plague. The activity of the health flAfviio T'oanlra fvnm thA nnnpflrnnp.ft of the plague la Mexican and Ameri can gull , ports and at points in the Mediterranean. , "Rat destruction," says the health Bervlce bulletin, "can be accomplish ed bv Individual effort, to & limited degree, , but to be successful in a laree citv there must be rat-Drooflng of buildings. . No spasmodic or In dividual efforts will result in the de- . "Rats ea be: destroyed by trap- nlns'- hv nnisnnine. and hv iisiner nat ural enemies, such as certain breed3 of cats and dogs. To insure , the suc cess of these measures it is neces sary to curtail the rat food suDDly by properly disposing of . garbage and table refuse, and by preventing rats f roni ' ; gaining access to such foods as Is con tained'in pantries, gro ceries, marKets, staDies ana ine line Attrotlnn tn TrnTmfnir ' " "Success in tannlne is nronortlon al to the attention and industry the trapper devotes to his traps and pro jection of otaer iooa supplies. two Vlnria nf -trans are eenerallv used the wire cage trap and the snap trap or aeaa-iau. ine trap snouia ne rlaced wherever rats have been ac customed to eozne ..... for feeding pur-? poses and should, be more or less concealed, the snaD traD by-jscatter ing dust, t ; cornmeal or flour on or fihniit thsm nil the- ' cae traD bv pieees of sacking, straw : or rubbish, lpvtns nnlv the onenlnff frea.- "Hiehl??Ravored articles.. sUch as cheese, and toasted bacon, will more quicKiy attract rats man . win jooq without cijor ; but the idea that- a rat can bit enticed Into a tran bv the employment of bait more appetizing to mm man tne surrounding . iooa Krrnlv la fallacious, i To the : rat. f?flniirrvlv In it mip.stlnn of availa- , bility, and preference is a secondary consideration.., ? ' "The destruction of rats by poison has always been more or less im fa vor, tA preparation of arsenious acid or nhnKTihnrna. ten np.r r.ent and suit able base,, as cheese, meat or glucose, are the most popular, poisons. - Pols-' ons undoubtedly Have a certain ef- ficlencv 1, ridd.ihfi' a ' nlace of rats. but whether by causlns their migra tion or th tir ' actual destruction is somewhat raiacult of determination. 1'Rat n oofine excludes ratsv from the food s rrlv and denrives them of harborage. Without this procedure it is almost impossible to reduce the , roden por ilation. -- ..-.. , Items to Be Considered . , .y 'In. ratrproofing any building, the following' parts have to be consid ered: v ground ? area, walls, ceilings, garret, roof, bed spaces in general, ventilators, abandoned sewers,-doors, w indows, outside piping, water and sewerage pipes, down spouts, wiring and air or light shafts. By the omis sion of some small detail an other wise rat-proof-structure may become -." badly rat-Infested., ".'-.'iij-r'"-'-- '''' i " T h o rat.nrnnfintr rf flnnrahf V. nil rl . inga is secured either by elevation of the structure with the under-pinning rmenine free ne hv mareinal walla or concrete, stone or brick. , laid: in ce ment mortar sunk, two feet... in the ground, fitting, flush with Uhe floor above. , Th Q.. wall, must fit tightly tP "Fnnrt lenntfi Are tlm. creater. Ira I nnrtanfft in rat-nrnnfinc heo.ansA thev fnrniah both sustenance and shelter for rats, In. this class of buildings are stables," meat, markets, retail and wholesale groceries, , baker msi ware- nrmsea rfi c-kn and wharves. . These . places are best rat-proofed as to; the ground areas by the construction of concrete floors and foundation walls. Untenanted as they are at night time rats might 'well enten doorways; or windows carelessly left open or be antroaucea eonceaiea in ane mercnan rltsu ,and.;' ena-winar throueh nlank flooring obtain well protected hiding ana Dreearag piaces. ; , : nmiKle -walla with dead no ace be tween should be avoided, or if used chAnid he rst-nroofed at too- and bot- v torn with heavy-wooden tlmbersrfour "by four joist or by a concrete fill. Attipa nhnuld ' be well nnened antt kept free, of j.dunnage or other refuse - for rats. ., ! . ..-j- v"- Avoid Donble Ceilincrs. ' "liouble ceiling should-b : avoid Ail Bnc oiaUv ad m basements. Box ed' in, structures, Buch as uprights plumbings kitchen sinks and the like , should b removed. Miscellaneous ' openings as light shafts, ventilators and windows snouia De screenea, pro ' faroHv lw '. t wel ve-euasre wire screen .... uriti TYiosh not exceedinz -"one-half inch.' The grounds about the build ings are to be devoid or rat naroor aea and premises are to ' be kept ' oian a-n A froe of rnhbish.' , Jn seaport cities, where ; the rare species of the brown rat and "Alex andrian" rat prevail, health - officials are asked to make surveys to aeter raipe the presence . or absence of ro dent plague. - - - How, to eliminate the . more com mon spWies.'including the "Norway" i a oar or Tat. ; srrav'or " wharf rat,, is described as follows: By starving him, through the use of rat-propf receptacles for food, and covered roetal gar babe cans,, By depriving him, of - breeding plaees.' tnrbugh. , the abolition of planked yards and passageways. By refusing him admission to the comfort of- your buUdings, through 1 ratprdpf construction, and screened More Tree a Fundamental Need ...... . Of Our Wood-Working Industries w- Carroll. of Rural Hail, lias recently been assisting the geo logical, and economic survey in secur ing information, as to the cnanges in the supply of timber, required by the different - wooa-using inuuuvw the state. !-The object of the survey in conducting this study Is to revise the reDort on these industries,.. which was published some ten years, agp. Although no ngures , . nave yev uecu. compiled, Mr. .. Carroll - here gives some interesting conclusions of his own. , . Supply Diminishing Apoordine to statements from the roat mSsinrUv of owners of these industries their greatest need at pres ent and in the future is a suppiy 01 mtohia timhor to be used in tneir Giants wnr examnle. nracticany an of the owners of , the industries visit ed stated - that) the quality ot tneir supply was not nearly so good as it was ten. years ago,' and that they were having to go lurtner ,ior, wnai, supply" they did get.. r . rne loadine furinture manufactur or in tha central nart -of the said: - 'Tho niiaJitT. or cranes nas ueeu lowered and will continue to be low- . nr-a rrn1iitinn 1a otT TiitV uer- CJCJUr i j. wvuv.. , . . . cent by scarcity of timber supply and i .one-third of the 155 industries giv t a that the available supply of timber ..wilTbe. exhausted in.ten to niteen years. i.iuL vi nthori made W .statement - concernr ing future supply, 'but are evidently trusting the state to adopt a poncy of - reforestation and ; conservation nthin 1 Will TYi tfT 1 I H F IlKtSLiS. ' .. j.. , TT LAI A w . T : . . -r . , ., Concerning, price,; several manu facturers, from the east, central, and western pans oi iub hj ivv. cost -of the lumber supply has more than .doubled, during the. past. ,ten years , i T - f . . . - - The following is a staiemeni. irum a large furniture manufacturer in the piedmont sectipn: . ,f ,,;: - - "Supply IS. getting Bearer, price is five times -what it was 'five years ago. ' Tbe qhality of lumber which we got then at tniTty aona.rB per M.' was much better than what we now get at $150 per M." - Another furniture, man iroiu. u Lumber we paid iorty aonars ivi in May 1919, we paid ?Z4 ior i" May 1930," - Ard. ro the story ' soes cieaiu Bhowing that as the years pass eyen becoming so scarce in most, places that the price is advancing-by leaps ana uuuiius. . 1V1 ivt i on at S11II1V. TVia matter nt nnnlv is oming to be a grave problem in many sections T. frtlln-orin? Rtate- OI lUc oiaic. , o ----- ment from one of the largest lumber men of eastern Carolina is represen tative of the .opinion ot many manu facturers: "Our business is being cut. short short sudoIv. We onco used seven million feet or more per year, but now our consumption is less than four million feet. We need re forestation and stock law." . Another manufacturer in the same county makes a statement aimosi identical to that above . , , 3rw. after inner exnerience in the planing mill business these men real ize the problem that comroms iueiu in thn diminution of supply, and all of them are anxious to see the state take some action that will insure in future of her wood-using industries. a don or more of. the owners oi these plants iave pledged their sup port to any rorward-iooKmg iegisia tion for reforestation and. conserva tion. However, most of these 'men contend, and -perhaps justly so, ,iuw the state should taKe tne ieaa m iu mattor TtononsA after' all the whole population of the state is dependent to a greater or jess degree .upon vui forests and forest products. ,r It is lenat S5.000 DeoDle in North Carolina are employed in the wood-using industries, and that their annual-- product is valued at $40,000,000. It is clearly .evident, therefore that' this industry, which is the. second .largest. in the state, should not be sacrificed when -it can so' easily be. saved to serve, the state and people,-, The remedy as .already sugested is ta be found in the adop tion of a nolicviof conservation and reforestation by our state legislature This policy should. ; carry' - with. , it ample appropriation t or its enforce ment and expansion. . 4 , , , , i . v Scliool of Forestry.' An hs(a nreviouslv been, suggested, fhora Khonid he a. school of forestry organized, and well, supported at our state University. iniss scuoot uu other state supported agencies should have as one ot tneir Drimary oojects the enlightenment.and educationwof our rural population, in -maneiB " fnnaervation and reioresiaiiuu. Miiph nf the waste in 'our forest re sources has been due' simply to . the ignorance of our people on this all important subject. - And the great est opportunity offered is to be found just- here, in teaching - the strong and sterling people of our rural com munitina the imnnrtance of economy in the use of their forests and other natural resources.,-; . Along' with the conservative use of their -nresent forests teach them al so the great truth that '"It pays ' to grow trees." Only, througn tne eau nation and 'exoneration of-all our pep nie can the forest . resources' serve their intended nurnose. and the- gul- ley-river sides of oun. barren hills be healed and made a Ram' to ciotne themaelvea.-Jn.. the - Choicest robe Of nature the robe of green trees, the companion and servant oi manjtmu f S5" 1 i .1 h fintnnnd TMe w tnretens me near presence of a happy Bride. Or, it may ex- press trie appreciation or tne aeyoxea nus- band or admiring triend. .T nnv , MfiPj iinmipftf inning asstiranec as to its quality adds much to the satisfac- tion.ot the giver and recipient,: , Our present diamond stock: offers you ttniifia1 va1tif: and rmr pScnprf. advice and assistance in .making your, (selection costs you nothing and safeguards your interests. . May we suggest your early investigation c - - ........ ,...--(. . - . V East Carolina Teachers Training School 1 A State school to train teachers for the public schools bf North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition j free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begins September 29, . J920. ' Fpr catalogue and other informptjon address v , ' " ' ROIiT. K. ""WRIGHT, President, GREENVlLIiE, N. C. TT At Times Sense of Smell and Jaste.Fails ; 3 Scientists Devise Tests for Frozen Eggs : t everv annortU- - tiy wiwis. By! demandinirUtttt-t-'..ordl-aaces and state anti-rat law, ItALEIGH, July , ?. Technical methods for the , examination frozen .whole eggs,. noei yum, x--tures, frozenegg , yolkw and frozen ; in nrder, to determine with certainty those thatare suitable for food, have been siaiwMucu published V tha specialists oMge r v.c,trw TTnited States Dureau ,oi tucmiaj . department of agriculture who have made an xtenaea iutcdve,ov" .v vD Toethnrtdfor. handling eggs and egg products from .the. point of production through. ne cuauucio i commerce to the;, consumer. ' . f Many Shells Amye vr- Large quantities of shell, eggs ar rive &t buy ing-Centers in a cracked or broken, condition, pr. owei w o ooio a whole shell eEg3. It is the commercial practice to break such of these. ggs ,as may oe. ul iu food and freeze the yolks, and whites either together or separately m large or. amau ans wr u ujr.wv raercial bakers and, large hotels. So extensive has. this business become that 19,28 6,3 9 6 pounds of frozen egg products were Jield in storage on January 11920. .Eggs which are unsuitable for food should be sepa rated ' cut fpr technical 5 purposes, such as tanning.; tJnless care is tak en in spearating the good eggs from the partly : spoiled eggs, some off grade eggs are likely to get into the cans with the good eggs, If the pro portion of spoiled eggs present ina mixture is appreciable, they may be tf ha sense of smell and taste, but tf the proportion is - com- cm Q ii chemical.. Dacterio- ftiTij . -; . . loeical and , microscopical methods must be employed. Contamination may also result from insanitary prac tices in handling the', utensils "and eSThe specialists have developed re Hahle methods for the chemical, bac- d miscroscopical ex- amination ; of egg products, which have been frozen in order that ? tha . organisms which produce it, or the use of spoiled eggs in a product, may'be detected with certainty. The methods can be used 1 trained chemists and bac- terioioplRts. - since they are highly kv..v.v9 r , NEW BERN'S "LEADING JEWELRY STORE f fluff .WH'Jrtr'tfi Mfarn IIMMi II I . . II l!i lil H" I' 1 1 1 mi MHjj" " ll j ."' r3 : We are going to vacate our present quar ters in a very short time, going into a larger store where we will have a larger- and more varied stock and where we WuThave plenty of room for our hundreds of patrons.- - JF XOU DON'T WANT YOUR PROPERTY SOLD $ ' ' ; Do NOT List It With Hagbbd Realty Company They Sell Property Anywhere, Anytime. ,s rv -i Tft "I T TM.nJ C4n4 Tl1 CIaia - unice uver rraunam ss uiuau oui technical. : The bulletin will be of interest to federal, state and munici pal food control officials and to com mercial 'bacteriologists and chemists who . are called, .upon to examine frozen egg products. ; ! : : . .. Result of Investigation : " The results of the investigation are published : in United States depart ment of affrir.nlt.ure bulletin No: 846. entitled "examination of frozen egg nrotiucts and interpretation or re sults," which may be had upon ap plication' to the department, Wash ington, D. G. t Other hnlletfna of fnt.erest to those engaged in the egg industry, giving the results of investigations bv the bureau of chemistry; follows: De partment bulletin 51, a bacteriologi cal and chemical study of commer cial .'eggs, in the producing districts of the central west," department bulletin 224,."a study of the prepa ration of frozen and dried eggs in the pi oducing " section," department Bulletin sai, accuracy in commer cial grading of opened eggs," depart ment bulletin 663, "the installation ahd equipment of an egg breaking plant." i Any, or tnese publications ma.V he rhta.ined nnnn nnnlirntinn tr the department; at Washington. v ill 1 iurroiilis & lilM 1 . ' ....... . v. REAL ESTATE : ...... NEW, BERN Are Agents for the Roper Lumber Company's Land, and are Selling a Lot of This Land Very Cheap and on Reasonable Terms. njg jMjmimff'jiupiiiMiiiiw i nibiiwiaiiwiwi 1 " SUN-JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS LZ3 7 ffier .youfea-al way s use ICFOR YOUR STOMACH'S SAKE) one or two tablets eat like candy. InstentlyrelievesHeartburn?Bloated Gassy Feeling. Stops indigestion, foodsouring;,repeating,headacheaa the many miseries caused by Acid-Stomach EATONIC is the best rewedy , it takes the harmful acids and gases right out of tie body and, of course, you get well. Tens of thousands wonderfully benefited. Guaranteed to satisfy or money refunded by your own drug gis , Post a trifle. Pleaeetry it! f Hi - -iflii 6it? 1 plilLo HLii-SLo 'lLHrdo , t) T '- : i-i '.': i '- i -: . ' t ll Fortunes Are Being Made in Oil ! But not iby the. Housewives who are cooking with Oil Stoves. A Fortune in Summer Cooking Comfort awaits the ones Who trade the old oil -stove arid get a NEW GAS RANGE. 'Phone 269 Right Now For De tails, of Our Offer ! . VVe ar eoing to sell-every: article' in our. oreserit Quarters. , It will. be1 cheaper, for lis to sell these gOock at a reduction;; than to ..move them and our friends are going to get ' the benefit. ! 3 . Watch and Wait for the Date of The -Opening of, This. Sale ,Z , 1 1 m Fashion SKbp 19 SUN-JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS few Bern Gas & Fuel Co. f, f - ' when "delicious and re v freshing" mean the most. LThe Coca-Cola Company ATLANTA. GA. if