The Zebulon Record POTTER PATTER By Eloise Potter Several weeks ago a visitor came to our bird feeding station whom we could not identify. Af ter looking at all the bird pictures in our books, we still could not give even a family name. Unable to endure the suspense any long er, I telephoned Gladys Baker. She identified the stranger as a tufted titmouse before I half finished my description. The conversation soon left tit mice and turned to books about birds. Miss Baker not only gave me some helpful advice but also generously offered to let me bor row some of her books to see if I wanted to purchase my own copies. Among them were Birds of the South by Charlotte Hilton Green, Wonders of the Bird World by Helen G. Cruickshank, and a field guide to birds by Allen D. Cru ickshank. The Cruichshanks, a husband and wife team of writers and pho tographers, were among the celeb rities Miss Baker met at the Au dubon Nature Camp in Maine last summer. Last week end Gladys attended the Carolina Bird Club meeting in Henderson, and as winner of their scholarship she participated in the program. Upon returning she telephoned me to give an enthusiastic report of the fine people who make up the CBC membership and of the interesting projects (including field trips) planned for the year ahead. J. M. Chevrolet Co. I CHEVROLET—OLDSMOBILE Wrecker Service- Phone AN 9-9132 Engine and Body Work to Any Car One aim of the CBC is to interest young people in appreciating, en joying and protecting wildlife. It is not enough for North Carolina wildlife to be defended by a hard core of professional conservation ists, nature writers and photogra phers, amateur bird watchers, and nature-wise sportsmen. The state needs thousands of plain citizens who understand the importance of protecting animals in danger of extinction, maintaining habitats, observing game laws, and prevent ing wanton slaughter of birds that fight insect and rodent pests. No wonder Gladys Baker felt at home among the CBCers! For years she has been teaching and preaching their message in the classroom and throughout her community. In my opinion, the CBC could not have picked a better recipient for its scholarship. Where nature study is concerned, Miss Baker radiates enthusiasm. A friend of mine once said, “I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have introduce my child to God’s beautiful world than Gladys Baker.” Thanks to a sassy little tufted titmouse, I know that gracious compliment is well deserved. CLOTHES ALTERED for the entire family Ladies' and Men's clothes taken up, or let out. Also pants draped, pockets, zippers. All work guaranteed. Mrs. Ollie Hinton 116 Gannon Ave., Telephone AN 9-9239 At Home in Zebulon Hocutt Outstanding Campbell Student Mack Hocutt has been named one of the five outstanding stu dents in the senior class at Campbell College. Despite his handicap of be ing blind, Hocutt ranks as one of the top students scholasti cally at the college. He is also very active in extra curricular activities. Upon his completion of Camp bell, he will enroll in Westmin ster College, Westminster, N. J., where he will seek a degree in piano, organ and choral work. Hocutt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Hocutt of Zeb ulon. Brother of Matron Receives Promotion The brother of one of the town’s prominent matrons has received an important promotion with one of the nation’s largest firms. Robert V. Davis, about 63, has been appointed assistant vice pres ident with general supervision of benefits, insurance and other em ployee activities of the Atlanta di vision of Southern Bell-Tele graph and Telephone Co. This ap pointment goes into effect May 1. Davis is the brother of Mrs. A. S. Hinton, who resides on East Horton Street. He is married to an Atlanta native and is the father of two daughters. VALUABLE FARM AT AUCTION SATURDAY, MARCH 29 12:00 Noon At Town Office, Wendell, N. C. 40 2-3 Acres-15 Cleared 3.31 ACRES TOBACCO DWELLING HOUSE: 5-ACRE FISH POND-STOCKED 3.1 ACRES CORN PACK HOUSE: STABLE One Mile West of Wendell, N. C. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION MAY BE SEEN BEFORE SALE Contact A. R. Nowell or W. R. Nowell, Jr., Executors, W. R. Nowell Estate. WENDELL, N. C. TERMS: CASH Honored at Surprise Birthday Celebration On March 9, Mrs. Will Upchurch, Jr. was given a surprise birthday dinner party. The hosts were Mr. and Mrs. Edison Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Duke. The scene of the festivities was the cabin at Duke’s lake. The interior of the cabin was decorated with beautiful floral arrangements and on one of the walls was a huge streamer screaming “Happy Birthday, Mozelle.” Refreshments were barbecued chicken, slaw, potato salad, pickles, peaches topped with gla cier-like mounds of whipped cream, and coffee. Mrs. Upchurch was also pre sented a miniature pink and white iced birthday cake. Twenty-five guests attended the occasion honoring the manager of the local Pope Store. / ARTHRITIC PAIN ATTACKS? Feel Better Fast! Take PRUVO, the faster-acting anal gesic that goes to work in just minutes! Gives you relief of cursory, nagging, minor pains that often spoil your work ing, relaxing or sleeping hours. PRUVO contains two special ingredients—Sal icy lamide, considered to be more effective and faster-acting than aspirin—plus im portant, bone-benefiting Vitamin "C’\ Acts fast because it dissolves instantly. No waiting for heavy outer coatings to dissolve or possibility of passing from system prematurely. Won’t upset stom ach. No habit forming drugs or sodium. Safe even for those with heart condition or high blood pressure. Only $1.50 for 75 tablets, or save more on economy size bottles. Your druggist can tell you there is no non-prescription pain reliever, even at twice the cost, that contains such nec essary ingredients or has as much po tency per tablet as is found in PRUVO. You must be satisfied with trial size or your money back! Ask your druggist for PRUVO today and feel the difference! ZEBULON DRUG CO. C. L. Richardson Insurance Agency SEE US FOR INSURANCE Phone AN 9-3651 Zebulon Lubricate AH Three with One Grease • Saves Work I •Saves Trouble! Here’s another Sinclair quality product designed to make your farm work easier ...yet keep your farm equipment in top running condition. With one multi-purpose grease, Sinclair litholine, you can efficiently lubricate chassis, wheel bearings, water pump, universal joints of your tractor, truck and car. WE DELIVER to your farm... Call or Write today! SINCLAIR liTHOLINe multi-purpose k. GREASE M Little River Ice & Coal Company Horace Smith, Mgr. AN 9-3081 Zebulon, N. C