THE ZEBULON RECORD Vol. XXVIII. No. 5. Speeding Balm for Sick Eyes v J&S££k't§6L-* Wft r '< at the evening service, to be held at 7:30 p. m., will be “A Free Ring of the Gospel.” The pastor, Rev. Bev. A. Asbury, will preach at both services. The adult choir will sing the Bach chorale. “Now Let Every Tongue Adore Thee,” at the morn ing worship service, and the youth choir will sing an anthem, "True Lover of Mankind,” at the evening service. Other church activities next Sunday include the morning Sun day School and the training union at 6:30 p. m. Revival to Be Held . At Union Chapel Continuing from next Sunday morning, October 18, there will be revival services at Union Chapel. The services will be held each night through the week at 7:30. On Sunday night there will be a number of testimonies from stu dents at Wake Forest. Rev. Lonnie Woolweaver will assist Rev. John F. Parker in the meeting. Bill Jen nings of Wake Forest will lead the song service. The public is very cordially in vited to attend all these services. Come and hear some good Gos pel preaching and singing. While Oak to Have Harvest Day Oct. 22 The White Oak Baptist Church at Archer Lodge on Clayton, Rt. 2, will observe its regular Harvest Day Thursday, October 22. A picnic dinner will be served on the ground at 12:00 noon. The sale of produce will begin at 1:00. Every one is cordially invited to come. planning to be present to bring lunches and stay all day. Those attending are urged not to leave their cars on the fair grounds, since free parking will be provided on parking lots. Registrations for contestants may be sent to James M. Cham bers, superintendent; Program Features and Special Exhibits; 408 Park Avenue, Raleigh, N. C. PTA Meet Features Novel Open House An open house will be held by Wakelon teachers in their class rooms following the Parent-Teach er Association meeting Monday night, October 19, and parents are urged to take advantage of this opportunity to meet the teachers and discuss any problems faced by their children with the teachers. This is the first program of this type attempted by the Wakelon Parent-Teacher Association, and the response of the parents will determine whether it will be con tinued. Fred Smith, assistant superin tendent of Wake County Schools, will be the featured speaker for the program, which begins at 8 p. m. Music will be under the di rection of Mrs. Hill, public school music teacher. Revival Services At Church of God Rev. W. L. Catlett, pastor of the Zebulon Church of God, announc ed yesterday that revival services will begin Sunday, October 18, at the Church of God, as originally planned. Mr. Catlett has been hos oitalized recently, but is now re cuperating from his illness. Rev. Douglas Poole of Clayton will be the visiting evangelist lor the services which will be held at 7:30 p. m. each evening through Sunday, October 25. The Church of God extends a cordial invitation to the public to attend these services, as well as their Sunday School, which meets each Sunday morning at 10. tinued. Zebulon Garden Club to Supervise Complete Armory Site Landscaping Mr. and Mrs. Ruric Gill and i Mrs. Bernice Bunn were hostesses Monday night to the October meet ing of the Garden Club. Capt. Bar rie Davis, local National Guard Commander, was the speaker, and showedthe architect’s plans, topo graphical survey and other details of the new armory. The landscaping of the armory grounds will be the main project of the club for the next two years. Other business taken up was the matter of delegates from the club attending the district meeting to be held in Warrenton, October 28. The registration fee for this will be 75c and the luncheon will be $2.00 | Beginning the first week in No vember the Garden Club will sponsor a Garden Center in Whit- Theo. Davis Sons, Publishers Unified Appeal Replaces Six Annual Campaigns For Funds in Community Thirteen agencies have been in cluded in the Zebulon United Fund and will receive a share of the money collected during the drive to be held during the week of Oc tober 26, according to R. Vance Brown, chairman of the Budget Committee. A goal of $5,000.00 has been set for the community. This marks the first year that a United Fund has been organized in this community. The change from a Community Chest was made following public meetings and a vote by the members of the Community Chest. The United Fund will replace at least six of the fund campaigns conducted by loca’l groups in years past, according to J. C. Dcbnam, president. Agencies participating include the Zebulon Recreation Commission, Girl Scouts, Boy- Scouts, Local Welfare, School lunches for white and colored, Red Cross, Wake County Cerebral Pal sy, Wake County Crippled Chil dren, Cancer, Polio, Heart, North Carolina Children’s Home Society, and the United Service Organiza tion. Detailed Plan Ralph Talton, who heads the so licitations committee, is preparing a detailed plan for contacting every person in the community to give each one an opportunity to contribute to the United Fund. Captains will be appointed to lead the work in districts, and work ers from those districts assigned to canvass the districts. This year, because of the larger budget required for the United Fund, contributors will be given an opportunity to pay their pledges by installments. Chairman Tal ton urged that everyone review their combined gifts to all the agencies last year, and then give at least as much as the combined total to the United Fund this year. The single, concerted drive will eliminate the continual requests for money that have plagued the Zebulon community during the past, if the community cooperates in making the United Fund a suc cess. ley Furniture Co. The chairman of this project will be Mrs. Condon Debnam. The first week in each month, members of the club will have arrangements of flowers suit able for different occasions, holi days, and suitable to the decor of certain styles of furniture. Mrs. Ruric Gill, ways and means chairman, announced that the club will sponsor a bridge tournament in November, for the purpose of raising funds to buy shrubbery and flowers. Mrs. Gill’s home was beautifully decorated with arrangements of roses and other fall flowers. Following the business session, the hostesses served lime ice, nuts, cookies, and sandwiches from a beautifully appointed table.