Two HOPKINS CHAPEL Several YWAs Enjoy Camping at Fort Caswell over Weekend Several of the Y. W. A.’s en joyed camping at Fort Caswell last weekend. If you can’t or don’t teach your children as much about the Bible as you would like, remember "these Bible camps are much better than many oth°r places. Many thanks to Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Hopkins and Mrs. Hilda Bunn for accompanying them. We were so gald to have these visit our Sunday School: Mrs. Lil lian Privette, Mrs. M. L. Cone, and Pearl Harris. Everyone is sorry so many are ill these days. Mrs. Fred Crisp and Mr. Wise Doyle are at Rex Hospital, Little Violet Denton and Mr. John Ayscue at home and Mrs. Annie Perry at Rex Hospital. Mrs. Doc Hopkins and Miss Pauline Perry visited some of the sick at Rex Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lelon Horton and Wanda of Raleigh are visiting relatives while vacationing this week. Howard Doyle, a Seabee in the Navy from Port Huememe, Cali fornia, is spending some time with relatives. The following visited the F. V. Hortons: Mr. and Mrs. Berry King, Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood King, and TO OUR DAD In memory of Morris Dale Hood, who died on Aug ust Ist, 1952. It was just one year ago today That God took you away. You looked so peaceful and at rest. It seemed hard but God knew best. It’s not home since you’re not there, Your old hat and your vacant chair; These things remind us day by day Os how we miss you since you went away. As the years go by there will al ways be A special place in our memory. This place was filled by you alone; We cherish it since you have gone. Our hearts will always be heavy with pain Until the time when we meet again. But when that time comes, dear Dad, We will rejoice and again be glad. Mrs. Morris Hood. f PATSY“COAL Tfvl I INSURES YOUR 7 flj COMFORT, ffi I ...and what’s more, Patsy’s over ShHEI 97% pure coal - - - practically C no ash - - - which means next winter you’ll be making fewer trips to the basement. TLt The quality never varies. There Is no y ■ —. finer coal than Patsy the outstanding >7 East Kentucky Coal! "( c l* an » long-lasting, hlgh-heat, j economical Patsy Look for this seal " on your doNvory ticket LITTLE RIVER ICE & COAL CO. Phone 3081 Zebulon, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Horton. Mr. and Mrs. James Williford spent last weekend at Atlantic Beach. Mrs. Pattie Hopkins and Mrs. Jane Baker visited Mrs. Sis Baker at Pearces Monday p.m. They left Miss Sally Pearce there to help care for Mrs. Sis during her illness. They also visited Pete Mitchell. He is feeble now. Little Tim Perry, Jr., has yel low jaundice. Mrs. Maxine King in Raleigh has improved much. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finch and children, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Finch and Eddie spent last week end at Ture Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Perry visited the N. L. Perrys Sunday. The Milford Killions of Houston, Texas, recently visited the Joseph Kesmows in Port Allegany, Penn., and the Melvin Stricxlands in Bal timore, Md. They arrived at my house Saturday p.m. They have been visiting all the other Bunns this week. Willie Brannon is stationed at Fort Bliss, Tevas. He enjoys the Record very much. Everybody remember your gift for the sunshine basket Sunday. | Wedding Announced i Mr. and Mrs. Oma Hicks of Wake Forest announce the mar riage of their daughter, Ophelia Ann to Richard Carter of Zebu , lon. Mr. Carter is the son of Mrs. Branch Carter and the late Mr. Carter of Zebulon. The marriage took place July 18 at Emporia, ! Va. J. M. Chevrolet Co. CHEVROLET — OLDSMOBILE \ Wrecker Service Phone 2301 ! Engine and Body Work to Any Car MAYTAG! Costs scarcely Vr / V morethanthe J**- -| §II lowest-priced ■ I (I ffl washeronthe H l”! l/l market! « , -L; $129.95 111 U We offer liberal trade-ins and easy terms too I Parrish Electric Co. DIAL 4451 ZEBULON The Zebulon Record EARPSBORO Mr. and Mrs. John Tippett Are Honored At Chicken Barbecue Mr. and Mrs. John Tippett were guests of the B. M. Prices last week and enjoyed a chicken bar becue. Miss Adie Jo Bailey of Raleigh is to be the house guest of the Herman Creeches for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Creech were the week end visitors of the Exum Creeches of Smithfield. The Zeb Corbetts of Zebulon and the Arnold Drivers of Middlesex were Sunday callers on the Rex Browns. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Parrish motored to Buggs Island Sunday for sightseeing. Mrs. Charlie Snow and children are spending the week with the Alfred Tippetts. Bruce Brown is at Fort Jack son, S. C., having been inducted into the army last Thursday. Mrs. Bill Creech is recuperating at home after a short stay in the hospital. The first tobacco barn to be de molished by fire in this section was on Arnold Driver’s place, last Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Tippett were overnight guests of the Adri an Tippetts of Fayetteville last week. They helped Adrian move into his new home while there. The sons of Mrs. Bertha Hood, Royce and M. D., spent the week end with their mother. The Marvin Brewers of Arling ton, Va., spent the past week with their daughter, Mrs. Otha Creech. Little Miss Margaret Oliver has been vacationing with her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Tippett. Mrs. Bert Canova and children have returned to Winterhaven, Fla., after spending the past weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Onnie Fowler. The Vaiden Richardsons were afternoon callers on the Kirkman Richardsons of Wendell Sunday. Courtney Sadler of Raleigh was bedtime visitor of his sister, Mrs. Clio Vann, last week. Miss Katrina Bailey spent Sat urday night with her grandmother, Mrs. Charlie Parrish. Will Creech became a grand father for the third time with the birth of a son to the Billy Creeches of Raleigh recently. Miss B. J. Bunn has announced her coming marriage to Grayson Pearce on September 26 at Hales Church. The Joe Pearces of Wendell were afternoon callers of the E. K. Wil liams Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Roy and I VENETIAN r H BUNDS I 1 CLEANED 1 |1 Free Estimates 1 111 Curb Service on 1 Dry Cleaning 1 ■ GAY'S \ ■| \ m. vB children, Mrs. Fred Alban and son, all of Baltimore, Md., were recent visitors of the John Tippetts. Kenny Vann suffered another fall early Saturday morning but is now resting comfortably. Mrs. Frances Richardson Brown, now a practical nurse at Mary Elizabeth Hospital, was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Arthur Rich ardson, Monday. Douglas Parrish and friends were entertained at a barbecue supper at Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hood’s Saturday eevning. The Lloyd Tippetts were week end guests of the W. M. Olivers of Roanoke Rapids. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Preston Chamblee for the past week is Mrs. Beatrice Joyner of Fairmont, sister of Mrs. Chamblee. The B. O. Suttons and Kemp Vanns of Wilson spent a few hours in the Kenny Vann home Sunday. Attending the regional meeting of the Sunday School Convention at Lees Chapel Sunday were the Arthur Creeches and Mrs. Tal madge Vann. Mr. and Mrs. Philip of Raleigh celebrated their ninth wedding an- SiMAD^ tor Quick Cool Meals Complete Line of Cold Cuts To Complete Your Salad Course Vlakelon Food Market Phone 4781 - 4791 [OU DO THyjOl ' WITH THE MM TRACTOR! SuHtmlikyourPßOFlTS end if our COMFORT in mind! This 2*3 plow MM Model Z Tractor gives you the power to do the work—right . . . has the rugged, high quality construction that assures you of dependable performance year after year! High tubrulence combustion chambers and 206 cu. in. piston displacement in the MM Model Z provide that EXTRA power fT\ when you need it. Exclusive design ft _ allows easy access to vital working parts for a new high in maintenance MBMBgIE!Pp greater visibility along the rows— 'H§ 111 makes close work a snap. Adjustable steering wheel, wobble-stick gear ■Wi ffl> shift, improved braking action, hand ifcJY fvtf o P er ated clutch, comfortable Flote- Ride seat, swinging drawbar at just the right height— these are but a few Wv Mill the comfort features that make every job easier with the MM Model 4 FRONT-END TYPES TO FIT YOUR FARM...YOUR CROPS... • ■ ■ The all-purpose universal Z, shown at left with row crop tread, the standard Z with fixed wheel tread, the Z with tread adjustable from 56 to 84 and the single wheel Z, as shown at top, for narrow row crop work let you choose the MM Model Z Tractor that’s tailor made for greater profits on your farm. „ •* sew aed get complete facts oe the powerful, easy h operate MM Model Z Tractor mm finch MO PERU MACHINERY) TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT CO. Friday, July 31, 1953 niversary last Thursday visiting the Preston Chamblees. Mrs. Donnie Creech, Jr., was the day-long visitor of her mother, Mrs. Bertha Hood, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bissette of Middlesex were recent visitors of the Dennis Richardsons. Little Miss Elmerine Richardson spent the evening with cousins, little Misses Susie and Shelia Johnson. Mrs. Linwood Fowler has been attending her physician for a skin malady. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chamblee were in Castalia for the day Sun day visiting the J. L. Freemans. • Pleasant Sights: Erdine Vann recording the minutes at the Sun day School meeting .. . Maybelle Eatmon canning tomatoes and corn ... Blanche Horton’s win ning smile ... Myrtle Chamblee in the brightest red dress ... Jesse Bailey’s chocolate birthday cake. The cost of a single item of live stock feed, in many areas, repre sents nearly one-half the total cost of dairy farm operations.