PAGBTWO NEW BERN'SUN-JOURNAL, MONO A" mm Secretaries; CoJby and Lane Will M!te AmojVi Principal' 'Speakers' CHAPEL HILL,, July 13. The second, session. i the state aad coun ty council, to bQ .held fit the Univer sity ot North Carolina. August 17,-19, is going to have as " its principal epeakers Secretary of 'State Bain bridge Colby, former Secretary of the Interior Franlih. JC Lane, and former-Assistant Secretary of Agricul ture Csxl C. t Vrooman. Announce meni to this effect has been made hera recently .by. Professor E. C. Branson.. iolloWine a conference in Governor Bickett'a. -office with the heads,) of .the ; .state: departments at . which tentative : plans were agreed up6h. j...- .-.,..,; ... ...... , Subjects of Talks. f The exact dates and subjects of the talks to be made by the out-of state .sneakers has not been ..definite ly fixed, but the talks' will certainly relate elosely to "North Carolina problems..-".The federation, of the public welfare fdrces o the commoAwealth, state and. county,", is jtbe general aub- as t&i its first meeting the; plan" will ba to bring together state and county officials engaged in all mann,er. : of public welfare problems so that they car relate their work more, closely ., and- tie in with other agencies doing the. eame manner of work. . ; t, ...State Officials Session: :- , V Ji t is l :iUKA :' Ose. session willbe handed over to ' the; state officials, the heads of. tie ' partments, commissions and bureaus, who .-will try to see if they: cannot hitch their-work up a little more closely than they, have been able to :do heretofore. (governor Bickett will lead off in this! meeting with- the opening address., .. Another session, with, Xr. Howard Odum, of the Uni vcrsirv I pin I v no rma r 1 1 M 1 1 1 11 v v will give the . county .officials dealing with public finance, schools, welfare; health, highways, and safety a chance to Bee how . they- can fit into a federat ed scheme ot doing business. A third session will include both state and county; officials. . Present plana call for this discussion -ty be led by it. IX W. Connor, or Kaieign, T M. Piitman, .of Henderson Benry A. Paea. of Aberdeen, D.5Ct Brum- mitt, of Oxford,, W . C, Jones, of High Poiat, -Victor S. Bryant, of Durham, Z. H., Matthews,, -of Windsor, John Sprunt Hill, of. Durham,. Joseph Hyde Pratt, of Chapel. Hill, and othere, Dormitories for Visitors. , .? 'Visitors coming to the Hill fo the council -will b accomodated . in the more modern of the University dor mitories and at the University dining hall, but the number will be limited. Professor Branson said, - to 400, Music, recreation, ' and moving pic- tures are promised in abundance, and the University and state officials in charge think-they ' Sire" going, to beat the first session or tne council, wnicn met here in September, 1919,' thefirst of its kind in the . country. -That council attracted -wide attention in educational and' public . k welfare circles ' throughout the "United States and is regarded here as- the father of the courses for social workers of all kinds which are now "being given in the summer school and' which will be continued in the new school of public welfare of the university. EXCURSION FROM , : -CARTERET HERE TODAY NEW BERN ia today entertaining a crowd f excursionists from More- head City- and . other .parts ol Car ttcet-county... -. , v , , Woxaan Charges She Worked as Servant While Husband and ; Girl Tutored Her' ' ; y LQS. ANGELES, Cal., July IO.-t-Mrs. J'estus. Edward Owen, wife of a prpf essqr, . of psychology at ; the .uni versity, of Southern, California, who was dropped thQ. faculty be cause he started divo ptoceedings, "has ffijed , an .sumazUig cr,os a, complaint iu the superior court." .,.'--.-':;..-;; Mrs.s QwensJ mentions Miss Mar garet " Hamilton-, , a. ,-the. mentor of Professor Owen and as having been appointed, psychology , tutor by - the professor to give his wife instruc tions la the .difficult subject. Among .the mental cruelties alleged the .wife declares that between the recitations and study hours of her phychologx class ht?r teacher com pelled her. o rr, drudge, scrttb and "washjncf do, qtber menial labor in th, nopae of her teacher., . where, she cherts,, .her husband took her"; for study '. :-...,;" ... .. - , '..:" ' ' . . :lt was only a short time "after her husband, began his study of psychol ogy, with. Miss Hamilton, the wife de t clares. that, she noticed that he be , manifest a lack of love toward,K, . -Jr ('-....,; ,. iiss Hamilton, the wife .asserts, was. paid $2.5 a, month to teaclj her psychology y v'i.'-- On May 6, 1920, Mrs. ' Owen al leges, she, was Btruck by .Miss. Hamil ton .and forced .tP work as,, a servant under an. assumed name. 4 The wife also-alleges ; being forced from the table and deprived of seeing her chil- 4rea ,s- '---.-i - She asks $100 a month alimony, custody of her children and attor ney fees. -. ' Miss: Hamilton, who conducts the association of applied psychology, declined to talk at length on Mrs. Owen's charges, but summarized her deniaj .with -(he sentence: "J hope the poor woman comes to her senses someday. .... Professor and Mrs. Owen nd7their Tamily, live , here in my jiodie as. mjr. frieniji.'v sy. Ei!TERISW!OW EXIT KM WIFE ! YOUNG CHURCH WORKERS ARE TENDERED A SOCIAL Oije of Groupg of 5JJ.tvaX Endeavor Union of Free-Will Baptist , . , . Church Uonorees , ,,, . .." n- - Group number one of the Mutual Endeavor Union of the 'Free-Will Baptist church, gave a very delight ful entertainment Monday evening, at the, home of W. E. Gaskins, No. 80 New street; The social was ten dered, as a result "of a contest for new members . during . the past six weeks, this, group, , winning. How ever, there has been splendid work on both, sides, and the entire unipn a ' " ill i A T .1 nas Deen greaiiy sireugLueueu. Mr. Gaskins had tne lawn around his home . illumined ana. the. ar rangement'' for the enjoyment of those participating 'was perfect in every way.. . Refreshments wre serv ed on, a, long table,, on. the lawn and consisted of copl (jrfnks, ice creain, cake and, watermelons,' iThq occasion was enjoyable in, eyery way and. was largely. ' attended, not only by , l,h,e young people but seyeral older ons participating n the pleasures of the evening. . . , . . . : 'Hopeless "Flirty Too," Says Spouse, NojVjPivorcT A Sad He . sv ;'. Story.; :r.M : SAN FRANCISCO, July 10. An elopment Jn, 1912 in which social an.d university circles were . interested came to an unhappy .ending, whea Judge E. P., Morgan granted, an.. in terlocutory decree of divorce to'thp beautiful , Mrs,,. Frances F. Cordova, from Joaquin F. Cordova, secretary of the Ecuador legation at Washing ion, D. C. , - . , .; ;' : :;. ,' 'My husband is handsome, cruelly handsome,". testified Mrs. Cordova. He is the son .ottwealtfar .South American parents who" seat him large remittances. In. addition, he earned a good salary. That was the. cause of our unhappiness -rthai and the fact that he is a hopeless .flirt." v r ;L r Mrs. - uoraoya said she and hex mother,' Mrs. Clarisso McDonald, were sent by Cordova, from Washing ton to California "to make a visit.". She said he ceased sending her mon ey and later quit, answering her let-. The pair formerly were students at Stanford university. ; ; . C. K. HANCOCK MADE CtfAVEN GAME WARDEN C. K. Hancock, of this city, has been named .gs game warden in Crav en county by the board of commis sioners. ; ... . . , , There is no. salary- attached to this with, the exception, of. that received from. fees. ; . -. ... JUDGE OF JUVENILE COURT GETS SALARY Four hundred dollars yearly is the salary which , has been voted to the judge of the. juvenile court in Crav en county, this place, being held hy the clerk of the court. , ., The' duties of the judge have been very dight: thus far and only occas sionally is a case called for decision. . - Japs Defeat Suffrage.. (By Aasocbited Press) - TOKIO, July , 13. Universal suf frage -was defeated in, the lower house of parliament . today, wheYi. a resolution providing for it and in troduced by the opposition was re a-vote"of 155 to 283. "EAST lit SOUTH "Dodson's Liver Tone" is Tak- ing the Place of Dangerous, ! ' i ' Sickening Drug ' You're , bilious", sluggish, onsti pated anc believe you. need vile, dan gerous , calomel, to -s start your . liyer and clean your, bowles. , . - , : Here's.. Dodsqn's guarantee! " Ask your druggist for-a bottle of Dodson's Liver tonet and -ake. a spoonful to night. If it doesn't start your liver and straighten you right up better than calomel and without griping or making you sick I want you to go back to the store and get your money Take calomel today-and tomorrow you. , will feeL weak and sick, and nauseated. Don t lose a day s work Take a spoonful of harmless, veg etable Dodson a Liver Tone, tonight and wake, up feeling great. It's per fectly harmless, so give it to your children any time.. It can't salivate so- let them eat anything afterwards. - - ' "- (Advertisement.) When Bblfe Qtiii: CDffee because of cost to health or purse.they naturally drink : ft- Therms a Reason . J S, viiuiiiilATE ... :;V.: A. ' V.;-;-.?.: I -:. : yiU ',; ATOM DYING PHKSIWI FINED FAILED TO REPORT Dr. Brooks, of Blowing Rock, ""Cited bs. Warning to ' 1 1 Others r RALEIGH, July 13. As a result investigation and prosecution by of the state board of health, Dr. J. K. Brooks; of Blowing Rock, has been Convicted in five cases for failure to report births, as required by the state vital statistics law. In the first case a fine of. five dollars was impos ed, and in the four succeeding cases a fine of ten dollars' in each instance was imposed, making a total. of forr ty-five dollars, . in addition to the court costs. ' ! Statistics Are Vital. ! The law requires the prompt re porting of both births and deaths, fhe attention of Dr. Brooks was call ed to the act that he had failed to file the necessary birth certificates in these casos,. but no 'response was re ceived by the state vital statistics registrar, The prosecution followed, v Dr.. Brooks, is one of the most prominent physicians in the state, a man: who lias played a leading part in the state medical society. ; He was formerly superintendent, of. the state sanatorium; for 'the treatment of tu berculosis, ;and;' iias recently, with the endorsement of-the state 'health Officer,,, been appointed whole time health officer for Chatham county, the latest county in the state to in augurate a whole time health de partment. J . ,.;:;- i :'--' Commenting on; this and other re cent prosecutions instignated by .the state board of health, Dr. S. W. Raq- Kin, state neaztn pmcer, saia: i ''The laws with r'egard ; to. the ac curate keeping of vital statistics and the prompt reporting of contagious diseases .are fundamental in healtl, work. Their enforcement is a duty imposed upon the state board of health, and th,e bpard, intends to con tinue its policy of making prosecu tions.- when, other methods- of secur ing compliance witn tne: law rails In this tha board - is no respecter of persons. 1 While there ia no personal feeling attached to4 any of the; cases whifib, areiironght into, court by this department, at the same time mort good is .. .. accomplished,, through the conviction of some, prominent citizen who is(a leader in .Jiis community or seetion .of the sta the case Of a more humble, defendant.,; The whole- purpose ?of, thev prosecutions this department is to giye warning and thereby ..deter others from violations of the law. It is fol thia reason. tlat publicity s given to convictions secured, . . :-. MOTHER' 1 "California Syrup of Figs' . Chiid's Best Laxative Accept California" Syrup 'Of Figs only look for the same California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physio for the little stomach,, liver and bowels,- Children love, its, fruity taste. ; Full directions, on each bottle. You m,ust say "Cal ifornia." . - :;- . s Here It is! ; 5-PASSENGER AUBURN Beauty Six Just Received and Now on Display. SttMQ AUTO EXCHANGE 43 Middle St. . PHONE 945 H. E. DICKERSON. Mgr. STATISTICS COUNTY ENGINEER ' ' RESIGNS POSITION Raymond R. Eagle Gives Up Place He Has Held For a ,v Long While" " Raymond R. Eagle, a well known civil engineer of . this, city and, who has for a long time held the posi tion as county engineer, offered his resignation -' at the meeting of the board of commissioners heUl Monday afternoon and this was accepted, ef fective August 1. '' '' . Thus far no successor to Mr, Eagle has been, selected, but it is under stood that the matter is to be given attention at an early,.mpeting. MAKING ALTERATIONS TO MIDDLE STREET STORE A force "of men are engaged thia week in .making alterations to the interior of the store on Middle street just vacated by the J S. Miller Fur niture company and which is to be occupied by ther Turner-Tolson Fur niture company. and the building is expected to be in readiness for occu pancy by the end of the week. . COLQRED MAN SUFFERS BROKEN LOWER LIMB Taylor Sumpter, colored, an "': em ploye, ofvthe East Carolina Lumber company, suffered a broken lower limb whJie at work at that place Monaay aiternoon. , . ;; v.-, ; The injured "man was carried to 3t, Luke's hospital and given medi cal attention. ' .-. s -: : . - Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles are most dangerous be cause of their - insidious - attacks. Heed- the first warning- they give that they need attention- by taking COLD MEDAL Tbo world's standard remedy for." these disorders, will often ward off these dis eases and strengthen ,'tha-body . against furtbar attacks. Three sizes, all druggifita. Look. fo lUaua Cold Medal on wary boa. . - and occopt no imitation . . . Ready - , v. - - i .1 RESCUED, v-aoiH PACKING CORPOBnur. jk jl i JL ' ; ; ' ' " ' .-.,.rr?J; j, BIG CELEBRATION e; American Legion Men Are To Have Picnic at That Time at Slocumbs Creek Practically all arrangements havw been made for the picnic and big cele bration to be held at Slocumb's creek on' Thursday under the auspices of the local post of the American Legion and it is assured that the affair will be a big success. s Two steamers and a number of small boats will carry the merry mak ers down, to the point at which tha celebration is to be held - and the day is to be spent in, enjoying plenty of good eats, aquatic spoi ts and other diversions, the return, trip to 'NEW BERN being made late in the evening. ELECTRIC SIGNS ARE BECOMING POPULAR . .. IN (T THURSDAY your men leave for their homes. Wed In a few years at the rate now:riesaay afternoon don't forget to tell evidenced, NEW BERN will have a them that the next day is their holi white way which will be ablaze with dav and hv no meana fail tn wih electric signs and which will greatly to the appearance of drt the business section of the city. Alfred A- Kafer is the latest mer chant to. erect one of these signs, this being- placed on the front of his bakery on Middle street and being one of the largest and most attrac tive in the city. oflfrpectantMotheTT ? 4 1 '' ' Has beerv found a time tried relief dur ing the stages of maternity.. The dclir cate organs,, involved , should b"e pre- pared for an easier, quicker and .mow practical delivery. Mother's Friend is used externally. .. , . - . t . At all Druggists., Special Booklet on Motherhood and Baby free. BxadfieldKegulatorCo, CsuF-16.Atlanta.Ca. MRmm Better Meats That Cost Less NoWastie.No IcNeedect ) Always: Tender ? it - Cooked To Perfeetion AGQODLY part of tha meat you buy is water, and when the meat is cooked much of the water in it-1-for which you have paid goes off in steam. The water is just sp; much more waste for which you pay, just like the uneatable trimmings. Council Meats in cans are ready-cooked the water isn't counted in the weight for which you pay. Neither, is there any waste, for every bit of a can of Council Meats is good nutritious food. And it is so easy to prepare Council Meats! Take Veal JLoaf for instance. To prepare it yourself at home means a good bit of work and trouble and time. But when you buy Council Veal Loaf ; it is all ready-cooked and it only tias to be warmed in the canopened -sliced served. All the other Council Meats are just as easily served. ' INDIAN PACKINa CORPORATION Consumers' Building, Chicago, IIL NEAR ACCIDENTS ARE,. - SEMINGLy'THE; RAGE A white man whose name was not secured, came near being rund down and injured by an automobile driven by It. S. -Proctor, superintendent ef public instruction in. Craven county, when he rode his bicycle in front pi the machine at a point near the cor ner of Pollock and Metcalf streets today at noon. Persons wbo witnessed the affair stated that the bicycle rider rode di- hrectly in front of the auto and that he was on the wrong side or tne street at the time.. . Fortunately no one was injured. To The Business Men of New Bern Thursday, July 1&, the -local post of the American Legion gives its first annual picnic at. Slocumb's Creek. In order that. this may be a real "get together day," everyone employing service men. is earnestly requested to show his patriotism now by giving these men the opportunity to attend their picnic. . '. Remember the date, Thursday. Julv 15, not Wednesday, as stated in Sunday's New Bernian, and whea J them a good time. , .13 i ' CLEAR Alt SAl. B Starts Tomorrow Mprnin,; Hot Weather Goods Reduced for v Quick Clearance ' - ... . - - - ' . 4. 1 . - See Our Ad in Wednesday's papers Many Great Values Tfce Man's Store" i i :-tt v n ... .. 1 .. Six' Economical Meat Meat ROAST BEEF for' 5t-t70c" - r ..!, SLICED DRIED BEEF ..- . For 4 aoe VIENNA STYLE SAUSAGE -Kop. 5 -00; :- -.".: TRIPE WITH MILK For 5 37 EXKCVTOUS AOTICE - T i ..V--. ... . , - V.; Having qualified as executor cf ift estate ot Henry -Ks -llawsnni J-eeeeaii' late of the County of. Craven,' State of"" North Curolirta, this ife tn 'notify- nil persons havinK claims against the e- late oC saw! deoeanei to exhibit them ' In the urHlersigned at Mapta ;cyDresB, "' Orifton. N. C R. F..D. No; 4 on or before the 14th ; day of June.' 1921 or " thh. notice will be pleaded, in bar of their recovery. All'persons inriebtl to ' said estate will please make immediate settieinent. CUURE'C, RMTTI, W1LUK S. SMlTfl Executors of Henry.lfl. rtawson, entate. Thia the 14th day.ol June, 19'jo, 14, 2lr 2Ji.: 7-, 12, J 9. Iti become slen- Do not try der by di irastic doses of thvmid or salts. Reduce weight and' wairtJiaaj also.- V . hip.doublchm, V7 thesafe,reliableKorein f thispicture gives youan 1 ( . I idea how sneloonea ana . ti, , 1 o felt. By taking Koraia . . and following easy directiona of Korein system she raduced from clumsy features to graceful, proportions. Now she is agile, attract!, men. tally alertand in better health. Way not you? , Reliable aati.fat seli-treaUpejit. ., Become Slender 'and Stay So Many, bqth. sexes, report they have reducad. . 10 to 60 potinds. No starving-, no exhausting exercise Become exquisitely (lender ajtd ' remain ' to. Safe, pleasant method, endorsed . by physicians. Legions of testimonials. $100 . GUARANTEE or money refund. Buy Koraia (pronounced koreen) at bay drntsfeta. Show fat friends this ADVERTISEMENT. ? i 59 Pollock Street . . .... (J .:. .. ,Vt "i- . . ..c ft. CORNED BEEF - HASH , r, : For 5 70c . - "-i '. POTTED HAM- " For. 5-0c ' ii". ... MEATS . ; c

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