THE ZEBULON RECORD VOLUME 36. NUMBER 35. ZEBULON. N. C.. OCTOBER 5. 1961 OPENS MONDAY Cancer Loan Closet The first loan closet system es tablished outside of Raleigh opens in Zebulon Monday, October 9, ac cording to Mrs. Aaron C. Lowery. Mrs. Lowery, who will manage the local loan closet system, said, the Loan closet will have available to cancer patients hospital beds, wheel chairs, bed pans, urinals and dressings. Mrs. Lowery said the local doc tors are working closely with her and will advise her of the patient’s financial status before loans of equipment are made. She said she is very proud of the progress made and feels very strongly about the new venture. She said the people must be edu cated to the fact that cancer is not necessary and that it can be cured if it is caught in time. She urges persons who suspect they have a cancer to contact the Wake County unit of the Cancer Society for x-rays. They can call TE4-1813. Mrs. Lowery has distributed leaflets and pamphlets in local business offices, doctors’ offices and at the Wendell-Zebulon Hospital. She said she has had response that they are being read, which makes her feel very proud that people are interested. Mrs. Lizzie F. Askew has con tacted Mrs. Lowery and asked to be made the chairman of the colorec cancer campaign drive this year Mrs. Lowery said. She congratu lated Mrs. Askew on her work with the drive last year. Approximately SI.000 was giver by the local populace in last year’s drive, headed by Mrs. Lowery’s husband. Mrs. Lowery was made a direc tor of the Wake County Cancer Society in September. She has been attending meetings and con claves and is one of the most active members of the Society. Her inter terest is unfailing. Persons who feel they need as sistance from the local loan closet are asked to contact Mrs. Lowery at her home. Hospital Notes The following were patients at Wendell-Zebulon Hospital Wednes day morning. White Lois Ward, Fred Hood. Dora Long, Beulah Whitley, Hazel Boy kin, Freddie Ellington, Herbert Winstead and C. M. Watson. Dr. L. M. Massey Named Chairman Of Meredith College Board of Trustees Dr. L. M. Massey, Zebulon den tist, was elected Tuesday, Sep tember 26, as chairman of the Meredith College Board of Trus tees for the coming year. His term of office begins Jan uary 1. Dr. Massey will succeed Mrs. William M. Watts of Ashe boro. Massey, a member of the present board, has served as chair man previously. Others elected were Dr. Eliz abeth James Dotterer of Sanford, vice chairman; and V. Howard Belcher of Raleigh, secretary treasurer. Dr. Massey has served 15 years on the Meredith Board of Trustees, four of these years as president and the remaining as chairman of the executive committee. During this time he has seen a science building constructed valued at $600,000 and a classroom building valued at $600,000. He has seen T. W. Brewer of Raleigh make a contribution of $50,000 for a home economics building, and he recently signed for the executive committee to be gin a 100-bed girls dormitory and infirmary, the two to cost $75,000. The affable 66-year-old dentist DR. L. M. MASSEY was born in Wakefield, the son of the late Daniel D. and Eldora Hood Massey. He attended Wake For est College and was awarded a D.D.S. degree from the University of Virginia Medical Oollege in 1918. After getting his dental degree Rotary Club Gives New Books To Zebulon Community Library One hundred fifty-seven dollars worth of new books have been added to Zebulon Community Li brary, according to Mrs. Melvin Lanier, librarian. The new books are a gift of Zebulon Rotary Club, the funds coming from a white elephant sale the club held last fall. Mrs. Lanier said the books have been catalogued and shelved. This brings the volumes in the library to around 2,000. Mrs. Lanier also added that these books are being used “very much, especially by high school students. Adults have also made use of the library a great deal.” The new books are: The Leather stocking Saga, The Dedicated, The Skin Diver, In the Hands of The Seneca, The Story of Dr. Dolittle, i The Wonderful Glass House, Ten Great Mysteries, Smoky The Cow j Horse, A Tale of Two Cities, Betsy’s Busy Summer, The World of Pooh, Cowboy Boots, The Black Stallion and Satan, Mystery of Singing Strings, The Caves, Mys tery of the Five Bright Keys, The Ghost of Fallonsbee’s Folly, The Snake That Went to School, Whis tle for the Train. ! Keepers of the Bell, Cathie Stu j art, The Young Mustanges, Har old’s Trip to the Sky, Noboby Lis tens to Andrew, The Day the Cow Sneezed, The Cunning Turtle, The Red Fairy Book, My Russian Jour ney, Racing Cars that Made His tory, Nautilus 90 North, Your Dating Days, Building a Successful Mar (Continued on Page 4) Town Limits Increased 5 Acres By Commissioners' Board Action Football Banquet Is Planned by Boosters Wakelon Boosters Club held its regularly scheduled meeting last Wednesday night, September 27. At this meeting several members were appointed to help keep the people behind the wires on each side of the football field. President Joe Vinson was in structed to appoint a committee to make preliminary plans for the football banquet. The tentative date set for this banquet is Novem ber 15. Some of the bills were disposed of and a unanimous decision was made for this club to underwrite the football games scheduled with Helena which is to be play at Wakelon October 27. The football game scheduled for October 20 with Wendell has been I he came back to his home town and set up practice, where he has been practicing since. He has been active in his church, the Baptist, the Farm Bureau or ganization and educational circles of his state. He has served on the County Board of Education, the local school board, and the State School Commission. In 1951 he was named the “Man of the Year” in the Farm Bureau for his distinguished service to that organization. He has also served as president of the Fourth District Dental Society and is now serving as president of the Wake County Dental Society. He is a member of Zebulon Rotary Club, a charter member of ! Zebulon Ruritan Club, is a 32nd degree Mason, and the American Legion. Dr. Massey married the former ! Vivian Dawson July 24, 1927. They I have one child, Carolyn, now Mrs. j Luke Kitahata in Brooklyn, N. Y. Drs. John and Elizabeth Dotterer presented the college library the second volume of the recently re printed “Lindisfarne Gospels,” re printed from the London Museum copies of about 700 A. D. The Dotterers had presented the first volume of the two-volume set sev eral years ago. The new gift hon ors the 89th birthday of A. A. James, Sr., of Sanford, and the late Mrs. James, Mrs. Dotterer’s father and mother. The board of trustees also took part in ground-breaking ceremon ies for a new dormitory on the Blast Campus of the College. FB Auxiliary Meets Monday The Farm Bureau Women will j meet Monday night, October 9, at j 7:30 pm. in the home economics department of Wakelon School, j Mrs. Irby Walker, administrative! director of Farm Bureau Women, and Charles Russell, administra tive assistant, will present the pro gram. Members of the organiza- j tion and guests are welcome. I moved forward to Thursday, Octo ber 19, because of Wake County School Children’s Day at N. C. State Fair. Also the 20th is a statewide meeting for school teachers. This Friday night, October 16, Wake has added to its schedule a 3A team from Alamance County. The school is Altamahaw Ossipee High School. They have a record of three wins and one defeat. This team has averaged 34 points per game. Season tickets will not be hon ored at this game Friday night. It is reported the club has $440.04 deposited in the bank. Memberships are still being taken. New members are: W. G. Gris wold, Patricia Griswold, Ed Hales, Bobbie Driver, Marie Finch, Sid ney Holmes, Robert Ed Horton, Ruth Chamblee, Fred Smith, Frank Massey, Charles Hawkins. Dr. Ben Thomas, Betty Sue Creech, Ed Ellington, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jenkins, Mrs. S. G. Flowers, Mrs. Wilton Gay, Haywood Jones, Amos Estes, Norman Screws, Craf ton Hudson, W. B. Hopkins, Ralph Bunn and H. C. Wade. ' St. Eugene's Plans Mission October 8 A mission, or revival, will be held at St. Eugene’s Catholic Church during the week of Octo ber 8. Preacher for the daily eve ning revival service, according to Fr. Robert Wilken, pastor, will be the Reverend Bernard McWilliams, revival preacher from Charlotte. Services begin Sunday evening at 8:00 and will continue at the same hour through Saturday. Af ter the sermon each evening, Fr. McWilliams will lead the congre gation in prayers for world peace. Benediction with the Eu charist will conclude the nightly devotions. Morning Mass will be offered at the usual 7:00 a.m. hour with spe cial peace prayers following the half-hour service. Wakefield Baptist Church Plans Revival Services Beginning Monday The Rev. Homer A. Cate, pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church, Knoxville, Tenn., will conduct re vival services at Wakefield Baptist Church beginning Monday, Octo ber 9, at 7:30 p.m. and continuing through Saturday, October 14. Concluding the series will be a unified evangelistic service at 10:45 a.m. on Sunday, October 15. The Rev. Russell Dean, student i at Southeastern Baptist Theologi-, i cal Seminary and former minister ! i of education at Immanuel Church,' will be music director for the re- • vival. The pastor, the Rev. Hor- j ace A. Hamm, invites the public to j attend the services. A special invitation is extended J ] to former members and friends to; 1 attend the services on Homecom- J i ing Day, which will be observed : : on Sunday, October 15, with dinner ( on the grounds following morning ! 1 worship. I j i The Town of Zebulon had its size j increased approximately five acres by the Town Board Monday night. According to Mayor Ed Hales, ' the Board voted to annex approxi ! mately five acres more to the [ town’s present size. This action was taken on properties fronting Wakelon School. This action affects the property owned by Clarence Maiden, An drew Draughon, Rondal Phillips and Carsey Tippett. These fam ilies petitioned the Board to come into the town limits. The Board also appointed Charles Creech and Amos Estes to serve on the Zebulon Planning Board. The new appointees’ terms are for three years each, expiring June 30, 1964. Creech and Estes replace Robert D. Massey and George H. Temple. Ray Brady, Recorder’s Court so licitor for the past 18 months, re signed in September to take a post with the North Carolina Attorney General’s office. Ferd L. Davis, Zebulon lawyer, was named acting solicitor by the Board to succeed Brady. Davis has previously serv ed the local court as solicitor. Wreck Injures Two Nash Youths Two youths received minor in juries and were hospitalized Sun day afternoon after their car struck a utility pole on South Aren dell Avenue. Policeman L. A. Baker reported th; t the 1954 Ford driven toy Weyne Bert Murphy, 17, of Bailey ranmed a power pole in front of the reside nee of Elton Chamblee about 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon. The impact caused the pole to be splintered about 15 feet from the ground. Murphy said he was not going fast, Baker quoted Murphy as saying. He told the officer the rain caused him to lose control of the car and skid into the utility pole. M jrphy was accompanied by Joe Hall of Middlesex. Both the youlhs were taken to Wendell Zebulon Hospital for bruises and abrasions but were later released. B iker said the automobile was a total loss. Murphy was charged with speeding and careless and reck less driving. An inspiring program is planned :or the afternoon service which vill begin at 2:00 p.m. The speaker or this occasion will be Shearon Harris of Raleigh, formerly a nomber of the N. C. House of Representatives and presently vice ^resident of the Carolina Power ind Light Co. All offering received during the Jay will be used to retire the iebt on the church building. A joal of $2,463.65 has been set. Minister in Revival The Rev. William K. Quick is reaching nightly at the Rosemary dethodist Chojreh in Roanoke Rap ds in the church's annual revival ervices. The minister commutes :ach night to Roanoke Rapids for he 7:30 services. The host pastor s the Rev. W. A. Tew.