TEMPLE MARKET Specials Sold Only With Food Older February 14-15-16,1963 Dukes Mayonnaise 19c 530 Tubes Colgate TOOTH PASTE 2tube»63t Pi I Is bury 3 Cans BISCUITS 25c SOUTHERN BELLE 2 LBS. OLEO 29c Fresh Ground 3 Lbs. BEEF $1.00 Western Round Lb. STEAK 69c All Meat Lb. Stew Beef 69< End Cut Lb. Pork Chops 49c Homemade Lb. SAUSAGE 49c Fresh Dressed Lb. FRYERS 28c By Mrs. T. Y. Puryear Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mills and daughter of Danville, Va., visited her grandparents, the Gratis Has wells, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Has well are sick. The Alpheus Has well family of Wendell called Sun day night. Mrs. Pearl Horton, the J. B. Carters, the Lennie Liles, Mrs. No. ra Starnes, Gordan Johnson, A. O. Puryear and Miss Pattie Lee and man> others have been sick with colds. Mrs. Lula Yeargin has been ill but was able to go to the Commu nity Center Sunday. She was hon ored on her 69th birthday by her children who were all present. A pink and white color scheme was used in decoration. Others than her children were Rev. and Mrs. James Pernell and two sons, Rev. Joe Roach, the Marshall Jeffreys of Raleigh, her sister, Mrs. Sharp Newton of Chapel Hill, the Walter Todds, George Elmo Marshburn of Wendell, the Winifred Lee Vaughns of Knightdale and Mrs. Bettie Johnson and daughter, Cla ra Johnson. Around 60 or more en joyed this occasion. They marched around the table singing “Happy Birthday” and wishing her many more birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Oris Horton cele brated their 38th anniversary Sun day at the home of their son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Allen McSwain in Wendell. A bountiful lunch was served. Mrs. Horton’s sister, Miss Kit Anderson of Durham, was there also. The Philathea Class of Hephzi bah Baptist Church met with Mrs. Jesse Anderson of Eagle Rock last Wednesday with 14 members and two visitors present. A group of members were hostesses. Mrs. Va rina Horton gave an interesting program. The hostesses served a variety of sandwiches, cakes, nuts and coffee in Valentine motif. The Wilber Rhodes and daugh ter, Carol, and the Jackie Rhodes and baby of Fuquay Springs, Mrs. Oliver Horton and children, E. O. and Gresilda of Raleigh, and the John Perrys of Wendell were visi tors of the E. V. Rhodes Sunday afternoon. Mrs. May C. Snead, mother of Mrs. James Honeycutt and Valton Alford of Wendell remain on the critical list in Wake Forest Hos pital, Wake Forest. Grady Honeycutt had surgery on his toe recently. Visitors of the T. Y. Puryears Sunday were the T. Y. Puryears, Jr., and children, Marvin, Jean and Susan of Wendell, the May nard Puryears and son, Donald, C. D. Puryear of Youngsville, En nis Puryear of Mitchell’s Mill and Mrs. Naomi Carter of Raleigh. Mrs. Charlies Richardson’s fa ther, Wiley Barham’s funeral, was held at Beulah Christian Church Sunday afternoon. Visitors of the J. C. Carters Sun day afternoon were Mrs. George Currin and the Ralph Wilsons. Marshall Liles of Raleigh visited Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Liles Sunday afternoon. Mr. ahd Mrs. Ben Ellington of Bethany visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken chin Liles Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Faucette THE ZEBULON RECORD Second-Class Postage Paid At Zebulon, N. C. Published weekly by Theo. Davis Sons Subscriptions, $3 per year. Barrie S. Davis . EditoT James M. Potter, Jr. Publisher Bill Quick . Fifth Wheel [ and Delma Whitaker and son Wil liam of Raleigh, were visitors of the S. T. Whitakers Sunday. Mrs. Cleo Liles of Wendell, Mrs. J. Q. Pearce, Mrs. Margarette Jef freys and Mrs. Naomi Carter of Raleigh and Frank Starnes of Wendell were visitors of the J. B. Carters Sunday. Monday visi tors were Mrs. Pearl Wood, Mrs. Josephine and Junior and William Cashwell. rappan „ &&S ranges have everything new 1. REMOTE LINERS at these I. DRY AND REPLACE LINERS 2. WASH IN SINK CLEAN-EASY COOK-EASY IFtMFK go maiifuL...oll3uHu^i WF WARRENGAS FUEL COOK... HEAT WATER and HEAT YOUR HOME with Whitley's Electric Service L. P. GAS DIVISION 301 South, Wilson, N. C. Phone 237-0135 114 Arendell Ave., Zebulon, N. C. Phone 269-9555 CHEVROLET TRUCK QUALITY You can see the difference wherever you look If you believe various makes of trucks are pretty much alike, you aren’t doing justice to your pocket book. There are differences. A Chevrolet truck welcomes comparison. Look at the little things on it—latches, hinges, stitching in the upholstery. Notice how strong the tailgate is, the rubber encased chains that keep it from sagging. The body floor is made of select wood to eliminate the rust problem and give you better footing. The lower side panels are double-walled; you might dent the inside but it won’t show through. Chevrolet designs suspension systems to fit your need. The light-duty type is strong on comfort. Another kind for heavier trucks stiffens up as you increase your load and vice versa. Make sense? If you are going to need a new truck this year, you should look at the quality Chevrolet has to offer May we bring over a new ’63 so you can examine it? I 2 NEW 6-CYLINDER ENGINE S ■ New High Torque 230-cu.-in. Six is lighter but more power ful than its predecessor. It is standard in Series CIO through C50 models. New High Torque 292-eu.-in. Six—most powerful truck 6 Chevrolet has ever built! Standard in Series C60^ optional at extra cost in lighter models. QUALITY TRUCKS COST LESS Just call us to test drive one of the "New Reliables ” J. M. CHEVROLET COMPANY, INC ZEBULON, N. C. MANUFACTURER S LICENSE NO. IIO