Frosty Morn BACON 59t »i. U. S. Good CHUCK ROAST 39c ^ Frosty Morn TENDERIZED HAM Whole or Half 49c »• FRESH PICNIC 4 to 6 Lb. 33c * Banquet FRUIT PIES Apple & Peach 29c BISCUITS All Kinds 5 h 39c SUN VALLEY OLEO 2 »• 29c U. S. No. 1 White POTATOES 10* 39c BANANAS 9c* Robin Hood 25 Lb. Bog FLOUR *189 STAR KIST TUNA Vi Size 29c U.S.D.A. Grade A Whole FRYERS 27«» Depend on Parrish Super Market for keen delights to satisfy big schooltime appetites with nourishing energy-packed foods your youngsters need. And depend on us, too, for hundreds of low, LOW prices to enable you to make a high mark in SAVINGS every time you shop here. It’s the smart thing to do because PARRISH SUPER MARKET is in a class by itself for QUALITY . . . ECONOMY ... and SERVICE. J SUGAR 10 lb. Bag $1.15 Maxwell House In Bag COFFEE toa-o'iwp 59c Niblet 12 Oz. Can CORN 6>”»1.00 Blue Plate MAYONNAISE Pt. 25c Del Monte CATSUP 14 Oz. 21* 39c DelMonte Crushed PINEAPPLE No. 2 Can 29c Morton's SALT Round Box 2|or 25c Borden's Silver Cow Tall Can MILK 6,#r 75c Med. Size MUM DEODORANT 39t BUFFERIN TABLETS 69c Bottle of 60 SCOTT TOWELS Big roll 33c—Reg. roll 2 for 43c WALDORF TISSUE 4roH 33c Scott Family NAPKINS 2 »25c INSTANr Maxwell ' (•+++♦+++++++++♦+++*++++++< Scoff'* Soff Wove TISSUE 2 Roll Pkg. 23c 79‘ 6 Oz, Jar Bernt VAL’U INDEPENDENT CROCERY STORES — INC — A REN DELL, AVE ZEBULON N.C. Open All Day Wednesday Prices Effective August 22-23-24 Quantity Rights Reserved We Offer Double tataaafl Tuesday, August 27th