"» ZEBULON RECORD VOLUME 36. NUMBER lO. ZEBULON. N. C.. THURSDAY. APRIL 13. 1961 COMMUNITY DOCTORS. Left to right, Dr. George Tucker, Dr. Ben Thomas, Dr. Charles Flowers, Dr. Zyba Massey, Dr. J. M. Hester, Dr. Hewlette Connell, and Dr. L. M. Massey. All are Zebulon phy sicians except Drs. Connell and Hester. Picture was made at Wen dell-Zebulon Hospital dedication-opening. Legion Post Has Exceeded Membership Goal for 1961 Zebulon Post 33 of the American I Legion has exceeded its member ship Incentive Goal for 1961, ac cording to information received here from State Headquarters of the American Legion in Raleigh. Charles W. Pace, Commander of the Post, has received a letter from the Legion State Adjutant, Nash McKee, expressing congratulations and thanks to the membership chairman, all Post Officers, and membership workers for their ef fort. S. Marvin Burton of Charlotte, Department Commander of the American Legion, issued a state ment of high praise for the local Post. Commander Burton said, “I am proud to congratulate the officers and members of Post 33 upon this notable achievement. All of the programs and services of the Le gion are made possible through dues paid for membership and we appreciate the great part played Glib Luncheon Set for Monday The final luncheon of the year sponsored by the Senior Woman’s Club will be held Monday, April 17. It will be held at the club house from the .hours of 11:30 to 1:30. The menu will consist of baked ham, string beans, potato salad, harvard beats, homemade cake and coffee. Tickets may be secured from Mrs. A. S. Hinton or Mrs. Wallace Temple. A few tickets will be available at the door during the day of the luncheon. by Post 33 of Zebulon. Sincere thanks to every member of the Post who had a part in the mem bership work.” The Incentive Goal of Post 33 is 65 and the membership for 1961 to date is 65. Incentive Goals are assigned each American Legion Post by the State Headquarters and are based on last year’s mem bership of the Post plus 2 per cent. “We do not intend to stop our membership drive now that we have reached our Incentive Goal,” Post Commander Pace said. “There are many more eligible veterans who have not, yet joined our Post and we invite them all to become members.” Principals Rehired Wakelon and Shepard school principals were reelected by local school committees and approved by the Wake Board of Education Monday. Principals are elected by local committees, subject to the Board’s approval. John J. Hicks is principal of Wakelon and Garland L. Crews is principal of Shepard. Candidates File Ed Hales, who is serving his first term as mayor of Zebulon, filed for re-election subject to the May 2 election. Raleigh Alford filed for re-elec tion for the Town Board of Com missioners. Both candidates filed Tuesday. Deadline for filing is April 18. Former Pastor To Conduct Revival At Hopkins Church A former pastor of Hopkins Chapel Baptist Church is returning Johnnie Caldwell to conduct a series of revival serv ices which begin April 17 and con tinue through April 21. The Rev. Johnnie Caldwell, the visiting minister, is now pastor of the First Baptist Church of Coco Bpach, Florida. This church has doubled its membership since the Rev. Mr. Caldwell’s ministry there. When he was pastor of Hop kins Church he led in the construc tion of the present building. The music for the services will be under the direction of Kenneth Hopkins, choir director. The nursery will be open for the convenience of parents with small children. During his stay here, the Rev. Mr. Caldwell and Mrs. Caldwell and daughter will reside at the home of E. C. Stallings of Hopkins Chapel community. The Rev. Edward C. Lehman, Jr., pastor of Hopkins Church, cor dially extends an invitation to the public to attend these revival serv ices. Cancer Crusade Head Names Solicitors; Canvass April 16-22 Aaron Lowery, who is directing the 1961 Cancer Crusade in Zebu Ion, releases his list of solicitors for the crusade. “I am very pleased with the re sponse,” Lowery said. “It looks as if we will be very successful with the campaign.” The list includes: Avon Privette, Jr., Herbert Winstead, Mrs. Ruth Page, Mrs. Paul Brantley, Willie Bullock, Mrs. Lorenzo Temple, Cameron Stallings Missing Man Home Cameron Stallings, object of a week-long search last week, is now at home. He arrived Sunday from Oklahoma City accompanied by his sister and a Franklin Coun ty deputy. Stallings telephoned his sister from Oklahoma City Friday, say ing he had been kidnapped. The call was made about 8:45 p.m. A widespread search for the 36-year-old grain mill operator of Pilot community began weekend before last. He was last seen in Cameron Village by an acquaint ance, W. A. Allman of Zebulon, around 4:45 p.m. Stallings had made a hurried trip to Raleigh to see about pur chasing' a seed-treating machine for his grain mill. His abandoned automobile was found on South Person Street in Raleigh and his empty pocketbook was discovered in a car lot near by. Searching parties covered many areas around Raleigh during the week on the theory that Stallings might have been slain. Many of his neighbors from the Pilot community, located just over the Franklin County line, joined in the search. Stallings was reported under a doctor’s care this week and unable to offer coherent explanation for his disappearance and journey. Annual NFA Members Are To Meet At Shepard School Over 150 students of vocational agriculture and members of the New Farmers of America from 12 schools in Harnett, Johnston, Wayne, and Wake Counties will hold their Annual Federation Meeting and contest at the Shep ard School on April 10, at 10:00 a.m. The meeting will be called to order by officers of the Federation with the official opening ceremony. Greetings and special remarks will be given by Mr. Fred Smith, Superintendent of Wake County Schools. The meetings is under general supervision of W. T. Johnson, Executive Secretary. After rules and instructions have been given by Mr. Johnson, the Contest will proceed in public speaking, quar tet singing, instrumental and vo cal talent, parliamentary usage and organizational history. One boy from each school will deliver an essay he has written on some agricultural subject. Two numbers—one spiritual and one non-spiritual will be sung by the quartet from each school. Chapters receive points for par ticipating. A Federation Banner is Rotary Names 1961 Officers, Attend Meet Zebulon Rotary Club officers to serve for the coming year have been elected. Named president was Pat Farm er; Dr. L. M. Massey, vice presi dent; and Scotte Brown as sec retary. Retiring president is Billy K. Hopkins. Farmer, Brown and Ferd Davis attended a Rotary institute in Tar boro last Thursday for incoming presidents and secretaries. Davis, past district governor, was a featured speaker. given to the Chapter having the largest number of earned points from the different contests. Fed eration winners will compete for honors on June 5-8 at the State Association Convention. Conven tion winners will be in competition with other state winners in Octo ber at the National Convention, Atlanta, Georgia. Members of the Shepard High School Chapter invite parents and friends to attend and enjoy these live contests. Mrs. M. J. Sexton, Mrs. M. T. Deb nam, Mrs. Vance Brown, Dr. J. F. Coltrane, Frank Kannon, Mrs. John Kemp, Mrs. Mary Horton, Mrs. Rachel Privette, Bobby Perry, Garland Richardson, Billy Hopkins, Mrs. Bill Bowling, Mrs. Russell Brant ley, Mrs. Kermit Corbett, Mrs. John Hicks, M. G. Crowder, Mrs. Sidney Eddins, Mrs. El bert Pearce, Mrs. Fred Beck, Roy Beck, Tom Scarboro, Mrs. Earnes tine Marshall, Mrs. Woodrow Pip pin, Mrs. Roy Beck, Mrs. Howard Beck, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Allman, Mrs. George R. Massey, Jr., Sprite Barbee, Mrs. Johnny Horton, Jim my Medlin, Miss Mary Vic Brough ton, Mrs. James Alford, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bunn, Mrs. Mark Wall, Frank Kemp, Mrs. Ben Thomas, B. A. Antone, Ralph Bunn, A. H. Smith, Norman Screws, Mrs. Luke Kitahata, Mrs. Wilson Braswell, Mrs. Bernice Bunn, Mrs. Wallace Chamblee, Mrs. Uriah Whitley, Mrs. Melvin Massey, Fred Corbett, Mrs. Tom Kimball, Mrs. C. E. Askew, Mrs. Jesse Vick and Mrs. Margaret Taylor. A kick-off meeting was held in the auditorium of Zebulon Mu nicipal Building Wednesday night. Lowery explained the cru sade to the workers, named the areas to be solicited, and passed out literature. Lowery said 11 persons from the Zebulon area died of cancer last year. He added that 172 persons in Wake County died last year of the dread disease. “We are undertaking this job to help save lives,” Lowery said. “That is our only reason for doing it. If Zebulon people realize it is not just another fund drive, but a real Crusade to get people to their doctors in time and to help finance the research that is saving people all around us, I believe we can do ourselves proud.” No figure could be obtained on the amount collected in last year’s drive. Wakefield Has Director For Music Revival Spring revival services will be held at Wakefield Baptist Church beginning April 24 through April 30. The Rev. Horace Hamm, pas tor, will bring the messages dur ing the week. Joseph O. Stroud Conducting the singing will be Joseph O. Stroud. He attended North Greenville Junior College, Furman University and Southwest ern Seminary. He served on the faculty of North Greenville Jun ior College for two years, was minister of music and education at San Soeice Church in Green ville, S. C., at Arlington Heights Church, Fort Worth, Texas, at South Fort Worth, Fort Worth, Texas, at Belmont, at College Avenue Church, Lenoir, at First Church, Statesville, and was music secretary of the N. C. Baptist State Convention for four years. Stroud has served in many church music workshops in many states of the South Baptist Con vention. He is the author of articles for South Baptist publications and is the author of a pamphlet “Music for Your Revival” which is used throughout the Southern Baptist Convention. Stroud is married to the former Rachel Garrett of Laurens, S. C., and they are the parents of two children, Joseph, Jr., and Claire Ina.