ANOTHER GOOD REASON TO ‘gfl/*# WITH OS Yes, youT svoid the risk of catching cold during the un settled winter months when you BANK BY MAIL with usl ' Mail your deposits at your convenience from yourdoor step or nearest mailboxl Dial AN 94551 PEOPLES SANK ^e AND M TRUST" COMPANY Member F.D.I ,C.‘ gjMiimiuiiiintiRiiiimiiimiiHiiiiitiniiniiiiiimiiHiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiMnmHiiiinmimiuniiiim I Wakefield News! i l | Mrs. Vera B. Rhodes | simiiMuiiN ifflinniiiiiiiuiiiiil Week of Prayer will be held at the church each night at 7:30. E. A. Rhodes is a patient at WaKe Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Vera Rhodes spent the weekend with Mrs. Alice Hood, caring for her while the lady went visiting. Mrs. Clellie Liles, Kay and Phil visited the Wallace Liles in Balti more over the weekend. Mrs. Fan nie Bolton spent the time with Mrs. Bolton while they were away. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Moore and three children have moved in the apartment of Mrs. Annie P. Jones. We welcome them to our commu nity and church. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Eddins and Mrs. Lois Young visited Mrs. Daphne Fuller last Saturday p.m. When he turned in the drive, a colored man whamed into the back of his car doing much dam age. Mrs. Bertha Hood spent the weekend in Zebulon. She came to see Mother and myself Sunday. The Wayne Lewises and son, Paul, came also. Mrs. Annie Jones visited Mrs. Vera Rhodes Tuesday. The club met Wednesday for the one we missed last week on ac count of the snow. Mrs. Helen Jones and Mrs. Vera Rhodes visited Mrs. Oma Stallings last Friday p.m. Mrs. Rhodes went to Collins Hicks’ funeral at 4 at the Pilot Church. Mrs. David Elks visited her par ents, the E. A. Rhodes, during the weekend. Lt. (jg) H. A. Hodge III, is in Spain. The Oscar Phelps family spent Sunday with the Lonnie Pooles. Mrs. Maxine Hicks has flu. Mrs. Maudie Hood visited Mrs. Alice Hood Monday ajn. and Mrs. Vera Rhodes. The T. Y. Puryears visited Mrs. Alice Hood and Vera Rhodes Mon day p.m. Mrs. Helen Jones recently visit ed Mrs. Pink Williams. Mrs. D. R. Lucas has been sick. The Bobby Ferrells are improv ing at Rex Hospital, Raleigh. Ferd Breslau and mother-in law, Mrs. Helen Jones, visited Mrs. Lorna Ferrell Friday a.m. Mrs. Vera Rhodes visited Mrs. T. Y. Puryear Saturday pjn. and Mrs. Rella Privette that night. Starched table linens and nap kins not only look better but resist soil and stains better. COLORED NEWS Mrs. Lizzie Askew Mrs. Ernestine Smith Cain of Lincolnville Community of Wake County, died Friday. Funeral serv ices were held Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. in Lincolnville AME Church by the Rev. J. H. Garrett. Burial will follow in Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Wendell. Survivors include her husband, Walker Cain; her father, Morris Smith; two brothers, Emmitt and Huston Smith of New York City. Jesse Morgan, son of Mrs. Ber cie Morgan, died Saturday. Funer al services were held at Pilot Bap tist Church Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Virgil and Mrs. Wright of Nashville spent last Sunday afternoon with the C. E. Askews. ' A Religious Pageant will be given April 21, at Mt. Zion Holy Church at 8:00 p.m. The title, “The Pathway To Glory.” The WMU of Wake County will be held with Wakefield Baptist Church Sunday. The Ministers’ and Deacons’ Un ion will convene with Olive Branch Baptist Church the 5th Saturday and Sunday in this month. Rev. and Mrs. Charles Raiford and children of Murfreesboro spent last weekend with Mrs. Ralford’s parents, the Arthur Perrys. Mrs. Olave Horton of Rt. 3, Ra leigh, spent last Sunday afternoon with her parents, the Arthur Per rys. A musical program will be ren dered the 3rd Sunday night in March at Wakefield Baptist Church at 8:00 p.m., sponsored by the assistant organist, George Per ry. Mrs. Mary Jacqueline Perry will present the WIC girls with two numbers in the Union Sunday at Wakefield Baptist Church, repre senting the Junior Department. BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cimer ro of Cary announce the birth of a son, Mark Edmund, at Rex Hos pital March 5. Mrs. Cimerro was formerly Joyce Temple of Zebu Ion. Hospital Report Wendell-Zebulon Hospital of ficials said this week there were 114 admissions, 62 operations, eight births and one death during the month of February. ' Pardon us, please while we brag on you! Yes, YOU, our 383,000 residential customers. ] Last year CP&L customers used 31 per cent more elec tricity in their homes than the average for the whole country. If this can be translated into the jobs you allowed Reddy to do for you . . . jobs like cooking and water heating, wash ing and drying, keeping you comfortable and entertained • . . then you’ve been living above the average. What’s more, you bought Reddy’s services at a cost per