Zebulon Masonic Lodge Installs W. M. Sutton as Master Welborne Morris Sutton was in stalled Master of Zebulon Masonic Lodge No. 609 on Tuesday, Janu ary 10. Sutton follows Ruric Gill, Jr., in the highest local Masonic post. Sutton, who will be 48-years-old January 26, is the son of Mrs. Crama Sutton of Rocky Mount and the late J. W. Sutton. He is one of five children of the couple. He has three brothers and one sister. The new Masonic head was born in Atlanta, Ga. His father at that time was associated with a railroad firm there. When he was still eating Pablum his parents moved back to Rocky Mount, where his father was yard master with the Atlantic Coast Line Railrod. After graduating from Rocky Mount High School, where, he jestingly said, he was one of the school’s best “D” students, he en rolled in the city’s business school and completed a commercial course. Sutton worked with the A&P chain firm 11 years, beginning when he was just a yodng lad. He later branched out and owned a store of his own. He sold his business when he was called to Army service. He was with the 81st Infantry, “Wildcat Division,” during his Army career. His entire military service was spent in the Pacific theater. He was honorably dis charged in February, 1946, with the rating of staff sergeant. He received only a slight wound during the conflict. A piece of shrapnel lodged in his leg, but he simply reached down and pulled Realty Office Is Opened in Zebukm M. L. Hagwood opened a real ty company in Zebulon January 9. It is located1 in Hales Farm Supply Company furniture-appli ance store. Hagwood, 45-year-old resident of Zebulon, Route 2, is Zebulon’s first broker in real estate. He will be available tor consultation, sales and rental property. Hagwood says there is nothing too small or nothing too large for him to talk over with a client. He says he is here to serve the com munity. He says the major project at present of his realty company is developing Wakelon Heights, a new sub-division of the town. This is being done in conjunction with Victor Bell of Raleigh. Hagwood invites his friends and other interested persons in to talk with him if they have farm, busi ness or home property to be rented or sold. There is no charge for consultation. Mrs. Hagwood, the former Sal lie Fowler, is her husband’s sec retary. Hagwood is active in civic and community affairs. He is past president of the local Lions Club, a Mason, Shriner and teacher of the adult Sunday School class of Pilot Baptist Church, of which he is a member. He is the father of two chil dren, Phyllis, 13, and Martin, Jr., 10. W. M. Sutton it out, and he required no hos pitalization. After his discharge he became associated with Colonial Frozen Foods in Fayetteville. In 1950 Co lonial Frozen Foods opened a plant in Zebulon. Sutton is one of the co-owners and manager of the local meat processing plant. He is vice president of the corpora tion. He is married to the former Elizabeth Lowe, a Vonore, Tenn., native. She is a registered nurse, having graduated from Garfield Hospital in Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Sutton met in Rocky Mount when she stopped in that city to visit her sister, Mrs. C. M. Foushee. Mrs. Foushee did her grocery shopping in Sutton’s store, and her sister came along on the shopping expedition> It was here that^ she met her hus band. Mrs. Sutton said she was on her way to New York for a vacation. But she never got to New York, and she hasn’t been to the world’s largest city yet. She is going though. Sutton has promised to soon one day take his family on. a New York excursion. They were married July 25, 1942, in Ozark, Alabama. They are the parents of one child, a daughter, Jean, 13-years old. The family are members of the Zebulon Methodist Church where they are active. Sutton belongs to the Methodist Men’s organiza tion and is superintendent of the Methodist Church School. He has also belonged to the local Lions Club, Civitans and Ex change Club. He is past Worthy (Continued on Page 2) Fourteen Receive Postmaster Exam Fourteen persons took the ex amination for the position of post master of the Zebulon Post Office. The examination was given in Ra leigh. Taking the test were Mrs. Ferd Davis, Willie Bullock, Randolph Hendricks, Proctor Scarboro, Fred Corbett, Hal Perry, James Wall, Johnsey Arnold, Bobby Ray Lee, Condon Debnam, Claude Farring ton, Maurice Massey, John Ray, and Scotte Brown. NOMINATIONS INVITED Man, Woman of Year The Zebulon Record is again looking for the Man and Woman of the Year. Last year the votes cast by the public selected the Rev. William K. Quick, Methodist minister, as the Man of the Year, and Mrs. G. R. Massey, Sr., as the Woman of the Year. You will find below a blank on which to name your choice. Mail this blank with your choices of the Man and Woman to Mr. R. D. Massey, Chamber of Commerce, Zebulon, N. C. You may vote more than once, but each entry must be on an official Zebulon Record ballot. Man, Woman Year Ballot Man of the Year ... Woman of the Year "> ZEBULON RECORD VOLUME 35. NUMBER 51. ZEBULON. N. C.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 10. 1961 Dr. J. Lee Sedwitz, who this week accepted the position of chief surgeon of the Zebulon-Wendell Hospital, is "pictured with his wife and two children. Dr. Sedwitz is now Chief of Surgery at the Nav al Hospital in Yokosuka, Japan, the Navy’s largest overseas hospital. “We hope to be able to take an active part in the church and civic functions of the community,” Dr. Sedwitz has written. Ohio Native Accepts Position As Surgeon for Local Hospital Dr. J. Lee Sedwitz has notified Wendell-Zebulon Hospital officials of his acceptance as chief surgeon of the local hospital. The notifi cation of his acceptance came the latter part of last week. Frank Ceruzzi, administrator of the local branch hospital units, said the communities of Wendell and Zebulon are very fortunate to secure such a fine young man with such high qualifications. Dr. Sedwitz was born November 15, 1923. He is the son of a gen eral surgeon who practiced in Ohio. After attending the Uni versity of Virginia from 1941 to 1943, he served in World War II. Released from active military duty, he returned to the University of Virginia and was graduated in 1951. His internship, fellowship in cancer surgery and research, and early surgical training were tak en at George Washington Univer sity Hospital, Washington, D. C. He finished his training at the U. S. Naval Hospital in San Diego, California, with additional train ing in thoracic surgical service. He has completed Parts I and II of the American Board of Surgery. His naval service took him to Japan where he was Chief of Sur gery at the U. S. Naval Hospital at Yokosuka. This is the Navy’s largest overseas hospital. Mrs. Sedwitz is the former Bar bara Britton of Charlottesville, Wallace Baker Ordained To Ministry Last Sunday The Rev. Wallace Baker, a Hopkins Chapel community na tive, was ordained to the Chris tian ministry Sunday afternoon, January 8, in his home church, Hopkins Chapel Baptist Church. For the past several months the Rev. Mr. Baker has been serv ing as pastor of the Staley Bap tist Church, Staley. The Staley Baptist Church requested that Hopkins Chapel Church confer ordination on the Rev. Mr. Baker shortly after he assumed his pas toral duties there. During the past two years he has been attending Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest. He will complete his work there this spring. Just prior to the ordination service, he was examined by a council composed of ordained min isters and deacons from Hopkins and Baptist churches in the Zebu (Continued on Page 2) The Rev. Baker Va. She attended Cornell Univer sity and received a Master’s de gree from Vassar College. Her father, Dr. Sydney Britton, was professor of physiology at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and now resides with Mrs. Britton at “Duck Woods” at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Mrs. Sedwitz’ sister is married to the Rev. Huntington Williams of Winston-Salem. In a letter to Dr. D. B. Thomas, Zebulon physician who was in strumental in securing the young surgeon, Dr. Sedwitz wrote: “Barbara and I are interested in settling in North Carolina as we feel that its present and future are promising. We hope to be able to take an active part in the church and civic functions of the community.” The rest of the Sedwitz family includes two youngsters, a son and a daughter. The doctor held a lieutenant commander’s rating in the Navy. Dr. Sedwitz and his family are expected to arrive here sometime next month or early in April. Ceruzzi said that he will move to Zebulon February 1 and start activating the hospital. He said he will work on various depart ments of the unit, start employing key personnel, get equipment set (Continued on Page 4) Resigns Proctor Scar boro revealed this week that he has submit ted his resignation to postal authorities. His resignation becomes effective February 4. He has been acting postmas ter of the Zebulon post office since September 1, succeeding M. J. Sexton, who retired. Scarboro did not give any reason for his resignation. He said he plans to sell fertilizer.