Ten Miss Vera Says More Wakefield Folks Now Seen at Sunday School We had 120 present for Sunday School last Sunday. Rev. Brooks preached a good sermon. We did n’t have very many fathers there although it was Father’s Day. Bible School closed last Friday night after a two weeks session. Attendance was good. The Sunbeams met at the church Thursday p. m. at 3 o’clock with Mrs. Jim Ingram. Prayer meeting and choir practice met at 8 o’clock Wednesday night. The Philathea Class will meet with Mrs. Spright Ferrell Friday ni with Mrs. Harold Green joint hostess. The deacons meeting will be held Friday night. Mrs. W. J. Frazier is improv ing slowly. Mr. Frazier is with his children in Raleigh so he can be with his wife at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Glover spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Barefoot of Raleigh. Mrs. Rowland is about the same. Mrs. Alice Hood and Mrs. T. Y. Purvear went with me to see Mr. Purvear at Mary LOWERY’S INSURANCE AGENCY All Kinds of Insurance PHONE 5121 ZEBULON BURNS LESS OIL —BURNS LESS OIL —BURNS LESS OIL I SERVICE I Z r « I m Is Always Quickly Available - - m 1 rntmmmmmmmmmmm 6 i IHII iVMTIiI 11 1! " »/> 111 ni k lil I. I k Ik | m mi HI i BBIP || 118 I I ui z H o^4 -I.VaFJaWJIR -i -4 i | r- Should you ever need service on your HENRY j VANN curer, it is always quickly available O from your expertly trained'HENßY VANN ** M> de aler. £ M I/I ■ *“**• " " " c J CHOOSE FROM SEVEN MODELS 2 ® Models with 4,5, 6, and 7 burners for economical, r> jjj profit-making curing in any size barn. m S BURNERS WON'T GO OUT 2 BC , The exclusive HENRY VANN flare resistant shields enable you to go into the barn without fear the burners ® will go out. This is just one of the many HENRY s£ VANN exclusives that make this your one best buy in j*- ® tobacco curers. See us today and let us give you the jjj complete facts. m REMEMBER ] because of its better design, the I** I 2 HENRY VANN CURER 2 | BURNS LESS OIL I j R. G. Privette B. F. Lewis i 5 DEALER DEALER * t/i Phone 2151 Phone Zebulon 3168 £ 3 Zebulon Pilot & g Safes lnstallation Service 2 2 r BURNS LESS OIL —BURNS LESS OIL —BURNS LESS OIL Elizabeth Hospital Monday. Mr. Ivey Narron is sick at Duke Hos ; pital, Durham. He was operated on last Friday. I have just received an invita tion to the mountains this week, so I guess mother and I will pull I out about Thursday a. rn., so if 1 you miss me you may know I am | up there taking it easy for a few ! days. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Corbett are here visiting friends and rela tives. They took dinner with the Fred Hoods Monday. They liv'e in Florida now. Mrs. Alice Hood, Mrs. Maude Hood and Virginia Lewis spent last Friday with the H. G. Hoods. Mrs. Vera Rhodes visited the Pools at Pilot Friday night, to see Mrs. Jennie Pippin who is sick at : her daughter’s home, i Mr. and Mrs. Lelon Simpson and Mrs. Elizabeth Sutton and myself ; are planning to go to Bailey to vis ■ it the Eastern Star Chapter Tues day night. A good crowd from ; V/akefield-Zebulon Chapter 133 . went to Middlesex last Saturday I night to the Installation of Officers [ and presentation of their charter, i Mrs. Nellie Richards is improv r ing. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Averett vis i ited Mrs. Vera Rhodes Sunday. ! { Mrs. Alice Hood spent the weekend i with me. We went to see the H. G. Hoods Sunday night. We went to the all night singing Saturday night and got home at one Sunday a. m., but it was worth it. The Zebulon Record Hopkins Chapel Class Meets; 86th Birthday Brings a Gift Basket The Lovle Perry Bible Class met with Mrs. Austin Perry Fri day night. A sunshine basket was carried to Mrs. Susan Patterson Monday afternoon for her 86th birthday. Mrs. Burban Driver is staying with Mrs. Patterson while she is ill. Mrs. Herman Lindsey and Mrs. David Watson recently visited Mrs. Eugene Mitchell. She has been ill. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edwards vis ited at Johnny Mayes Sunday. Mrs. Sarah Horton and daugh ter, Beatrice, are visiting at N. L. Perry’s and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Perry of Ral eigh spent the weekend at Clifton Perrys. Mrs. Millard Massey of Erwin recently visited her sister, Mrs. Graham Finch. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood King, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Horton, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Horton and Rev. and Mrs. Johnny Caldwell ate dinner at F. C. Horton’s Sunday. Velva Pearce has returned from the International Convention at Black Mountain. She is working in Durham this summer at Palms Restaurant. Retta Hale, Ruby Howell and children recently visited relatives. Mrs. Vera Dilyard of Wyandotte, Mich., is visiting the B. T. Rays and other relatives. Mr. Cedar Brannon was honored at a father’s day dinner at Bob Perry’s Sunday. Mrs. Libby Cope visited the H. L. Bunns in Durham Sunday. Mrs. Hubert Baker is able to be out again. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Losey Bak er during the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Sharpe, and Miss Jean Baker of Raleigh, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baker and Brenda. Revival Will Begin At Pearces Church On Sunday, June 28 . * Revival will begin at the Pearces Baptist Church Sunday, June 28, nd go through July 5. The Rev. Tohn Knight will be the visiting minister. Mr. and Mrs. Leburn Perry of Maryland are visiting their parents, Mrs. Viola Perry of Zebulon and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Medlin. Mr. and Mrs. Red Donaldson of Durham spent Sunday with the Clifton Brantleys. Coy Pearce and Dan Gay are at tending F. F. A. camp at White Lake this week. Mr. Colon Gayars of Raleigh 'md Bunn preached Sunday morn ing in the absence of our pastor. Mr. Gayars had dinner with the J. W. Perrys. Pvt. J. W. Perry, stationed in Georgia, spent a recent weekend with his parents, the J. W. Perrys, Sr. Mrs. Mavis Edwards of Spring For All Kinds of INSURANCE for Farm and Home See D. D. CHAMBLEE The Insurance Man Hope visited her son and family, the Clifton Brantleys Sunday p. m. Mr. Bennie Amos and Mr. Billy Amos of Clayton spent Sunday with Mr.' Onnie Pearce. Mrs. Ivon Pearce visited the Thurman Stricklands and M. L. Hagwoods last Friday night. Mrs. Clifton Young and children of Georgia, Mrs. Katv Catlette and 1 Mr. Buddy Catlette of Wakefield I visited the P. G. Pearces Thurs- j day night. Dudley Stallings of Pilot and Reginald Pearce had dinner with the J. W. Perrys recently. Mrs. Evie Fowler of Raleigh is spending the week with her sis ter, Mrs. Fannie Yeargin. Mrs. Ivon Pearce is out after spending a few days in bed with an infected leg. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Pearce spent Saturday with their son, Wayne Pearce, of Clayton. Mesdames P. G. Pearce, Adna Pearce. L. D. Perry and Joe Wright visited Mrs. Ivon Pearce Sunday evening. Mrs. Adna Pearce and Mrs. Joe Wright visited Mr. B. B. Ferrell who is ill Sunday night. Mrs. Braxton Eddins of Wake field visited Mrs. Ethel Pearce Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Perry visited her SpeekilS^ei FIRST QUALITY DELUXE Regular List ,■—f) m prke 1 20 icyj) • J Ijlll SMiii PLUS TAX piICCU UT • • • • RECAPPABLE TIRE i.OO x 16 _ y** 0 Goodyear DeLuxe tires go on Jo more new cars than any other ** to a A tb klnd! if • More motorists buy Goodyear DeLuxe Tires than any other kind! 3 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON WHITE SIDEWALLS, TOOI Regular list price $ 22.05 plus tax FIRST QUALITY DELUXE l|V7li Super-Cushion if- H plvitn .GOODYEAR ■■"SS MARATHONS| 1 95 °Y ■ ■ «"< yo»P _ - . . on 4 VMT coodAear ~rsiv Super-Cushion -xir Regular list price $14.40 (plus tax) Regular list price $16.55 (plus tax) good/year $1 QBS TRUCK TIRE * Famous MARATHON QUALITY Pay as little as $1.25 a week for 4 tlresl I Zebulon Motor Co. ] I Friday, June 26, 1953 ' mother and brother, Mrs. Ida Chamblee and Grite Chamblee Tuesday evening. Mr. Grite has the measles. Mrs. F. O. Pearce has returned home from Park iVew Hospital in Rocky Mount. G. G. Ferrell Is at home with his brother, B. B. Ferrell, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Privette of Raleigh spent the weekend with his parents, the H. K. Privettes. Mrs. Jack Doyle visited her par ents, the Grady Doyles, near Bil lysville last week. Mrs. L. D. Perry visited her par ents, the K. W. Bakers, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Richafds and Eddie of Raleigh spent the week end with the C. L. Perrys. Mrs. Harris Perry of Zebulon is spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Ralph Privette. The Cleveland Renns of Bunn and the Pete Tants of Camp Butner visited their parents, the Julius Pearces over the weekend. Miss Barbara Jean Brantley is ■ spending the week with her grand mother, Mrs. Mavis Edwards of Spring Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Coley Privette ■ spent a recent weekend with Mrs. Privettes mother, Mrs. Mary Rich • ardson, near Zebulon.