Personal Notes Mrs. Cora Kemp is at Kenton’s Rest Home in Willow Springs. * Mrs. Eunice Kannon, the moth er of Barker Kannon, is a patient at Rex Hospital for observation. * Douglas Cook is a patient at Wake Memorial Hospital. * Mrs. Earl Horton has returned to her home after being a patient at Wake Memorial Hospital. * Miss Ann Creech, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Creech, is doing her practice teaching in the Elmhurst Elementary School in Greenville. She is a senior at East Carolina College. * Mrs. Janet Conn recently visited her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Whitford of War renton. She also spent some time with two other daughters and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ellis and son, all of Bailey. * Chief Petty Officer Lorenzo W. Bunn, Jr., and his wife are visit ing his parents. Chief Bunn is be ing transferred from the U. S. Navy Cryptographic Repair School at Vallejo, Calif., to the same kind of school at Portsmouth', Va., where he will be an instructor. * Houseguests of Mrs. Wallace Chamblee are Mrs. Frederick Jo sey and son of Norfolk. They will be with her a week. Mrs. Millard Chamblee spent the weekend in Durham with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wright. * Mrs. B. H. Johnson, Mrs. Carter Studdert and Mrs. Wallace Cham blee attended the wedding of Miss Threva Pippin and Ray Herring in the Smithfield Presbyterian Church Saturday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock. * Mrs. John Kemp is in Virginia for the annual get-together of her sisters. She is visiting Mrs. La Prade Jones of Fredericksburg and Mrs. Ralph Brown of Orange. While there she went to Richmond for a visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Rosenstock. Pittman Stell is “very frail,’’ ac cording to one of his daughters. However, he is able to be up some each day. He has been an invalid for several months at his home on Arendell Avenue. * Wilber Conn, a field worker for I the American Red Cross, is now j stationed in Tampa, Florida. He I assumed his new post December 30 after a two year tour of duty in Germany. * Jimmy and Nancy Murphy spent the weekend with their grand mother, Mrs. Ashley Murphy, while their parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Irving Murphy went sight seeing in Washington, D. C. Card of Thanks I am grateful for the vists, tel ephone calls, cards, letters, pray ers and other kindnesses while I was in Rex Hospital. May God bless you. Mrs. Ethel Batchelor ■ SAFE AS AMERICA I U S SAVINGS BONDS Mr. and Mrs. William A. Carroll announce the birth of a son, An thony Charles, on February 2 at Franklin Memorial Hospital in Louisburg. Mrs. Carroll is the former Elaine Hopkins of Zebulon. * Mr. and Mrs. Otha Hayes, Jr., of Henderson announce the birth of a daughter, Shirley Faye, Jan uary 23 at Maria Parham Hospital in Henderson. Mrs. Hayes is the former Shirley Corbett of Zebu Ion. Surgery Mrs. Iris Temple, Hopkins Cha pel correspondent for The Record, underwent surgery Monday at Wake Memorial Hospital. She is reportedly resting comfortably. Dave Privette Has 71st Birthday Dave Privette was 71-years-old Monday, February 7. On the oc casion, his children entertained him at a dinner at his home last Sunday. After the dinner the honoree sliced and served his favorite cake, chocolate. Present were his wife and six children and their families: Mrs. Vivian Trevathan, Wayne, Frank, Curtis, Mrs. Wilbur Oakley, all of Zebulon, and Mrs. Cecil Alford of Arlington, Va. He is the grandfather of 14. Mrs. Farmer Fetes Diamond Card Club Mrs. Pat Farmer was hostess to the Diamond Bridge Club last Thursday at her home on North Street. Arrangements of forced Japanese quince were used for decoration. Playing were Mrs. Bernice Bunn, Mrs. Howard Beck, Mrs. Wilson Grimes and Mrs. Charles Flowers, members; Mrs. Wallace Chamblee, Mrs. Wilson Braswell, Mrs. Foster Finch and Mrs. Thurman Murray, guests. After the close of three progres sions the scores were tallied and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Beck, club high; Mrs. Grimes, club low; Mrs. Chamblee, guest high; and Mrs. Finch, guest low. A Valentine motif was used in tallies and napkins. Refreshments were coconut de light topped with whipped cream, open faced sandwiches, pickle and coffee. Fruit punch and party crackers were passed during play. Quince Arrangements Used for Decoration Arrangements of Japanese quince were used when Mrs. Wal lace Chamblee entertained the Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Club last week at her home on North Street. All the club members were pres ent, who were Mrs. W. C. Campen, Mrs. Helen Gregory, Mrs. F. L. Page, Mrs. Ben Thomas, Mrs. L. M. Massey, Mrs. Robert D. Mas sey, Mrs. Foster Finch and Miss Mary Palmer. At the close of three progres sions the hostess presented prizes to Mrs. L. M. Massey for high prize, and to Miss Palmer went low score prize. The hostess served congealed fruit salad on lettuce, ham salad sandwiches, pickle and coffee. Card of Thanks | We wish to thank everyone of the Wendell-Zebulon Hospital for | the wonderful care given me while ! I was a patient there. I am home I now improving, thanks to all my friends, neighbors and loved ones for prayers, visits, cards, letters, flowers, gifts and candy. Also the kindness given my family. The fellowship and kindness of my ! roommates were great. The min isters were so helpful in my time of need. May God’s blessings be with all. Pettigrew High and family MENU MONDAY: Fish sticks, buttered potatoes, slaw, cornbread, but ter, milk. TUESDAY: Fried chicken, gravy, buttered rice, string beans, fruit cup, bread, milk. WEDNESDAY: Frankfurter in fin ger roll, navy beans, tossed j green salad, chocolate pudding, milk. THURSDAY: Roast beef with gra vy, mashed potatoes, steamed cabbage, tomato juice, apple sauce, bread, milk. FRIDAY: Vegetable soup, toasted cheese sandwich, carrot sticks, ice cream, crackers, milk. UNION CHAPEL Mr. and Mrs. Jack Creech and Brenda were visitors of Mrs. Pearlie Phillips at Westhaven Rest Home in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Massey and children were supper guests of the Jimmy Youngs Monday p.m. Vance Denton had dinner Sun day with his mother, Mrs. Nita Denton, of Riley. Larry King of Hopkins spent the weekend with Dwight Denton. Mrs. Spencer Tant, Miss Carol Johnson, Mrs. Lonnie Tant and Brenda/ and Miss Jean Denton visited Mrs. Ada Johnson of Bai ley Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Curtis Horton of Bunn, | Mrs. Mildred Ferrell of Raleigh | and Mrs. Mamie Mitchell called to see the Leo Leffingwells and the Buck Richards Sunday p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ben King and chil dren of Hopkins called on the Vance Dentons over the weekend. Cornell Ferrell of Raleigh spent the weekend with the Jimmy Youngs. Mr. and Mrs. Fernie Richards and children of Raleigh spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Heber Creech. Pearces Kews Rev. Garland Foushee, pastor of Pearces Baptist Church, attended the Evangelistic Convention at Greensboro Monday through Wednesday. The Minnie Baker Circle (I’m a member too) met with Mrs. Hal Perry Monday night at 7:30. Eight members attended: Mrs. E. G. Richards, Mrs. Ronald Pierce, Mrs. H. K. Baker, Mrs. C. D. Strick land, Mrs. Garland Foushee, Mrs. Ben Perry, Mrs. Elmo Privette and Mrs. Hal Perry. The Pearce Baptist Church has a new electric organ. Amelia Perry is our organist. Mrs. Luther Perry and Mrs. Ada Pearce visited Mrs. Perry’s parents, the K. W. Bakers at Beth lehem, Sunday. Mrs. Bertie Johnson had sur gery last Wednesday at Mary Eliz abeth Hospital. Mrs. Fannie Yeargin is still in | Rex Hospital and reported to be; better. Femie Pearce is in Mary Eliza beth Hospital with pneumonia. H. K. Privette and Mrs. Frances Perry are reported to be very sick. John Chairfblee of New Hope is very ill with a heart attack. He is in the hospital at Louisburg. Mark Perry, son of the J. W. Perrys, Jr., had his tonsils and adenoids removed at Rex Hos pital. A fishing tackle show was held at the Pearce Annex Building Monday night, Feb. 4. Around 250 people enjoyed the sound and col or movies shown on fishing. A bout $100.00 in prizes were given to the lucky ticket holders. Re freshments were served. Mrs. Eamestine Marshall has re sumed the writing of Rosenburg and Pearce communities news items. Persons in these commu nities who wish to have items in these columns are asked to call j Mrs. Marshall AN 9-2792 or mail I her a check for $3.00 a year. The granddaughter of Mrs. Janet Conn presided as mistress of ceremonies at the coronation cere monies of the Dublin (Ga.) high school king and queen. Miss Jean Glover presided over the elaborate ceremonies held last week in the school auditorium. The theme used by the student body for the occasion was “Isle of Dreams.” Miss Glover is 18-years-old and a member of the senior class at Dublin High. She is an honor student and plans to continue her education at a Georgia college. She is the daughter of Mrs. Wil mer Eddins, who is the former Dorothy Conn. COLORED NEWS Mrs. Lizzie Askew The Junior Choir of Wakefield Baptist Church observed its 8th Anniversary last Sunday night. An appreciative number attended. Fi nance contribution amounted to $45.00. The members are very much encouraged by the splendid response which the members and friends gave in raising the fund and thank every one. George Perry is organist for the Junior Choir. The annual “Men's Day” pro gram of Beaver’s Chapel Congre gational Christian Church will be observed Sunday at 11:30 a.m. Guest speakers will be the Rev. W. M. Lake of Burlington, former pastor, and the Rev.-L. E. Young, pastor. The public is cordially in- I vited. The Missionary Circle of Wake- i field Baptist Church will hold its ; meeting at the church Sunday at j 3:30 p.m. All members are asked] to attend. Funeral services were held last; Sunday for Cannon Richardson at Wakefield Baptist Church. Dr. C. ■ E. Askew officiated, assisted by the Rev. Earl Preddy of Raleigh. Mrs. Annie Stuart is doing as well as could be expected from an injury that happened recently. J. R. Horton has been discharg ed from Wake Memorial Hospital, Raleigh, where he was treated for pneumonia. Please remember “The Trip Around the World” at Wakefield Baptist Church February 17 at 7:30 p.m. The public is cordially invited. Come go with us. Miss Loretha Mayo of South Eastern Business College, Durham, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Daniel during the weekend. The Junior Choir of Zebulon Baptist Church attended a musical program at St. Paul Disciple Church Sunday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gray and son/ Vincent of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Gray’s parents, the Harold Taylors. Funeral services for David High, son of Mr. and Mrs. James O. High, were held last Saturday at Wakefield Baptist Church. Dr. C. E. Askew officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. LaVerne Vick and Baleria Parks are outstanding students in Shep ard Elementary department. They are also exceptional fine Sunday School scholars. Rosenburg News By Eamestine M. Marshall Too late for last week C. B. Morris had an asthma operation Dec. 12. John Carter, Robert Perry, Mrs. Susie Strickland, Mrs. Har old Mangum, Mrs. Daylon Price and others are sick. Mrs. Ernestine Marshall visited her son, the Billy Gene Marshalls and grandchildren, who have flu at Wake Forest, Tuesday night. Mrs. Marshall spent last week in Goldsboro with her twin sister. Iva Dean Morris and Mrs. N. V. Childs. Mrs. Marshall is staying home and farming this year. Mrs. Eamestine Marshall has recovered from the carbon monox ide poisoning which struck her down Dec. 12. Also from asiatic flu. Mrs. R. B. Moore of Poole Road, Raleigh, sister of Eamestine Mar shall, is still in Wake Memorial Hospital in Raleigh suffering from a brain cancer operation last fall. No visitors except her husband and family. Please renew your Zebulon Rec ord subscriptions, new or old, with me. I love to write news for Ros enburg and Pearce Communities. ' Phone 269-2782. Address Route 2, Zebulon, N. C. Mrs. Wilbur Gay spent last week with her husband who does property appraisal work in Greensboro. Their daughter, Car ol is in college at Greenville. The Marshall Stricklands and Ivey Sue and the Billy Liles of Lizard Lick visited their brother, L. C. Liles at Knightdale, Sunday. Mrs. Grace Baker, the Charles Bakers and Sharron and Miss Dor is Honeycutt, went to Ft. Lauder dale, Fla., for a week with friends recently. Mrs. Lois Honeycutt was very ill with pneumonia. ■ Mr. and Mrs. James Pearce and children of Zebulon visited their parents, the R. O. Pearces, Sun day. Dillard Privette took his mother, Mrs. W. I. Privette, to Raleigh Saturday for a final check-up. She accidentally swallowed a small quail bone that pierced her intes tines. Mr. and Mrs. IsaiJ? Jeans of Henderson were Sunday visitors of the Leroy Masons. Mrs. Charlie Debnam helped the Wakefield Demonstration Club quilt Tuesday so the club could raise some needed funds. Iva Dean Morris of Goldsboro and B. G. Marshall of Wake For est visited Earnestine Marshall and Mrs. Marshall’s sister, Mrs. . R. B. Moore of Raleigh, Carlie, C. B. and the Willard Morrises. GRADUATES Miss Carolyn Hinton accepted a position January 31 on the Smith field High School faculty as piano instructor. She graduated Janu ary 21 from Indiana State Univer sity with a master of music de gree. She will receive her degree in absentia in June. Miss Hinton received a bache lor of music degree from East Car- ■ olina College in 1961, and also re ceived a performance certificate, one of the highest honors awarded a student in piano. She presented her graduation recital October 18. Her minor is in music history. During the fall and winter se mesters she held an assistantship in the music department of the college. This assistantship was a $500 stipend. Miss Hinton, daughter of Mrs. Ollie Hinton of Zebulon and the late Avon Hihton, replaces Miss Joan Neighbors who died of a heart attack during the Christmas holidays. Card of Thanks I consider Mf. lYank Wall, oper ator of the Piggly Wiggly grocery store, a very true friencT of mine. I highly appreciate him sending me cigarettes while I was in the V. A. hospital. I say thanks again foe his kindness. K. V. Watson

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