- 1 I o -5; Ntftnbcr Jlf). THE SUN-JOURNAL, NEW BERN, N: Cw FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1920 Sin; r ; ;T: tt- ; -. , , , ,. k , ..... i - - - i ,. , v , .1 . ' , s 1 ' 1 r a! ,1;, ' i v.l si !;iiiiiaiBi! UcYcd That jThee A re-;D : injr ji ::r-;v; . .. :, ;- : , vr w v f i-; rpose a Determined AssauItlOn -The 0' C4 tat tiontinseViile " 'ports Concerning' TBe ' Fligni . Of . Carranza ; SayiThat Famine Cilia's Caused Him to Seek Cora- promise , Forces, i vWith'sRevblutionary V;- . 'ill SG1T TO c:: i;;z;iES T I, PASO, Texas,' -May 7-Mol)Ufc of ti ops believed; to be in- 1 for use in i concentrated at- ! y.L' ico City, continued today '7. a the f r authentic information re- j nnnierous reports of the. sklent i Carranza .before f " Al. HIV W1UUUII Krt. Car- f . 1 1 roitu n g Ui the- report- ; 1 he Ueprn t nre- ot I...... rf' A . . , uwri ,1,.... t.J , commercial agent v'ol j institutional, nart v nt K ority for the statement the ffatcinent i in N ( xU ft City 1 amine i d Carranza to U -i- the" e revolutionary for- ! ,:'5Ifas ,'CaUes, on..- rooips -?iii'f iiortJiepi . r;ii r troops tf 1 i f he As-sociatel Press cor- ' ' -ic7u; yeMerduy, however, Uie , 1 ;i ot K'! ieve,;. f th (f eyolHtiohists: voiir- ier. any.proiwsat.ontjil IIiq actual conUitloni npou which' a ebih in omiho vouJd.!,be inado 'Were out . -ft- - -.'- wisiiKGioiD.; ttay7;Kell Miller Deaii dl Collegi l .c stale of Puebla U, iatlJICjQ tlMV. f. ree of General P&blo h ?i, en jagement ; rcady i mm ween .t ne van-Riiara, pr -te,;Car. l it nzi.sta troops. nd ' he 7; rebels 'at ( ) I i'j m b;i between Mexico City , in illbQ C ity .of Puebla.:. ' - , ' '.. ... ,-' A uthoritativd tJdytces 4, rc sessionl tvfs thought that V, " ; i shi n gtow i oday said OonaleiH liad , much good ; ha V befen accomplished t; -fiar"(l that Iks wa.s 'tiot in. leajjuo ? 'Mb year as has bee the case in, the i ith the: phrc&misi9 iintl vvoul e :fornicr years .of .thiiSmstitutton,: As -ist them by force of rijus,j'- Gonzales ; is biiown ICi isJth object of this cen li is le lared Wnrtial 'vlavr in Puebla: i vto : help raise the'Civic moralei of it j- njvi; has- exacted lotm'of 200,- thisrbommHnity,?and. thir, has been oo,ooo. . pesos from theup)pulatioii, '.Ue report'. s :ir''K f fiJ'f. ' la'srnspr4raiTiC;'bt.ttTOi'', Mefed .'ity- and Guadalajara ltas boeh- iui- liner wan --atturke I byrcbcl at ' J'en- f Rr:i; J(ohnsoni. Supt.,"Pi S.' Proctor, jamo on .'Ta.v riii fend 'obbexl f .flirgb.es. of the Sta1 Health De- ousideral : t suiii "': of fjoyerninetitj partmehtk; gether t witi Ir,' Morris bonds inter; led to bel use4 in ymg 0" tbe 8raf.aep-rtneQt?.audtm9i): the-' soldiers at Giutdalajarai; h f f otnrs hsivei addressed anr people un-" f ncreased rebel actlyitrrkwrteaT.aeev4tw"- auspices of thePorum. , in the. vicinity Tbf 7ei-a I'CruK": wherfe K:tNaw tha'trw are comirig to a close Presidentf Carranza' lson-i-law isHh1 Stid.ay, D.; 'Kelly- Miller of How- on.mand of tht federal irVi.'.ii',-V:.?r' UniyersstK; Washington1, D,; C, is ,n i)C .state department today had no aadrtsa lisr It, is welf, known ;tb'S ..; i irmatlon of a. private messaKe re-' Pr- MUIer is. one 61-the most repre eeivi her iifcm loo ;nun,-i, r.. ; tentative negroes' in the-world today. Mcx'iedt.1'IT , - - . , vr . :-s bad left the Mexicai eapitbl .for Vera ing? that;.bd 111 peak Mf A th a .-. : .. : ,; -' . --' ; j-4' o clock. Ibe place is at 'the-West cntiloyee,iofr,the,';Me.vica'.vVustonj...'; -. i'.'.t o';-,.",".i. " ',',' V; ' a ail itnniijrrad'on JMi-vices' in'-Xvo, I ;.i i., opiMvsito this city, today de Lj i il ' themselves to be-1 )hegoiu8 " and notified the military authorl t Ahat they would 'attack the fed-r ciai . garrison. uu.s' uh lovvn sur; rendi-ed by two Vcfcck':Ate'!aCteri':t noon. .: . 'ier!) t':y j Thw -Iexican, ronsnl in, lUaredo" tie- clait-il the rebels ver hot of sutneient foree ." to make . -.uccessful attack Kabisti the; KuVo, Iarelo Karrison.- It a rebrtel .,but not', coninned thai ChimIom Ozmu with a force' of former federal cavalry also was a . 1 l oaehing-'Xuovo, Laredo, to demand I ; it! iurremler. ' , . I' CHARTER IS GRANTED .t - ! :. ' " ' 1 ?TO CJOLDSBORO PAl'ER .-in (By 'Associated" Press)' ''' I vIlALEIGH, N. -Cy May 7. A char-j ter was issued i.oday by the eretary i 'of,"' State to 'the Evenihg-.Nevs Pub-4 , li: lJitg Company of Goldsboro.. N. C.' T'iv; company has. an' .authorized cap-1" itol or $3),000' with fifty-eight hl, ir ' ' ,?3v a ehari -i-nhscribed by Pt rkei---H.' Anderson ar. '. R.' K. ' Powei; of! , Washington, i). C and. - Jotn-Lanps-'ton 0'.. V). Rriz.zf il; a;: 1 ' ' II. J :-z ot !.:,. ; . TO, I) nH." ' lLlJU .j lHilJ V; Disorders HateJ Occurred And NnmbertOf People Injured .'"llO.ME,,May; iti-,ari;bis( h&o gained the upper hand In several dia tricts in Ihvly. nd disorders uVe' oc curred especially; h rLeghorn wbeje the extremists .iavaded the ctoainber j of labor arid committed 4CtS -via- lenceThe police aftd milftaiufoj-cei were compelled to nterrere 'iid .'in tneinelee ' two persons , wiere. klllea 'antf niora than thirty ,wcHde(J .'The strike of tpeasan'tS'dn tlie litPi ec districts of the Pntic4 -Sr-i3 .becomiBe gravefwfnirlio'tthe t io ! sA tk fmea8ti r es taken by hw stri k ers. l'8antr:trao;jrefuaSp'ia',ddiri'.'iBcifi' sCrike are retorted to' hae bf en) sko andtrike8 lard, aceued 'Sc.nfiscftt? ing 'fcattleand threaiiii.l; ' death o proprietors; r - f-4-.;-J: V ' ; rget9 steps land ar ; ciispatching iroops Win, mKniii gu n.sj tg s ai dang?ptrpoihts TEXAS COTTON ROP :;j?t$z isin bad Condition ; .V;v: f i : . ?. -.u ki tBy" .Associated. Pre3 IX 1'J'3 -.iucuf..uf'i,io ,r yjne.rii OnionJ estinjajei 2 today - tliafc iUe1 V.Toxas crop is iJi-Jthe worst.' coh-fitiop": ieas JOP is mime worstconaitiop f hjatory du-itoj rains during the4 1; 'ftent',Wee i which caused f Ioodiiie I "K ixwiub auuiaiu ,ifU8i ana ipojff weather;! ; ; ? ' J; 2, v f ' ' J 1 " " j".'.1" ',;';i'r- V." U OLCiIVC HI UUW. V) 4 W -V, H B y ' Ed gat. J, : Hay es.)':..A'v 1 5v ; i, -The. Community "Forum comes to a closo oft next Sunday, having bad, tinj)ermost ;. ; iq. , rne , minds oj thpse t ' ''Siictf men. as i JudgeGuioni.Dri i. Jj - Snepard 'Secretar3of theCham rfio f 'hd tiJtlr annalr Fa 41,1 i ' ' " - I' v''-";,';Vv: i '--' 'lV"' ' .j rfi - t fare-; Ireat in StofeJ Fo( -Tjios? ... ' Who Attend The Elks ' ' ' t The famous quartette comflosild of Tlf.. T .. l : . S rat-r Wll, ,julu - i uisu.aiiu ; X. JO- 1VV hurst, .will positively appear at 1 rJks cabaret this - evening. A ' i-solo ,by Mr Mullmeaux wilb of, the. features ofthe-evenir All the tables which wer readuif? roopt-last evening- h; uiovid,nto the lodge roomtl uie-o.u li table in the ball the vantage pouiX Irom 'which to vande.viilr. -ffhile- seated, at tl . T:i hall and reading. rooh b-'UMed for dancing,, this givi floor hspace. iT'here is f.C. be a c'" V idevllle and m uumnu RflMM NIMRR M V Vl 1 11.11 LI I ill I I UllUlil CLOStS IIS SESSION FAMn rv- fl ADTCTTf i.niiiuuM .uniiL;i it' -. .j. i - .... - i y lilfiiiniiSili 1 U 1 1 1 1 1 L . LnU I LU I U I ! k 1 C 111! ' V ... 1 t.v : IIAV. AKIW I II II I I ft V ! fL.rHriHIl t rUlli lHA i; Attosnej J General i,Hands :DoVit ! (Interest WI REQUIRED; A? tSy Associated -Press. "V ; MAjLliJ-Ofi, ; N. C.',. May, 7 .In '.re Oqsb t "OJntiuiriei the Attorney Oen- : . today; ruled that if the Anthony len's suffrage bill is adopted thai .V.. U I... W H J I, nclmenti Will become self- comsf , self-Bxecf-i AfA-g:ahd.womenc'ah..T6teSwith"b'nt thj laymont of.poll tax provided ratifjea- -j..:-n..,-i--.-, ..-'l.'? -p- " .x.i-- tipn, QGCurs'after.the time for, paying!1! lven.to an5-.3ther lt.has elapsed; fr' '? !Jt:U:? A United Kingdom; anda : .If thm nHvHB-fl-:rtf vftin ii pnWfarJ Wholesale' arrests :Of ',' red upon 'women after the closing of the registration' books,' then they will ee reqnired to. register On tuevday "of c3J?r:refKbame "poi&itrbii- as a male ,bycomln 'tlag'M4.6K:.the poll rax -ana.' atter stne cjosj'ng of tb;reM-. f 9 l.i On (books.i.j. jrfi j, , .-; -f; VtSx&HXit rney '. ,Gcne ral also riil ed tb"at- hQ same, edacatlojvwill be tef. liHtruuus vt, me, men vna. tuai xney wijr 1) Subject 'tq alcither; fauallfi- in tbis: sCj.te,'' ' ' !.;'.- ?.- ; l KANSAS CLOTHIER 'vt Adrertfscs " Men's Suits -To f Be -Without 'Profit'-: to Jv'; 'I ' i: Store, ' V r 'ifct'C' (By Associated .Press. "K;; FjTOPKKAkahSiMay 7vAnlld' iostablished -Tbpeka clothfng store1 .'to Aay advertised that -all men's suits lor- twehty-four days would be - sold , iiiVLet retail dlothirs; take ,a definite stand t against -aviaiing . prices', satd the proprietor t "and' manufacturers w.1 be fprced to -reflect.' ji' ..::;S;C WAR LABOR B0ARD7S ?EPafpaihsvtake;n' OVER '.. f ".(-HyjAssocTated Pressvl'. i By .Authority of .an ''exeniive;'ofder t.ha (council "of hational'defens'e'ihas taken' over the reeordi arid iaffairs ot the i War; labor board ' and. vyill. com pletei pending; .transactiois' J of the boar- j'and win "rbomplete. -';,"pen ding transactions of the. boaBdwhich was dissolved some months ago'.r . : SeBMS :;to" lBE:i0NEt;;;.1" :iUiN' ivlVking corsets fr iDy Assot'lated Press. ' " 'i -WORCHESTBR, Mass., May 7- -The Royal Worcester - Corset Com papy today declared a. stock dividend '.of 20per cent from.it surplusf and . f from i$ 8i 0 .a 00 . 0 9i ta j 1 2 v 4 0 0 , 0 Ot) . 0 0 , giving stockholders two shares ot new; stock for' each tone, share of old." , '"-:'? .,-''' f'.'' , w '' ".'' v. " " -'?' 1 ,J HUNS MILITARY" MR ; t '' r ; ' ; a ! ' - . 5; '- ' r SERVICE IS DISBANDED ''c' " ""';-::'' . V" .-'t.;I 5i,.?S4t . ' irv,t,,,-r4w--::r . n - o Tini.:Kaati icKanrl TO SELL AT COST lUry-TV llndJi-"tK lnf to A JVade here Tr m S ' and family of New Prn. werelm j committee -lfnunVemen? Pent to hear their sjjn, Mr. Paton the United pi Souncements ( deliye the saltorvff dre j council's a:, z N'Eit BEEN ItrflvnUUE thot . " -" IED IN PAPER cji- Press . T:C,Mayv:7;-4 I in print paper iore,;the"senate iiug the paper 1 -rn i th; bf : New 'i mericaixr' ' ' ... v ' ) ...i.r . iw- 4 , i f print ia- tion , and - ENGUSH RESENTING JTERFERENCE INTO PEIBOi Press Call? Attention To Memor anua? r rom American '!..;;- congressmen h LONJDON 'May : 7,Only tvo of this' mQrnvng'sjn'ewspapersi coiiimen! "ed. on the tnenwanta sent by Ameri can congressmen to Premier-llod tieorgs relative to the Irish Situation ahd the; tone ,pf 4heirV, editorials is somewhat resentful against "outside ifilai.fAi.an wsV tv. DwU.VK' t t 1 - f . fairs.-: :V , ., iv,. . "It Is an. elementary maximu'm of the "foreign policy-; bf .most. civilizef h ations V that, jdne - state department should, notv interfere with the inter nal aftairs of .another nation' , says the PaiIy;1'Qraphic ' whch , Beems.vto yiew the ' memoranda' ais a ; political movement. ;W.;v.(-r "No legislator of any.' countryi has the right to imperil the good relation ship' existip'g' between bis "nation! and any ner merely oecanse Tie wants to . . . .. . . aicract vot.es .10 nimsen. ..... , : ? ine newspaper aeciares lrisnmen haye.the same redress' for rong that is given to ianybther citizen . of the at points -tolh the Bolsheviki ': ayon-rf-Irea'n:. : ' ' . '-..;. 'rVv'i-V'' ': ' . --'. CRfEI!F;".i'ilLIFE' SCiOLEN Fitting JExercises Claris Closing; ', J ; t. ) . : " v-Kj-'. r V?njoyablePram " . : v -v Rendered ,:r ' ' n ; m I .1fAKfBCjtf?'-'M.a;7.Thdf Bac S! laureate', fio.fni.bn of.v tho ' 'Crayea (idknty rl'arm. Ijfe chctwas deltv- Siinday ,evenirigf'.lifay 2. by Rev. Hooert. m.giey-,! pastor ,qiJ:tne i;nrir tiktf chJutebApf Washington j ; 0.. 1 one, and one tlrat nebd a lasting im- pression.!'lb;heafe'rsJ-i'iyA,r:"' '-rP . ' On A.:ibn4kjfrC-eVen;lngVisi.-Bessie LWyatt's ; m.nsjc popilsr, assisted hy the. Glee elapl eave avrecrtat: ' The pupils Twer- . well trained , and played ' !SH SITUATION IS THE well 'Le RXementi7 by. Misses Har- l f rom the soil of Patagonia, near Neu vevJArnol!i.CaHcaster and Smith was j auen,' where, in a remarkable state ohe"!of the o,st pleaaihgVnumbers, Vhoirf wis beautiful, ;V- " "3frhe ';-H6wAai--:pr6eraxii on . the 1 earn mist was eoOd ; 7 -5' T uesdayj; May - 4 , at. 2 p. in J -.-..;.; . Glass day exlrelsea on campus. 4 ProtessianaM-Scbobl Song,1 ; .Address of Welcome -Paxton" Dix- - History4Wuia" Edwdrds,t' !j - 'Poemt-Frank Bland. Vf ' ' '- Class Song. ' '' .. . . Prpphecy -Cullen Mc'CoyJ Y. - Last Will and Testament-jDonald VeteheriHgton, -; 5." .-7 L 4".VI-'''-,-vr-..- r Promotion:' ' of Jijnirs Senior ClaSS ... ' '" .J .,', . .; Vr The Senior Bon Fife and 'Planting of class rosebush.': r Farewell song"- Senr '-'Class. On Tuesday evening the "Class Play ' "Between two Lives" Was giv en in the .graded schopl auditorium. The play was ap , interesting one, and long before the hour. bf opening thg I play, the building was packed, '; Miss Thelma Saiith and r Jasper Peterson as; negro servants and i'axton Dixon as' tha hired man, drew constant ap pJaii.sel To Miss Louis Monroe the class " teacher, "was "dfue much of the succes3 of the 'play. ' Much interest was shown in the I i graduating exercises on Wednesday morning.- A number conrlng from -1 New- Bern, Washlngtoh, Wilmington, i North ITarlowe and Newport, to con- iBratulate the elass of .1920. Mr. and Mrs. I). P. Whitfu.d. of Silverdale. were among, tnc oL;e present. Mr. Lurry ; ir son. receivings the : whuford, .tbei m6UW51 - honors ot his f!ass, Mr. Dix- . j Prm l.ifA Rrhnnl'3iitl.piipr'ia1 i,; p';0 nri nf th. raiu n't qTiia ,1 Folkiwiug is the program:, y Wranesdiiy, May oth at Yl a.a Liraunatin ns exerciser If Afninis. Iding, ation Bui invocation -H. r i , Tiiir, f!n ? - : - ' Iff' Silver StarsT Vera Lau caster. W . ! Salutaory 'vaddress-rPaxtonf . Dixe By the mountain . spring- -Ire il aryey -Valedictory ad dressy-La rr i orov Th evil ilts With Song orus, ; . ; r ;:rr -y: ; I - Chorus PROFITEERING IS SAID TO BE REAL CAUSE HIGH PRICE Railroad vLaboff Board '-.isi.,vPjre-:; i- ' senteCWitn Fct$ of Con- .5 yincing Nature I-5 r '. f BV 'Associated PressO' i WASHLN9TON, D, 'G.t May' 7.- A study of pref iteering AmeVicai industry.jnade' under the ausoices-of ' the- Railway BroJerhpods; wasJ pre-1 cented to tne railroad labor board to day in support ,o? the railroad work ers.demandsv forSiugher pay and to refute charges ;th4 t : increased labor 'costsia.rei'eip6nsJhleVfor.'.'.tlie.''''liKh oost.of living.f '.:.;' .: ' . jr .,.. ; Prepared' by W. ' ?1 Ltanek former secretary of the ( War in ' f , board, the study strove to' show- ii,.it profit eering, in industry is the 'undobted causerfor high; prices in practically oil. cpmoodmes. ' It giyes many sta tistics) to support that contention. : i Calling attention to the many war made; millionaires the study says that a three-fold ownership exists "be tween 'high' prices, profiteering and the addition to the quota, "of, million aires "'.kni'. -'that, the increase of thA .weaft h : of the wealthy Jis. an - "un answerable r.efdtation to all attempts tQ tcharce. labor with profiteering and to alPatteraptstd hold labor respon sible toy the ..high cost of Jiying. ; 4,4' Reward For 'Its .Return Will Be V ' - '' Pai4By.Tlie: ; " ' r ' : Owners u ; .. . (Correspbfldn.ce .Asso;iatcd Press (3f? :f..BUjaiNaAjJt,j5Sj;;i.':ftiay.. v . wno stole the great Pktag'oniaii dioosaur us? This -,is a question 'the newspapers nro. making and it is also a question Ji.Tkli, "'a i, -r'i, s. V of the .Buenos Aires Museum of Na tural History would Jike to have an swered. . . : - -. ' ' ; The dinosaurnsC, or rather its skel eton, Vwas not stolen from the, mu- eusm, U should be ' explained;' but ' preservation, it was discovered -by some n.ngiis!i engineers a year ago outing the., excavation of an irriga tion ditch:, They notified Arthur Smith Wood ward. naturalist of the British. Museum of the find who,- in turn,;?icominunicated with Dr. Ame ghino. ' . r From the- description of the; en gineers it appeared the dinosarus wis..it monster, even for dinosauri, and pn a new species. The museum I. .lacking--. 'funds, Dr. Ameghino at his f 'J ,' i - ,...' . 1 own expense sent an expedition . in c harge of a young naturalist. Au-; gusios xapia, to Dring tne sKeieton to-j Buenos Aires "The Engllshengineers." says Dr Ameghino,' "informed Tapia on his;; arrival that while they were away oni a trip of exploration, an unknown Wrson had cbme to the pla ff." tuat uau . ueen unr i 7 . ' I. , i- w 'P.- terested him. including the dinosau- 'ZV ruyl"Z.r?; and a ing to animals of various well-known species. The great skeleton of a. Hew species was not "t here." '.The' expedition cost Dr. Ameghino 2.000 peso.-!. i?rrTT 4 n FTwrc! i-rs i it PEAK, TANNERS DECLARE "ATLANTIC CITY, K. J., May 7.- The peak of prices in footwear has i been r ,0 fu reached, but it would-'take three r mo: i :or any j t;lucT ir.rt '--1'ier, th.'1 ox( if" Tanner. -:x,v. ' atcs rcpor' ; il HKHitiiit;- lu-r.- ' ti.:.i reach the V. VOs or '.v.. i ; of If. ill ' kee, ( deplorea facturers affil ted h the council wno no noi iook ivor upon sug- gestions made . bor bureau to i meet deman; SL improver. rkingmen for rig condition? J' " t t v ; ' . . tnnini. trnoui moon toe ocuiv , by ' Mr CALLS ATTE IITIAII plt la mlUN IU 1 nt HAo Ml) btUUm t Vtn Y . iiiiiiii 1 11 . nil. 111111 1111 1 iir fifii bi.i irniv ONE PERFECTLY GOOD 7V r v 1 1 f 1 y z Aold. K L Vera.Warr EMMA GOLDiVIArJ IS ANXIOUS TO RETURN JED STAItS Depprtedi'Radical ' Doesn Li ki SieXanro'H .K:VBirth'-m';';r . ?: v :f.r-v ' -; -- jy r: ' : '",1 fCHtUAG'j, May v.7.- Emma ' Gold-' man, radical 'deported to Russia" with Ajexander tier kman and . others oft 'the.- Soviet -Ark".. Buford hasfound TO UN difflejj.lt t6rawlimati'ie.ihers'elfarjic-Ri cabaret and social ! whirl Svhi Ahe land of her birth 'and is -Vhoine.sK hat .inih.i' 'm-s rini. i " -,rV" ' i H"';.fu 1k"'a'?P i-ViS'-A mg to a letter, i - ' Alr-iS- rz Ilj - dated Moscow,, March atlv. A . , vw "I miss America.' I lived there. thir- i . tert-.oe- hind it'would not be so'difficult.-, V.HeV lack of knowledge -of th6 Rusl riiie !newvand RtranfA .Ri'tiintinn.' : hnrl kepr-her from becomirig'actiVe in So CTjal ,work,.she wrote. - r , ?. f "-,-- -. : . ',-- ' ' . - TENNESSEE TOWN IS vfe i ' ' YlSITEji BY A FIRE ..k--'-f." .7 .' ' '',. -;'-.i.- . '! ' (By' Associated Ptess) ' c - 'S- ' 70HNSQN CITY;" Tenn.j (Mayf7.i-4. Fr-y,.Q4 undetermined ''pri&a.i nd starting' -in-, the' dry 'y kilin .".plaint'-- of? ,.ieiW.'S.' Whiting Lumber Company u hiidnfebt! last night . totilly :-de-;,y6yi'ri's; the '..ttdorm's'jjl'cpffinf'a'ftd costly, machinery. , ?T(he loss.ywiH ag T'-otrtc $200,000 virtually covered by insurance-.'.. .' ., ... , '. - -r '-.'- '"-.';' - ' ' , .- -vc (JERM ANY 'PLANNING ;TO - v-'v IIOLELECrriSOON ' rr :' 5 --.'' V'V"-.'''- i'urv Vk-''' '? -r' ( By 'Assocrated Press!-' -" , Z;. "r ,:"r; .::sV,;t::TAr,:-rpdniission;'to the-cabaret -arrived'' man. .'.'However;, f T' Knuirt f .loa'sri T"S v ??ne ea iy in; evening- an i- .... 1 . ' ;i . . ? were arreete.d bv the receotnm near ji pm. mose near 10 me LONDON, ''May '. 7.-ermany'Y'l'A b6' secured at Clarks cigur iresidential .election probably wilt be I- t held late in '.August, according to.-a ierun dispatch' to the Kxchange Tel egraph Company:; , The Berlin news paper is quoted jas saying President Ebert will not;seek re-election j Busy Bee Savings Society 'of KewX Bern city schools',-reports that' mem J bers of the? society, saved $I5.04 in April, The .club has a membership of j 55 bpys and girls.-It is estimated hat there.are nof 1.000 similar schnrd'fin- cieties engaged in; promoting 'habits of. thrift 'among. fb.e children: North Carolina.' ' -r-S'--. - '' . HOLLAND IS NOT TO ; .' . . RESUME TRA1)E,N0W p "ts in regard -to- resumption ofi rela- tions with the Bolsheviki the; foreign minister. announced inA jJarliament to clay ija response., tp questions.' relative to the situation, : i -.v' ' ''' - . . -' ' ' .-,.- V--:' . ' .'' Vi. . - ... ... , . :r;fV- .-;.' JOHNSON DOES NOT WANT VICE PRESIDENCY ? (By Associated Press. WASHINGTON, D. C., ment.-of two weeks ago campaign managers, Nolan'. of California 5 . , 1 : , T... 'a.i '. arrived -here, last night from -New... - tircumstancesr would, he ' .accept ainhrhitTiin iiT nrnfinifnn- by making a formal And direct state- ineiit to that.effectnimself. PLAN TO NEGOTIATE H - ' ' . ... J? - 1 "at Britain on The Ere; Of Having Relations With; Them r ' ' - "V; i HI THE V S - -V' : lor thia Soviet governmeut of Russi.v ; - . " ... . ( 1 iy Associated" JTessJ ' jaud ;ha.d telegraplied all prospective"; cV i; . LONDON, May 7, Greaf, Britain r?Widentiar candidates alsking then (v; - V ? on the eve of -negotiations with So-d tiel'inc their bositions on stha V.il)-:- r ' ; viet Russia a Moscow .wireless messjject.wThe telegrams were "sjgaed by age toaay asserts. n.ari jurzqn, ,in,,anrea British foreign secretary, the mess- men aee'says, has forwarded to the SoVietT-X.r Commissiary for foreign affairs a deoEYV? YORKER NAMED ON -laration in which direct con versa . r' -i,' tions--with- General Wrangel, com rEDERAL RESERVE BOARD V niander of th eremainder of the Rus- banaru"Jt.sian. volunteer army are proposea. - ifn: The Bo sheiki foreign .minister viec government was pren imaat , ,i ,1 ,1.,, i..--. nvn vrt ."' ,1,1 i : tish com m up Vion and uicct .mo ici sfcam.u 7 fi'ir 0ElSIE!0",f 0F:S6S0 -t-r-r ' ;;iastvlEVeiihg and En j ojeif ' " -i.. - '.' ' - :''' -r- -invent - liniiCnTiiiiiir .' -; ?' rJ 'V- ;"ir-' s" . i , :' ' pi more' New ;' Bern people-, and ntsitors to the fify la; Uljrht "bad hs' pleasure of attendip one of..the biggest utid. best social af fairs everv.he.iol in Incw ; Bern; ;.tli: hich and VPhtch; proved, to be an occasion .which ! by: those. howetc; Eo"fortunate as to be-, iu aUendanceM - ! - .-'S. . : -; . ; 1 ' 1 .v.f Thsewha' llad secured cafds of ' on .. J rom- v. 'T-i. - ,.i, . "a(af hvcd f,nd J!1 been :eBted - at their ELKSCMRB . . ., :' r.:-s. 1 . .Two .hundrsd famiiiarty J- with epective -Places, the "dancint? ben. ,v p .Rftiiatiba1i'Jiadih.'m'8lVf9.,'t "as furnished :t: inn- tainoiia ivieyer uavis -,orcnei.r and those Ywbo are.familiar with thif-: Wasical organization need do , explav . ; nation Vtd . convince theni that iheyT , can 'producp, music of the better'sorl". and they were at their best last even- -. Ing;';' t;,'. -ii- k'lyv-f ' "Yv V iVA(ter an hour of dancirg luncheon ' was served and this, was' greatly' iea; joyed.". Following. this, were the vau r deville : features by metnieritXbt-''N orchestra and local talent," this provV ing especially interesting and. enjoy-;"-; aWjBspeclaJly the' songft . by .' Mrs. ' Stratton, Mfj Stratton and ;.Mr. IJu.-,", gerre .'MftS.orley.v '.' U'Vr'';. - ;'r " . There ; f oijbwed other 'i dances- and, tn-'tM earlyrhqnrs the cabaret -rsotr' to a'.rlose tor- iheVtime-boing,, to be ; followed tonight, by another and t n niore'.enjoyablo. "evening. r -.- , y There oara-QtWeral tickets rcma'hi-. f ingl, unsold fQr;tJie event this eveniilfr ,. sto're;.aic( 5jthbse .who , anticipate - alia" tenrtiliff' ate requested ,to v get th?jr, cards 'of jad mission at oiice; Funeral .Services -''OvBri.o' .rt,. lAOri VlllaVVIV -iV : iT4"t-( -JlilV.-.- " v T" ' -i"-' 1 i - - '"- W ;" -1' c ' - V'' 'i if ..r . . 'a a n f '' , .-f-.'t,- . -i '.- a M a aa. p 'v W , ROC K Y M OITKT, N jC. ; -Ma y--.Y. ', ' 'Funeral ;servicespf the;'latoi,;W, !R.4 York,' will be-held at the .Firs, Bap-' list church,.here this afternoon nd 'iritermcht '.will; -takeplace- jiri :Plue , Crove cenietery'i H s, :V'.-v" "r : :Coleiiian-who, was Tamoiig thQ (first to eh mt froiu Rock y Mou q t ' ri i ('d. i n England rfrpm ; n-'i illness - centracteO .while in,-a', jtrafeing r-canipiin '--.'tbaU couRtry.--il,js- body was recently d;- - ' ----;- t-States on -one oJt'the American.' "fimv. v-.' '. ess.) i v-i - )crp,:rBWp8;; i-f 6 fiifo'l-. , May,; :.7,rivl.Tbev f unenal1 -will' jie ih-ariVp)- v lifornia baB' the' Masonic--ofder and membefS '.Lf JTiT .' " ...w. uu .vivygiit vv. t n ' J. . f 1 1 .J COGNIZE .f. ,r.;?; '"v v : " .r'V'!':;r National Civic Federation Fifes 'i r Protest With President Tof- 'it; Tv'2 tawp-iue American itjemon.'tne-,Jocaiiii).siN.r : by one.of 'hfs of the; latter organiiatfon beta's 'ttant- fift i''' RepresentativeH ted ln! honor-br Colemati.' '' - .-- .that, undfii1 Jn.- - "' . . v"t - : '-- 'j : pnnniinrr lv n i i nn ii rwwwiii I III II I I II i . i iuaj i .- i uc. Ana- . ' . . tidmlT'. Civic .Federation'; through Its.- ;.r'7,';'.' . Pi esidentr AItptl 'B. Parker, annonnc- jj vf ' :: ed .today it had' failed with .President' ;VC ' i. Wilson'a' lirotest aerainst ' rprnrntlion V - :ds of prominent, uienand wo- 4 ;....'' . oVvy. .'r,..! 4 ".s'j"'"". Nc i. rl-. -''.'',; r It 5 ' J 'v V '" v -Address C.C. KirkDaV isit. 1 v for a

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