THE ZEBULON RECORD VOLUME 36. NUMBER 44. ZEBULON. N. C.. DECEMBER 7. 1961 / 01' Santa Claus Comes to Town Santa Claus was greeted by some 5,000 persons when he came to Zebulon Monday night. He tossed his cherry greetings to the children and adults from his beautiful reindeer float. (All photos by Bill Quick, Courtesy of The Raleigh Times) Feast Your Eyes on Yuletide Beauty Patsy Hales smiles and waves to the crowd. She was one of the many town beauties who rod^ on the exquisitely beautiful floats. Spectacular Parade Starts Yule Season Four to five thousand persons— the majority of them children— were present Monday night to see Zebulon’s largest and most color ful Christmas parade. According to Willie B. Hopkins, chief of police of Zebulon for al most 25 years, it was the largest and most beautiful event in the town’s 54-year-old history. Aaron C. Lowry, secretary of Zebulon Chamber 8t Commerce, said, “On behalf of the townspeo ple and the people of the sur rounding communities, I wish to express the deepest appreciation to those who participated and helped to make the Christmas pa rade a great success.” The parade, however, was not sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. Lowery added that the town and community is indebted to Bobby [ Allen Pace and Elmo Finch for I securing the gorgeous floats for the parade. The floats, he continued, added to the beauty and spirit of the season. [ The parade plans were laid less than a week before the actual [ event. I Lowery also congratulated the law enforcement of Zebulon for helping in the arrangements, keeping the crowds orderly, seeing that traffic was cleared for the two-mile long sojourn through town, and other aspects of the parade. Lining both sides of Arendell Avenue, Santa Claus was preceded ! by 12 floats, three bands, a color guard and contingents of Boy, Girl and Cub Scouts, Shriners and horsemen. Leading the colorful spectacle through town was the Explorer Scout color guard, followed by - Mayor Ed Hales and his First Lady, i Mrs. Elmo Finch and Mrs. Bobby ! Allen Pace, wives of the float-get j ters, followed. Behind them was I the Corinth-Holders High School £ band. i Seated atop the Merry Christ mas float was Connie Cooke, Wake Ion homecoming queen, and her court. The local Shriners made quite I a show, attired in their bejeweled ■ fezs. ; The Dream Boat float, with a bevy of good looking beauties fol lowed. Then there were the Brownie, Cub and Boy Scouts, dressed in their Scout attire. Christmas carols sung by mem bers of Wakefield and Zebulon Baptist and Zebulon Methodist churches. These members were clad in their vestments and were riding a float. The Lions Club float was one of the most impressive in the parade. A huge papier mache lion stood regally in the center of this float, with a partially blind woman and her seeing eye dog. Four Wakelon High School las sies adorned the North Pole float, and four more as pretty lassies graced the Pine State Creamery float. One of the most welcomed and darlingest floats was Mrs. Howard Bunn’s kindergarten float. Aboard this float, called the Old Lady and Her Shoe, were Mrs. Bunn’s tiny tots who attend the kindergarten. Four beautifully gowned young (Continued on Page 4) Rec Commission Plans Winter Basketball Loop Zebulon Recreation Commission is planning a basketball league for the youngsters of the town and surrounding communities, accord ing to Wayne Davis, Commission representative. Davis said the league will be patterned after the Y. M. C. A. leagues of the bigger cities. It is scheduled to begin December 16. Three will be eight games with play-offs. Awards will be given the winners of the play-offs, Davis said. Several churches have already joined the league, Davis said. They are Zebulon Baptist, Zebulon Methodist, Wakefield Baptist, Zebulon Church of God, and Hop kins Chapel. Davis anticipates more churches will line up with the league. There is a $7.50 entrance fee for each team. These fees will be used for the purpose of purchasing (Continued on Page 4) Pets On Parade Too While the crowd waited for the parade to begin, the big black bird dog of the Charles Weathersby’s kept the crowd amused by shaking hands with them. Mrs. Gladys Price is seen shaking hands with the dog. Football Team Sees College Game Members of the Wakelon Foot ball team and several MYF’ers from the Zebulon Methodist Church were among the 42,000 fans last Saturday at the Duke Notre Dame football game in Durham. Played in balmy weather the game’s outcome was a major Sur prise to most persons present with the Blue Devils emerging victori ous over the Irish 37-13. Following the game, the entire group of teen-agers and other youth from the Raleigh District went to the Duke Chapel for the annual Fall Rally of the District MYF. Jack Wilson, captain of the Duke Football team, and other mem bers of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes spoke to the 800 persons present following the game. Among the grid men participating were Pete Widener, Jay Wilkin son, Tee Moorman, and Dick (Rhino) Havens. Wilson told the youth, “It’s tough to be a Christian but there is also a glory in being a follower of Christ.’’ (Continued on Page 4) Among those from Zebulon at the Duke-Notre Dame football game were front row: Frank Fearheart, Jerry Brayboy, Anthony Laspino, Tommy Wood. back row; Guy Massey, Ralph Ihrie, | Chester Brayboy, Kenneth Temple, Thurston Debnam and Randy I Creech. (Photo by Bill Quick)