TEMPLE MARKET Specials Sold Only With Food Order Thurs.-Sat., May 4-6, 1961 SUNNY TENNESSEE Strawberries 3 One Lb. Pkgs. $1 REGULAR 15* DEODORANT Zest Soap 2 Bars 19* DUNCAN HINES Cake Mix White, Yellow, Devil Food 29< Pkg. CUT RITE Wax Paper 125 Ft. Roll 25* REGULAR 15* NEW SCOTT Family Napkins 2 Pkgs. 19* FROZEN SNOW-KIST Orange Juke 2 Cans 39£ PERRY’S WATER GROUND Com Meal 5 Lb. Bag 29< Vanilla Wafers VA Lb. Bag 25* MILTONS FRESH CUT String Beans 2 Large Cans 19< DROMEDARY Pitted Dates 23* Pkg. ENOUGH FOR 3 MEALS Metrecal 690 Can Fresh Ground Lb. Hamburger 33c Home Made Lb. Sausage 43c Western Lb. Round Steak 59c Bordens 3 Cans 25c Western Lb. Chuck Roast 53c Sun-Glo 2 Pounds OLEO 33c All Meat Lb. Stew Beef 59c Fresh Dressed Lb. FRYERS 23c Johnson Wins In Municipal Ira H. Johnson, prominent Wen dell citizen, was elected mayor Tuesday with an overwhelming vote of confidence. He defeated Dr. J. R. Hester by a vote of 300 to 180. This is Johnson’s first success ful attempt for the town’s highest office. He ran once before and was defeated by W. A. White by one vote. Three incumbent members of the town board were reelected for two more years and two other in cumbents were unseated. In the town board race, incum bent Leo T. Britt led the field ef 15 candidates with 322 votes. Oth er incumbents reelected were C. B. Dean with 307 votes and Wil lard E. Perry with 222. Newcomers elected to the town board were W. A. White, who Start Stopping QUICKER, SAFER at LOWER COST" XTRA-MILEAGE RETREADS ApplM to tovud lira bodiot or to your own tiro* WITH EXCLUSIVE GOODYEAR TREAD DESIGN $9.00 750x14 plus tax charge and your recappable tire. * New, improved compound quality * Same distinctive features as found in new tire tread designs * Applied by factory-approved methods We give Gold Bond Stamps. PHIL-ETT OIL CO. ZEBULON MOTOR COMPANY Dial AN 9-9172- -Zebukm Wendell Election Tuesday was placed third in the balloting with 238 votes and Dover Hinton, who polled 232. This is Hinton’s first political victory. Unseated board members were M. Curtis Todd, 204 votes, and Mossey E. Faison, 181. Wendell Mayor Joe Henderson didn’t seek reelection. Odell Doan was unopposed for town constable. Other candidates for a seat on the town board were> Benjamin Tongue, 143; Silas L. Todd, 141; Mrs. Annie L. Wilson Bilisoly, 98; John M. Radford, 64; E. O. An drews, 52; R. E. Barham, Jr., 46, and Oscar M. Chaplin, 37. " Hopkins Chapel Mrs. Iris Temple Among the sick are Lela Bunn and Mrs. Luther Ellington at Rex Hospital, Elura Mitchell at Wen dell-Zebulon Hospital. Mrs. Armstead Chalk of Roles ville visited Mrs. Mabel Perry Saturday. Vickie Sue Ray’s 3rd birthday and her sister, Shirley Ann’s 8th birthday were celebrated Sunday at their home. Several friends en joyed the party. The Bill Alfords of Rolesville visited the Woodrow Brannans Sunday night. The Douglas Parrishes visited the Cecil Hopkins Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Jones of Raleigh, Ruby Bailey of Wake For est, Mr. and Mrs. Bruna Watkins, Laford Perry of Bunn and John Perry of Rolesville visited the Wilmer Perrys Sunday. Arnold Davis, Hoyle Jinky and ! Doug Bunn of Durham were in the community Sunday. Hazel and Calvin Averette vis ited Estha Averette Sunday. Linda Farthera, Connie Perry and Jerry Mitchell spent last weekend at the C. B. M. Religious Retreat at Neuse, near Camp Du rant. Libby Cope modeled a dress she made on the Peggy Mann Show Wednesday, May 3. Carl Mitchell and Ruth of Bailey visited Mrs. Elura Mitchell at the Wendell-Zebulon Hospital Sunday. Theodore Mitchell of Bailey vis ited the Charles Mitchells Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cole of Raleigh visited the Mitchells also. The Eugene Finches of Charlotte and the Harold Finches of Knight dale visited the Graham Finches last weekend. PILOT NEWS Mrs. Bennie W. Lewis and son, Lynn, accompanied her brother, Maechel Batchelor, and her fa ther, Ervin Batchelor, to Rich mond, Va., for the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John McGeahay and Brenda McGeahay. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Warren Slate while there. House guest of Mrs. Rachel Brantley last week was Mrs. Wil lie Kay Brown of Pilot Mountain. Wednesday Mrs. Brantley went fishing. When she returned for lunch Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Pau line Richardson had a surprise birthday dinner for her. They had turkey with all the trimmings. It was Mrs. Brantley’s 71st birthday. Mrs. Floyd Lewis and Mrs. Jes sie Carlyle attended the funeral of Deve Pearce Sunday afternoon at Pearce Baptist Churchl. Mr. Pearce lived in Pilot for a good many years. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie B. Wil liams announce the birth of a son April 24 at Franklin Memorial Hospital in Louisburg. Mrs. Wil liams is the former Nell Stallings. Mr. and Mrs. David Tant an nounce the birth and death of an infant son, Ricky Tant, last week in Wendell-Zebulon Hospital. Mrs. Tant is the former Annie Bell Ray. Mrs. Lonnie Jones is home from the hospital. Sermon Topics At Pilot* Church for May The Rev. G. W. McDowell has announced his sermon topics for the month of May to be given at Pilot Baptist Church. May 7: Jesus Is Coming; Film: Gideon, The Liberator. May 14: Mothers of Men; The Ten Bridesmaids. May 21: The Problem of Sin; G. A. Coronation Recognition Service. May 28: Doing Right in the Sight of the Lord; The Rich Farmer. Seaman Beasley On A Destroyer Norman W. Beasley, seaman ap prentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Beasley of Route 1, Zebulon, is serving aboard the ra dar picket destroyer USS Souther land which departed her home port of San Diego, Calif., April 6, for a seven-month cruise with the Seventh Fleet in the Western Pacific. Operating as a part of Destroyer Division 51, the Southerland is scheduled to visit Hawaii, Guam, Japan, the Philippines and Hong Kong. The destroyer is also scheduled to participate in the anniversary Celebration of the Battle of the Coral Sea to be held in several Australian ports. EMIT NEWS By Janet Faucette Many people of this commu nity attended the Tommy and Buck Gospel Sing at Corinth Holders High School auditorium Saturday night. Antioch Fire De partment sponsored it in order to get a fire truck. Gary Barnes of Wilson is spend ing a few days with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Avon Creech, while his mother is in the hospital. Mrs. Percy Gay, Mrs. Therous Johnson, Mrs. Kenneth Hales, Mrs. Odell Creech, and Mrs. Worth Creech attended the W. M. U’s annual association at Sel ma Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Faucette and girls and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Perry and children called on Mr. Perry’s mother, Mrs. Dallie Per ry, of Bailey Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Waylon Hinton and Dale had as their Sunday visi tors the Milton Parrishes of Ra leigh, the R. A. Avery’s and Rus sell of Smithfield, the Billy Pow ells of Virginia, the Larry Prices and Darnell of Tabernacle, Mrs. Robert Price and Robert Price of Fort Jackson, S. C. The PTA had a picnic Monday night at the school building. Several people in this commu nity have set out tobacco in the last two weeks. ' Mr. and Mrs. Steve Creech of Raleigh visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Worth Creech, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hales of Raleigh spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rolan Hales, and Joy. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard West of Raleigh spent the weekend with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lewis, and Jerry. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Strickland and Judy visited Mr. and Mrs. Valton Wilson and family Sunday night. Mrs. Flonnie Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Taylor of Zebulon had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Valton Wilson and family. Mrs. Gwen Ludgate and boys of Raleigh, Norman Tickle of Bur lington and Miss Peggy Faucette of Hales Chapel called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Faucette and girls Sunday evening. PER CENT CURRENT DIVIDEND SAVE FOR THE FUTURE! Brighten your* future with insured savings in the Wendell Building and Loan, where your savings earn 4% dividends. This is the safe, sure way of providing for your children’s education and setting up an emergency fund for use when misfortune strikes. You’ll like the friendly, courteous people at Wendell Building and Loan—folks you’ve known and worked with for many, many years. We are interested in your welfare. Come in to see us often. -