giuiiiiiniiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiimnniiiniiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiRimj (Wakefield News! | Mrs. Vera B. Rhodes | iiiiiniiimiiiiiiiiiii tiiiiiiiiimniiimiS Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Breslau of Raleigh and Rev. Horace Hamm visited Mrs. Helen Jones Saturday p.m. Mrs. Alice Hood had a slight EMIT NEWS The Herman Faucettes of Ra leigh were Tuesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Faucette and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Creech and girls were dinner guests of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Narron of Sel ma, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lewis visited the Leonard Wests of Raleigh Fri day night. The Frank Faucettes and Joan were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Mae Bailey and Mrs. Gwen Lud gate of Raleigh. Mrs. Roy Driver visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard West df Raleigh Sun day afternoon. Pete Hatcher of Raleigh called on Mr. and Mrs. Therous Johnson Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lewis and Judy visited Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Skinner in Virginia during the weekend. Shelton Wall who is with the Army and stationed at Ft. Jackson, S. C., was home with his parents for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lewis vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Carol Lewis of Windsor Sunday. Norman Driver is in with chicl: en pox. Others who are sick are Mrs. A. O. Creech and Mrs. Wil Wilton Wall. Miss Marie Hatcher spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Hatcher. The L. D. Williams family of Raleigh, the Harold Hintons of Knightdale, the Alva Lewises of Raleigh and the Daniel Hintons of Garner visited Mr. and Mrs. Coy Hinton during the weekend. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Waylon Hinton Sunday were the R. A. Avery family of Selma, the Milton Parrishes of Raleigh, Mrs. Robert Price of Wendell. After noon visitors were the Norman Ho_ cutts of Durham and the Larry Prices and Dale of WendeH. The Milton Daniel family of Mount Olive were Sunday dinnner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Glover and children. The Ronald Boykins of Rale'gh called on Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hales Sunday. The WMS of Watkins Chapel met with Mrs. Ronald Hales near Carters Chapel Church with 10 members present. Friendship Free Will Baptist Woman’s Auxiliary met March 1 in the home of Mrs. Odell Edwards. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Thyra Glo veot The group sang, “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go.” Mrs. Liala Bell read Scripture from John and Peter and prayer by Mrs. Betty Thompson. A very in teresting program was given: “Footprints on Distant Shores.” Mr. and Mrs. Connie Wilder and Bonnie Kay visited Mrs. Wilder’s father and step-mother, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Woodard, and Mrs. Jane Moore Sunday after noon at Corbett-Hatcher. r stroke last Saturday a.m. and lost the use of her left side. Mrs. Nina Eddins visited Mrs. Alice Hood Sunday p.m. Mrs. Vera Rhodes spent the weekend with her mother while Mrs. Eloise Hollifield spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Earp, below Wendell. Mrs. Bertha Hood visited Mrs. W. L. Simpson Sunday p.m., also the Allen Hoods and Mrs. Alice Hood. Mrs. Pauline and Miss Bessie Baker visited Mrs. Helen Jones Wednesday p.m. Mrs. Helen Jones and I had lunch with the L. A. Bakers Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Baker and I had supper with Mrs. Jones Wed nesday night. The Wakefield Home Demon stration Club, will meet next week on Wednesday, at 2:30 at the club house. We now have a heater so we can keep warm.. All are urged to come. The program will be getting the most from your food dollar. Mrs. Sarah Casper will give the program. Mrs. Catherine Brantley, wife of Red Brantley of Sarasota, Fla., is very ill in a hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hood and grandson, Paul, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hood, Mr. and Mrs. T. Y. Puryear and Mr. and Mrs. Earp, all visited Mrs. Alice Hood Saturday. Mrs. Lonnie Poole is sick again. Mrs. Ruby Floyd is working with the Mann Creeches. Mrs. Nuber Bolton spent the weekend with Mrs. Stancy Gay. Mrs. John Broughton is a pa tient at Wake Memorial Hospital. Mr. Broughton is spending the time with his daughter, Mrs. Leo Tiner, in Raleigh. Mrs. Annie Jones is nursing Mrs. Broughton at night. Pfeiffer Student Selects Course Ten Pfeiffer College business majors as part of an economics course entitled “Business Forecast ing” have begun individual re search projects which will seek to determine factors influencing the production of a variety of items ranging from eggs to television sets. Vaughan Wade, a senior from Zebulon, selected as his forecast ing study the production of tele vision sets in the United Sta'e'. He will evaluate such fact j s as pay television and educational television networks. The students, members of a class taught by Professor James L. Wil liams, are in a study of business cycles, the causes of cycles, meth ods of forecasting future trends and how forecasting may be re lated to business enterprise. Wade is the son of H. C. Wade of Zebulon. Cards of Thanks I would like to express my deep appreciation for all the kind things done for me during my stay in the hospital and since I have been home. Thanks also for the I messages of condolence in the loss j of my brother during this time. Mrs. A. C. Dawson • I wish to thank each and every one for the nice flowers, cards, gifts, visits and prayers while in the hospital which meant so much to me. Mrs. Flonnie Parker 1 WAKELON REMNANT SHOP Highway % l«/2 Mile North of Zebulon Dan River Checks In All Colors, On The Bolt 69< yd. Dan River Stripes 79l yd. Dacron & Cotton, 45 inches wide 29£ Dan River Cranberry Tarpoon type cloth 89< 45 Inches Wide, Cotton Remnants 49£ Values to $1.00—Checks, Stripes, Prints Drapery Material In Antique Satin 39£ Upholstery Material 59< and $1.00 UNION CHAPEL Mrs. Mildred Ferrell and Mrs. Jimmy Young are patients at Rex Hospital. Troy Watkins of Glory return ed home Sunday after having mi nor surgery at Rex Hospital. Mrs. Robert Ward will enter N. C. Memorial Hospital, Chapel Hill, Monday for observation. Joel Garner of Corinth, father of Mrs. Bennie Mitchell, is seri ously ill at Rex Hospital with a heart condition. Mrs. S. P. Gill and children of Zebulon visited Sunday evening with the Vance Dentons. Miss Brenda Creech was a re cent visitor in Zebulon with Miss Barbara Boykin. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Richards and boys of Rocky Mount, visited Sunday with his parents, the Woodrow Richards, and the Leo Leffingwells. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Mitchell and S. P. Gill attended the car races Sunday at Hillsboro. Mrs. Earl Beddingfleld of Rocky Mount, Mrs. Leo Leffingwell, Mrs. Buck Richards, and Miss Debbie Foehl had dinner last Thursday with the Fernie Richards near Raleigh. While there, Mrs. Bed dingfield caught a 6 lb. bass in the farm pond. Bennie Mitchell of Wendell called on the Vance Dentons and his mother, Mrs. Mamie Mitchell, Sunday. Reginald Cunningham will en ter Veteran’s Hospital, Durham, Friday, for surgery on his leg. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Creech and Brenda were Sunday afternoon visitors of the Bill Creeches at Dixie. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Denton vis ited Saturday evening with his mother, Mrs. Neta Denton of Ri ley, who was ill with flu. Mrs. Curtis Horton of Bunn called Sunday on her parents, the Buck Richards. Bruce and Gray Young are staying with their great-grand mother, Mrs. Mamie Mitchell, while their mother is in the hos pital. Mrs. Leo Leffingwell called on Mrs. Wayne Parrish last Sunday Joe Cunningham was honored Sunday evening at a birthday supper. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Graham Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stone and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wall and boys, all of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Cunningham and girls, Franklin Ellins, his mother, Mrs. Essie Cunningham, his wife, Mar garet and children, Judy and James. Mr. Cunningham was 48 years young. Mrs. Ada Mitchell and Mrs. Dil lard Privette of Rosenburg were Monday visitors with Mrs. Mamie Mitchell. Jimmy Collins of Raleigh spent the weekend with Cordie Ferrell. Ordination services were held Sunday night at Union Chapel for Louis Kohler, Herbert Hood, and Kenneth Melton. Rev. Joe B. Zim merman, pastor of Bethany Bap tist Church delivered the sermon. Among the sick this week are Mrs. Mildred Ferrell and Joel Gar ner, both at Rex Hospital, Mrs. Margie Ward at N. C. Memorial Hospital, Chapel Hill, Mrs. Wood row Richards, Wendell-Zebulon, and Mrs. Ethel Pate at her home Mrs. Jimmy Young came home Saturday after being hospitalized at Rex. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Richards and boys of Edinburg, Va., spent the past weekend visiting his par ents, the Buck Richards, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Driver of Zebulon were Friday evening visi tors of Mrs. Julian Mitchell. Mrs. James Gainey of Zebulon spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Jimmy Young. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beddingfield and children of Rocky Mount vis ited Sunday afternoon with the Leo Leffingwells. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Denton and children, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cates and Diane of Bethany and Bill Denton and children of Zebu lon spent Sunday with their moth er, Mrs. Neta Denton, of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Creech and Brenda called Sunday p.m. on Mrs. Mamie Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Denton visited Sunday afternoon with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Strick land, of Rocky Cross. Mrs. Durant Finch and daughter of Raleigh, Miss Margaret Dunn of Zebulon, Miss Carolyn Finch of Glory, and Larry Massey of Pilot, called Sunday afternoon on the Jack Creeches and Brenda. Miss Betsy Mitchell of Wendell spent last Thursday with her grandmother, Mrs. Mamie Mit chell. Gray Young has been sick with an ear infection. He is with his great-grandmother, Mrs. Mamie Mitchell. COLORED NEWS Mrs. Lizzie Askew Members and officials of the WMU are deeply grateful to the pastor and deacons of Wakefield Baptist Church for letting the WMU hold its quarterly meeting with them. We also wish to thank all the members and friends who so cheerfully cooperated in every way, specially serving the people with plenty good food. Prayer meeting is being held at Wakefield Baptist Church on Wednesday nights at 8:00. Mrs. Vemetta Harris is now teaching in Lucille Hunter School in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gray and son, Vincent of Rocky Mount, spent the weekend with Mrs. Gray’s parents, the Harold Taylors. Mrs. Mollie Dunston of Rt. 1, Wake Forest spent last Wednesday with the C. E. Askews. Karetha High of Shaw Universi ty is doing her practice teaching in Selma. Rev. C. E. Askew preached in the First Baptist Church of Azoar, Sunday. L. B. Askew spent last Sun day evening with Mrs. Lona Rich ardson. Mrs. Georgia Betts, Mrs. W. W. Akins and Mrs. McLean of Holly Springs visited the Harold Tay I lors Sunday afternoon after at ! tending the WMU at Wakefield Baptist Church. A Community meeting will be held Thursday night at Shepard School in the Vocational Agricul ture Building at 8:00 to discuss plans for the Community Center. The following named persons appeared on the Junior Program last Sunday, sponsored by the jun ior leaders of the church, Mrs. Mary Perry and Mrs. Sophia By num. They were Miss Shirley Dunn, Miss LaVerne Vick, Miss Brenda McNeil, and Joan Parks. Samuel Boyd of Zebulon and Raleigh attended a Brotherhood Breakfast last Sunday morning at the Davis Street Presbyterian Church, Raleigh. Red Cross Course A group of 20 girls from Miss Mary Lacy Palmer’s senior home economics class at Wakelon High School are completing a 12-hour course in “Mother and Baby Care” being taught by Mrs. Doris Og burn, R.N., instructor for the American Red Cross, Wake Coun ty chapter. Lectures, films and demonstrations are included in the course. Some important skills learned in this course are bathing and dress ing a baby, preparing formulas and learning to care for well and sick babies; Taking the course are: Linda Smith, Gloria Mason, Margaret Dunn, Marie Scarborough, Carolyn Finch, Kay Liles, Joanne Denton, Kay Baker, Janice Carter, Hilda Jones, Charlotte Bobbitt, Betty Jones, Marilyn Martin, Theresa Perry, Linda Johnson, Lucy Ho cutt, Geraldine Perry, Judy Moss, Carolyn Barnes, and Brenda Baker. Card of Thanks For every expression of kind ness shown me, or my family, during my prolonged illness, I am deeply grateful. I feel certain your prayers have hastened my recovery, and done much to bear us all up. May God bless each of you. W. H. Moss Engagement Miss Beverly Rose Creech is the (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Creech of Route 1, Zebu'on, who an nounce her engagement to John Claudie Duke, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Duke of Sims. The wedding will take place June 16. News of Zebulon Police Chief and Mrs. Willie B. Hopkins visited their daughter, Ann of Bethesda, Md., during the week end. Chief Hopkins attended the NCAA Eastern Regional basketball games while in that section. 0 Mr. and Mrs. John Hilliard visited her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Mech of Baltimore, and Mr. and Mrs. Fran Donaldson of Wash ington. While there they attended the NCAA Eastern Regional basket ball games. O Mrs. Ann Harris, mother of Mrs. Ferd Davis, was the weekend visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Davis and family. Mrs. Harris, a house mother at East Carolina College, chaperoned ECC’s Sigma Pi Epsilon queen to the Sigma Pi Epsilon ball in Durham Saturday night. The mother of Dr. George Tucker, Mrs. Ceorge Tucker Sr. of Whitakers, is a patient at Park View Hospital in Ro-ley Mount. She is suffering a second lime from influenza. a Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hinton spent the weekend in Raleigh with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hinton and children. Dale Beck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beck, is doing his practice teach ing at Angier High School. He is a physical education major at Camp bell College. • Mr. and Mrs. Johnsey Arnold and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bissette cele brated their 21st wedding anniver saries last Thursday, March 14. The two husbands took their wives out for dining and an evening of pleasure. • Stuart Ferrell, nephew of Mrs. Thurman Murray, is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Murray while his parents are recuperating in Rex Hospital from a recent automobile accident. Cadet Ted Lowery, a student at Fork Union Military Academy, spent the spring holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Lowery. • F. E. Bunn celebrated his 83rd birthday Saturday, March 16. That night his family feted him with a dinner party. However, the Elmo Bunns of Greensboro vyere not able to attend. Son Elmo was in Florida on a business trip. Elmo and his family will join the family later and have another celebration. Card of Thanks I am very grateful for the cards, flowers, gifts, prayers and other deeds of kindness that were ex tended to me and my family while I was hospitalized. I especially want to convey my thanks to the personnel at Wendell-Zebulon Hospital for their every act. May God bless you all. Loomis Strickland Grapefruit seeds if planted thickly in rich earth about half inch deep and kept well watered,