MAN OF YEAR FATHER OF THIRD ANOTHER AC m COMPLISHMENT. Mm The Rev. Troy J. i® Barrett, Zebulon’s g|| Man of the Year for ^ 1957, is shown hap L Pily admiring the V latest addition to j his family, William Ralph Barrett. This third child of the ml Rev. and Mrs. Bar rett, the former Robbie Williams of fep Greensboro, was ^ bom February 28 ‘si at Rex Hospital. Zebulon Methodist . . , ..... i~nurcn minister is pictured with his other sons, Bobbie and Jimmy, standing in front of him and Mrs. Barrett holding the new born infant. V Legion Auxiliary Holds Meeting The American Legion Auxiliary met Friday night, March 7, in the home of Mrs. Melvin Massey with 10 members present. The meeting was opened by the president. Following roll call, minutes of the last meeting, and treasurers re port, the following chairmen re ported: Mrs. Sidney Holmes, Girl State, reported that the application blanks for Girl State repre sentatives have been received and she will contact Mr. Hicks concern ing the girls eligible, Mrs. Melvin Lanier, Child Welfare and Rehab ilitation reported on assistance given during the past month. Mrs. Perry reported that on Crusade for Freedom Day, the local unit col lected $33.79 and it has been sent to Department Headquarters. She expressed the appreciation of the unit to the community for their support of the drive. Plans were made for members of the unit to go to the Veterans Hospital in Durham, Monday, March 10 to distribute cigarettes to the patients. Mrs. Raymond Pippin, introduc ed three high school students who presented the following book re views: Dyanne Strickland, “Nb Time for Sergeants,” Judith Creech, “The Bridge of Tokyo Rie,” Sidney Holmes, “The Great Houdini.” The students did an ex cellent job and we did appreciate them doing that for us. After delicious refreshments served from a beautifully appoint ed dining table, the meeting ad journed to meet in April with Mrs. H. C. Perry, Jr. —Mrs. Frank Wall, reporter Loretta Cawthorne Honored On Birthday Miss Loretta Cawthorne was feted by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cawthorne, on her 18th birthday last Saturday night with a dance and party. The celebration was held in the banquet room of Hilliard’s Restaurant. During the refreshment hour, the honoree’s mother presided at the punch bowl. Assisting Mrs. Caw thorne were Mrs. Willie B. Hop kins and Mrs. Dave Wilson. The refreshment table was beau tifully appointed with a cut glass punch bowl flanked with burning tapers and floral decorations. Refreshments consisted of orange ice, cake, pickle, potato chips, and mints. Dancing ended the evening. Sixty guests attended the social. ENTER the NEW $100,000 HOUSEPOWER CONTEST! GRAND PRIZE: $5,000 CASH! Other Cash Prizes! Plus $90,000 Worth of Electric Appliance Prizes! It's easy—it’s fun! There's nothing to buy! Just read the facts about HOUSEPOWER shown below. Then write your cartoon caption, fill out the rest of the Entry Blank and mail it. You may win one of the hundreds of prizes. Additional Entry Blanks are available at your Electrical Dealer or CP&L Office. Winning Facts about HOUSEPOWER (READ BEFORE FILLING IN ENTRY) Ir s easy tc write a cartoon cap tion. Here are some winning facts about HOUSEPOWER that will help you to write a prize-win ning caption: Today, 4 out of 5 homes suffer from low HOUSEPOWER (not enough electrical wiring, out lets, and switches). Look at the cartoon. This home is obviously one of the 4. If the wan can find an outlet to ~'ug that TV cord into, he's certainly going to see one or more of the symp toms of low HOUSEPOWER — if, indeed, he doesn't blow a fuse, then break his neck trip ping over one of those exten sion cords. His TV picture will probably shrink and wiggle when that cofreemaker starts; the lights may dim. The coffee maker will be slow heating up. And no wonder the Mrs. looks bewildered: that snaky maze of ,wires is enough to confuse anybody. "Octopus plugs" are a sure sign of low HOUSE POWER. It'd be so easy for them to improve their home with full HOUSEPOWER. All they'd have to do is call their electrical con tractor or electric company for a "HOUSEPOWER Rating." If the rating indicates that addi tional wiring is needed, the electrical contractor can do the job quickly, neatly, economi cally. And full HOUSEPOWER will increase the value of their home. CONTEST RULES WHO MAY ENTER: Any user of olec- j tricity in his place of residence in the j continental U.S. or Hawaii except em ployees (and their immediate families) of Electric Power Companies/ Electric 1 Leagues and Associations/ their Adver- ^ tising and Contest Agencies. CLOSING DATE: Contest closes April 30/ 1958. Entries postmarked after April 30/ 1958 or received after May 5/ 1958 are not eligible. HOW TO ENTER: Read carefully "Winning Facts About HOUSEPOV/ER." Then complete official entry blank. Fill in your name and address twice. Be sure to check answers to ail questions. Mai* entry blank to HOUSEPOWER, P. O. Box 2070/ Grand Central Sta tion/ New York 17/ N. Y. Multiple entries will be accepted/ pro vided an Officloi Entry Blank is used each time. Entry blanks may be ob tained from local Electric Power Com pany. JUDGING: Judging will be done by the Contest Managsment Division of Richard Manville Research Inc.—an In dependent contest organization. Judg ing will be based on the degree of aptness, originality, and sincerity of the caption you submit. ANNOUNCEMENT OF WINNERS: Win ners will be notified by mail approxi mately 8 weeks from closing date of contest. Only one prize per household. Winners' list may be obtained by en closing a toH-addrostod, 6 cent stamp ed envelope with your ontry. Contest is subject to federal, state, and local regulations. All entries become the property of Edison Electric Insti tute. Judges' decisions are final. Du plicate prizes will be awarded in case of ties. Each contestant consents and agrees that neither the sponsors of this con test, nor the Contest Management Di vision of Richard Manville Research Inc. nor any of their respective em ployees, will incur any legal liability for any negligence, error, oet, or fail ure to act In the sponsoring or con ducting of this contest or the handling, or judging, of any contestant's entry; however, all due caution will be exer cised to prevent the occurrence of assy such error*. Additional Entry Blanks Available at Your Electrical Dealer or Nearest CP&L Office (CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY) SEND IN YOUR CAPTION FOR THIS CARTOON IN COUPON BELOW To show you how easy it is, here are some sample cap tions: “/ told you to get the wiring checked, Mr. Fix-it.** “How can I get a midnight snack with low HOUSE POWER?" "We might as well have a real octopus in heretm See how simple it is! Just write your caption in the coupon below and mail it in today! i NM OFFICIAL KNTRY BLANK Mail to: IIOUSEPOW'BR. P O. Box 2070, Grand Central Station, New York 17, fi t Print year HOVSM’OWER cartoon caption bora (It wortla or low) Name f print), A Odra CHy_ JSOM. Juu Name of your tjactnc utility co. PIvmc chuck jrour • Rawer* about your home's wiring ayatam in the bosoa your foao or circuit breaker box). NUMBER OK PUSES: 4 or fearer □ M D • or an SERVICE ENTRANCE SIZE la: SO amp. O Mawp-O Ana of my koine *■ r—" below, (leek l «aO tO mini Name (print). Andrew City. fT~T Name of your electr*. utility co.