o AGE TWO NEW UKKN S'JN-JOUUNAL, MONDAY, JULY Z, rL r;; feme thank ooDNEtb -vE - ARE IN NEIGHBORHOOD THAT lt ALU BUILT UP 50 I'LL NOT E ANNOYED NOW &Y OOR TALKNS "TO W OFOUR. VULCAN NONE OFT. ."YOUR VORKlNC ELEGTIGi 1 GAflPAlGN -KitND WILL BE AROONE here: r '"BRINGING up FATHER" 3 Will Carry Literature and Shakers fojctlxe Government to Various Districts By McManus 1 : j. . ' ' ' -.v - " : : r : ". . . 7. III I II I IHII I VHAT THAT CROWD- T( OOIS'T KJSOW- I j CONTRACT K 1 I ? L DQiN4 OnTHAT ROOF ? T'5 DUAN-, I J02 TO TEAR, i j I . " Mil' I I .' ' 1 I I J11";. v i III ra .11 I IV irr TUt-r- ... I . i. V . J ; ti jaw (By Auoclsted Prw) WlNMPEG.ul , 5.-Airplanes used tar advertising : purposes; will feature the election .campaign of the! members of the - Manitoba govern- j n:pr.t,twho will seek re-election unaer the ; -leadership Qf Premier Norris this summer i i. This unique. methpd; of conducting electioneering 4s new and is - claimed ' by. officials of the Norris government ifi bes the- firsty attempt to "use" it In the world. Edward rrowa,,. Provincial Treasurer in the resent cabinet, , recently toon a ilight over Winnipeg, and. expressed himself as highly delighted with the , vossimtjes of airplanes: in- the. cam paign. ;. . ;" T.wo machines are already engagea iii the enterprise. They will touch at least one town in every constituency. CPAJipaign&literature, will b .dropped from the airplanes as it.cjrcles over the town..t'Afijer.Janding, the. gov ernment supporter,-, in themachine will address the crowd that gathers to meet it. Supporters of Premier Norris are tnhusiastiCf over the echfne.t,-, ?.'. ' - ': ' ' - . The machines at present engaged display an appeal urging voters to Eupport the present governments - UNIVERSITY" CITY IN PENNSYLVANIA SHOWS AMBITION Is Determined to Be Closely Con- nected With the White House, J. Whoever is Elected President r USED PICTURE OF WIFE TO DUPE THE LOVESICK Charles Van Kirk farm near Point Senator Harding is honor (By: AHHociated Prenn , . WASHINGTON. Pa., July 5 If Warren G. Harding is elected presi-i dent of the United States, this pretty little university city in, the hills of western Pennsylvania will be bound up closer than ever with the white house, for not only did Senator Hard ing's ancestors live here but the fath er of President Wilson ,.. also was resident of Washington. . .. Senator Harding's great-grandfather, William Van Kirk, was one of the early settlers of Franklin town ship, and he and hs wife are buried a . the, family ; graveyard on the CHICAGO, July '5. Of ..all "marks," the "lovesick mark" is the easiest, take It from Charles Corroll, who cashed in on his theory. He wag brought back to Chicago from Detroit to answer to complaints filed by Louis R. Niendorf of De Soto, Iowa; Tom E. Peak of Louisville, l v and others. .: - Corroll, . ? who has an attractive wiff, ui?ed her pictures hundreds of tht.a, the police believe, to lure dol lars from matrimonially inclined persons all over the country.. He watched wtih great avidity , the "Wanted A Wife" ads in the matri monial journals and immediately be gan action upon his victim. He would send his wife's picture as a lur. and.ask for $10 or $15 tee-expenses."- ' ;' - " " Tom Peak sent $35, In all, and the best he got was. a picture." Niendorf, after- forwarding much money and getting no wife-flnally came in' person to see what-was wrong. For three days he sat In a railroad station waiting for the love ly ".Marie" to appear In jaoswr -to his telegram; and when the police chased him out ..of the-" station, he took up his residence in the nearest hot 1 and. made many fruitless trips daily.- .Postoffice inspectors were fin- ally put on -the case and trailed Cor . roll, to Detroit. - ', OLD PLAYGOERS CIXB - TO EXTERTAIX AMERICANS (Br Awucinted l'rtDH) LONDON, July 5. The Old Play goers Club, here have arranged an Independence- Day dinner which will, be 'held at the Hyde Park Hotel on Sunday; July- 4, in honor of the American actresses who have recent-. Iy appeared in London.- The Presi dent, Lord Leverhulme, will preside and the guests of the evening will in clude Miss Edith -Day, Miss Mary Nash and Miss Peggy O'Neill. Lookout ary president of the Van Kirk family society and frequently .has attended the annual reunion here. 1 President Wilson's father, Revr Joseph Ruggles Wilson, was. born at Steubenville,. O., not far from here and in 1848 became , pastor of the Hills Presbyterian Church at Canons burg, near Washington. . Here the family remained until their, removal to Virginia where the President was born'a short time afterward. 1 AMERICANS ARE HELD PRISONERS IN TURKEY WASHINGTON, July 5. In an ef fort to obtain tha release of Mr. and Mra. Paul Nilson, of Illinois, who are held by the Turkish nationalists, an American . destroyer tlhas been dis patched to Mersina and the French authorities are holding Turkish hos tages, Admiral Briston, at Constan tinople, reported today to the s state department.- .. s; vi - . . , t ? j t -a i torn. Fbatub Stuvict. I I I I jy-J" I n F MgJ." - ' - ' ' ; " - - - - ' yggaaaB. & &srfimis2sz3&, m IF YOU DON'T WANT YOUR JV teq r? Y f" A T7 ( PROPERTY SOLD )) ( 1 ( V ( ',- j Do NOT List It With ' Jj .2&r J Afp . If a nnil H 1 Est a tp Cm I ' . . . ... r V They Sell Property Anywhere, Anytime ))i ( Office Over Bradhams Broad Street Drug Store )li 25 1 1 ait THE RECORD Did: You Ever Stop to Think Chicago' W om a n Probably Claims World's Honors--' ;Well and Happy , CHICAGO. IlU July 5. There was an "old lady . who lived, in a shoe, t She hadV so . many children she didn't know what to do. . ,But ahje,ouldn't have had as many as .Mrs.-Anna .Slay icek. of Chicago In twenty-six years Mrs. Slaviqek, forty-three, - has brought twenty-five children into this old world. Of course, chUdren take up a mother's time, and a young school of them hardly leave a margin for sleep. It's just about a morning's work to scrub the little faces and divide up shoes, not allowing for squabbles over, missing . stockings. , . 1 nthe, meantim<ha importance of Thomas. Slavicek, pater familias, has shrunk in the background. . 'The-problem of , supporting them became so. conf using '.thatwell, he just -gave -it up. p He. decided to be-, come , an.- Edison and Tetire ' onl his mfllioii.or two.., U : v' , r So he bougth. land, at Western ave nue and built a shop; . .There be tink ered -a.il day and forgot all his young hcp!uls.' . r. - -' ' . ilrs.. Slavicek -decided she must have money, -r - ... - - ' 'f.,!'JJe: has been tinkering for twen-ty-t wo years on a oil burner, .your, honor,",; .she', told "Judge Samuel H. Trude iu. th court of domestic relations,-in nrssing-a charge -of non- SUPPOrt -f '.", V.w- v "(' ' j . - .'"Every cent he makes he puts into the invention, ' One daughter. Rose, is -working and her salary js all I've had to. -support the children. - : ; ' -l.-.i t ; He Neds Only $85: "Yonr bonar' said Mrs. Slavicek, inventor ','if I had $85 to connect up the -electricity in my shop I could go ahead with any invention. It can be UBod. for heating .purposes instead of coal. 1 - sold the . first model, to the . Tuttle Spring company, and I am get ting ; royalties for it $10 for each burner sold.''- . , v - "But,1 gee, your , honor, they only sell 'one burner , a- year," interruped - Rose 20, sagely. - - - . , ".'."JAnd. he. .-.wakes us up at 5 o'clock ' every., morning .telling us about it," - amplied-J41y, .ten. , . VThe couri ordered Thomas Slavicek to. pay his w4fe twel,ve dollars a week. - "If I cmly had that $85," he mut tered as he, walked out of the court room..,.-, f. - . , , ; . . To Prl.V9 Out Malaria . -ifiK's And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard TASTE LESS eWttXONIC, Yoju know what you axe "taking, as the formula is printed on every, label, bewini it -is Quinine and Iron in -.a i4tteles form. The Quinine drives out the malaria, the Iron builds up There is positively no econ oi ijt-tin pressing your gar ments at: home?- For the, re? verseds ;true--it i .extrava gance. Our1 prices are so very reasonable that you will find it far cheaper and decidedly more satisfactory to - engage us to Jo your valet work. The Winner J. B: HENDERSON rtone 442. 10 Pasteur St. WE HAVE THE IVIAQHINEY the skilled "labof, the experi ence, the materials and the en thusiasm (don't forget the en thusiasm, which is an asset) to do anv and all tin and sheet metal work you may require. Any article- in tin, zinc, copper, brass, galvanized iron, alumi num v etc., we can make for you to order. Ask for our , esti mates. . , i ,: THE S. B, PARKER ' COMPANY' , 4iv-4S Craven' Street foKW KKR?r. N. C. . --4 Keep Cool While Ironing - - IT Hn n i With one of our electric irons r Use an electric fan. Let electricity make life pleasant tor you this sum mer. ' We are showing all the modern electric conven iences for the , far-seeing housewife; irons, fans, mo tors for sewing machineSj suction cleaners,, toasters. ----- - - .. cook stoves, heaters, etc. APIcnicLuiich READY TO :MaPAbKfe Just think ! A picnic lunch without ' the trouble of : e x t r a cooking and . workj to get ready. Our , shelves are crowded with good things all cooked; ready to pack. . ROYALL GROCERY GO. 77 Broad St. " Phones 838 839 CITY OF NEW BERN ''',-.- - - - p; -.v...r y ' - -,' ' " - ' "-.-"-" " -.- ' - - - '--- : Water & Light Department We have in transit a limited amount of nice g'ranu-; lated susrar in 100 pound, pockets that we offer for shin-- ment after July 1st at 28. 1-2 cents. : One to two hundred pounds-to eacli customer. For larger quantities, write for prices. . - s - , . , .-' V&SS. MILLING C - VASS, NORTH CAROLINA Borroiiglis REAL ESTATE , ' ' ... ' ' ' - - - - - : NEW BERN Are Agents for the Roper Lumber Company's Land . and are felling a Lot of This Land Very Cheap and on Reasonable Terms. ' ' - THE WHITERURST CO.- i 67 POLLOCK ST. ; NEW BERN, K 6. Dealers for v 4V'V "- ' "GENERAL FIREPROOFING" OFFICE FURNITURE " ; . : v Stationery, Books, Supplies, Etc. SUN-JOURNAL-WANT ADS ;GET RESULTS -J PREVENTOL Routs Flies IVlosquitoes Drive out the murderous, blood-sucking mosquitoes before 'you go to bed. Spray your bed room, walls, feiting, floor, curtains and furnishings of your bed with fre- ventoi. . men you win sleep sately ana soundly. Expel flies by spraying kitchen and dining room every day. The flies will leave at once. This i a clean', purifying preparation that gives the utmost satisfaction as an exterminator and disinfectant. Instantly kills roaches, bed: bugs, moths,' germs and odors..: Will not stain finest fabrics or, rust or corrode metal, non-poisonous and pon-expjosive - therefore safe for . daily use in the home. . ; Special combination Sprayer and Pint Can in handy box aavea you money. $1.26 at your dealer.', Additional re-fill can: Pint. 60c Quart, $1.00; Half Gallon. $1.75. - . HjneAOmica.Corpor&UoQ. Richmond. Va Mann aKve "-";'- ' ' ' ' ' T ' -"' jf'-mr' " K 1 .--7 -TreT - " v'" A V JLL you've got to do is to smoke Camels to' know they're the most wonderful cigarette ever created! You will like Camels even better when you compare them with any cigarette in the world at any price 1 Camels mellow mild body and re freshing flavor never tire your taste! IB. -a in ST str. Camels are sod every wier in scientifically mealed packages of 20 cigarettes; or 10 packages (200 cigarettes) in a glaaainmm paper-covered- carton. We strongly recommend this carton for the home or office -en p ply or when you travel. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem, N. C W E ' - . I II . "..II. - aT vrjm aJTHT r Vkiaa "' V -ww' '"7!U ('" . ' H 'II i"L' 1 1 1 - -aw. 1 - u it- ; - .' - ...... r ... .. ,v . . . .... ,.;..-.?..:. ... . V. if