LviiASOMC DOORS OPEN TONIGHT 7:3 -PICTURE BEGINS 8 SHARP- We call the attention of the public to the picture of "SEX," which will be shown tonight and Friday, and then we tell you there are some coming even : greater than this. S4 The Picture That Will Thrill New Bern. ........ Goldwyn Pictures'! TT Your Eyes Will LOUI I A ; Open in Absolute In His Late Home of The World's Best Pictures Amazement ! "THE And Benniso -HIGH Patrons are earnestly requested to be seated before picture starts, and especially is it necessary to come as near the hours as pos sible for the theatre will be crowded as it never has before It is the crowning amus ement event held in the city of New Bern. NIGHT SHOWS 30 CENTS TO EACH AND EVERY PERSON PTT1 PARAMQUN A Roaf MUTT MASONIC 1 TO : LOCAL . Friends. of Mr. P. G. Godf ray, su perintendent of the local' electric ll;.v.t and water plant, will regret to learn that he is suffering with an at tach of malaria. His condition, how ever, is much better, today. - t i. Charles L. Abernethy "Wednes- c 1 - . l.i la j h- r r moon spoke to the voters at . vl'.le and last night at Mays . Reports are to the effect that Lad enthusiastic audiences and .'e quite an impression; upon his ; rs. The first peaches of ""the season mi - thf:'r acDearanco on the local market yesterday, being shipped from Georgia. The fruit is of a very poor nuahiy, j.r'ri" "f and with but , little flavor, und'ia enjoying comparatively little sale,' . . , j ; V- ,.' Passenger traffic -over the roads entering and passing through NEW l;i:T : Just at the present , time is rather lUht. Railway men are anticipating- a rapid -increase as soon as the summer resort hotels are op ened and the weather becomes more seasonable.- ;. J Congressman S. M; Brinson spent a short v.ile in the city Wednesday a'lemoon.leaving a short time later for Chapel Hill, where he is to "de liver the alumni address. Congress man Erinson returns to eastern North Carolina on Saturday and is to make an address at Vanceboro in thet aft ernc:n... ' ..- r. : :;; -.-Tt.e Tabernacle Baptists church c'aoir went over to Trenton on Tues day evening and rendered several se lact'ona at . the revival which , is be ing conducted at that place by, Rev. Ray bond Browning. VThey intend to again go ovef and assist in the meet in? in the course of the next . few davs. " ; ."vy ::h 4- .. '".:.. !1tV- , T;.a next political speech booked for tii '3 city is that which Hon.. O. ?.ax Gardner will deliver on, next Monday. NEW BERN people have heard Messrs. Page and ( Morrison in 'their campaign, swing over the state, and Mr. Gardner will probably mind up the speech-making being dc-ne .'here by variousccandidafyJsfOT of ice. . ' ' .; ' u :,. . '. . For the past several days laborers hive been engaged in cleaning up and making improvements to the appear ance of the lawn 'surrounding Christ church, and the place is now most at tractive to the eye. Located right in V.. -- i f?rt'cf the city,' an effort is al- , , tA Vftftn (lift I Mwtnnsiv. j ,s nix jg iu ftccp (uc lanu All yi uCJ condition.'- ' t-.: -,-.r a r;ost unseasonable weather re I corded in a' number of years has pre vailed j" this section for the past few days iui the temperature is sd low tLit c..a i3 reminded. of the fall days. I'iAh is proving very detrimental to growirj crops and the farmers are greatly worried. Forecasts are for a chared L..Z. lher temperature dur ing tha .coming .weelr.''.v;:,''Vt'v,-:'v-:' The Norfolk Southern Railway Company has a force of men engaged in Kakins repairs to s their tracks along Hancock street. That section of track, is constantly getting in bad cond.tion and causes drivers of all types, cf vehicles, much annoyance. The railway people, however, are en deavoring to keep it in as good con dition as is possible. - - ' . -; . (The Turner-Tolson Furniture Com pany are making preparations to re move from their present Quarters on Middle street to Xhe building at pres ent occupied by the J..S, Miller For niture Company, and will occupy the new place as soon as possible.- Mf. William Sultan, . proprietor 'of the Fashion Shop, is to move his store to the building now occupied by the Tur ' her-Tolson cennl . . '..,, ,; State, Fish Commissi oner 'J. K. DiiOjn, of Jones county, was in the city tot a nhortrwhile Wednesday hlght, and' in an interview given out -while here,- stated that the board would hold an important meeting at Morehead City 'early in July, at which time a number of matters of particu lar interest to 'T he fish and oyster in dustry in easLern- North Carolina would .be discussed. V, '" ' ' ; The congregation of the Christian ehurch ia now considering the imme diate erection of a temporary house of worship on their recently-acquired Jot, and as soon as possible the work ; of constructing a permanent T and rnodern church edifice will be begun. Since .their church was destroyed by fire more than a year ago the mem f.frr have held worship in a hall at ...!ie- corner of Broad nd Hancock streets. ' -. . x- ' ', , i -t - . 1 ii" r. ONE-SIXTH OP GERMANY'S ' COTTON INDUSTRY LOST . BERLIN, . May ; 27The Bremen firm of Hagedorn; in a report on the continental cotton situation states that Geuoxasiy throdgh the loss of Alsace-Lorraine has lost bne-slxtb of her cotton industry, but is still third after the United States nnrt Great Britain fn . the number of snindles and looms. - The German cotton in dustry is working at twenty-five to thirty per cent normal, and Hagedorn estimates that to occunv ttno conti nental looms fully it would require z,&ou,uuu Dales of American cotton during the next six months. PERSON ALU Rev G. T. Adams, of Goldsboro, is among the clergymen who are spend ing the' day in the city. " y ' ' Captain H. R. Cavanaugh, of Wil mington, Is spending the day in the city attending to business matters. Mr. Samuel Lilly, of Morehead City, is spending the day here at tending to business matters. ' Mr. T; A. Uzzell, president of the Peoples Bank,' has returned to the city after a visit at Richmond, Va., where he attended conference of bankers. . .; - . , Hon' C. L. Abernethy left this morning for Fremont where he was scheduled to make an address this afternoon. Tonight he goes tq War saw to address the people - of that place in behalf of his candidacy. LECTURE TO BE GIVEN HERE Chamber of Commerce to Bring Man to New Bern to Make ; K Address ;:.V:.-;v;k1 Arrangements have been made "by the Chamber of Commerce of NEW BERN to bring to this city on Wed nesday, June 2, at 8 o'clock, in the court-house, the most famous Ameri can business lecturer on the plat form: "The Troubles of a Merchant and How to Stop Them" will be dis cussed. '','' '- , V : Under thi3 head, Mr. W. H. Farley, well-known business expert and; or ganizer, will discuss the various ques tions that are 1 now more than ever before sources of trouble and loss to merchants and business men every where. He will show how co-operation and organization, will make for a better comm unity . or city ; how co operation and understanding will re move trouble between employer and employee. He will show practical improvements- in service and store or ganization that will please the gen eral : public and draw trade; how friendly . co-operation and organiza tion among business men instead, of petty, jealousies and narrowness .will aid in bringing prosperity to all. He will show how proper advertising will change-losses to profits; how system atic continuous newspaper advertis ing pays the largest dividends of all. -With the aid of three thousand feet of moving picture film and about two hundred stereoptical views, Mr. Far leywill give a most interesting and muiely discussion. . ' t tuvery mercnant or wire or a mer chant, every salesman or clerk, every business man, and all those interested in seeing, NEW BERN become a bet ter businesa -center should not fail to hear Mr. Farley. 3 : A glance? at this outline of the ' lecture is, sufficient to show its great' value: f - Town Organization and C-opera-tion. . ' ' ' Retail Failures and Their Causes. Store Organization, v ' , " Newspaper Advertising.. - . Window Displays.' ! . The Business qt Clerks. - Credits and Accounts. ' " Salesmanship, r .... ' ' System. EGGS REACH HIGH RECORD WHEN HENS GO AVIATING WASHINGTON, D. C., May 27. . A new high record for eggs has been et. :,:'.."-''v:'':' -; '?,;,.. Air service pilots oh a flight from France Field, Canal Zone, to Santi ago, a distance of 145 miles, dis covered that chickens could be pur chased in Santiago at less than one half the price prevailing in the Canal Zone, ' Accordingly, each pilot bought a number of chickens and took them back in the plane with him. On the return trip' a conscientious hen in each of the planes,' evidently endeavoring in their own way to Te pay the pilot for the Joy ride, laid an egg. : " Aa the route involves a flight over the j mountains, it is believed that these are the highest eggs that have ever been in America. BUS ESS To Residents of New i ? Bern And Others My attention has' been called by the Rector and membership of Christ Episcopal Church , In this city, to the bad condition that their church lot, at the : corner -of Middle and , Pollock streets,' is most, always In on account of - passers-by being1 so 'careless as to throw -' trash and old paper and such like over In the church lot, or throwing It in the streets and the wind blows - it over' in , the church lot. It costs these church people a great deal to keep their lot clean- they have to keep a man'1 working at cleaning it up all thet time. This should not be so, and it must be stopped. I ask the co operation of the citizens of New Bern to help me make this a clean city, and I would be glad to have them do so.- There is a law against throwing trash and v paper on the streets, and also a law to make a man keep his own lot clean; and therefore if he must keep hi.-) own lot clean, he must .not throw trash on his neighbor's lot. Now, if the people will not obey this law of their own accord, I'shall be com pelled, to enforce the law and give the violators of Jt the full penalty of the law. I hope this message to the people will put a stop to the condition com plained of by these church people. - A. T. DILI Mayor. - ' New Bern, N. C. - .' .- ' . , ' r a -: , (Advertisement) , SOCIAL Mrs. C. B. Foy has returned to the city after a short visit at Raleigh. 'Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith left this morning for a short visit at Kin ston. 1 , - ' - Miss : Love Ritch, of Oriental, is among the visitors in the. city to day. , Mr.: D. P. Henry has - gone to Greensboro to hear Hon. Hiram John son 'make an address at that place. : : Mr. and Mrs., Ralph Eby, of Para dise, Pa., are in the city, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Eby on Broad street. t' Miss Emma Louise Kehoe has re turned to . the 'city- from Raleigh, where she has been attending Mere dith College. x - Mrs'. J. E. Boswell left this morn ing, returning to her home at Tabor, N. C, after a show visit with rela tives y in the city. ' Mrs. T. M. Constable, Mr. H. B. Constable. , and Missps Hrmstjihlp nf Charlotte, are visiting Miss Mary Oliver on Broad street. , - Mrs. Geo. W. Furqueron, who has been visiting her mother and friends In the city, left Tuesday, returning home at Henderson, N. C. Mrs. Ann Hall, of Kinston, who has been visiting relatives in Pam lico county, is spending a few days in the city, visiting her sister, Mrs J. L. Hall, on Queen street. f Miss Mayme ' Warrington left Mon day . morning for Bailey N. C, to conduct the music in an evangelistic campaign which is being held at that place, by Rev.' A. L. Brown. I - SHAKESPEARE DEPARTMENT OF WOMAN'S CLUB TO MEK THIS i i :fJ- ' -V EVENING. V , :: J':' ' At eight o'clock, this evening the Shakespeare , department of the wo man's club meet with . Miss 'Jessie Richardson and Miss Irene Fleming at the residence of Mrs. W. Ei Street on Hancock street. The meeting closes the year's program. The subject for this, evening is: r Barrier s "The . Old Woman Shows Her Medals." A fuU attendance is desired. . . PARROT'S CHATTER IS NEWEST ALIBI IN DIVORCE SUIT FORT WORTH, Texas, May 27. The ; parrot did it. His chatter was the cause. ;. is-. ' Such is the latest alibi for seeking a 1 divorce, according to the petition filed in the District Court " here by Joban Petrovisky, ' an Austrian, against his wife, Marie, whom, he charges, threatened his life when ne attempted to chastise her pet parrot for talking too much. , , BE PROUD OF YOUR HAIR Have long, etrafeht. of t hair that can becedldresseiV Cot r.J.of tlie dandruff, feed t'.ie Brvmjj huir rouU ud btupf ailing hair with EXELEMTO , QUININE POMADE the real heir grower. Send 2"c for either JCxelcnto J-oraade ,pr ' Exetento la Besutifier. " AicenU wanted to cell Cstlento Trodacts EXEIXNTO IWSXilCINS COKPANV A' ) . 0QD Hand Sapolio-The Ideal forToilet and BatW j ilHliMiiwnn ii II""'"11" " NEW BERN UNDERTAKER NAMED UPNC0N1TTEE Mr. -J. K. : Willis 'Appointed As Mem bor of Important Division Of State Organization At a recent meeting of the North Carolina Funeral Directors and Em balmers Association, which was held at Charlotte, Mr. J. K. Willis, one of the well known residents of this city and who has for years engaged in the undertaking business, was elect ed as a member of one of the impor tant committees.' -; ' , , -. - The officers ' elected were as fol lows: ' - : - R. W. Blue, Greensboro, president; vice presidents, J. 11. Wood, Oxford; Frank Hovis; Charlotte; W. H. Wil kerson, Reidsville; Secretary and treasurer, Wm. N. Volgar, Winston-. Salem.,- .: ''.j President Blue announced that he had made the following committee appointments for the year: - Executive committee T. W. Sum mersett, Salisbury; R. O. Kirkmaii, Lexington; W, H. Wilkerson, Reids ville. . ..v:-:- Committee on by-laws F. H. Vog ' ler, Winston-Salem; J. Honeycutt, Albemarle; J. R. Wood, Oxford Commitiee'on audit and finance Frank Hovis, Charlotte; J. w. Nicnol son, Statesville; J. K. Willis New 9 ) Committee on grievances B. p. Winstead, 'Rocky Mount; A. K. Mil-) ler, Sanford; Martin Linker. Concord.' The new president also appointed a committee composed of J. M.' Hai- ry, Charlotte; A. K. Miller, Sanford, and Till. H. Hayes, Wise, tci! draw" up appropriate resolutions on the deaths bers of the association : Z. A.; Havis,vif Charlotte A. D. MeGowan Wilson ! and J. R. 'O'Hara of Chattanooga.: The Jane K. Meadows Auxiliary : . ; ." i To Meet Friday Afternoon '' The regular 'monthly meeting of the Jane K. Meadows Auxiliary , will ! . be held in the church parlors, Friday ; . afternoon at 4 o clock. . . ; Any social service work will please be reported to the chairman. ... ' -. t - The delegate to the annual conven-' tion will make a report, which will be j" interesting, and all members are re- r quested to be present. 1 Please remember to bring dues. MRS. McKINNE PARKER, Sec. 'TDLD Says You' Cannot Gripe, Sicken, or Salivate Yourself if , You Take "Dodson's Liver Tone" Instead Calomel loses you a, day! You know what calomel is. It's mercury; quick-silver. Calomel is" dangerous. It, crashes into sour bile like dyna mite cramping and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. . When you feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked out and believe you need a.dose of dangerous calomel just remember that your children because it is perfectly harm druggist sells for a few cents a largeless and doesn't gripe. Wail leaariltMile aiaimtoiafcBadljtaaUafaTaraadtraa ItaaoMarktolafcaslraasBwadlatfeaaaaaf has no equal for porch con struction. It seems to be pret ty fully demonstrated thatfor all porch construction, porch floors, porch columns, steps and rails, the rot-resistant quality of "The Wood Eter nal" gives it unequaled -vestment value for this class of work. CYPRESS is famous for "staying put." F ALL-ROUND HELPS DEPARTMENT " help YOU. Oor entire i oosTeaponaenca Southern Cypress. manufacturers Assn 183 Heard National Bank Bldg., Jacksonvil'e, Fla. INSIST THAT YOUR LOCAL LUMBERMAN FURNISH YOU TRUE "TIDEWATER" CYPRESS IDENTIFIED BY CYPRESS ASSOCIATION'S REGISTERED TRADE-MARK. IP IN DOUBT, WRITE US. lfclirattatavalt BaBHB aHBiHll 'KKKS SHERIFF IS READY M A K E APPEARANCE Will Go Before Board of Com missioners Friday Morning and Make Report Sheriff R. B. Lane stated today that he would be in readiness tomor row morning to go before the Craven County Board of Commissioners in regard to the alleged "balance" of $6,911.72, which a report by W. P. Hilton & Company stated that he owed to the county, and that his au ditor, Mr. B. A. McKinney, would b prepared to make some statements which would be of a most interest ing nature. v - No intimation as to what Mr. Mc Kinney will report has been given out, further than a statement made by Sheriff Lane to the effect that he doesn't owe the county money and is prepared to show this to be the case. PAMLICO COUNTY VOTERS v WILL ENJOY BIG FEAST Pamlico county Democratic voters becue' at Bayboro next Monday at iitue vuieis iiuiu an uier vuo Lt.L A : - A .. -VI . . 1 .i;uii lj, mu gaiuci ouu Mcai iiuik Max Gardner and others. . There have been several big politl-, cal meetings in Pamlico in the course- of the Pa8t few "weeks, and the voters, there . have had the opportunity of rearing some oi ine oest speaners m the state. '. - - f-',: --'' ''y ' -"'- -. ' ' li fanoat -OIL Ot KOREIN. follow direo tiona of JKorein system - tberewltb : become slender, healthier, altractf, efficient; LIVE jLOujuh sola oy ausy orujjmjncwaij:: .' Bradham Drug Co.; V. R. Davis. Tj. Duffy Drug Co.. New Bern Drug Co.T. A. Henry. . : And by tad drofilsU ererywh" mho fll CHICHESTER S PILLS T . THE DIAMOND BBiSn, y DIAMOND KKAND FILLS, for years known as Best. Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY DRIIOatSTS EVERYWHERE bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute for calomel; It is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside and can hot salivate. Don't take calomel! It can not be trusted any more than a leopard or a wild cat. Take Dodson's Liver Tone, which straightens you right up and .makes you feel fine. Give it to the fMilaatuiai "Tula wster" Crone. Las fee I. a mhodb porpoa id it. Ladlea I Aek jour urucclu lor rx Chl-ehu-tera l"anonTIirmna ltU ia Krd and Mold netalllcf bozet. sealed vita Blue Ribbon. Take tlier. Bar of joor " Itnmtnt. Ask for Oil II 1 ' BY kl MIIblrBtai&a41i)UMWiavrrbftrdof tra"T1dwaUff"CrprM. Tk notbr 1 SHOW - Tonight - , . - :'VM ' I "' ' --T ' l - : In "THE yALK-OFFS" The Dernier Crl of Fashion dis played in the luxurious haunts of 'society's favored.- Gowns,. Beauty." Shops, - Alluring .Women, Handsome Men. A Screen Classic in Every Sense of the word. '. AS USUAL, HIGH CLASS AND NW . Supplemented ' by a ROLIN . COMEDY - wan" wi" 1 1 i' '-"" -. --.-n-yr numi jiain,!,! i.M n . wii-m, LPilsnMflf'i ON YOUR (DTOEEM : vithin reason "OME in any time to-; s day or tomorrow. Pick out the Pathc Phonograph you want. 24 , selections of your own choosing on Pathe records. Fix up any sort of reasonable terms to suit yourself -and home goes your instrument. 1 It is a genuine Path6. "all right and you know "what that means a Phonograph that 0 has every good point that Phonograph ought to have; . 1.1 Supreme in tone and mat Teal v rnunts with anv rhonoCTaDh. Uon t be content j :- wifV. Vialf sa t-kKrnrkorrarkri the one that plays all makes of records-and plays them ' . perfectly-the Pathc. . r . Here's what yjit can get daring this Special Offer: I This beautiful Pathe Phonograph, 24 selections, 12 j double face 85c records, SPACE FOR DEALER'S NAME AND ADDRESS, EAXTE Largest Jeweler Aeolian-Vocalion and Records I I Mmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmemmmml I B BERXlLYTELL-iF: IN- "The Right Of Way 9f From the novel of 'Sir' Gilbert Parker, produced on stage by Klawand Brlangq. V o.i :-, fV- Bert Lytell in the greatest role the ; - screen has jet afTorded in : an other screen classic that everj'-' one' will like.,':-: V-'.i-', BEAUTIFUL PRIZMA TOPICS OF THE DAY you always, reckoned a ; and supreme in evefy point. . .I'' ' "t is tne one oiggest tmng' tnat ; : -,.- cref t he rnmnlete nhnnnicrranh ' for a .total of only j aT&afa a. aT ft AIb 135.20 SIItl 4 i i. m. . 9 ' COSTS NO MORE THAN THE ORDINARY in Eastern Carolina Pathe Phonographs and PHONOGRAP

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