from New York..City. Catarrhal Cough Har. corn- Mr. S. W. McCleese, of is spending the day in the tending the constitution • Temple. boro, returned home this after spending last night in the play “MARRYING MONEY,” by Washington Pezet. Charm- = ing, delightful, entrancing, lovely—one runs out of adjectives — when trying to describe this film offering. You can’t afford to ” missit. = en route to THE SUN-JOURNAL, NEW BERN, N. C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1917. ATHENS TODAY CARLYLE BLACKWELL and JUNE ELVIDGE in “THE CRIM SON DOVE.” This picture shows how a minister who believes in the religion of the heart as well as of the soul, meets, loves, and marries an actress, who is the innocent cause of a young man’s suicide. It is crammed to the limit with pep and punch. T OMORROW STUART HOLMES in “THE BROADWAY SPORT,” by Carl baugh. This is a picture with all the humor of a comedy billed with a dramatic production. FRIDAY, CLARA KIM BA LL YOUNG in “MARRIAGE A LA CARTE,” SATURDAY MOLLIE KING and CREIGHTON HALE in “THE SEVEN PEARLS,” chapter one. Also two-reel L K O comedy and the UNIVERSAL WEEKLY of war news. Coolest spot in town. Buy a $1.50 book of admission tickets for $1.25 and save money. Matinee Daily At 4:30. Night 8 and 9:15. THE CRIMSON DOVE AT ATHENS TODAY Carlyle Blackwell Is To Be Seen There in Thrilling Movie. In “The Crimson Dove”, the new est World-Picture Brady-Made which comes to the Athens today. Carylle Blackwell is seen in the role of a a desperate game waged in a moun tain fastness where the hand of man is set against him. Playing opposite Mr. Blackwell is that popular and beautiful star, June Elvidge, who is seen first as a famous actress and second as an energetic and success ful school teacher. Dion Titheradge is also seen in the cast and he has a very interesting and unusual parr. The story tells of the infatuation for PERSONAL Mr. Jack Lane, of Cove City, is spending the day in the city. Mr. L. I. Moore has returned from a professional visit to Raleigh. Mr. Ned Delemar left this morn ing for a business trip to Norfolk. Mr. G. T. Eubanks, of Clarks, was among the visitors in the city yes terday. . Mr. J. M. Howard is spending a short time in Kinston, attending to business matters. Mr. A. T. Wetherington, of spent yesterday in the city, ing to business matters. Mr. Fred Silverthorn, of Clarks, attend- Whor- tonsville, is among the business vis itors in New Bern today. Mr. . Lovick Harris, of Kershaw, passed through New Bern this morn ing en route to Goldsboro. LOCAL SOCIAL Chas. Bagby of Kinston, is spend ing the day here attending the Shrine meeting. The local lodge of Red Men will hold a meeting tonight at which time they will begin practising for the degree work to be put on at the district meeting to be held in this city at an early date. Today being a Jewish holiday, all of the places of business in this city that are conducted by Jews have been closed. Services were conducted at the synagogue this morning at 10:30 o’clock by Rev. S. Fineberg, U. M. C. OYSTERS, BARBECUE S. Norfolk oysters tonight. Served in any style. Three fine pigs being barbecued for tonight. Come down. KING. Miss Mamie Briggs left yesterday for several days visit in Kinston. Miss Julia Vauss is spending sev eral days in Kinston, visiting friends. Mis Hazel Hawkins is spending the day in Morehead City, visiting friends. Mrs. D. S. Congdon is spending several days in Kinston, visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hancock. Mrs. Frank George, of Comfort, who has been visiting relatives in the city, returned home this morning. Miss Margaret Aman, of Cove City, has returned home, after spen ding a short time in the city with friends. Mrs. Marshal Troublefield, of Fai son, arrived in the city this morning to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. M. A. Benton. COTTON GROWERS ALSO TO GIVE AID They Will Donate a Part Of Their Crop To the Red Cross Society a woman of the theatre of a young man. The young man is repulsed by the wbman and after being thrown out of his home commits suicide in desperation. Later the young man’s minister meets the woman, who has not knowing the woman is the one for whom his young parishioner had such an insane infatuation and in time the minister and the woman come to love each other. When the other parishioners discover this there is consternation and a determined and successful effort is made to oust the young clergyman. He secures a charge in the mountains where he makes good and the young woman becomes a school teacher and she also makes good. Finally they are united under the most strange and startling circumstances. Altogether this is an extraordinary drama—ex traordinary in its story, extraordin ary in its treatments extraordinary in the lavishness with w'hich it is staged and in its ability to interest and entertain. You will make no mis take in seeing “The Crimson Dove”. Mr, E. C. Boomer, of Morehead City, passed through New Bern this morning en route to Norfolk. Mr. L. C. Leary, of Beaufort, pass ed through New Bern this morning Mr. John City, passed morning en Styron, of Morehead through New Bern this route to Kinston. Mr. W. L. Barnhill, of Morehead City, passed through New Bern this morning en route to Greenville. RED MEN PLEASE NOTE. There will be a special meeting at your wigwam tonight at 8 o’clock. Degree work and drill practice, preparatory to exemplifying warriors degree on the night of October 10th for the benefit of the district meet ing, which will meet with us on that dace. Every member is requested to be present tonight. By order of Sachem and Degree Team Captain. W. H. SIMONDS, Sachem. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Whitehurst left this morning for Washington, where they will attend the White hurst-Branch wedding tomorrow. Mrs. A. R. Whitford, of Vanceboro, passed through New Bern this mor ning en route home from Reelsboro, where she visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ferebee. Mr. M. C. Holland, of Beaufort, returned home this morning after spending a short time in the city. Mr. Ray McLawhorn, of Vance- morning the city. Oriental, ! city, at- of Sudan BREAK A CHILD’S COLD BY GIVING SYRUP OF FIGS Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Dickinson, of Baltimore, who have been visit ing Mr. Dickinson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dickinson, in Bridgeton, left this morning returning home. Mr. W. S. Brown, R. F. D. No. 4, Box 82, Rogersville, Tennessee, writes: “I feel it my duty to recommend Peruna to all sufferers of catarrh or cough. In the year 1909, I took a severe case of the la grippe. I then took a bad cough. I had taken all kinds of cough remedies but got no relief. I then decided to try Peruna. I used five bottles. After taking five bottles my cough stopped and my catarrh was cured. My average weight was 115 and now I weigh 148%. Any one suffering with ca tarrh in any form I will advise them to take Peruna.” Any one Suffering with Catarrh in Any form I will Advise them To take Peruna Those who object to liquid medi cines can procure Peruna Tablets. Mr. Joseph Rachid returned this morning from New York City, where he has beep purchasing a fall stock of goods. Mayor Edward Clark left this mor ning for Wilmington, where he will spend a short time attending to bus iness matters. Dr. Ben Royall, of Morehead City, is among the visitors in the city to day attending the constitution of Sudan Temple. Mr. D. W. Richardson, of Dover, has returned home, after spending a short time in the city attending to business matters. Mr. Jonas Wahab, of Black Moun- tain, arrived in the city ing to attend the funeral Mrs. M. A. Benton. this morn- of the late Mr. T. B. Whitehurst Not only are the tobacco growers of Craven county donating a part of their crop to the local Red Cross Society but it is understood that many of the cotton growers are going to bring a few pounds of the fleecy staple to this city on each trip and turn it over to the society, this to later be baled and disposed of. The officials of the society are im pressing it upon the cotton and to bacco growers' that it is up to them to do their part, that the soldiers are fighting their battles just as much as they are fighting the battles of the people in the towns and cities and the agriculturists are showing a wil ling spirit and are doing their part toward helping this worthy cause. Misses Sarah Hollister, Lucy Gui on, Elizabeth Hyman, and Matilda Hancock and Mrs. 0. H. Guion loft this morning for Washington, where they will attend the Whitehurst- Branch wedding, which takes place tomorrow. BUY NATURAL is effective In treating natural d i s c h urges; painless, non- PAGE TUREK Big G poisionous and will not stricture. Re lieves in 1 to 5 days . SOLD BY DRUGGISTS Parcel post i* desired—Price $1 or FOR $2.00. The Evans Chondral Co. (Jnehiatt I, O. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu Just Arrived! Whole Wheat Flour Graham Flour Big Hominy Morning Cup Coffee Honey in the Comb H C. ARMSTRONG | The Sanitary Grocer § HilllllllllllliiillllllllHIMliinilllilllllllliH NEED OF TONIC New Percales Go To Drug Store, Get a Bottle of Concentrated Acid Iron Mineral. NON-ALCOHOLIC NATURAL IRON and Ginghams natural of alco- Just plain, old-fashioned, iron, without a single drop HACKBURN’S Father Francis Underwood, of Belmont, Miss Laura Barbery, of Black Mountain, Dr. Archie Monk, of Goldsboro, and Dr. Harvey Monk, of Trenton, arrived in the city this morning to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. M. A. Benton. hol or laxative of any kind, has built weakened., run-down people up and brought the rich, red blood back for millions of people, and doctors all over the world have prescribed it. Just iron—it is iron that builds you up and puts the rose in the cheeks of women and makes heartier, stronger, more energetic men—just plain, me dicinal iron, as nature herself com pounded it, then highly concentrated tested and bottled under the name of Acid Iron Mineral. Acid Iron Mineral is of course more economical than other prepar ed iron tonics, yet it is stronger, goes farther and contains no alcohol or laxative to derange or affect the sys tem. Iron Has Many Uses. Iron has many uses when highly concentrated as Acid Iron Mineral. A teaspoonful in a glass of drinking water makes a delightful, unusually invigorating tonic blood medicine, ap petizer and remedy for indigestion. It will not injure teeth, cause constipa tion or harm the most delicate stom ach. Used externally, it stops bleeding, acts as a healing agent, preventing soreness and festering. Is an anti septic and a germicide too, and old sores, pimples, sores on the scalp, etc., are quickly relieved without the use of anything else besides Acid Iron Mineral. People with sore, bleed ing gums, dilute a tablespoonful of Acid Iron Mineral in a glass of water and use it as a mouth wash exactly as dentists do to stop bleeding and prevent infection when extracting teeth. A child with sore or wound; a cut in camp, at the shore, at home or abroad needs nothing else. Just pour enough on the cut to completely cover it and Acid Iron Mineral does the rest. / Acid Iron Mineral comes from the only medicinal iron mineral deposit of its kind in the world. Analysis proves it contains in addition to iron in three forms calcium, sodium, po tassium and free sulphuric acid. Ask your doctor if a combination of these elements hasn’t wonderful medicinal value. No chemist has so far been able to duplicate Acid Iron Mineral, which like radium, is another of na ture’s phenomena. Most druggists have it in 50c and $1 bottles. The lessors of the deposit, the Ferrodine Chemical Corp, of Roanoke, Va., will send a large bot tle anywhere prepaid upon receipt of $1. Note: The iron having an astrin gent, healing effect, to some seems to contain alum, but such is not the case. Whole families use it. No home should be without it. If being used for stomach, kidney, digestion or blood troubles, and the bowels are not regular, we recommend that you procure a 25c box of A. I. M. Liver pills also. Cleanses the little liver and bowels and they get well quick. When your child suffers from a cold don’t wait; give the little stom ach, liver and bowels a gentle, thor ough cleansing at once. When cross, peevish, listless, pale, doesn’t sleep, eat or act naturally; if breath is bad, stomach sour, give a teaspoonful of “California Syrup of Figs,” and in a few hours all the dogged-up, con stipated waste, sour bile and undi gested food will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. If your child coughs, snuffles and has caught cold or is feverish or has a sore throat give a good dose of “California Syrup of Figs” to evacu ate the bowels no difference what other treatment is given. . Sick children neean t be coaxed to take this harmless “fruit laxative.” Millions of mothers keep it handy because they know its action on th. stomach, liver and bowels is prompt and sure. They also know a little given today saves a sick child to- morrow. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of “California Syrup of Figs,” which contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown- COAL HARD TO GET SAY DEALERS HERE Mine Operators Seem to Want To Make Southern People The “Goat.” READ THESE PRICES Then come to see us or tele phone your orders in. The same careful attention will be given as if you were pres ent. Flour, Best Pat. .85c-90c Sk Local coal dealers state that not only are they being forced to pay high prices for the coal which they are buying from the mine operators but it is a hard matter for them to get coal at any price and at the pres ent time the combined amount of hard and soft coal on local yards is probably less than two hundred tons. One’ dealer stated today that he had been waiting for five weeks for a cargo of hard coal which he order ed in June and that there was every indication that it would be another month before the shipment would arrive. The mine operators, say the deal ers, are miffed over the action that the government has taken against them and are trying to make the con sumers play the part of the “goat.” Country Lard 28c lb Pure Coffee, ground ....25c Best Whole Rice ....10c th 30c Pk 50c Pk ..4c ib ....20c ,25c ib ,30c ib .20c ib Sweet Potatoes .. Irish Potatoes ... Hard Cabbage .. Sib Can Tomatoes Picnic Hams .... Regular Hams .. Choice Steaks ... Beware Get E 0. Rogers FREE OF CH ARGUl. Corner Griffith and Avenue A. .$1,500.00 es 67 South Front street, to Gaston Hotel, next 790.66 REPAIRING where we have ample 4,800.00 NOTICE! to demonstrate $139,504.69 TOTAL room / our Victrolas and rec- Q ords. We invite you to come 52,197.10 5 in and hear them and if on the market termi | will be made to suit BEEF, PORK AND LAMB $139,504.69 TOTAL past due and must be 6 your convenience. paid at once WELCOME TO knowledge FULLERS GEO. E. R. B. LANE, Music House BURNEY SWERT and sworn Phone 730 Middle St. 45 THE CASH MARKET 2,000.00 8,000.00 60,233.87 6,176.21 5,000.00 7,000.00 ups plainly on the bottle, of counterfeits sold here. the Fig 1,175.60 504.50 2,417.41 5,000.00 Subscribed me this 22nd genuine, made by “California Syrup Company.” true to the best of my and belief. $110,597.63 1,609.15 1,000.00 Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Jarvis have re turned from several weeks’ visit in the north, where Mr. Jarvis has been on the markets purchasing his fall stock of goods. morning for Washington, where on tomorrow he will be married to Miss Eliza Blount Branch. 10,649.75 57.50 WEEKS, Cashier. Correct—Attest: A. C. Foscue R. S. Weeks A. J. Collins Directors. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts.... Overdrafts Liberty Loan bonds.... Banking Hous- Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy prove to day that it will help you. For sale by druggists everywhere. dose of day of Sept., 1917. G. H. JENKINS, Notary Public. Phones 721-723, New Bern, N. C. lions of people. Let one to before Messrs. Dean Bell and C. T. Pum phrey left this morning for Washing ton, to attend the Whitehurst- Branch wedding which takes place tomorrow morning. State of North Carolina— County of Jones— (SEAL.) My Commission expires 12-11-18, left this BAD STOMACHS— Report of the Condition of THE MAYSVILLE BANKING AND TRUST CO. AT MAYSVILE In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Sept. 11th, 1917. HOW IS YOUR You know me Folks I'm the Trained Nurse I ll tell you where to buy Drugs and Drug Store Things If you don’t know me now, let’s get acquainted. Yes, I’m “Trained Nurse.” Each week in this paper I shall tell men and women how to keep well and therefore happy. Each week I shall tell women how to keep looking young and beautiful. Why, I’ll tell you now—Buy all of your medicines, Drug Store things and beautifiers from Bradham Drug Co TWO STORES PHONES 35-78 Kitchen Utensils Are as much a necessity in the home as the food which is prepared in or with them. And the greater the as sortment you have the easier and more quickly can \ you do your work. ( You will find in our stock everything needed for the 1 kitchen and the prices are right. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, NAILS, TOOLS | L H. CUTLER S SON 67 MIDDLE STREET PHONE 1 Full Line of Fancy and Staple Groceries at Right Prices THE PENALTY. Stomach sufferers should take warning. Gall Stones, Cancer and Ul cers of the Stomach and Intestines. Auto Intoxication, Yellow Jaundice, Appendicitis, and other dangerous ailments, are some of the penalties. Most Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Troubles are quickly overcome with Mayr’s Wonderful Remedy. This fav orite prescription has restored mil- BUT FEW PUPILS OUT OF SCHOOL An Increase Instead of a De crease In the Enrollment in Local Institution. Haye you difficulty in seeing thing’s plainly at a distance? Do objects close up or far away ever look blurred to you? Ever get dizzy spells? If so YOU NEED GLASSES We will diagnose your case competently and rectly. Broken Lenses Duplicated cor- 1 1 Contrary to expectations, accord ing to.a statement made by Prof. H. B. Smith, superintendent of the New Bern public schools, there has been an increase in the enrollment in the higher grades at the local schools instead of a decrease. Before school opened for the 1917- 18 term, Prof. Smith feared that many of the boys and girls would re main out of their class rooms for the term in order that they could retain positions which they had se cured during the summer. The parents of these pupils, how ever, decided that an education would be of more real worth than the money they would receive .for their labor and have seen to it that they returned to their studies. Why suffer with indigestion, dys pepsia, torpid liver, constipation, sou stomach, coming-up-of-food-after-eat- ing, etc., when you can get a sample bottle of Green’s August Flower free at F. S. Duffy’s. This medicine has remarkable curative properties, and has demonstrated its efficiency by 50 years of success. Headaches are often caused by a disordered stomach. August Flower is put up i- 25 and 75 cent bottles. For sale in all civil ized countries. The Mosley Creek Drainage District Assessment No. 4 is DR. J. 0. BAXTER S 1 Middle St. New Bern Sheriff and Fixtures 500.00 Demand loans Due from State Banks and Bankers Gold Coin Silver Coin, including all minor coin currency. . National Bank notes and other U. S. Notes.... LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in....$ Surplus Fund Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid Bills payable Deposits subject to check Time Certificates of De posit Savings Deposits Cashier’s checks outstand ing Due to National Banks.. Sept. 22, 1917. I, Geo. E. Weeks, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is Our facilities for making re pairs on all kind of machinery place us in a position to tackle the hardest kind of jobs. We have the men, tools and parts which enable us to do all work at lowest cost. A.E. PITTMAN & SDN Our Meats are not the wild Western Meat that is hard to cut and still harder to digest. It is young, tender, toothsome and wholesome. What will it be—chops or roast? We are now located at

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