I Still Time to Win a FREE HlAMIQfi' qssdihks , ' *. ■■■ -•' V' ( 14 Free Flameless Dryers Free Entry Blanks at Your Authorized Electric Dryer Dealer No reason to wait to buy your electric dryer. Just ask an authorized appliance dealer how you can still come out a winner if you have purchased a dryer during the Sweepstakes Entry Period. By so doing, you can win both ways. You enjoy the benefits of the cleanest, shortest clothesline in the world NOW, and still have your chance at being one of the Fourteen Winners. It’s easy to enter. Just get your FREE Official Entry Blank at an Authorized Electric Dryer Dealer — fill it out — and you’re in the running for one of the FOURTEEN FLAMELESS ELECTRIC DRYER PRIZES! ENTRY RULES! WHO MAY ENTER—Ml adults living within CP&L’a Retail Service Area are eligible to enter EXCEPT employees (and their immediate fami lies) of Carolina Power k Light Company, the electric appliance manufacturers, distributors and dealers, and their advertising or contest agencies. ENTRY PERIOD — To be eligible for the Sweepstakes Drawing, all entries must be com pleted during the period from February 1st, 1963 until Midnight, March 30th, 1963. HOW TO ENTER — Official Entry Blanks may be obtained, at Authorized Electric Appliance , Dealer Stores in CP&L’s service area. Entry Blanks should be filled out and deposited in a Registration Box a. the Appliance Dealer’s place of business. SWEEPSTAKES DRAWING — On Monday, April 8th, 1963, at 2:30 P.M., a Drawing will be held in EACH OF THE 14 CPAL DISTRICT OFFICES. You need not be present to win. The Sweepstakes Winner in each District will have the choice of a Flameless Electric Dryer, not to exceed the Retail Price of $169.00. In the event a Winner has bought an electric dryer within the foregoing contest period, credit equivalents will be paid to the customer’s account at the appliance dealer’s place of business. ANNOUNCEMENT OF WINNERS — Winners will be notified as soon as practicable after the Drawings on April 8th, 1963. NOTHING TO BUY—YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN! C CAROLINA POWER A UOHT COMPANY) An investor-owned, taxpaying, public utility company Hales Chapel Dewey Wayne Creech of the Navy spent the weekend with his father, Mr. and Mrs. Will Creech. He will be sent from Norfolk to Cuba. Other guests were Allen Creech and Lois Hagwood of Ra leigh Douglas Stallings of Gamer vis ited his mother, Mrs. Lula Stal lings, and family Sunday. Visiting Mrs. Beulah Bunn and family Sunday were Mrs. Katie Griswold and daughters, Fay and Janet of Zebulon, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vinson of Raleigh. Lonnie Faucette and daughter, Peggy, were Sunday afternoon guests of the Frank Faucette fam ily of Emit. The Roy Browns visited their daughter, Mrs. George H. Bell and family of Clayton last Thursday. Recent guests of the Jesse Bai leys were the John L. Stones of Middlesex and the Bobby Bailey family of Smithfleld. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Driver and son of Wendell and the Ray Drivers and daughter, Debbie, of Archer’s Lodge were Sunday guests of their parents, the Her schel Drivers. The Rex Browns visited her mother, Mrs. Mattie Kemp of Middlesex, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rrown and son called on the Webb Kemp family of Middlesex Sunday p.m. The Herschel Drivers were Sun day night guests of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Driver and family or Archer’s Lodge. Percy has pneumonia. All WMU members are ■ asked to be present for' the book study Friday night at the church at 7:30 o’clock. Mrs. Ashley Crefech will teach the book. The Ella Price Circle met with Miss Hazel Bunn Wednesday night. Visiting Mrs. Ara Martin, Sat urday were Mr. and Mrs. William Martin of Garner and the Carl Martins and son of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Creech have moved into their new home next door to his parents, the Thel bert Creeches. Saturday night guests of the Douglas Browns were Bob Rich ardson and Miss Ruth Anne Whit of Durham. The YWA’s met Monday night at the church with their coun cilors, Mrs. B. J. Pearce and Mrs. Pauline Strickland. Mrs. Ara Martin spent the weekend with her son, the Wil liam Martins, of Garner. Keith Strickland celebrated his 13th birthday Sunday afternoon with a party given by his parents. There were several guests present. Mr. and Mrs. Vaiden Richardson visited his uncle, the Jackson Tip petts, near Lee’s Chapel Sunday afternoon. The Henry Andrews of Wendell were Monday night guests of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Andrews, and son. Rickey Spencer of Raleigh spent Monday with Bud Andrews. Surprise Party Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eddins were honored on their fifty-first wedding anniversary with a sur prise fcarty Monday night by their children, Mrs. Forest Hendricks, : Mrs. Leonard Wilder, Mrs. Joe Al ford and Bobby Ross Eddins. ! The Hendricks home, where the ; informal occasion was held, was decorated in a yellow color : scheme. The refreshment table I had an arrangement of yellow gladioli and chrysanthemums on one end and the two-tiered white { and yellow iced cake on the other. t Refreshments consisted of party ! sandwiches, crackers, nuts and yellow fruit punch. Mrs. Eddins was presented a white orchid. Besides the husbands of the daughters and wife of the son, there were Mrs. Hubert Eddins and Mrs. Elbert Rhodes, sisters of Mrs. Eddins. Mrs. Percy Pace of Ahoskie came down for the event and pre sented incidental music during the evening. | Thoroughly cleansed and oc | casionally aired coffee pots pro duce more flavorful coffee. juunvirivr * * *■*■* « EMIT NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Jake Pearce of Raleigh have moved in this com munity in the home of Mrs. Mary Hajes. Mrs. W. J. Wilder honored her husband with a dinner Sunday celebrating his birthday. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hocutt of Wendell, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hocutt of Zebulon, Mr. and Mrs. Barna Wilder of Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Darius Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. Osbone Wilder and Nelson Wilder who has been in Kentucky on the to bacco market. Nelson Wilder was the weekend guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Osbone Wilder. Mr. and Mrs. Therous Johnson and boys visited Mr. and Mrs. Hu bert' Holland and children of Whitley’s Cross Roads Sunday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Wall and children, Robert and Connie of New Jersey, spent the weekend with the Wilton Wall family. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lewis and Judy spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Lewis and fam ily of Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wall and girls of Raleigh called on Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Wall Sunday. Mrs. Mae Bailey and Mrs. Gwen Ludgate and boys of Raleigh and Norman Tickle of Burlington were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Faucette Sunday. Miss Peg gy and Lonnie Faucette called in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Driver and Mike called on Mr. and Mrs. Pete Perry Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Faucette and Mrs. Mattie Driver visited Mr. and Mrs. Pete Perry Monday, who were in a car wreck Sunday. Debra and Belinda Perry are vis iting a few days with their grand parents, the Faucettes. The 4-H Club had talent night at their meeting Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Waylon Hinton spent the weekend with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Billie Pow ell, in Virginia. The Therous Johnsons and boys called on the Pete Perrys of Mid dlesex Monday night. UNION CHAPEL | Mrs. Jimmy Young is confined | to her bed with a back injury. ! Mrs. Wayne Parrish continues : as a patient at Rex Hospital. ! Plans are being made for our spring revival which will be held | March 31 until April 7. Miss Barbara Boykin of Zebulon spent Sunday with Miss Brenda Creech. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Jack Creech took them on a tour of the new State House in Raleigh. Ronnie Richards of Rocky Mount visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Richards, Saturday. James Cunningham attended the car races at Daytona Beach, Flori i da, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fernie Richards and children of Raleigh were din ner guests Sunday of the Leo Lef fingwells. Visiting their parents, the Buck Richards, in the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beddingfield of Rocky Mount and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Horton and Ted of Bunn. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cunningham and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnson of Raleigh were visitors Sunday of the Paul Stones in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Lee of Raleigh visited Sunday night with her mother, Mrs. Essie Cunning ham. Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Parrish visited the Bobby Ferrells and Mrs. Wayne Parrish at Rex Hos pital Sunday. Mrs. Mamie Mitchell attended the surprise celebration Monday night honoring Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Eddins on their 51st wedding anniversary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hendricks in Wakefield. If you pour a few drops of co logne into clear water and rinse your handkerchiefs etc., in it, after washing them, you will like the lingering fragrance.