w itu vere hides again 'Sctwaw " 'rr r I n I TTnm a mm Jirr -vht mi - nTfiiimiittinTA R " - l y X , .- MALL, It v?r ' - ' y . i . Cradle. 5 'V x - X ' American . 1 ' , V f , i yd jl 1 , ' ' X - 1 j ''- it i Vyv A movement to restore personal . its and liberties of. wl-ich the people have been deprived by the HiijLieenth Amendment to the Con siltution and the Volstead law, will be mala by. the , Constitutional Liberty he? Te, which is rapidly eitendir" i;3 organization through out the Ur-c. i states. Men whose - lies f re ioly interwoven with ,:r' i history appear as found : s cf t 3 crranization, which has 1 t .it 3 irirr.e i purpose the Testor- - l ? J rre3ervation of the con ... 1 : tts of American citi s illy conceived by the . f . t a government. ' , v " " ii rot a "wef, tr "i the defeat of . . v - "ch it hopes to , . r-i rrobably bring r ' 1 i;I-t wines. The i i a is that the radi 1 j 3 V: o i.tliieved the two 7 3 ly E!:xewd manipula tes whea our youn; men ... " t m I Vance, went far 3 i. Lt3 T"hich the found- T U. r -lad in 1 ojd CiipHIIIMI.WINS REPUBLICAN FIGHT Tenth Plinnesota Delegates, Fa ' voralle to Johnson, Ordered : ' , Seated , ' " "LILY .WHITE" GROUP , " IN- LOUISIANA LOSE ? umnstructed Delegation r rom That State Will Take Part In Deliberations ; - (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO, July 2. In its ' first decision affecting the Jphn-v son forces in the convention the republican national committee, ' 1 "by 38 to 12, voted to seat dele- gates from the tenth Rlinnesoto ' '. district who are counted as fav- orable to the candidacy of the California, senator. Resuming work on contests the committee today seated twelve untnstructel delegates ' from ljouisiana, headed by Kmile . Kuntz, of New Orleans, nation al committeeman, and dismissed ! the j rmtpsts nt ih H1t white" ; group,' led by C. S. Herbert and : Victor Lolsel, of New Orleans. , STEEt SHIP B TO BE LAUHCHEd lN FEW DAYS Vessel To lie Put Into Water at Ben nett's Shipyard Other Con . ' s t tracts Secured The management of Bennett's ship yard, where a number of steel ships are being constructed, had planned to put another one of these vessels into the ' water today or tomorrow but owing to the fact that George o. Bennett', owner and manager , of the , plant, is out of the city the Jaunch :ng has been uostponed until some time during the coming week.,, v It Is understood that this plant has the contract for tha nnntruction of a .'number o fother -steel boats after the - ships now on the ways : iave been mind when they f rafted the Con stitution. Men whose nzfpes are linked closely with AmeriJan tradition are supporting the mo emenL Some of them are Dr. jyles .Standish, whose forefather i advocated - the doctrine of speakii t for one's self; Frederic Winthxoj; i a great-great-nephew of Govercr Winthrop, of old colonial days;! Hugh H. Ban croft, Robert S. Hqa, a descendant of Nathan Hale; Francis Peabody. General Samuel D. Parker ' ard others. - ,."- . . ' Paul Revere will again ride the New England countryside, figura tively, to warn the, people against the attack on the American Consti tution andn alarm VUr-be. sodd ed calling on 11 'American citizens who wish to guard their rights un der the Constitution to stand to gether and fight the new radical measure to a finish. . The Little Buildings in Boston, where the Constitutional . Liberty League is assembling its member ship is only-a stone s' throw from JEaiaJtheLbittjiptof fioilLeagu,e.s. CHILD KIDNAPPED WHILE MOTHER AND FATHER ARE ASLEEP IN ADJOINING ROOM: LADDER USED Mother Aroused by Noise Found Baby; Go n e, .Screen Removed From Window arid Ladder in Position Against; Side of House No Clue To I The Kidnappers. (By Associated Press ' NORRISTOWN, Pa.; une 2. The police of Montgomery and adjoining counties are searching today for kid nappers who entered the home .? of George H. Coughlin, of this city, and stole nis tnirteen-montns-oia son, Blakely, from his crib. ' ; The child was asleep in a room on the second floor adjoining that of its parents. Shortly before 2 o'clock this morning the mother was arous ed by a noise. Absence of the-child was immediately discovered. It was from a window A ladder against the side of the house furnished a clue to the kidnapping. The child is" described as having light hair, blue eyes and - a chubby face. It is usually heavy for its age. E IMPROVE CERTAIN LINES To Give Patrons Better Service Be tween New Bern ami Norfolk, Va. In order to give their patrons bet- TELEPHON COMPANY TO ter service between NEW BERN and president ot Mexico last week, took Norfolk, Va., the Home- Telephone the oath of office at 5 o'clock this and Telegraph Company are making -afternoon in the chamber of depu severar improvements which, when ties; There was a great military completed, will, give the office here' display. The galleries of the cham the very best communication with1 ber were crowded and thousands Norfolk that it is possible to secure, thronged the streets. At the present time it is necessary to make connections in a 'round COMMITTEE TO INVESTI about way before Norfolk can be se- - -rr,,, . cured and even then it is often diffU; GATE BERGDOLL'S ESCAPE cut' for either party to hear the eon-' ' versation of the other. When the new line is in operation this latter annoyance-will be done away with. VlsiUnf In City Miss Pearl 'Aman, of Columbia, S. C., Is spending several daya in -the - citjr visiting friends... v r PAULDIWfi 5xec. ls im p it,rec$or American ; Liberty. Charles S. Rackenian. of Boston, is president; Ralph Adams Cram is vice-president, Dr. Charles, M. Green, vice president, Francis Reginald Banks is secretary and Alexander Lincoln'; is treasurer. Fred C. Spaulding, : who was a director in . the figfifc ! against the League of Nations, ia in charge of the . executive work. Louis A. Coolidge, former Assist-' . ant Secretary of the Treasury, is one of the leaders in the movement. Arrangements have been made by i which members of the American' Legion who are opposed to the Volstead Act and the Eighteenth Amendment, to the Constitution may give expression to their views through the mtdiunj of theLeague. Steps' will be taken to merge the v interest of all .state organizations, with similar purposes with the Constitutional Liberty League. ' , It is . reported a considerable ' number of Senators and Repre sentatives in Congress have ai ready placed themselves on record as favoring the stand taken by thei . i RALEIGH AVIATOR KILLED BY FALL; BODY RECOVERED Young Man Was on First Salo Flight When His Machine Went Into Tail Spin (By Associated Press) ' ROXBURY, N. Y., June 2. The body of Naval Lieutenant Richard W. Thompson, who was killed when his airplane fell into Jamaca bay off Rockaway point, April 9, was found floating in the water within two hun dred yards of the accident." 1 ' Lieutenant Thompson's father and mother live in Raleigh, N. C. He was on his first solo flight, which would have quilified him as a naval avaitorr when his machine went in to a tail spin at a height of three hundred feet. RALEIGH MERCHANT IS CHARGED PROFITEERING ' (By Associated1 Press) RALEIGH, June 2. The trial of W. A. Myatt, a Raleigh grocery mer- FROm HIS CRIB chant, charged with selling sugar at iaS a nrnfit in excess of the margin al- The board, taking various extenu lowed by the amendment to the Lev er act, began this morning. in federal court here HUERTA TAKES OATH AS PRESIDENT OF MEXICO ' (By Associated Press) MEXICO CITY, June 2. Adolfo de la Huerta, elected provisional I (I.!v Associated Press.) ' WASHINGTON, Junf 2. The res olution ordering a congressional in- rvestigation of the escape of Grover Cleveland Bergdoll, rich Philadel- iphia draft evader, 'was ordered fav-t ing defeated by the lower house the I orably reported today by the house! resolution was passed by the senate rales committee. : RAILVAY GL iS L Men Must .Return to Jobs Thursday Morning Or Definitely Quit v By STRIKE IN SYMPATHY STARTS ON SOUTHERN Two Hundred Men Quit This Morning at Spencer and Salisbury : (By Associated Iress.) SAVANNAH, Ga., ' June 2. Despite the fact that national; officers have declared the strike illegal the clerks of the Central of Georgia Railroad unanimous ly voted to remain out this morn ing and to pay no attention to telegrams srtit out by K. II. Fitz gerald, Grand President of the Brotherhood of railway clerks. . They say they , wiU only recog nize instruction .given through the 'proper clwutfiels. Jt , (By Associated Press) SAVANNAH.' i. G&.i' June 2 . De spite the fact that national officers have declared the: strike illegal tne clerks of the Central ot Georgia Rail road unanimously voted to remain out this morning And to pay no at tention to telegrams sent out by E. H. Fitzgerald, Grand- President of the Brotherhood of railway clerks. They say they will only recognize instruc tions given through', the proper chan nels. ROCKY" MOUNiy June 2. Ing advices from Grand Follow President E: H. Fitzgerald nd Vice-Presidents Nelson and Gillard of the Railroad Clerks' union, the' clerks have been ordered to return to work and Mr. P. R. Allbright, general manager on the Atlantic Coast X,ine; has today is sued a formal statement,' declaring unless the men return to work Thurs day morning, June Zi "it wjll be nec essary to fill their places in older to protect the service." We have received a number ol offers from eommericial bo4iesv busi ness men- and .ititlaens .endermg their services $o prevent a serious interruption of traffic, and we cannot longer delay acceptance of such co operation", the statement , declares. Reports today indicated that the clerks were out on the Atlantic Coast Line at Fayetteville; Florence, S. C.,; Waycross, Thomasville and Albany, Ga.,; Montgomery, Alabama, and High Springs and Palatka, Florida. Southern Clerks 'Walkout. SALISBURY, June 2. About two hundred members of the order of railway clerks employed by tha Southern Railway in this city and at Spencer quit work this morning. No strike vote was taken, according to the secretary of the local,, but' the men quit work as individuals in pro test against the present wage-scale and in sympathy with the striking clerks of the Central of Georgia Rail road. The men, all checked off for work this morning, but shortly af terwards resigned in groups. The strike affects every department. BRAZIL WILL ENTERTAIN KING OF THE BELGIANS (By Associated Press.) RIO DE JANEIRO, June 2. Bra ziT already is making plans to enter tain the King of the Belgians when he makes his projected visit to thi6 country later in the year. The steam er Uberaba, one of Brazil's best mer chant vessels, will be sent to Ant werp to bring him to Rio. Gunabarw palace, where the royal guests will be housed during their stay here, has been extensively re-decorated and re furnished. AMERICAN LEGION. ASKS CITY BE CONSIDERATE Members of the local post of the American Legion Tuesday night ap peared before the board of aldermen and asked that body to cancel sever al bills - which" the city had against that organization resulting from the visit of a carnival which the legion brought to this city several weeks - ! ating circumstances into considera- tion, were inclined to grant the re quest and the matter was referred to a committee for action. SUFFRAGE TO BE ALLOWED TO DIE Delaware Legislature Adjourns With Amendment Bill Still Pending In House (By Associated Press) DOVER, Del., June 2. The spe cial session of the Deleware legisla ture met for its final session today ! with the resolution to ratify the wo-1 men's suffrage federal amendment still in the house committee, where , its opponents predict it will be al-! lowed to die. Both houses passed a' concurrent resolution last Friday to adjourn sine die today. After be- on. May 54 . GEORGIA CENTRA ORDERED TO WORK WOMAN SUFFRAGE WINS FIGHT IN L Federal Suffrage Supporters Voted for Amendrf t to state Constitute 4 DON'T MEAN ADOP OF FEDERAL SU RAGE Is, However, Indicati - t The Strength of Antis ir State (By Associated Pre BATON ROUGE, La., k June 2. The house of representatives today at noon passed, by a vote of 9a to 17, the proposed amendment to the state constitution giving the right of suf frage to women." A great many of the federal suffrage supporters vot ed for the state amendment, and it is felt this does not necessarily mean adoption of federal suffrage, but is regarded by many as indicative of the anti-federal suffrage strength. SECRECY OF MISSION OF RUSSIAN MINISTER (By Associated' Press) LONDON, June 2. While the se crecy which has surrounded the mis sion to London of Gregory Krassin, Russian Bolsheviki Minister ' 'for trade and commerce, is being main-. A : 3 . - 1 : -' . . 1 laineu, several newspapers nere Print reports On the progress the I Soviet envoy is making. It is gen - erally expected he has received of-' ficial permission to establish a Rus sian trade bureau in this city. Some newspapers go further and declare he has secured a lease on premises in London. , MEN BURIED UNDER MANY TONS OF EARTH : ;i (By Associated Press.) ? PITTSBURG, Pa.v June 2.-AX lAffcf ai v man ' txcro Irfllarl hv ar ANA STATE plosion in'the coaLfihaft of tle On- ieading cities of Asia Minor with ttffiii Gas CoaL ComnahV TietJokJddquartc.M in this' uity. . In ,4 he burg Pennsylvania, today. The men - were buried under tons-of earth and t the foreman in charge of the work, said he would not be able to tell the exact number of dead until the bodies ily is searching for news of missing had been .recovered. I members. . , -. Carriers Eagerly Await Opening 0 Campaign For , The Free Mountain Trip Great Opportunity Open to Boys of The More Ambitious Sort, For a Five-Day Vacation in The Mountains of Western North Car olina Plenty Good Things to Eat and a General Good Time Hunting, Fishing, Mountain Climbing and Theatre Going Store For Carriers of Park Publications. The ink had hardly dried Monday pretty well howlie . stands with his afternoon on the Park Publications regular subscribers and is depending announcing a " grand and glorious on them to renew their subscriptions, trip to the mountains of Western Here's the Proposition North Carolina when every . carrier i . . , . . . on THE RALEIGH TIMES, THE The five carriers in each of the FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER and' three towns, Raleigh, Fayetteville. THE NEW BERN SUN-JOURNAL ' and. NEW BERN. who- secure the declared they were ready to put up :'mst . points,, according to the sche a hard fight to win the free trip dule, will win the trip. In addition which is offend to those who se-l-this. the carrier who secures more cures the most points on collections and new suhacrintinna between June 7 and July 3. 1920. AH Expenses Paid j .Five of the most ambitious car riers from each of these papers will be given this five-day trip with all ex penses paid. In addition to this they will be paid their regular commis sions on all business turned In. Can you imagine any energetic boy failing to take advantage ot this opportunity when he has an equal chance of winning a trip f or both his mother and lather as well as him self? Every carrier is eargerly a waiting the opening date of the cam paign June 7, when they will make the greatest drive for subscriptions ever witnessed in North Carolina by newspaper carrier boys. Of course, a good carrier knows Campaign Manager, THE SUN-JOURNAL, New Bern, N. C. Enclosed please find $ .for which you will extend my subscription months from expiration of my present subscription. I want to help my carrier earn a trip to the moun tains. Kindly give hini credit for the points. Yours truly, Address Name . . i r- S( HKDUI.IO Points oh Old Subscriptions Points on New Subscriptions Period Price Points Period Price Points 1 month .0 5 5 1 month . . $ .65 10 2 months 1.30 25 2 months ..... . 1.30 50 3 months 1.75 75 3 months ...... ,1.75 150 6 months . 3.50 , 200 6 months ....... 3.50 400 12 months . . : , . . 7.00 760 f 12 months . . ; .',V 7.00 . 1500 : . yt . . -V"- " - "i . ' $ ','r i V . j ' . ' 4 BICKETT DELIVERS PRINCIPAL TO OLD AMERICAN SHIPS MAY BE SOLD TO Senate Provision For Permanent Shipping Board is Retained In Bill AGREEMENT IS REACHED AFTER ALL NIGHT SESSION Reserve Fund of Fifty Million Dollars is Ordered Cut Ex actly in Half r (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, June ' 2.-Sale of American ships to foreign interests if after diligent effort-the shipping board has been unable to dispose of 4- V rt w 4 " A m rtwinnwin i rt vtrt mri rt M it 11 Cllt IV AU1C1 llidUS, 19 PIUVIUCU1UI . in the merchant marine bill as finally agreed upon - by senate and house session669 after virtua!ly an aU niSht. ' Vnder the agreement senate provi- sions providing for a permanent ship-' ping board of seven members were1 retained, but the senate amendment! authorizing the board to set aside an- ,'nually for the -next five years fifty !., jni)9Tll fPnm the! nmppoa nf h art orn anri- aaloa fnr the onnetnir. tion of new ships was modified so as to nrovirt for a reserve fund of onlv twenty five million dollars annually. ARMENIAN FAMILIES -. ARE BEItfG REUNITED CONSTANTINOPLE, 'June 2. Hundreds of Armenian families are being reunited monthly through the efforts of the members of the Ameri ron, committee for relief in the near past, who are scattered throughout deportations of the lastfour.-,years Armenians have been shuttled about before various military movements, with the result that nearly every fam- in fi-'-W ih& any other in hlstown "'v Vve the privilege of selecting as a-ci.perbne his father, his mother or some' relative with all expenses paid. Better still, the boy who leads every othtfr' carrier of all three papers will be flowed to take both his mother and father, or two relatives, with all expenses paid. Notice To Subcribers Points will be issued on subscrip tions from one to twelve months as shown below. For your convenience, a coupon will be found below which may be used in sending your sub scription direct to the office in case your carrier should fail to see you. Fill in this coupon and mail it today. Show your carrier you appreciate hi3 services. " CXMPAIGN OPENS JUNE 7 AND CLOSES JULY 3 AT 8 P. M. June , 1920 OF POINTS FOREIGN t ' ,.'. ADDRESS VETERANS Old Men March in Pa rade, at Fayetteville ' This Afternoon, To Be Followed by a Grand Ball Tonight Thou-' sand. Soldiers Attend .; ..State Reunion ' - METTS RE-ELECTED Fayetteville is, Elabor ately Decorated for the Occasion, : AVith V The "Stars and Bars' of the South in Evidence on Every Hand City Vis Filling Rapidly - Wi'tft Reunion Visitors, r v (By Associated Press) ' FAYETTEVILLE, June 2-One of the principal features on today's pro gram of the annual reunion of the ( Noi ih Carolina Division oj ' the United Confederate Veterans.' which1' convened here yesterday, will be th Parade late this afternoon of the old'', soldiers. '. y The morning session today was devoted to a general "get together," meeting of the veterans,1 Daughters of the Confederacy, Sons of the Con federacy, American Legion and citi zens of Cumberland county. ;j. . . ' . uu'kcu miirera Auurraw H. Governor Blckett . delivered the' principal address at a dinner given the old heroes this' afternoon by ' Fayetteville chapters ot the Daugh- ' ters of the Confederacy. ' -' Other events today included a re ception tendered the veterans by the ' citizens of Fayetteville and a trip to the state home for Confederate wo- i men. ' The festivities ot the day will cometo a close tonight with a grand ' Da 11. ' v : :. '. . ::.,';:.'. ... . At a business session held yester- "4 day: General James-, I. M:etts was re- )cr.tef commandinAl general' 'oil -the divifclou and General W.-E. Kyle was ie-i;icu v vvuii:iiur pi me latru Brigade.. r, .w ;, . ? ' Upwards of a thousand old", war riors are attending the reunion, and the number of visitors is being aug- -mented by arrivals on every train. The pricipal streets of Fayette ville are elaborately decorated .for . the occasion, with the "Stars and -Bars" in evidence on all sides. - Resolution of Thanks The following 'resolution adopted during the business session Tuesday was wired to Major S ted man: , "June 1, 1920. . "Major Charles E. Stedman. "House of Representatives, "Washington, D. C. - ''The state reunion. of Confederate Veterans, assembled in Fayetteville, extends to you its heartfelt thanks for your timely and eloquent speech -in defense of those loyal patriots, Lee and Jackson, and their notable defense ot the southern cause. May you : long live to represent them m ' the congress of. the United States." - In addition to the election ot Gen eral Metts, of Wilmington, the fol lowing were elected this morning! First Brigade A. H. Boyden, Salisbury; Second Brigade--W. 'A. " Smith, Anson; Third Brigade r-W.-E. Kvle. Favetteville: Fourth Brleade J. M. Ray, of Asheville. HOUSE COMMITTEE PREPARES REPEAL' EMERGENCY LAW Except I .ever Food Control Act, Es pionage Law and District ot Co- w. lumbia Rent Profiteering ' (By Associated Press) . ' WASHINGTON, June 2. By un animous vote the . house Judiciary committee today ordered out a res olution repealing all : war tlma , -mergency legislation except the Lev er food, control act, the espionage law and the District of Columbia rent profiteering measure. - - Chairman Volstead told the com mittee that he would attempt to have the house adopt the resolution, be fore adjournment Saturday. House action,, he said, would be atettnpted under a suspension of the rule i which would permit only forty min utes of debate. CLOSES; NUMBER CASES Judge George Connor Quickly Dis poses of Large Docket And -Ends Session - . ' Although there were eighty-eight cases docketed to be disposed of at this week's term of Craven superior court for the trial of criminal cases. Judge George Connor Tuesday after noon wiped away the few remaining cases on the docket and ended the session. '-. .. . ' . '." i : No cases- of any great importance came up for action at this term and k.lk iha Miirt an1 inunhan nf lh I bar . rushed the work as rapidly. .possible. ,-. A ONEWEEK TERM OF COURT