Mrs. Rochelle Long Teaches Study Course Mrs. Rochelle Long taught a study course, “Son of Israel,” to the Intermediate GA’s of Zebu Ion Baptist Church on February 8. For the presentation, the girls gave the speaker a set of ash trays as a gift. Participating on the program were Angela Hood, president; Car olyn Massey, Jane Hinton, Peggy Maiden and Nancy Maiden. Wendell Soldier In Va. Camp . Army Pvt. Kent J. Morris, son of Mrs. Jazie C. Morris, Wendell, recently was assigned to the 59th Transportation Company, Fort Eustis, Va. Morris, a truck driver for the company, entered the Army in No vember 1962 and completed basic combat training at Fort Gordon, Ga. He is a 1956 graduate of Rolcs ville High School. Choir Gets "B" Rating In Festival The Junior Choir of Zebulon Baptist Church was given a “B” rating in the Regional Choir Fes tival held in Raleigh Monday night at Tabernacle Baptist Church. Miss Mary Lou Nicholson, direc tor of the choir, said the rating en titles the group to participate in the Statewide Choir Festival to be held at Southeastern Seminary in April. The choir of 14 members pre sented two selections; a hymn, “Dear Lord and Father of Man kind; and an anthem, “Jesus, Whom Thy Children Love.’’ Card of Thanks The family of Leonard Lewis wishes to express their deepest ap preciation for the many kindnesses shown them during their recent bereavement. May Cod richly bless each .mil every one of vou. Polio Cannister Collections High A total or $17.15 was collected in the cannisters displayed in busi ! nesg establishments during the 1 polift drive, Mrs. Armstrong Can nady, co-chairman and in charge of the cannister drive, said this week. “This is the most we have ever ■ collected in cannisters,’’ Mrs. Can ' nady enthused. “And strangely | enough it was all silver. There was not a piece of folding money.” Mrs. Cannady said the drive this year will go well over the $600 mark. If you went to carry or mail small plant cuttings a great dis tance, you can keep them in good condition by wrapping in a mois tened sponge and carrying or sending them in a tin can. MENU MONDAY: Fried chicken with gravy, buttered rice, steamed cabbage, beet pickle, fresh pear, bread, milk. TUESDAY: Spaghetti, buttered corn, potato sticks, orange juice, hot rolls, butter, milk. WEDNESDAY: Creamed chicken on toast, cheese sticks, tossed green salad, raisin-peanut but ter-syrup pie, bread, milk. THURSDAY: Fish sticks, slaw, pinto beans, lemon chiffon pie, j corn bread, butter, milk. FRIDAY:Vegetable soup, lunch eon meat sandwich, peanut-but ter-graham cracker slandwich, fresh pear, ice cream, crackers, I milk. If you need a lot of ice cubes for a party, you can freeze and store as many as you will need in plas tic bags in your freezer, and they won’t stick together this way. DO YOU TRAVEL TO RALEIGH ^ TO WORK EVERY DAY? Then this will interest you... MURRAY TIRE SERVICE 401 S. WILMINGTON STREET IN RALEIGH has wonderful year-'round services to offer you! HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN GET YEAR ROUND AT MURRAY'S - Ar Complete Sales and Service on Wonderful U. S. Royal Tires and Tubes of all sizes. Ar Expert Front End Alignment with the new John Bean Visuliner - includ ing all Foreign Cars. A'Unexcelled wheel balancing - guaranteed to be perfect. Don't fight that traffic tomorrow - BRING YOUR CAR TO US! f *f We'll take you to work and pick you up. ^f One day service on everything! AND *f You can get credit in minutes at Murray's! MURRAY TIRE SERVICE RIGHT BEHIND HUDSON-BELKS NEW BLDG. 401 S. Wilmington Street — Telephone TE 2-3768 — Raleigh Lending money for any worth while purpose is a most im portant part of our business. Our lending rates are reason able .. . time payment plans available. Feel welcome to come in anytime and discuss your money needsl Dial AN 94551 PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST COMPANV Member F.D.I .C-.