"»ZEBULON RECORD VOLUME 36. NUMBER 3. ZEBULON. N. C., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 16. 1961 Ruritans Make Plans To Landscape Hospital Beginning its second year as a - civic organization in Zebulon, the Wakelon Ruritan Club decided Friday night at its February meet ing to initiate a program that will lead to the landscaping of the Wendell-Zebuldn unit of the Wake Memorial Hospital. The local branch is scheduled to open on March 26. Decision centered on the group gaining permission of the Hospital Authority to set out shade trees on the property and grounds of the hospital and contacting the garden clubs of the two towns to discuss possible landscaping. President C. V. Tart appointed a three-member committee of J. Rodney McNabb, T. E. Hales and Bill Quick to work with him in setting up a meeting with the gar den clubs. The Club also launched a mem bership drive with the goal of in creasing substantially in the near future the present membership of twenty. Also agreed on during the meet was the ordering of two Ruritan road-side signs to put at highway entrances into the town of Zebu Ion. Among various activities of the club, major attention was focussed during the first year on sponsoring Cub Pacl^ 525 in Zebulon and the supporting of a Little League team in the 1960 summer recreation program. Ronnie Clark Goes Over 200 Mark By Bill Quick Ronnie Clark, senior stalwart for the Wakelon Bulldogs, is the first Zebulon ace to go over the 200-point mark this season. Clark hit his 200th point against Knight dale last week as he emerged high scorer for the Bulldogs and the game’s individual leader with 22 points. He has scored 209 points through February 13. His average was totaling 16.0 after the Epsom game, Clark’s low est point total for the season. In the Epsom contest he connected for only 8 points. Prior to the Epsom game, he was leading at* a 16.7 points per contest. Ken Wilson is Runner-up to Clark Second high-man for the locals is Ken Wilson. Wilson hit his high mark of the season against Wakelon PTA To Hear Explanation Of "B" Budget An explanation of the proposed “B” budget for public schools will be given at the Wakelon PTA meeting Monday night by Mrs. Ruth Chamblee, a member of the PTA Legislative Committee. This budget is supported by the North Carolina Education Association as necessary for school progress. Mrs. Eldred Rountree will lead an observance of Founders’ Day, and will recognize some local citi zens who have been leaders in he State PTA organization. The devotional will be conduct ed by FFA students, who are ob serving National FFA Week be ginning February 19. Miss Lou ellen Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Jones, will give wo piano selections prior o the program. Beta Club Offering Baby Sitting Services; Fee Small Do you parents yearn to get away from all that commotion that occurs in your home continuously and still attend one of the most important functions of the school? Then do so! Bring your small fry with you to the Wakelon P.T.A. meetings. Your child will have ex pert care for the entirety of the meeting for only 25<h Wakelon Beta Club members will be the baby sitters. The first P.T.A. Baby Sitting Club will go into effort Monday night, Febru ary 20, and ./ill continue the rest of the school year Parents, don’t fail to use this marvelous offer of the Beta Club. Graduates Tommy Temple Tommy Hoyle Temple, 27, was graduated with a B. S. degree from Atlantic Christian College Janu ary 18. He will be awarded his diploma' at the June graduation exercises. He was a member of Kappa Psi, Alpha Phi Omega, Al pha Beta Gamma, N. C. Colle giate Academy of Science, Student Government, choir and cheerlead er. At present he has accepted no. position. Knightdale as he emerged the game’s top scorer at 26 points. Ken has connected for 179 points and a 13.8 point average. A two-man race has developed for third place with John Smith currently in third position with 124 points and a 9.6 average, fommy Wood, a “comer” and most promis ing sophomore, has hit for 113 points and a 9.0 average. The fifth man in team scoring is Waddell Gay with 37 points in 13 games for a 2.9 average. NEWS BRIEFS Director On NCHCA Mrs. Nelle Kemp, owner of Elite Beauty Salon, was named to the N. C. Hairdressers and Cosmetolo gist Association Board of Directors at the convention held in Winston Salem last Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Kemp’s tenure of office is one year. She was the featured soloist at the convention. • Collection Mrs. Ben Thomas, Mothers’ Po lio March chairman here, report ed $507.00 was collected during the drive. This is approximately $100 .more than was collected in last year’s Mothers’ March. • Boy Scouts Herb Mantych and Frank Kannon ushered at St. Eu gene’s Catholic Church last Sun day in honor of Boy Scouting Jubi lee. Methodist Luncheon The W. S. C. S. of Zebulon Meth odist Church will sponsor a lunch eon in the recreation room of the church Monday, February 20. The meal will be served between the hours of 11:30 ajn. and 1:30 p.m. Tickets will be $1.00 per plate. Tickets may be purchased at Jean’s, Martha’s Doll House or Piggly Wiggly. The menu will be barbecue chicken, cole slaw, can died yams, • collards, cornbread, coffee and dessert. Fashion Show Is Scheduled For Friday Night At Lions Club 1 Zebulon’s most complete and first professional fashion and style show will be held Friday night, February 17, at the Lions Club. Mrs. Frank Kemp, director and planner of the event, says every effort is being made to make it one of the finest and most com plete shows anywhere, compara ble to those held in larger cities. St. Eugene's Begin Lenten Devotions Ash Wednesday Special Lenten services at St. Eugene’s Catholic Church began with distribution of blessed ashes before Ash Wednesday Mass at 7:30, February 15. According to last Sunday’s announcements by Pastor Robert L. Wilken, the sol emn marking with ashes on Ash Wednesday is meant to remind Christians that all men must die. “Easter,” he said, “stands as a yearly reminder of man’s final ris ing to eternal union with Christ. Lent signifies man’s trek through life to eternal life in heaven.” According to the Catholic rites of Ash Wednesday, the priest traces a cross on the forehead of adults and children, saying the words: “Remember, man, thou art dust; and unto dust thou shalt return.” Ashes are made from the palms given out on Palm Sun day last year. Throughout Lent the main theme is penance for sin. St. Eu gene’s parishioners meditate each Friday night during the evening service on the Passion and Death of Christ. This devotion is called the “Way of the Cross.” Every Christian, according to Catholic teaching, must renew and relive the sufferings of Christ in some small way in themselves. Tha{ is why all adult Catholics are expected to fast and to give up ‘extras’ such as sweets, smoking, drinking, and other pleasures dur ing the forty days of Lent. Lenten devotions at St. Eu gene’s in Wendell include Wednes day evening Mass at 7:30, follow- i ed by an hour’s discussion in the! rectory on basic doctrines of the Christian Faith. Way of the Cross devotions are held Fridays at 7:30 p.m. Morning Mass is at 7:00. Everyone is welcome. 13 More Memberships Are Added To Pool Association Thirteen more memberships j have been sold in the Zebulon \ Swimming Pool Association, Inc. I This brings the total membership! in the Association to approxi mately 152. The additional members are Bil ly Green, W. W. Griswold, Sidney Eddins, E. H. Mangum, Harold Bunn, Charles iF. Corbett, Coy Pate, J. D. Tippett, J. W. Perry, Jr., Raymond L. Averette, Dabney Gill, Sam Davis and Billy Weath ers. Vice President Tom Monk urges interested persons to buy a mem bership before March 1 because after then the price of member ships will be increased. The pres ent membership fee is $150. Thd pool will definitely be com pleted by March 1, Monk said'. Col. Gorden Hammond, pool contractor, has reported that progress is well ahead of schedule and the con struction may be completed be fore March lr The pool being constructed here is one of the finest and most mod MYF To Sponsor Pizza Supper Sunday; The Senior MYF of the Zebu- j Ion Methodist Church will have [ a Pizza supper in the fellowship hall on Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m. For those young people who do not eat pizza, sandwiches_ will be served. All Senior High mem bers of the group are reminded to bring their pizza mix at the morn ing session this Sunday, February 19. The Junior High group enjoyed a Pizza supper last Sunday eve ning at the church. Miss Jean Sut ton was chief chef for the group of 13. ern in North Carolina. It is being used as a model and cities and towns in the state are sending rep resentatives to observe its con struction and lay-out, Monk said. The “kiddie pool” is presently being completed. It will have all facilities foT the tiny folk and every facility is being used for their protection. Memberships have been pur chased for Zebulon Baptist and Methodist churches. This means that the pastors and their families of the churches are entitled to use of the pool, and not the entire con gregation as many people think and have called the Association president and vice president about. Association leaders invite the public to visit the pool which is located on North Street, behind the community park. Druggist George Morgan Heads Heart Fund Drive In Zebulon Governor Terry Sanford has des ignated February “Heart Fund Month in North Carolina,” accord ing to George Morgan, Heart Fund chairman for Zebulon. In a statement issued from the ! Governor’s office, Gov.' Sanford referred to the fact that heart di- j sease annually causes more than; half of all deaths in the state, and | that “the cost in suffering to fam- 1 ilies and economic loss to the state is incalculable.” Because the American and North Carolina Heart Associations sup port heart research, including projects at North Carolina medical institutions; professional and pub lic education; and community service programs “which have \ The show is being held in con nection with National Beauty Sa lon Week. All models will have hair styles and make-up created especially for them by Mrs. Kemp and her staff, Mrs. James Debnam and Mrs. Ma rie Boykin. Mre. Kemp said there will be three main ideas: hair styling, hair coloring and make-up. The slogan is “Blossom out with a New Hair Do for Spring.’’ Mrs. Kemp said all hair color ing products used on the models h^ve been formulated to preserve the texture of the hair by adding protein-building blocks. “To make hair coloring safe, sure and perfect, even after the first application,” Mrs. Kemp said, one can actually see and feel the lovely, lively difference. That is why some of the most attractive women in the world use color on their hair.” Intelligent and progressive make-up tips for teenagers will be given at the show. “The beautifully made up face,” Mrs. Kemp continued, “is never cheap looking or over painted. Only amateur smearing creates that effect. Creating the illusion of beauty and glamour is the main purpose. It is our desire that from this fashion show those of you who attend will capture the art of make-up. Beauty not seen is beau ty lost. It is our desire, too, to keep women lovely in new and wondrous ways through the mod ern sorcery of our beauty dis coveries.” Hair styles some of the models will be wearing will be Little Girl Look, Honey Hug, Small Head Look, Chiffon Bang, Intrigue, Tango and Falcon. Tiny tots modeling will be Elisa Lowery, Norma Helen Screws, Michele Thomas, Sherrie Davis, Linda Gay and Clara Gay. They will model sports clothes and dressy outfits. Next will be the older child. These models will be Sherry Bowling, Phyllis Sherron, Cheryl Gay, Debbie Massey and Jean Sutton. Modeling play clothes and eve ning dresses will be Martha Wat kins, Harriet Page, Joan Allen, Alice Bissette, Gwen Edwards, Martha Jane Driver and Pat Mur ray Jenkins. Spring and summer cottons, cocktail and dressy garments will be modeled by Sarah Maynard, Jeannette Hopkins, Ann Jones, Marie Webb, Dot Stallings, Mar (Continued on Page .4) contributed significantly to the ac celerated progress of the fight against heart disease,” the Gover nor urged that “all our citizens give this campaign their enthusi astic support and cooperation.” The Heart Fund drive takes place throughout February, Mor gan pointed out, and culminates in a door-to-door solicitation on Heart Sunday, February 26, during the hours of 12 to 4 o’clock. All businesses will be solicited Mon day and Tuesday of next week. Morgan named some of his solic itors. They are Joe Vinson, Bill Bowling, H. V. Andrews, Amos Estes, George Massey, Jr., and C. V. Tart.

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