Personal Notes (Continued from Page 2) guests of Mrs. Kemp were Mr. and Mrs. James Allen of Myrtle Beach, Mr. and Mrs. James Rosen stock and sons of Petersburg, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hodges and daughter of Greensboro. Only one member of the family was missing and that was the Allen’s son who is away in college. Jim my Allen brought his mother-in law some of the most gorgeous camellias and jonquils from his yard. Mrs. Kemp said they were just beautiful. • It was a very happy birthday for Louise Hcod recently. Her boy friend and another couple vis ited her sister, Mrs. Max Shapiro in Beverly Hills, Calif. From Beverly Hills they went to Palm Springs and then on to Las Vegas. They jetted home, Raleigh, with Miss Hood cuddling her beautiful birthday present, a tiny toy French poodle. * Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stallings and Mrs. Julian Horton motored Sunday afternoon to Henderson for a visit with Mrs. Stallings’ sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chappell. They were also supper guests of the Chappells. * Mrs. McRae Faison was the Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hinton. She was en route from a visit in Durham to her home in Roanoke Rapids. * Mrs. C. S. Foshee is visiting her son and his family, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Foshee of Radford, Va. * Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Long visited her uncle, William Hilliard and Mrs. Hilliard of Middlesex, Sun day. He is recuperating from an illness. * Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Collie of Rocky Mount were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Long. • Mrs. R. H. Bridgers is in Wake Memorial Hospital suffering with broken ribs. Mrs. Howard Beck Is Bridge Hostess Mrs. Howard Beck was hostess to the Mes Amis Bridge Club last week at her home on Arendell Avenue. Decorations of jonquils and quince were used throughout the playing areas. Members playing were Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. Ben Thomas, Mrs. Philip Olive, Mrs. Lois Wall, Mrs. Helen Gregory, and Mrs. I. D. Gill. Mrs. L. E. Long came as guest. High and low score prizes were presented to Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Olive, respectively. Mrs. Long was remembered with a gift. After the close of three progres sions the hostess served fudge delight, chicken salad sandwiches, cheese straws, barbecued Fritos and coffee. During play fruit juice and candies were served. Emith 4-H Club Holds Talent Contest The Emit Community 4-H Club held its regular meeting Feb. 25 at the home of Avon Creech with 18 members and three leaders pres ent. Final plans for observing Na tional 4-H club Week were made, and members discussed plans to visit the new State House with other 4-H’ers from the county on March 4. In the talent contest, blue rib bons were awarded to Judy Strick land. piano solo; Toni Hinton, pi ano solo; Janet and Joan Fauc ette, singing duet; and Alan Tip pette, piano solo. They will repre sent the club in the county talent contest. President Judy Strickland pre sided. Rowland Strickland gave the devotional, and Emogene and Eugene Glover led the pledges. Refreshments were served by Rowland Strickland. Plan your meals ahead of time, when you are hungry and your appetite will help you. Miss Patricia Ann Gay’s engage ment to Tony Gay Murray is an nounced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gay, Jr., of Zebulon. Mr. Murray is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Murray, also of Zebulon. A June wedding is planned. Miss Clara Joyce Rhodes is the daughter of Mrs. Charles H. Rhodes of Enfield and the late Mr. Rhodes. Her engagement to Robert Martin Dozier and the late Mr. Dozier of Whitakers is announced by her mother. The wedding is planned for March 31 in the Enfield Baptist Church. The Rhodes were at one time resi dents of Zebidon. Mrs. I. D. Gill Hostess at Party Mrs. 1/ D. Gill was hostess at a dinner party last Tuesday night honoring Mrs. Mary Lyman. Mrs. Lyman, who is associated with the Raleigh Little Theater, was guest speaker at the Woman’s Club that night. The dinner, served by candle light, was for the honoree and 10 guests. It consisted of grape fruit, chicken salad on lettuce with deviled eggs, garden pea casserole with water chestnuts, glazed apple with cheese and date filling, hot rolls, pecan pie, and coffee. Mrs. Lyman was presented a gift by the hostess. Woman's Club To Hold Luncheon Members of the Woman’s Club are holding a benefit luncheon Thursday, March 21, Mrs. Arm strong Cannady, president, has an nounced. The club recently spent appro imately $275 for additional heat for the building. The meal will consist of baked ham, vegetables, homemade pie, and coffee. Price of the tickets which may be secured from any member is $1. The luncheon will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY Under and by virtue of authority in C.S. 18-6 the undersigned will offer for sale on March 18, 1963 at twelve o’clock (12:00) noon at the Wendell Town Hall, Wendell, N. C. to the highest bidder the following described vehicle—1951 Ford two door automobile—Ser. no. B1BF— 122034, License no. AN 9161 regis tered to Earnest Reginald Jones, 701 E. Edenton St., Raleigh, North Caro lina. This sale made as per order of Judge C. M. Kirk, Wendell Recorders Court, Wendell, N; C. January 17, 1963. L. C. Puryear Wake County ABC Officer March 7, 14 i NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY NOTICE Under and by virture of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Leo Holden and wife, Halsie Holden, to A. G. Decker, R. S. Leftwich and Ellis Nassif, Trustees, dated the 13th day of December, 1949, and recorded in Book 1036 at Page 166, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake County; and under and by virtue of the authority vested in the under signed as substituted trustee by an instrument of writing dated the 1st day of March, 1963, and recorded in Book 1543, at Page 231. in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake County, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured and the said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby se cured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Raleigh, North Carolina, at 12:00 noon on the 3rd day of April, 1963, the land con veyed in said deed of trust, the same Iving and being in the City of Raleigh. Wake County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point, said point being the southwest corner of the intersection of Freeman St., Ext., with Cabarrus St., Ext.; thence along the west boundary line of Freeman St., Ext. South 05 degrees (X) minutes West 60 feet to a point, said point being the common corner of Lots 29 and 30 in the West boundary line of Freeman St.; thence along the dividing line of Lots 29 and 30 North 84 degrees 58 minutes West 100 feet to a point, said point being the WAKELON THEATRE ZEBULON, N. C. Week of March 13th Wed.-Tlmrs.-Fri.-Sat., Mar. 13-14-15-16 The Mighty, Mighty Show Who Is The Mightest Of Them All? Hercules Unchained Cinemascope Technicolor Goliath and The Dragon Technicolor Sun.-Mon.-Tucs., Mar. 17-18-19 Frank Sinatra — Janet Leigh Manchurian Candidate common corner of Lots 29 and 30; thence North 05 degrees 00 minutes East ©0 feet to a point in the South boundary line of Cabarrus St., Ext.; thence along the South boundary line of Cabarrus St., Ext., South 84 degrees 58 minutes East 100 feet to a point and place of BEGINNING, and being Lot 30 of the Hunter Park Homes, Inc., Subdivision, according to Book of Maps 1949, page 20, of the Wake County Registry, and being the same property conveyed to Leo Holden and wife by Hunter Park Homes, Inc., et al by deed dated Deeeinlx'r 12, 1949, and recorded simultaneously herewith. But this sale will be made subject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes and municipal assessments. The highest bidder will be required to deposit in cash at the sale an amount equal to ten percent of the amount of his bid up to $1,000, plus fixe percent of the excess of his bid over $1,000. This the 4th day of March, 1963. Sherwood Brantley Substituted Trustee 7,14,21,28 Let’s trade tires! ATLAS. PLYCRON CUSHIONAIRE TIRES $15.97 — 670 x 15 Black* Tube Type $18.75 — 670 x 15 White* Tube Type $21.46 — 750 x 14 White* Tubeless •Plus Tax 18 MO. GUARANTEE 1ST LINE We give Gold Bond Stamps Sec us now for tho best tire deal In town. We have an Atlas tire to fit your pocketbook. And you get the greatest value, because we pay the highest prices for your old tire*. Use your Esso Credit card. Take up to 26 weeks to pay — no extra charge! COME IN TODAY FOR A FREE TIRE CNECX-OP PHIL-ETT OIL CO. and ZEBULON MOTOR CO. Zebulon, N. C., Phone AN 9-9172 ITS TIME TO BE THINKING OF GARDEN PLANTING Garden Seed Cabbage Plants Seed Potatoes Corn & Soybeans SEED CLEANING BRASWELL SEED & FEED Wendell, N. C. THE WAY TO PAY BILLS! * PEN ■ VOW CHECKING ACCOUNT NOW! A checking account can ba your best budget book! You enter each expenditure—keep a "running" record of your balance—and every cancelled check is a legal receipt! START your account NOWI Dial AN 94551 PEOPLES BANK w| and m TRUST" COMPANY Member F.D.I C. *