs one of the new shoot-around-the-corner guns. Can’t you see father as he sneaks down the stairs, to investi gate noises which sound like a burglar going through the silv'er chest. Father sneaks up to the din- j ing room door, edges along the wall, pokes the end of the barrel into the living room, and blasts to pieces the ugly China vase Aunt Myrtle gave last Christmas, the picture of great-Uncle Zeke hang ing over the fireplace, Grandma Susan’s crystal whatsis, and the crocheted shawl Mother wore to milk the cows in 1927. You know, those guns might not be such a bad thing to have around the house. LOWERY’S INSURANCE AGENCY All Kinds of Insurance PHONE 2551 ZEBULON BONITA’S BEAUTY BOH Hair Styling Bonita Bunn, Owner Mrs. Sidney Holmes, Asst. Merle Norman Cosmetics Phone 4851 SAND YOUR FLOORS yourself with a RENTED MACHINE Our powerful HILCO SANDERS make anybody an expert in refin ishing floors. Hundreds of home owners have used these machines with enthusiastic success and at very low cost. Do your own work easily, quick ly, inexpensively. We supply ev erything you need for the com plete job. JOHNSON COTTON COMPANY WENDELL, N. C. MODERN EQUIPMENT PLUS CARE equals a total of good work! Modern Equipment Does Cleaning Best! ZEBULON DRY CLEANERS Worth Hinton, Prop. OIL BURNERS OTHMpRMVViVHi WARM AIR CONVERSION FURNACES OIL FIRED ■HMWllHfll OIL FIRED BOILERS WATER HEATERS Modernize Your Home LET US INSTALL A CONVERSION BURNER OR COMPLETE HEATING SYSTEM —Call for Free Survey — John Norwood, Distributor 631 North West Street C. A. NEWCOMB Dial 8661 SHELBY ALFORD Sales Engineer RALEIGH, N. C. Office Manager ARE YOU IN NEED OF ICE? Blocked or Crushed - Ice Appliances . Coal for All Purposes Stokers and Repair Parts for All COAL STOVES - OIL STOVES FUEL OIL, KEROSENE, AND MOTOR OIL Wholesale and Retail Pay Cash on Your Oils and Save Dial 3081 Zebulon, N. C. LITTLE RIVER ICE CO. J. C. Debnam, Mgr. OF ZEBULON, INC. Alert women know that many i kinds of instal- I ment buying and personal borrowing are controlled by gov ernment regulations. These regulations change from time to time. If you find it nec essary to borrow or to buy on the instalment plan, keep up to date on such changes by checking with us. We gladly offer our advice and help on any money problem you may have. Just come in. Peoples Bank & Trust Co. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Three