Pilot News Miss Brunetta Ray Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Massey spent the weekend in Richmond, Va., with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wil liams. Mrs. Melba Pippin is a patient in Franklin Memorial Hospital in Louisburg. Mrs. Claudia Williams is back home after spending some time in High Point with her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Cains. Mrs. Mamie Bunn is back home after spending a couple of weeks in Florida with her sister and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lewis spent Let’s trade tires! your old tires for our new.... ATLAS. PLYCRON CUSHIONAIRE TIRES $15.97 — 670 x 15 Black* Tube Type $18.75 — 670 x 15 White* Tube Type $21.46 — 750 x 14 White* Tubeless ♦Plus Tax IS MO. GUARANTEE 1ST LINE We give Gold Bond Stamps See us now for the best tire deal In town. We have an Atlas tire to fit your pocketbook. And you get the greatest value, because we Gay the highest prices for your old tires. se your Esso Credit card. Taka up te 26 weeks to pay — no extra charge! COME IN TODAY FOR A FREE TIRE CHECK-RF PHIL-ETT OIL CO. and ZEBULON MOTOR CO. Zebulon, N. C., Phone AN 9-917! the weekend in Spartanburg, S. C., with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Lewis of Raleigh, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gra dy Driver last weekend. Lynn Lewis is out of school this week with mumps. Mrs. Bertha Alford of Zebylon recently visited Mrs. Fred Wat kins, Jr. Mrs. Lissie Williams is now working in Zebulon with the Max Paul Flower Shop. Mrs. Edwin Brantley of Knight dale visited Mrs. Lillie Bunn last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Haydon Perry had an ac cident last week while burning trash from a waste basket. Several stitches were required to sew up her leg. Garner Puckett spent part of last week in Fayetteville with his brother and his family, the Willie Pucketts. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Pearce of Hopkins Chapel visited Mrs. Pearce’s mother, Mrs. Eva Ray, Sunday evening. An old spray-top bottle filled with turpentine, is a handy thing to have around when cleaning hands of paint, grease, etc. DIAL AN 9-9133 Beauty Care Mrs. Rulby D. Manning, Mgr. Miss Hazel Bunn, Asst. Mgr. Glenda Wilson Zebulon Beauty Shop Air Conditioned WAKELON WEEK OF MAR. 20th Wed.-Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., Mar. 20-21-22-23 The Weird Monster Show __ How to Make a Monster Terror in the Year 5,000 Invasion of Saucer Men Brain Eaters Wed. thru Fri. Shows 7:00 to midnight Sat. shows Continuous from 1:00 P.M. A free pass on Wed., Thur., & Fri. only to everyone with guts enough to see all four shows! Sun.-Mon.-Tues., Mar. 24-25-26 Joan Crawford — Bette Davis What Ever Happened To Baby Jane Martha’s Children Shop Zebulon, N. C. $2.00 Bring this coupon - it's worth $2.00 on the purchase of Boys suit or sports coat, girls or subteen dress. Any size. March 21-thru April 13 Zebulon Sheet Metal Works 24 Hour Service HEATING — AIR CONDITIONING — GUTTERING ROOFING — GUARANTEED AUTHORIZED G.E. DEALER Special Offer Entire house cooled with CE. No Money Down. only! Phone Office AN 9-5197 Residence AN 9-9349 Wilson Carroll, proprietor HALES CHAPEL Mrs. J. D. Driver Mrs. Lila Mae Driver, Miss Carolyn Stallings, Miss Nadine Driver and Carmel Wall spent last Saturday with the Guy Helms fam ily of Maiden. Purvis Liles of Raleigh was a Sunday guest of his mother, Mr. and Mrs. Will Creech. Jimmy Driver of the U. S. Army, stationed at Leesville, La., is spending his two weeks furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Driver. Mr. and Mrs. Dri ver left Louisiana Saturday after noon and arrived in Raleigh Sun day night. They will also visit her parents, the Morris Weathersbys, of Wendell and other relatives and friends while here. The Odell Edwards family of Lake Wendell were Sunday night guests of the William Driver fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tippett re turned home Saturday after spend ing a week with their daughter, the Sherman Goodwin family of Portsmouth, Va. The Clemon Johnson family and the Vaiden Richardson family at tended a birthday dinner at the home of Mrs. Meecie Hocutt of Tabernacle. Mrs. Hocutt’s children were helping celebrate her birth day by having a picnic dinner. 'The Charles Martin family of Raleigh and the Herman Martins of Corinth were Sunday guests of their mother, Mrs. Ara Martin. The Brantley Carters and daugh ter of Zebulon visited her parents, the Marvin Hinton family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hales and family visited Mrs. Hales’ sister, the Carman Phillips, and family of Raleigh Sunday afternoon. The Bob Browns and son and Rex Brown spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown of North Wilkesboro. Mrs. Ruth Brown returned home with them after spending a week with her son, Harold and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Clio Vann spent Sunday with her parents, the C. K. Saddlers of Littleton. Mrs. Blois Creech and children visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Glover, Sr., of Emit Sunday. The William Drivers and daugh ter were Saturday night guests of Mr; and Mrs. Morris Weathersby of Wendell. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown have a grandson born Saturday morn ing in a Raleigh hospital. The Percy Driver family of Ar cher’s Lodge visited his parents, the Herchel Drivers, Sunday af ternoon. The Larry Andrews and son were Saturday night guests of the Bill Creech family of Dixie. Visiting the Talmadge Vanns Sunday were their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Anthony, of Wil son. Mr. and Mrs. Thelbert Creech and son were Saturday night sup per guests of Mrs. Broadie Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Martin of Pilot. Janet Carpenter of Knightdale spent the weekend with her sister, Mr, and Mrs. Randolph Creech. Mr. and Mrs. Thelbert Creech were Sunday night guests of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer God win, of Oak Grove. Card of Thanks Words can never express the heartfelt appreciation for the ’ indnesses shown my husband and me during my long-shut-in days. For every card, visit, phone call, gift, flower, sincere prayers and any means of thoughtfulness I humbly say thanks from the depths of my heart. God’s richest bless ings be upon each of you. Mrs. Polly M. Fuller ELITE BEAUTY SHOP Mrs. Nelle Kemp, Owner Artists m Hair Styling and Cutting Mrs. Marie Boykin Mrs. Judy Richardson Assistants AIR CONDITIONED Rosenburg News By Eamestine M. Marshall (Too late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moody of Raleigh and Mrs. J. R. Moody and Johnnie of Mitchell’s Mill visited their sister and daughter, Mrs. John Carter and family, Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Denton vis ited her parents, the Wiley Pearces, at Pearces Saturday night. Mrs. Pearce, 74 years old, has been ill with heart trouble. She was re cently discharged from Franklin Memorial Hospital at Louisburg. Earnestine Marshall is feeling better after having a virus infec tion last week. Miss Barbara Price celebrated her 20th birthday Sunday after noon at her home in Rosenburg. About 20 attended the party. Bar bara received many lovely gifts. Earnestine Marshall and C. B. Morris visited their sister, Mrs. Robert Bruce Moore and family on Poole Road in Raleigh. The Billy Gene Marshalls of Wake Forest visited his mother, Mrs. Earnestine Marshall, last week. Willard Morris of Raleigh visit ed his sister, Earnestine Marshall and his two brothers, C. B. and Carlie, Sunday morning. Pvt. James Elwood Honeycutt of the Army, stationed in Korea, NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY NOTICE Under and by virture of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Leo Holden and wife, Halsie Holden, to A. G. Decker, R. S. Leftwich and Ellis Nassif, Trustees, dated the 13th day of December, 1949, and recorded in Book 1036 at Page 166, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake County; and under and by virtue of the authority vested in the under signed as substituted trustee by an instrument of writing dated the 1st day of March, 1963, and recorded in Book 1543, at Page 231, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake County, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured and the said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the indebtedness thereby se cured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Raleigh, North Carolina, at 12:00 noon on the 3rd day of April, 1963, the land con veyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in the City of Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point, said point being the southwest comer of the intersection of Freeman St., Ext., with Cabarrus St., Ext.; thence along the west boundary line of Freeman St., Ext. South 05 degrees 00 minutes West 60 feet to a point, said point being the common comer of Lots 29 and 30 in the West boundary line of Freeman St.; thence along the dividing line of Lots 29 and 30 North 84 degrees 58 minutes West 100 feet to a point, said point being the common comer of Lots 29 and 30; thence North 05 degrees 00 minutes East 60 feet to a point in the South boundary line of Cabarrus St., Ext.; thence along the South boundary line of Cabarrus St., Ext.; South 84 degrees 58 minutes East 100 feet to a point and place of BEGINNING, and being Lot 30 of the Hunter Park Homes, Inc., Subdivision, according to Book of Maps 1949, page 26, of the Wake County Begistry, and being the same property conveyed to Leo Holden and wife by Hunter Park Homes, Inc., et al by deed dated December 12, 1949, and recorded simultaneously herewith. But this sale will be made subject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes and municipal assessments. The highest bidder will be required to deposit in cash at the sale an amount equal to ten percent of the amount of his bid up to $1,000, plus five percent of the excess of his bid over $1,000. This the 4th day of March, 1963. Sherwood Brantley Substituted Trustee 7,14,21,28 telephoned his mother, Mrs. Lois Honeycutt and family over the weekend, saying he would be home soon. To sterilize jar lids, instruments or anything place them in a french fryer wire basket, for easy hand ling. NOTICE OF ELECTION In a regular meeting of the May or, and Board of Commissioners for the Town of Zebulon, N. C., at 7:30 o’clock, Monday night, March 4, 1963, the following were pres ent: Mayor T. E. Hales, Commis sioners Mrs. Elizabeth Ellett, J. Raleigh Alford, G. K .Corbett, T. B. Hepler, P. O. Farmer. W. B. Hopkins, Town Clerk, was also present. The following resolution and or der, passed by unanimous vote of the Board of Commissioners, at the said meeting, calls for an elec tion for the Town of Zebulon, to be held on May 7, 1963, pursuant to the General Statutes of N. C. Chapter No. 160. Be it resolved and ordered by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Zebulon, North Carolina: SECTION NO. 1 That an election for the purpose of electing a Mayor and five (5) Commissioners of the Town of Zebulon, N. C., to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, is hereby called and or dered to be held pursuant to Chap ter 160 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. SECTION NO. 2 That the place of holding such election shall be the Zebulon Fire Station in said Town and the hours in which the polls are to be open for the purpose of casting ballots in the said Election, shall be from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. SECTION NO. 3 That for the purpose of said election of the said town officials to be held on Tuesday after the first Monday in May, Mrs. Evelyn Creech is hereby appointed and de signated as registrar, and M. J. Sexton and Mrs. Edna Allman are hereby appointed and designated as judges of the election. SECTION NO. 4 That for the purpose of registra tion of voters in said election, the said registrar’s books shall be open at 9:00 a.m., April 20, 1963. The books are to remain open between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., on each day (Sunday ex cluded) for seven (7) days (clos ing April 27, except on Saturday when they will remain open until 9:00 p.m. Saturday, April 27, is challenge day. The books shall be open at the polling place for the inspection of electors (and for the registration). SECTION NO. 5 That all persons desiring to be come a candidate for the office of Mayor or Commissioner of the Town of Zebulon shall give notice to the Town Clerk of such fact by filing with said Clerk a notice of candidacy at least seven (7) days prior to said Election. The Board of Commissioners may require each candidate to pay a filing fee in an amount to be determined by the Board of Commissioners not in excess of $5.00. SECTION NO. 6 That the Town Clerk be and he is hereby ordered and directed to have printed sufficient ballots ac cording to law: containing the names of all candidates for said of fice, respectively, who have com plied with the law and filed their notice with the Town Clerk as herein before required. SECTION NO. 7 That the Town Clerk be and he is hereby ordered and directed to i notify the said registrar and judges of election, herein appointed, in writing to be served by the Chief of Police of the Town of Zebulon, North Carolina. SECTION NO. 8 That the Town Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to cause this notice to be published in the Zebu lon Record, a newspaper, in the Town of Zebulon, N. C., having a general circulation as required by General Statutes 1-597 for four (4) weeks before the election day. By order of the Board of Com missioners of the Town of Zebu lon, N. C., this the 4th day of March, 1963. W. B. Hopkins, Town Clerk M21,28,A4,11

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