HELP WANTED WANTED AT ONCE-RAW LEIGH DEALER. Write Raw leigh, Dept. NCB-925-3, Rich mond, Va. F7p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY INSURANCE SALESMAN $75 a week, plus bonus, to start. Com plete training. Highly competi tive policies, plus best sales tools available. If you are well known in this area and looking for a pleasant and profitable ca reer, write manager, P. O. Bo\ J 3357 Fayetteville, N. C. For in terview, giving age, past em ployment, etc. Replies confiden tial. J17,24,31,F7 WANTED __ POPLAR AND GUM Veneer Logs. See or call us before you sell for top prices. We buy either standing, delivered or loaded on railroad cars and trucks. Beck Bros. Veneer Co., AN 9-3011, Zebulon. FOR RENT SMALL TRAILER, maximum weight 2500 lbs. See Wayne Mitchell at Mitchell’s Garage or Phone 365-9401. J3,10,17,24,31,F7,14 FOR SALE OR RENT—New bTick home on West Sycamore Street in Zebulon. 3 bedrooms, 2V2 baths, den, living room, dining room, and kitchen. Open Sun day afternoon for inspection or anytime by appointment. Call An 9-4681 tfc WANT HELP IN PAYING RENT or buying a home. Eligible men can earn good pay for service at home in the National Guard. FOR SALE NEW MAYTAG WASHER and new 20 c. ft. Hotpoint Freezer. Will sell cheap. B. A. Antone AN 9-3381. A21tfc NEW & USED Furniture at Zebu Ion Furniture Co., 209 and 211 Arendell Ave. Dial AN 9-9412. N24tfc_ SWEET POTATOES $1.50 per bushel. E. P. Privettes Store, Highway 64, 7 miles E. of Zebu Ion. Phone AN 9-3169. tfc WARM MORNING HEATER, good condition—$20.00. William Da vis, AN 9-9487. J31,F7,14,p BOYS’ SUITS and sport coats. Sizes 16, up. Call AN 9-9175. J31,F7,14,21 ^ s CENTER FLOWER SHOP Flowers for all occasions Tel. AN 9-5021 Rochelle Long, Mgr. CORDON'S BARBECUE Cloced Every Monday Open Tuesday through Sunday Week days Open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays Open from 12:00 to 9 p.m. Rolan and Vivian Cordon, owners Phone 269-9553 , Home Made Pies The South’s Best in Pork and Chicken Barbecue and Brunswick Stew FOR SALE 9 piece DINING ROOM SUITE, good condition. Call AN 9-9154. F7,14 ALL NANDINAS 50c each. 214 Cook Street, Wendell, N. C. F7.14.21 SPECE NOTICE PAINTING inside and out. New and old homes, roof tops. Call Charles Brantley, FO 5-7214, Wendell. J31,M16p INCOME TAX returns prepared. Reasonable rates. Bobby Ray Lee AN 9-9384. J10,AU SHOES REPAIRED. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mincey’s Shoe Shop, Zebulon. tfc SEPTIC TANK CLEANING: No job too small or too large. We go anywhere. Call K. T. Moore, Franklinton, N. C. Phone No. 6121, Day or night Service, tfc SEPTIC TANK cleaning. The most sanitary septic tank cleaning yet devised. Dial TE 2-3225, Ra leigh, North Carolina. tfc TRUCK FOR HIRE, N. C. Permit No. E-7660. See or call J. R. Al ford at Zebulon Gin Co. Phone AN 9-2061. tfc FEDERAL LAND BANK FARM LOANS LONG TERM—Low interest rate. See L. M. Gould any Friday be tween 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. at the P.C.A. office. 10 West South Street, Raleigh. Other times at main office 209 John ston Street, Smithfield. tfc KIDNEY DANGER SIGNALS Getting up nights, burning, frequent or scanty flow, leg pains or backache may be warning of functional kidney disorders—“Danger Ahead.” Help na ture eliminate excess acids and other wastes. Increase kidney output with BUKETS. Your 39tf back at any drug store in 4 DAYS if not pleased. NOW at Zebulon Drug Store. J. M. Chevrolet Co. CHEVROLET—OLDSMOBILE Wrecker Service, Phone AN 9-9132 Engine and Body Work to Any Car DEALER NO. 1778 ELITE BEAUTY SHOP Mrs. Nelle Kemp, Owner Artists in Hair Styling and Cutting Mrs. Marie Boykin Mrs. Judy Richardson Assistants AIR CONDITIONED ENJOY DEPENDABLE OIL HEAT WITH HEATING OIL New premium-quality Esso Heating Oil is super-clean burning, assuring you top oil burner performance! Zebulon Motor Co Zebulon, N. C. CONTROLYOUR DANDRUFF with new IOQUIN. A Medical Formula r CONTROLS DRT AND OILT ^ DANDRUFF 1 IOQIM L WSTCNSKRI A Controls dry or oily dandruff, even difficult cases IOOUIN—Dilodohydroxyquin, AbboC Morgan Drugs Phone AN 9-9176 ZEBULON Are You A DEMOCRAT? “Back Up" Your Party Join the WAKE COUNTY YOUNG DEMOCRATIC CLUB No Age Limit — Dues $2.00 per Year Return Coupon & Money or Inquiries to Wake YDC, Box 1335, Raleigh Name: Address: - Phone: Zebulon Sheet Metal Works 24 Hour Service HEATING — AIR CONDITIONING — GUTTERING ROOFING — GUARANTEED AUTHORIZED G.E. DEALER Special Offer Entire house cooled with CE. No Money Down. Limited time onlyl Phone Office AN 9-5197 Residence AN 9-9349 Wilson Carroll, proprietor DIAL AN 9-9133 Beauty Care Mrs. Ruby D. Manning, Mgr. Miss Hazel Bunn, Asst. Mgr. Glenda Wilson Zebulon Beauty Shop Air Conditioned IF YOU WANT TO DRINK THAT’S YOUR BUSINESS IF YOU WANT TO STOP THAT'S OUR BUSINESS COME TO ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS AT LAKE CLAD ON LAKE CLAD ROAD AT 8:00 TUESDAY NIGHT Call 365-7349 AIR CONDITIONING - HEATING REFRIGERATION For Dependable Installation & Service Call PRIVETTE'S HEATING & COOLING SERVICE FRANK PRIVETTE ZEBULON, N. C. Phone 269-9379 day or night Residential — Commercial — Industrial ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE Let us tell you about it! CROP - HAIL AUTO FARM & HOME The Insurance Ladies Mrs. D. D. Chamblee, Agent The D. D. Chamblee Insurance Agency Telephone AN 94141 PAUL BROWN GROCERY & SERVICE Borden's Ice Cream V2 Gal. 650 Snow Flake Flour 10 Lb. 790 Hunts Peaches No. 2V2 2 for 450 Royal Oatmeal Cookies 12 to a box 370 Maxwell House Coffee $1.64 In Coffee Maker 10 oz. Instant Fab Reg. size 260 Bay Brand Tomatoes Can 100 Poc. Orange Juice 46 oz. 290 Kellogg's Raisin Bran 9V2 oz. 230 Blue Plate 1 Peach Preserves 12 oz. 190 Blue Plate Apple Jelly 12 oz. 130 Blue Plate Strawberry Preserves 12 oz. 230 Potatoes 10 Lb. 390 Margarine 2 Lbs. for 290 Bordens Biscuits 3 for 250 Frosty Morn Dandee Bacon 1 Lb. 390 Picnics 3 to 4 Lb. 300 Lb. Gasoline 28.9 Family Stamps With Every Purchase 30 stamps free with food order