THE jp Volume XXVII. Number 24. THE CHRISTMAS STORY t-sic C*|" tlfc 4>|" tt|C ~v - tI|C W»i5C I , 3$ Now when Jesus war horn in Bethlehem of And there were in the same country shep- >' ■ saying, Where is he that is born King of the of the Lord came upon them, and the glory •' . _ ......... . r . -> - *. Jews? ;or we have seen his star in the cast, and of the Lord shone round about them: and -•< ,<-< S'Ser' ' • -- -v . . , v ,, , ... - . . are come to worship him vt lien Herod the they were sore afraid And the angel said ■' » .. li«.,i , r . ....... +■ >->' v ' f king had heard these things, he was troubled, unto them, Ltar not: for, behold, I bring ~ -S"-" •> r- . ... , , , . . . . . * , ...... y- - - and all Jerusalem with him And when he l ad you good tidings ol great loy, which shall he <. '■ -. iVb' . j.- - ....... . , . ... .. ■ . . . * ■ s ig? r gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the to all people. Lor unto you is horn this day , >' / 4AI . . , , . . . .... . ,r. , c . . . „ - As4&'j2(2 /'s/{ &> people together, he demanded of them where in the city of Das id a Saviour, which is „■ ' ■+■ i/ JwSJamL* 1 Jfcwwl V.. . ... . , , . •, . . _ ?• ' , J/K.' /'/ .‘/fl Christ should he born And they said unto him. Christ the Lord. And this sha be a sign , . s') ''lMw/ 'Jgli ,•# » ...... ... . . ■ .......... . > ‘ - Vvir llrxtr-- In Bethlehem of Judaea for thus it is written unto you; le shall find the babe wrapped , -■ TS b he prophet And tho i Bethlehem in the in s SSaddling clothes, lying in a manger. %fhirfL. SJ. t IT Jr i ' . B \ * 4 ii’AV'ji-a -5# 'l I , * 7 . ... , W >■ Am when he had privily called the wise men. en and on earth peace, good will toward men. ■ 4 _j£l /jV < ■ LR . , , , . ... f 8 . . • | 9 1 '•' ' ouired of them diligently what time the star And it came to pass, as the angels were gone W i I A ... n . , . . . . 1 . ..... V\\X.J i LI4 appeareond him, bring me unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is *T T 1 a., w » i f . . , . - . , ■ ill. I :4 r# Jl 1 .] U word again, that I may come and worship him come to pass, which the Lord hath made iwe. 1 f '[% , . a a u . , d ; .1 ■ 1 }M also When they had heard the king, they de known unto us. And they came with haste, •II .'1 L ijF lTf’ u A ¥-4 - j i']u? . . . . , u . , , ... . , . . . . . tfl 1“a 14k r y ■:■*£ :Ui parted and, io, the star, which they saw in the and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe a. \ [Ar » ..... i t A 4 i , , . ' A aidy ~i t 4» east, went before them, nil it came and stood lying in a manger. And when they had seen I' H JI -: x A L . ... u i l i | , 'X IS. W 3 \u'". • r over where the young rliMci was. it, they made known abroad the saying *JS -• gj JM-X aJHifci v fta * which was told them concerning this child. 'J And when they were “>mc mu. Mm muse, And all they that beard it wondered at ' Ay.WfiM ' .WRTiBWfW'IOiS,; they saw the young child with Mary his mother, those things which were told them by the 1 T ’-A.f fws . * l*H down, nd worshipped f i ,e ” shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, /,y )V) ij j'' I;' \ | | And it came to pass in those day*, that ‘» . I f\ jjyjf j ' f/i I i taxed. (And this taxing was first made L, W j’ (1 I \/{{ '. \ yy J; 'i 1 / /: IV V\ " r \| ' iWm' 'A A A'W UfMW i his own city. And Joseph also went up /! \j '' U "\—L, Wtpf I/- **■'’ i i 'y-\. Iki, Wfnßb ii( 111 from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, jj S / I’ \ 'J* , ' \ -- into Judaea, unto the city of David, i ' K - 7 ‘ \\ which is called Bethlehem; (because he . 7 , )/J, • was of the house and lineage of David:) « _ ' A / - - .. .V- to be taxed with Mary his espoused w ife, l _ r ~ \ Z~' being great with child. And so it was, __ A *> L>C\ \ \\ 'fwir >ii that, while they were there, the days ,/ ,/// jl jf "fg vXi delivered. And she brought forth her , I ft. ,'jjff / / \ A 3e£.'.. first-born son, and- wrapped him in / V\ -X* jfcy - v 7- f * swaddling clothes, and laid him in a ” / j V ! ' manger; because there was no room for the flight ‘ -v:. --:- 4 - -«j, And when ihey were dep»ne«l. hchold ihc «n,rt of the hr the young child and his mother by night, and \ f nlrik ( _ T ** > Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream. va>irig. Arise, mod _ departed mio Eg)pt; And was there until the death of • JUt i V I 1- ... l. * v u |, e ,he young child and h.s mother, and flee into Egypt, - Herod ihai .1 might be fulfilled which was spoken of Eev* .. . a 'i [V 3—. ■j.r - >Li and be thou there until 1 bring ihee word for Herod the Lord by rhe prophet, saying Out of Egypt have I . f / \\ %ft l * '- - / / ? will seek the young child to destioy bun When be arose, called m> son. " * ZEBULON Zebulon, N. C., Friday, Decomber 26, 1952 RECORD Theo. Davis Sons, Publishers