THE ZEBULON RECORD Volume XXX, Number 88. Zebulon, N. C., Friday, August 3, 1956 Theo. Davis Sons, Publishers Zebulon Recorder's Court Has Full Day Last Week The following cases were dis posed of during Recorder’s Court last week with Judge I. D. Gill presiding. Hildreth Bunn, charge with al lowing a non-licensed operator to operate a motor vehicle upon the public highways of N. C., was given a fine of $25 and court costs. Barbara Ann Bunn, charged with operating a motor vehicle with out an operator’s license, was giv en a $25 fine and costs of court. Vincent William Wasz was found guilty of speeding 40 mph in a 35 mph zone and failing to stop for stop sign. He was given a $10 fine and court costs. Charlie Venis Holder, Selma, was given a $10 fine and court costs for having improper brakes. Earcey Dale Strickland, Mid dlesex, was given a $20 fine and court costs for operating a motor vehicle with improper muffler and emergency brake. Henry Frank Smith was found guilty of driving drunk and given four months on the roads. Judg ment continued until September. Appearance bond set at $200. Sen tence to begin in September. On a second count of having no brakes, improper muffler and failing to stop for patrolman’s siren, he was found guilty and given a 90-day road sentence suspended on pay ment of $50 fine and costs of court. Cleveland Upchurch, charged with forging Ennis Mangum’s name on check in the amount of $20 and obtaining the $20 from Oren D. Massey, waived prelimi nary hearing and case was assign ed to Superior Court for trial. Charlie Webb, charged with pos session of non-tax paid whiskey, was found guilty and given 30 days on roads suspended on payment of a fine of $25 and court costs. Walter T. Jenkins was given 60 _days on roads suspended on pay ment of $60 fine and court costs for having in his possession a quan tity of non-tax paid whiskey. Books Audited The finance records and Record er’s Court records of the town of Zebulon underwent their annual auditing this week by R. L. Steele and Company of Raleigh, certified public accountants. Thurman Lynn Penny, Harri sonburg, Va., was given a fine of $10 and court costs for failing to stop at a stop sign. Tyree Upchurch, charged with driving while operator’s license were revoked, was found not guil ty. On a second charge of care less and reckless driving, he was found giiilty and given a $25 fine and court costs. Ray Todd was given a 90-day road sentence for speeding 65 mph. Notice of appeal was given and bond was set at $200. On a second charge of driving with no opera tor’s license and driving on the wrong side of the road he was given a 30-day jail sentence. No tice of appeal was also given in this case and bond was set at $100. Josephine Y. Shereod Wen dell, was found guilty of operat ing a motor vehicle in excess of the speed limit. Fine was $25 and (Continued on Page 6) Former Pastor Awarded Degree It has been learned that the Rev. Carlton Mitchell will be the guest minister of Zebulon Baptist Church August 12. The Rev. Mr. Mitchell was a warded the S.T.M. degree at Union Seminary in May. In the fall he plans to enroll for further study at Union and also to do some work at Columbia University. According to Mr. Mitchell his study and experiences in New Jer sey and in New York have been in teresting and exciting. His study has been following lines of inquiry about the historical development of Baptist worship. His S.T.M. the sis sought to trace the main cur rents from the Smyth-Helwys tra dition down to about 1890 in Amer ica, He hopes to do further study and writing in this field. The Rev. Mr. Mitchell is pastor of the First Baptist Church, Rich field, N. J., not very far from New York City. He was pastor of the local Baptist Church from 1947 until 1953 when he became a chap lain in the Navy for three years. Following his discharge from the naval service he began graduate study at Union Theological Sem inary. MAIN STREET SCENES Cokes Found in Spain LETTER FROM SPAIN . . . sent i by Manuela (Mrs. Barker) Kan non . . . “This is lovely country . . . Spanish Alps on one side and the ocean on the other ... I think the water here made me a little sick so I finally found some Coca Colas . . .and the wine is good . . . The weather here is cool . . The people are gayer here and every few days there’s a fiesta . . . Hope to go to a bull fight soon . . . the old cathedrals and palaces are out of this world . . . And oh, ice is very scarce in this town . . . There are lots of tourists here. Mrs. Kannon is in Comillas, the home town of her and her ances tors. She is being accompanied on this trip by her mother. • SPECIALITY . . . painted on window of country itore outside of town . . . “Today’s Special . . . Hot Weather.” STREET OF WIDOWS . . . ever thought how many widows there are on East Sycamore Street? . . . Nine . .. Mrs. C. G. Weathere by, Mrs. A. R. House, Mrs. S. G. Flowers, Mrs. Elizabeth Ellett, Mrs. L. R. Temple, Mrs. Ida Hall, Mrs. Rella Privette, Mrs. Virginia Mae Davis, and Mrs. Susie Alford. A MEMENTO ... a tourist stopped at Hilliard’s Drive-In Res taurant for lunch . . . and being a tourist this person wanted a me mento of his first trip here . . . saw a copy of the Record . . de cided then and there that was one of the best souvenirs of all. New Officer Joins Guard Battery; Strength Is High Lt. Marshall Herman Schell, Jr., of Raleigh has been commis sioned a Second Lieutenant in the North Carolina National Guard and is assigned as Forward Ob server with Battery A, Lt. Jack Potter, the commanding officer of the local unit, announced yester day. Battery A now has a strength of seven officers, one Warrant Of ficer, and 84 enlisted men. Lt. Schell served on active duty with the 11th Airborne Division. He graduated from both parachu tist school and glider school while on active duty in Japan. The new officer is married and has one child. A resident of Ra leigh, Lt. Schell is a special agent with the North Carolina Insurance Rating Bureau. He is a graduate of Needham Broughton High School and the University of North Carolina. CWO Johnsey P. Arnold, full time administrative officer for Battery A, said that men 17 to 18% years of age are being en listed in the Guard unit to bring the battery strength to the au thorized maximum of 97 enlisted men. Many attractive inducements are offered young men, including the “Take 6” program through which young men may reduce their military obligation. Henry Andrews Hurt in Accident A Zebulon youth received a slight cranial concussion and se vere lacerations about the head and shoulders in an accident which oc curred early Sunday morning in Raleigh. Henry Andrews, 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Andrews, was spending the weekend with his cousin, Charles Dent of Raleigh. The two youths were delivering the News and Observer in the Belve dere Park section when the acci dent happened. It was reported the youths were riding on the back of a delivery truck when the vehicle made a sharp turn and Henry lost his bal ance was partially thrown from the truck, catching on a chain at tached to the truck. The Andrews boy was dragged for a good distance, receiving se vere contusions and a minor con cussion in the cranial area. He received treatment at Rex Hospital. Dent was not injured. Henry is now at home and is recuperating splendidly, his moth er reported. Principal to Bo Selected Soon According to information re ceived by this paper, a principal is expected to be called to Wake Ion School by the end of this week. The Wakelon School Board met Monday night for the purpose of interviewing a prospective princi pal of the school, but it was learn ed that no decision was reached. The Board met last night and re sults of their decisions will be published in next week’s paper. Town Board Adopts 1956-57 Budget; Totals $75,795.82 GRADUATE Mrs. John Lambert Business Degree Awarded by UNC Mrs. John Lambert, the former Jean Robertson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Judd Robertson, was graduated from the University of North Carolina July 14 with a bachelor of science degree in busi ness administration. While a student at the University Mrs. Lambert was a member of the Alpha Gamma Delta where she was house manager, a member of the Pan Hellenic Council, a mem ber of the Woman’s Residence Council of the legislative body for co-eds, a member of the staff of the Yackity-Yack, the college year book, and a member of the YWCA office staff. Mrs. Lambert will be leaving soon for Omaha, Neb., where her husband will be associated with Mutual of Omaha Insurance Com pany. Mayor Reports He Is Happy with Budget; No Tax Rate Increase Zebulon will operate to the tune of $75,795,82 during 1956-57. In a special call meeting Tues day night, Mayor Wilbur Debnam and Commissioners Kermit Cor bett, Raleigh Alford, Vance Brown, Frank Wall, and Norman Screws voted to accept the tentative bud get as the budget Zebulon will operate on for the fiscal year 1956 1957. Mayor Debnam said he and the Commissioners are happy with the outline of the present budget. They feel the town can operate to its fullest efficiency on the funds set up in the budget. The tentative budget was adopt ed July 5 and was required to stay open for public inspection for 20 days before the final adoption. Mayor Debnam said there were no complaints from the citizenry of the town about the tentative budget so it was adopted with a feeling of the general public’s ap proval. An estimate of the 1956-57 ex penditures are: Administration Mayor and Commissioners’ sal aries: $840.00 Town Manager’s salary: $4, 600.00 Office Clerk’s salary: $3,312.50 Office expenses: $500.00 Legal and Auditing: $400.00 Telephone: $500.00 Police Department Salaries: $5,760.00 Uniforms: $300.00 Equipment and supplies: $40.00 Retirement Fund: $513.00 Auto expenses: $500.00 Fire Department Salailes: $648.00 Truck expenses: $300.00 (Continued on rage 5) Community library Proves Useful; Adults Reading More Books Now At the last inventory made of the Zebulon Community library, there were some over a thousand volumes, Mrs. Raymond Pippin, library chairman, stated. The officials of the library are now at work processing the books, making a revision of the acces sion records and shelf lists. Records made from the inven tory revealed that very few books are missing. Mrs. Pippin said that no books have been donated to the library during the last six months. She also stated that she is quite encouraged at the number of books that have been borrowed from the library during the summer months. The borrowers have been primar ily children, though the adults have been more responsive than usual in the past. The reference books are very poor, and the library is in das perate need of more up-to-date reference books and materials, of ficials of the library have said. The Zebulon Community Library does not operate in conjunction with the Olivia Raney Library. Plans for the borrowing and lend ing of books through this library have not been formulated due to the necessity of having to employ a full-time librarian to be respon sible for the borrowing and lend ing transactions. In the future, the chairman re lated, it is hoped that plans may be workad out whereby the local li brary may work in connection with the Wake County library. The local library receives no aid from any outside sources. The only help given the library comes from the American Legion Auxil iary which sponsors the library and staffs it with Auxiliary per sonnel.