NEWS of WENDELL; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dale and | Melanie spent last week in Nash- j ville, Ga. Mrs. Pearl Wall and father, Zeb Richardson are both patients at Wendell-Zebulon Hospital. Cliff Faison is at Rex Hospital seriously ill. G. M. Buck Todd has been ill at his home in Wendell. Miss Mary Todd Satterfield spent the weekend in Wilson. Mrs. Irene Alligood is a patient at Wendell-Zebulon Hospital. Mrs. E. I. Bridgers is at Wen dell-Zebulon Hospital with a brok en bone in her ankle she suffered in an accident at her home. Friends of Mrs. Gladys H. Grif fin will be glad to know she is im proving in Smithfield after an au to accident. Miss Jo Ann Todd, teacher in Charlotte spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Todd. Jim Dale has accepted a position in North Haven, Conn., with a real estate firm. Charlie Hawkins is a patient at Wake Memorial Hospital, where he underwent surgery. Postmaster Fred Pearce entered Veterans Hospital in Durham last week for a cataract operation but his blood pressure was high and he contracted a cold so the opera tion was delayed. “Moon” Otha Mullen has return ed home from Wendell-Zebulon Hospital after being a pneumonia patient there. Mrs. Willis Strickland, Mrs. Joe Ferrell and Mrs. Marvin Todd vis ited Mr. and Mrs. William Cheaves in Spring Hope Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Avery Scarborough returned to Durham Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake May are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Stev en Fowler and girls, in Atlanta, Ga. Miss Helen Wootton, Mrs. Wal ter Wootton and Mrs. Jimmie Green visited the Jim Padgetts in Burlington last Wednesday. Miss Helen Wootton spent part of last week in Grimesland with her sister, Mrs. Ben Buck. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Strickland and family of Raleigh and Mar shall Strickland of Elizabeth City spent the weekend with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Strick land. Mrs. E. R. Anderson of High Point visited the Tunnell family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tunnell of Hickory have returned after at tending the funeral of Mr. Tun nell’s mother. Mrs. Pattie Griffin Tunnell. Among relatives attending the funeral of Mrs. Pattie Griffin Tun nell were Mr. and Mrs. Griffin Dodd, Mrs. Ralph Roberts, Mrs. Fred Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller, Meredith Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller, all of Raleigh, Roderick Griffin of Roxboro, Pat Dodd and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Powell of Greensboro, Mrs. Tay lor Griffin of Rocky Mount and Mrs. Curtis Moody of Louisburg. Mrs. Kelly Hunter and Mrs. J. A. Wells spent Sunday in Farm ville with the Albert Wells family. Mrs. Goldie Pope on 3rd Street is confined to her home with pneu monia. Morris Green and daughter, * ' Mrs. Goldie Hocutt of Selma were guests Monday of Mrs. James Ra,,r bon and sister, Miss Lillie Green.. • Mrs. R. B. Critcher was hostess to her bridge club Friday night at her home on Wilson Avenue. After three progressions Mrs. Silas L. Todd held high score, Mrs. J. J. Henderson, Sr., second high. Mrs. Paul Todd guest high prize. Others playing were Mrs. Clarence Todd, Mrs. B. C. Satterfield, Mrs. Laurie Ledford, Mrs. Kelly Hunter and Mrs. Marvin Todd as a guest. • A delicious frozen salad plate with fruit cake and potato chips, and coffee was served during the social hour. GROVER C. PARRISH Grover C. Parrish, 73, of Rt. 3, i Louisburg, died Sunday. Funeral j services were conducted from the j Mount Zion Baptist Church Mon- ! day at 2 p-m. by the Rev. James T. j Campbell. Burial was in the j church cemetery. Surviving are his wife, the for- j mer Sallie Foster; three daugh- j ters, Mrs. Lucy Murphy of Wen dell, Mrs. Ethel Thompson of j Henderson, Miss Jane Parrish of the home; four sons, Wilson of Hopewell, Va., David of the home,! Charles of Raleigh, George of1 Charlotte; one brother, Arch of! Louisburg; 11 grandchildren; and j one great-grandchild. Pilot News Miss Brunetta Ray Miss Ruby Jones is back home after a couple of days in Rex Hos pital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bunon Batchelor and children of Bailey visited Mrs. Delenia Lewis last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Leona Whitley of Union Hope recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Hardon Perry. The Friendly Adult Sunday School Class enjoyed a social last Friday evening at the community room in the church annex with 15 members, present for the occa sion. The Junior GA’s met Monday night with Charlene Horton in her home. The Int. GA’s also met Monday night at the home of Miss Angelia Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. John Lockamy of Durham visited relatives in the community last Sunday. George Ray visited Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ray in Raleigh last Monday evening. Weekend guests of Mrs. M. T. Ray, Jr., were Mr. and Mrs. Grif fin of Charlotte. Mrs. H. E. Stallings had an ac cident last Wednesday morning as she was going out side to feed the dog. She slipped and fell on ice and suffered a broken leg. She has been a patient in Rex Hospital for the past eight days. Corbet Tant is a patient in Rex Hospital with a heart condition. Mrs. Lunell Watkins spent Wednesday in Zebulon with her mother, Mrs. Lalia Pulley. HALES CHAPEL Mrs. J. D. Driver The WMU will meet Friday night at the church at 7:30. All members please be present for this general monthly meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Driver spent the weekend in Wilmington with the Elbert Drivers *and the P. G. Curtisses. The Harold Parrishes and daughter, Bonnie Jeneil of Hamp ton, Va., spent the weekend with their parents, the Jesse Drivers and the Wilbert Parrishes of Stancil’s Chapel. The William Martins of Garner visited his mother, Mrs. Ara Mar tin, Sunday afternoon. The Boy Scout Troop and their i Scoutmaster, Calvin Hales, and | Rev. Bob Lovell will be in charge of the worship service Sunday j morning. This week is Boy Scout 1 Week of America and is being ob served. Mrs. Jessie Hicks and daugh I ter, Janet of Knightdale, visited | Mrs. Mamie Creech and family Sunday afternoon, also the Ran dy Creeches of Wendell, the Nor wood Martins of Pilot and the Douglas Creeches of Archer’s Lodge. Mrs. Hardy Bunn and daughter, 1 Jean of Wilson, called on "her | brother, the Jeff Horton family, j Sunday. ! The Bill Creech family of Dixie : were Saturday night supper guests of the Larry Andrews family. The Larry Duprees of Claytpn were Sunday dinneT guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vaiden Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hinton and daughter, Joyce, visited his aunt, Mrs. Annie Driver, and the Troy Narrons of Antioch Sunday afternoon. The Will Creeches and the A. G. Creech family visited the A. G. Creech’s daughter, Anne of Kin ston, Saturday. The Jerry Andrews, Purvis Liles, Allen Creech and Lois Hag wood of Raleigh were Sunday af ternoon guests of the Will Creeches. The Percy Driver family of Ar cher’s Lodge visited the Joshua Drivers and David Sunday p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tippett spent last week with their chil dren, the Elbert Tippetts, the Douglas Tippetts and the Sher man Goodwins of Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va. The Edsel Creech family of Garner and the Douglas Ellises of Clayton visited the Arthur Creeches Sunday afternoon. George Brown spent Sunday night in Loris, S. C., with Johnnie Kelly. He saw Miss Gail Grainger while there. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown visited the Arnold Drivers of Mid dlesex Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Delia Brown spent a few days last week with her daugh ter, Mr. and. Mrs. G. H. Bell and child, of Clayton. Bonnie Jeneil Parrish celebrated her 6th birthday Sunday after noon at the home of her grand mother, Mrs. J. D. Driver. Cake and ice cream were served to a few guests by her mother, Mrs. Harold Parrish. Mr. an<l Mrs. Barna Wilder of Wilson visited her mother, Mrs. Wade Lee, during the weekend. The Elbert Tippett family of Norfolk, Va., visited his parents, the Alfred Tippetts and other rel atives and friends in the commun ity during the weekend. Those visiting the Alton Hinton family and Miss Vierce Hinton Sunday were the Hank Harrisses and Gay of Greensboro and the Bill Hartnesses and Bonnie of Cary. Mrs. Bessie Gordon is now with her son, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Gor don, where she returned from Nor folk, Va. Mrs. Modell Parrish attended a stork shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Leonard Satur day night. The shower was in honor of Mrs. Jerry Grays, daugh ter of the Leonards. The Raymond Parrishes visited in Oxford Sunday with her broth er, the Jeff Gordons, and family. The Sam Garrisons and baby of Raleigh were Sunday night sup per guests of the William Driver family. The Minnie Hinton Circle will meet next Tuesday night with Mrs. Blanche Horton. NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by ] H. David Parson, a widower, to j Foster D. Finch, Trustee, for Ivey I Narron, dated February 11, 1960, and recorded in Book 1399, page 201, Wake County Registry; de fault having been made in pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and the said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby secured having demanded a fore closure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the high ! ^st bidder for cash, at the court house door in Raleigh. Wake County, North Carolina, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, Monday, March 18, 1963, the land conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Wake Forest Township, Wake County, North Carolina, and described as follows: Tract No. 1. Being a portion of the Sandy Bailey tract of land lying on the East side of the road lead ing from Forestville to Walker’s Cross Roads, adjoining W. G. Pearson, J. L. Keith and others, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stake on the East side of the road leading from Forestville, Walls corner, and runs thence along said road N. 3 3° East 462 feet to a stake; thence S. 85° 30 minutes East 1840 feet to a stake in Harris line; thence S. 3° 30 minutes East 462 feet to a stake, Wall’s corner; thence N. 85° 30 minutes West 1840 feet to the beginning, containing 20 acres and being the same land conveyed to Weldon Smith and wife, Har riett B. Smith, by Mechanics and Farmers Bank by deed dated Jan. 29, 1935, recorded in Book 686, page 415, Wake County Registry. Also being the same lands con veyed to Henderson Parson and wife Nannie B. by deed dated Nov. 19, 1945, recorded in Book 932, Page 127, Wake County Registry. Tract No. 2. Beginning at a stake in H. D. Parson’s line 35.5 feet East of the center of the Wake Forest-Knightdale road, also a corner of Pearce land lying South of Parson’s land; thence N. 4° 50 minutes East 171.8 feet to a stake 5 feet of an iron stake (well es tablished corner of land lying to the North of the tract in this con veyance); thence N. 82° 30 min utes West 51 feet to the center of Wake Forest-Knightdale road; thence with the center of said road S. 3° West 171 feet to a point in the center of said road; thence S. 82° 30 minutes East 45.3 feet to the beginning, and being that part of the Fuller tract lying East of the Wake Forest-Knightdale road and located in front of the Parson home place. With the measure ments taken from the middle of the road, the tract contains .19 of an acre, as surveyed by J. G. Carroll, R. L. S„ January 17, 1953. The successful bidder will be required to deposit a sum equal to 10% of his bid as evidence of good faith. This 11th day of February, 1963. Foster D. Finch, Trustee P. O. Box 486 Zebulon, N. C. F14,21,28,M7 SALE OF VALUABLE FARM LAND UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power and authority conferred in a deed of trust made by Rena Bell R. Battle and husband, Eli jah Battle, to J. W. Bunn, Trustee, dated January 28, 1953, and re corded in the Register’s Office of Wake County in Book 1116, page 96, the payments secured by said deed of trust being long in arrears, and upon the owner of note se cured in said deed of trust having demanded that foreclosure be had, I will on Tuesday, February 19, 1963, at Twelve O’clock Noon at the Courthouse Door in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina, of fer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash one certain tract of land situate about two miles west of the Town of Zebulon, said county and state, and bounded and described as follows: Situate in Little River Township about one mile West of the Village of Wakefield and on the Southeast side of the old road which leads from the village of Wakefield by the Gus Richardson homeplace to old Moore’s Mill and BEGINNING at a stake (Southwest corner of Tract #1); runs North 0 degrees 5 minutes East 788.6 feet to the center line of the Old Mill Road; thence along the center line of said road North 41 degrees 30 minutes East 551.9 feet to a stake; thence South 21 degrees 30 minutes East 1208.6 feet to a stake; thence South 84 degrees 0 minutes West 820 feet to the beginning. Containing 14.2 acres and being the same tract of land conveyed to James S. Rich ardson by J. W. Bunn, Commis sioner, by deed recorded in Book 354, Page 142, Register’s Office of Wake County. The highest bidder or bidders at said sale will be required to make a deposit at the time of the sale of ten per cent (10%) 'of the a mount of their bid. This the 15th day of January, 1963. J. W. Bunn, Trustee J24,31,F7,14 SP 9272 NORTH CAROLINA | WAKE COUNTY Under and by virtue of an order j of the Superior Court of Wake I County, made in the entitled I Irona Long Croom and others, pe ; titioners vs. Kaye Long and oth ! ers, defendants, the undersigned J commissioner will on the 28 day of February, 1963, at twelve o’ clock, noon, on the premises, offer for sale and sell, as a whole or division, to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract of land lying and being in Little River Township, Wake County, North Carolina, and more particularly de scribed as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the center of the Zebulon-Selma road; thence along Luther Long’s line South 4 degrees 25 minutes West 912 feet to a stake, corner of W. E. Upchurch line; thence along his line South 83 degrees 45 min utes East 554 feet to a stake in the Zebulon-Selma road; thence with said road North 25 degrees 30 minutes West 1079 feet to the point of beginning, containing five and eighty-three one hundredths (5.83) acres, according to a sur vey by C. B. Fulghum, County Surveyor of Johnston County, De cember 20, 1939. This 29th day of January, 1963. Irby D. Gill, Commissioner J31,F7,14,21 NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Under and by virtue of a power I of sale conferred by a certain deed of trust executed by Newton A. Walters and wife, Mary Thomas Walters, to W. H. Rhodes, Trustee, dated September 28, 1960, record j ed in Book 1428, page 476 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake County, North Carolina, de fault having been made in the payment of the note thereby se cured and on written demand of the holder of said note, the said W. H. Rhodes, Trustee, will, on Saturday, February 23, 1963, at twelve o’clock, NOON, on the premises in Little River Township, Wake County, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land lying and being in Little River Township, Wake County, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake at a point where the northerly side of Moore Street intersects the easter ly side of Vance Street as shown on a map hereinafter referred to; thence, along the easterly side of Vance Street north 24 degrees 19 minutes east, 100 feet to a stake, common corner of Lots 2 and 3, said map; thence, along the south erly side of Lot No. 2, south 65 degrees 43 minutes east, 200 feet to a stake, common corner of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 6, said map; thence, along the westerly line of Lot No. 6, south 24 degrees 19 minutes west, 100 feet a point on the northerly side of said Moore Street, common corner of Lots 3 and 6; thence, along the northerly side of Moore Street north 65 de grees 43 min. west, 200 feet to the point of beginning and being Lot No 3, Section 1, as shown on a map entitled, “Subdivision for R. F. Hendricks” made from a survey by Boyd L. Shook, R. S., April 26, 1960, recorded in Book of Maps 1960, page 77, office of the Register of Deeds for Wake County, North Carolina. Said land will be sold subject to all taxes, County and Municipal, which now may be due or may hereafter accrue. The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the Trus tee 10 percent of the first thousand dollars of his bid and 5 percent of the excess above one thousand dollars. This 23rd day of January, 1963. W. H. Rhodes, Trustee Wendell, N. C. J31,77,14,21 IN MEMORIAM SMITH, DONNIE In sad and loving memory of our dear mother and grand mother, who left us February 18, 1962. Her passing left us emptiness that no one else can fill, and yet some how she is with us still. Her goodness and her kindness, her wise and helpful ways— these treasured things she left us to bless us all our days. Sadly missed by Daughters and Grandsons.

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