THE ZEBULON RECORD Volume XXX. Number 55. Zebulon, N. C., Thursday, May 2, 1957 Theo. Davis Sons, Publishers CANDIDATES READ WELL Housewives Want Action The following is a short poll taken of Zebulon housewives of what they would like to see the new in-coming town government do. So, read carefully, candidates. The women have spoken. Mrs. Douglas Finch: “I would like to see more sidewalks paved, especially from my home to Wake field Street so my daughter Faye would be able to w&lk to church.” Mrs. Bob Sawyer: “I would like very much to have the speeding I traffic eliminated from Church Street. This street is commonly i known to the neighbors as a j ‘speedway.’ Many children use this street to go to school and the speeding traffic endangers their lives.” Mrs. W. A. Allman: “I would like more gutters to carry away the surface water. Every time it rains we in our section are flood ed and the surface water washes and makes havoc of our yards. I believe, too, that if the ditches were kept properly by the town we would not have so much trouble with surface water.” Mrs. Eldred Rountree: “I beg of (Continued on Page 9) MUSIC RECITAL The students of Miss Margaret Stevenson, Wakelon School music teacher, will be presented in re cital Wednesday, May 8, and Fri day, May 10. Each recital begins at 7:45 o’clock. Elementary s(|udents perform ing Wednesday night will be Bet sy Alford, Brenda Arnold, Sue Arnold, Patsy Braswell, Joan Bak- | ker, Brenda Creech, Ann Davis, I Tonda Ellington, Andrea Eddins, Carol;Ti Finch, Celia Hales, Geor-; gia Hinton, Ellen Ingram, Tim j Kemp, Linda Johnson, Ted Low- j ery, Lewis Liles, Julia McNabb, j Janice Perry and Martha Wall. j Performing Friday night will be j pupils of the high school. These are Phyllis Braswell, Brenda Gay, | Terry Kemp and Patricia Murray. The public is invited to attend these recitals. Principal's Daughter Elected to Vice Prexy Of Fraternity Class Miss Betty Mae Freeman, daugh ter of Principal of Corinth-Holders School Otis Freeman and Mrs. Freeman, has been elected vice president of Pi Omega Pi at East Carolina College. Pi Omega Pi is a national honorary business edu cation fraternity. Miss Freeman and the other of ficers for the 1957-1958 school year were installed following a banquet last Thursday night at the Greenville Country Club. Mem bers of the college chapter of Pi Omega Pi acted as hosts and hos tesses. Miss Freeman is a rising senior at the college. TV Performers To be at Armory Saturday Night The Carolina Partners, popular television performers, will give a show in the National Guard ar mory Friday, May 3, beginning at 8 p.m. The show will be sponsored by the local National Guard unit. Five stars of WNCT-TV will appear on the show, who includes fun and music for the entire fam ily. Appearing in person will be Lefty Hales, the folk-ballad sing er; Jerry Jenkins, master of the five-string banjo and mandolin; Bill Wilkins, champion hoedown fiddler; Preston Rouse, bass fid dler; and “Useless,” comedian. The entertainers are seen and heard on Channel 9 on Saturday night from 6 to 6:30; and Monday nigtt from 7 to 7:15. Former Zebu Ion Girl's Son Receives Scholarship The nephew of Mrs. Donald Stal lings has been selected the recipi ent of a four year Naval Reserve Training Corps scholarship. Bruce A. Chappel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chapel of Hender son was notified of his being se lected as a candidate for the schol arship recently. After a physical and competitive academic examination, the candi dates were chosen by the State Selection Committee. Upon his enrollment at Duke University — the college Bruce has decided to enter — this fall, he will be appointed by the Secre tary of the Navy to the rank of Midshipman in the Naval Reserve training corps assuming the privi leges and responsibilities of that rank. Bruce, a senior at Henderson High School, has been an honor student scholastically. He has al so been very outstanding in the field of high school sports and oth er extra-curricular activities. He is active in the Henderson Methodist church, participating in Bruce A. Chappel the many church activities of the young people. Bruce has received letters of commendation from Congressman Harold D. Cooley and Junior Sen ator Kerr Scott. His mother is the former Vashti Pearce of Zebulon. REC. FUNDS DEADLINE Donations' for the Zebukm Recreation Program must be received by Thursday, May 9, so that the Recreation Com mission may know what type of program may 1>e arranged. If sufficient funds are receiv ed, the program will be carri ed out as planned. If funds are lacking, the program will have to be shortened or limit ed in scope. Twenty-Nine More Persons May Vote Twenty-nine additional persons | will be able to vote in the May 7 election. j Mrs. James Creech, registrar, [ has announced that 29 new regis trants were added to the town’s book. There are now 621 persons qual ified to vote in town referendums. _ ! DANCE RECITAL Mrs. H. C. Wade has announced that the Wade School of Dance will present its annual spring revue Friday night, May 17, in Wakelon School auditorium. The revue will be entitled “T. V. Preview.” Legion Auxiliary To Meet Friday Members of the American Legion Auxiliary are urged to be pres ent at the May meeting of the club tomorrow night (Friday). Mrs. Ferd Davis will be hostess j to the Auxiliary at her home on I Liberty Street. I _ Water to Farmers Available for Fee Farmers will be allowed to get water fro n Zebulon’s water sys tem as long as there is an ade quate supply available for its citizens, town officials have said. A charge will be made to those who get water of five cents per 50-gallon barrel. Farmers are urged not to re ly on the town’s water system di ring the transplanting season. The ch irge for water is for electricity used to operate the water pumps. Home, Family Topic For Methodists For the next four weeks the Rev. Troy Barrett will be speaking on the home and the family at the Sunday morning worship services in Zebulon Methodist Church. May 5, National Family Week; May 12, Mother’s Day; May 19, Re newal of the marriage vows; and May 26, Facing family problems and family tragedies. Sunday night, May 26, the Rev. Barrett will deliver the bacca laureate sermon to Wakelon grad uating class. CHURCH FILM Sunday evening at 7:30 in the Pilot Baptist Church, there will be a film shown entitled, “Mr. Tex as.” This movie, in sound and color, features Billy Graham, the | noted evangelist, and Cliff Bar rows. Supporting players include Grady Wilson, Jerry Beavan, George Beverly Shea, Paul Mi ckelson and Tedd Smith. The public is invited to attend this film feature, the Rev. Gil bert W. McDowell, pastor, has an nounced. Quiet Election Is Shaping Up; No Real Issues Are To Be Fought At Present Time Dr. Leo Jenkins ECC Dean to be Supper Speaker A native of New Jersey who is now vice president of East Car olina College will be the guest speaker at Wakelon School Appre ciation Supper to be held in the school cafeteria Tuesday night, May 7. Dr. Leo Jenkins, vice president of the college and dean of instruc tion, received his bachelor oi science degree from Rutgers Uni versity, master of arts from Co lumbia University and doctor of education degree from New York University. Before becoming associated with the Eastern North Carolina school, he was with Montclair State Teachers College in New Jersey. He has been dean of East Caroli na since 1947. He was a captain in the U. S. Marine Corps and saw service in (Continued on Page 9) Mayor Unopposed; Ten File For Commissioners Race The town of Zebulon is experi encing one of its quietest pre-elec tion campaigns in many years. There are no real issues at stake, and the candidates have stirred up none. i No commitments have been made by any of the candidates and none is likely to be made since the race is not a heated one. What campaigning has been done has been carried on very quietly and without fanfare on the part of the candidates. Four persons who have filed for a seat on the Town Board are no vices in the field of politics. These new comers are P. Craven Brown, B. R. Phillips, Thomas Monk, and Raymond Pippin. Brown, a retired traveling sales man, is at present farming outside of town; Phillips is a retired mer chant and farmer; Monk is head of a wholesale electrical and plumbing supply house; and Pip pin owns and operates a large farm near Zebulon. Trying for a second time for a seat on the Town Board is a wo man. Mrs. Elizabeth Ellett, who was defeated by a small margin in the 1955 town election, has en tered the political field again. Mrs. Eliett is the only woman (Continued on Page 9) YWA's Meet I i The YWAs will meet tonight in the home of Miss Margaret Privette, who will serve as hos tess. Every member of this group is urged to attend this meeting which will get underway at 7:30 p.m. Social Season Opens With Kemp Housewarming j One of the highlights of the . spring social season in Zebulon was I held Tuesday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kemp received at open house in their new horn*, on Arendell Avenue. At the door were Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Gill who introduced the guests to the host and hostess. The receiving line was composed of honor guests, Mrs. C. V. Whitley, Mrs. A. R. House, Mrs. F. E. Bunn, Mrs. R. H. Brantley, Mrs. J. F. Coltrane, Mrs. W. C. Campen and Mrs. Oren D. Massey, Sr., who have been customers of Mrs. Kemp since she established her beauty salon. Mrs. C. G. Weathersby direct ed the guests to the dining room where Mrs. B. H. Johnson pre sided over the punch bowl. As sisting Mrs. Johnson were Mrs. Willard Gill, Mrs. Donald Stallings and Mrs. Warren Jeffreys, niece of Mrs. Kemp. Directing guests in viewing the house was Mrs. Catherine Bryant, During the reception hours the" Harold Green orchestra entertain ed with chamber music. Also per forming were Mrs. Cliff Cox, so loist, and Miss Elizabeth Percky, both of Rocky Mount, Miss Mar garet Anne English and the sons of the host and hostess, Timmy and Terry Kemp. Adorning the piano was a mass arrangement of peoir'es and snap dragons interspersed with green ery. The coffee table was centered with a low arrangement of roses, dutch iris and wigelia. The mantle was centered with red roses. The refreshment table was cov ered with a white madeira cutwork cloth over pink. The crystal punch bowl set in a silver tray with a spray of lilies of the valley and sweetpeas. Balancing the* ta j ble was a silver epergne with light ed tapers set in a base of multi colored sweetpeas. Refreshments consisted of I strawberry punch, cheese wafers, chicken salad / sandwiches, choco late fudge, mixed nuts and porcu pines. Saying goodbyes to approximate ly 300 guests were Mrs. Norman Screws and Mrs. Haliburton Yan cey. Receiving in the beauty salon were the employees of Mrs. JCemp Mrs. James Debnam, Mrs. Jo Stal lings and Mrs. Sophia Privette.