.IVO THE NEW BERN SUN-JOURNAL FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 25,- 1921 k to ra PREMIER BRIAND HAS SAILED FOR FRANCE -7 II 'f L3y- tioraoFU sura - (By Associated Press) ; y ,'i MASON. CITY. IA. Nov. 26. , Hanford' MacNider. -the recently elected national .-commander of i - the. 7 American 1 Legion, , is known -. by. his t bmrades as a -smiling, dynamic, he- - man. possessing ..energy a man that ,vorks hard and plays hard. . .. . t j ) ' Mason City knows him - as "the only 'child" "of Mr. .and Mrs. Charles JI. -MacNider. - ... . . .. . .. ! -.. . - J. ' - : I-.! Mr.' MacNider .was born in . Mason j I Cjty 02 year ago. He; began his edu ' "'tation Jn the Mason City - public schools, continuing k 'his studies at .:Atiltoa,iMilitary,. Academy at Milton, r Massif; and; finished: at .-Harvard in j ; ft 1 1 - Then for five years; he . work- ;' ed a a teller In -his j father's .bank .".ir.ere.. . ; i.ui - MacNider went to the Mexican bor ; .'a-er in 1 1916. as tu first lieutenant, injthe iowa NationaHSuard. When the war came, , he : resigned - his -r commission . jtvith the National Guard, in order to ' attend the first: officers training- camp .at Fort Snellin irf May, J 91 7. He -was , given a provisional second lieuten ancy . Jri the regular army rand. . - as signed to the , Ninth Infantry, which with the Twenty-third." made up the regular army brigade -of the- Second division.! - i Soon, after arv'-ngr'. jn France . in September, i 1917. .St: MacNider,. was sent . to the army candidates school at Langres asi an .instructors The service at Langress was boresome.i His. old division was. on the battle front.win ning honor, after hour. : In May, 1918, MacNider was transferred back to the' Indian Heads division. .vi.ri 1 V s His record' fr related along w i then on can-.- be i the campaigns 'of Over Six Thousand Dollars Is Raised . DurL-3 First Day . ; E? ort ' ia Campaign '-4 . WASHINGTON," N:1 C, Nov. 25. The Y. M'- C.v A.,-' -campaign workers reported subscription . .-'amounting. 16 $6544 last night This is considered a very, fine showing for,. the -first, days work.; "According to law of averages in campaigns," .said .State .Secretary Smith, "this lis an unusual" report' P C. G. Morris announced, that a final effort will. be .made today, and many individuals who - ere not seen yes n n nnmr 1 I - .', I II III I y '. !iU.lj.l.UI!llL-. LJiiOhjijU, I Ui ft ft J i ' -l a- t, . terday, will be h led today. " The. success 61. -tae effort so far , "shews the remarf. .'e hold which "the . ass--ociationr has . upon, the.: affeat-on of the people. It . has.: been inspiring to seer the i enthusiasm k of . the boy - team.:., .''.:,? .; t i . . With every worker doing his part iciay. the community Y. M.- C. A., ni be assured orthe next two yoars. When the men at . the ' Rest Room la.st night to report on the day's work in the Y. M.: C a., canvass two facts stood out -one, the large number of ntributprs,-and -second, : the cheer . . . pesa. with -which people-had g'ven to the cause. A8 team after .team re nted it was remarkable to find how i had declined to help, .and in most cases it was real financial inability rather : than unfriendliness.; Mention v.-.s made by F. C. Kugler of the fact that every member Yf the poUue force of Washington fiad contributed None ares' in .better position to know the good that is ' being done among the 7 r?ys and girls i and young men of t-'e. town,,, and there is-significanco in I support of the work by the- po-. J-V!ice; officers. '.. , "l : , " NEW ORLEANS IS TIED ? -.. UP W A BIG STRIKE .. ' (By Associated Press). : : tNEW ORLEANS, : Kot., 25.-i-The port 'of New 'Orleans, was completely tied1 up today when, from 12,000 to 15,000 cargo loaders ' and handlers talked out on -strike i in sympathy with the longshoremen, -. who ;quit -'work Monday. About 7 ships are in port, awaiting cargoes. The public cotton warehouse and ten . private warehouses were, closed. . , IBS 1 . i ' ;Pepto-Mani;ai3 Makes' Red . Blood Sold" 'in Xlquid or v Tablet Form - V i When a womah overworks, either mentally or physically, there -is i strain, on, 4hs , vitality.. Getting- up. in the morning she feels low in spirits. Her eyes are .du'.i, her complexion is r sallow or, pas'ty J., " . , A lew bottles of Gude's .Pepto-Man- Ian taken in regular doses is -what r j will build up her. blood.x. ; ,. . ; ; ;,The reason forrthis is known.- It Is simply that.. Gude's . Pepto-Mangan yr)$vp.VLesk blood, rich, and red. "it has the things in It that, make new blood. and drive, out, the poisons, in the, system. .- ' New! blood makes, new vigor and , .gradually ,the drpessed feelings! vanr jsh, thft natural , haelthy , glow . comes . back to the skin -and there is pleasure Jl" In . living.'-; , . :. . -. . ; "Gude's Vepto-Mangan" is sold at drug stOresiin liquid or tablet form. The , full 'name, VGude's Pepto-Mangan," -is -on each package. Ad. the Aisne,1 the'Marne, the St. Mehiel, and two offensives in. the Meuse-Ar-g'onne.i He ; was promoted from -. pla toon commander to cofnp commander major and battalion commander, then lieutenant colonel and 'regimen tal --commander.! : . - MacNider was wounded . at i St. 'Mehiel -sand. -was -honored .. with . the distinguished Service Cross and one cluster; Chevalier de Legion d'Hon- I neur; Croix oe uurre- wilu nve c.na.- ona . for bravery, nve paims, one gold ' and one silver star; i .Fourrag ere and the Italian -war. cross, - He Was given three i citations in -general .orders.- 1 5 After v the Armistice, Xieutefnent Colonel MacNider passed into tHe fjerth of division adjutant and was mustered out in1 September,,1919. . ;v: From September, 1920. to Septem ber, 1921, -MacNider was state -oom fnander of the, American Legion in Iowa.'1 i ' . -While holding the state office, he advocated and "saw enacted into law & . legislative program '. including 1 ; a soldiers', bonus bill', a bill giving -ex-soldiers - preference in public offices and a . bill exempting veterans of the world ; war from ' taxe3 on' personal property up to $500. He looked after the-hospitalization - of Iowa's disabled soldiers . and . conducted a statewide service and -compensation drive.- . -:.:. .- MacNider stands five feet 11 lincbes tall, weighs 165 pounds and 14 fond of.; all" out-of-door athletics, v- . . Mason City, residents say .his only sweetheartis his mother. One . half hour- after he was elected national commander -at Kansas Gity he. -was telling her all about , it over the long distance telephone. ' . : : ' - A " - Nine ' Persons - Reported Killed In Disturbances Which Oc- ' ' ' curred in Do!fait BELFAST, Nov.- 25. -Armo-ed cirl at -all- street intersections -and-irooc stationed throughout- the city- tofja',' failed to tjuell the. factional-rio' is: the- Eastern section of tbc i y w'ih hat resulted in the death of at Iwist nine persona and woundm;? "of r-orJ"!. Rioters fired a fusillade cf .e:,'! ."t street . cars carrjring workers. B-,'i-nesa. has been eomplete'y 'disorsatiia ed -on .account ot - frequent v sniping ' - - " - ThrcsInieparaLles One formiidnessVlRqiNIA One fbr mellcnviiekBURLEV One fo'rmillrtJRjClH 1 The finest lobabcts perfect" aged and blended j t . i , 2 T ... - ' J i i -lirF,TH AVE. Read The Classified Ads WE BUILD TANKS of every description the kind that hold water and other liquids for any pur- juae. - Aim- we uuiia xnem r water-tight too. We cruar- i antee an ' ot nnv tin- smithing it wouldn't pay us to put out any in ferior work. . Materials used are always the best. .... The S. B, PARKER COMPANY ' NEW BERN. K filBTIi: ; mum. (9 s. c. J For; Constipated Bowels- Bilious Liver The nicest cathartic-laxative to physic . your bowels when have. i Headache Biliousness ,-Colds Indigestion Dizziness . . Sour Stomach is fcandy-like Cascarets. One or two from roofs and hallways. One man, an octogenarian,- died .of fright. . ' -A mob" rushed the Labor Bureau this afternoon, killed 'two members of the ; staff and beat numerous mothers, v A- policeman was -killed; durnigVthe attempt to stop i a . factional : street fight. -.Patrick; McConkey, his wife and their daughter died by asphyxiation Take Yeast Vitamon Tablets To Put On Stay -There" Flesh - ; AND INCREASE YOUR tAil-y AINU SUKfcLY AT SMALL COST ". V-WCK ' -.jAjf ' J NECK tCHMT - , ,' I - iJi cMtST !i j g J .11 ) CALf . is -a.wptts.ll if J'chs ( weakened physical and mental condition; it should not be used by anyone who i .'OBJECTS to having their weight increased to normal. - Do not accept imitationa -or substitutes. You can get Mastin's VITAMON tablets at all good druggists- ; .TvLKSTIHSlr Are Positively Guaranteed ftv 7T H T TJvvn, t ; to Put On Firm Flesh; , ,LLitH XQjl Gear the Skin and Increase - THE CRIQKAl yeast. ' Energy When Taken With ,cENG?NVrSV .W EveV Meal or Money Backr -L----H!:-:--i-V';il ,J'-U.1:-A--;:H'--ti..,!::?- -r'":: '!. -,- !:; -;-:"'-sJi,K7ir;4-!;,::.?-::. ; : ' - v -''C .: ;: ::'. ;; ; '"..i-iv?'' V&i-A;' '. ; i-i'- i ' ' ' ; -' ' . BaiaHaaHMaMaHiaMMMMteiaanHBHHHaMaMHav - vMHHaMBMMBaiHMHaiiaMaaaBMHHMMMMHBaaMaMMaaMiaBaHBamHB reader of this paper and whidh will mean that the cars which we are placing on sale during this period are going to be quickly disposed of.- t For. ten days beginning on November 22nd and ending on December 2nd we are going to sell s a limited .number of Chevrolet Automobiles, the standard price of which is $650.00 for only, $525.0.0. This is the greatest automobile price reduction ever made in New Bern. Each one of these cars, is jusas it vvas the day that we received it from the factory, never having been driven. They are fully, equipped rwith 'de-1 mount able rims and in fact are, as the makers say, "the lowest priced fully equipped 'car on the, market Remember, the time limit on this offer limited number of Chevrolet automobiles to first call for them. - Visit our establishment and look these inarkably low price of $525.1 NO. 84 POLLOCK tonight will empty your bowels com pletely by morning and you wi!l feel spendid. '"They work while you sleep." Cascarets never stir you up or' grip like. Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil and they cost only ten cents a box. Children love Cascarets too. Ad when a . sniper's ' bullet shattered a gas pipe at their home in Thompson street. The family was asleep at the time. ' . TJte Army Store opens Saturday, 137 Middle street. ENERGY QUICKLY,' Thin or run-down folks will find tliis simple test well worth trying: First . weigh yourself and measure yourself. . Next take Mastin's VITAMON- two tablets with every meal. Then sweigb. and measure ypurself. again each week and continue taking Mastin's VITAMON regularly until you are . satisfied with your gain in ' weight and energy. Mastin's VITA MON : contains highly concentrated yeast-vitamines as well as the two ' other still more .important vitamines Fat Soluble A and Water Soluble C),' all of which Science says 'you must' have to be strong, well and fully developed. It is now being, used by -thousands who appreciate its - con venience, economy and quick results. IMPORTAWTl While the amas ing health-building value of Mastin's VITAMON has been clearly and positively demonstrated in cases of lack of energy, nervous troubles, anemia, indigestion, constipation, skin erup- . tions, poor complexion and a eenerally STREET (By Associated Press). NEW YORK, Nov. 25. Aristead Briand, rpemier of France, was a passenger on the steamship, Paris, sailing today for Havre on his trip : home after outlining the position of i his country in regard to the limitation 1 of armament before the Washington j conferees. He left expressing himself j as "quite satisfied with the result of the conference thus far, especially as respects France." lI bays taken foa Eatonio tablata .and they relievpd me of Boar etomach, !l recommend it to everybody," eaya Mrs.' Q, P. Hicks. ' If stomaeh is not digesting you ifoodt it yoo nave sourness, bloating. food repeating, indigestion or acia iBtomacb,: Eatonio will remove "ths cause by taking up and carrying out the aridity ana gases, bringing qaicSi relief and bealthy gxuBBtioti, Why ' Bnffer Btomacb troiibie? Why not keen your digestion, normal and enioy guJa health? An Katonlo takei iter each meal will prevent diacomfortand pain. . ! Male (be (est today and see bow fuicklytbis wonderful, remedy acts, t eomea tn bandy tablet form. Carry it with yoa. A big box costs only a trine wiib your druggist's jjuaritaa. JOBWaUlBrditi Ov! is short, just ten days, and -you will have to hurry. go at this great reduction and they are going to be automobiles over and let MOTOR Are You with "all of the departments ' of the Peoples Bank? We suggest, for cyoui consideration, the following: . v I - " Checkins and Commercial1 HSfr Savings ' s ; '4J .IV : Certificates of Safe Deposit Trust" Foreign Exchange The accounts., of jine'n and iWomen ' are; handled , with, eqial dispatch; and cour tesy by this bankt.-:.wnicK-isa-member:'o,i''' the Federal Reserve System. .-'-. ' ' The Peoples, Bank Member of Federal Reserve System A ON New MADAM M.AYS The Noted ? Palmist And Phrenologist Informs the public of her wonderfjil jjHJweMr fn reaJpff the history of one's life' by examining the palm of h'e liand telling: the. past, present 'Advice; Tcfls- you false or Telia you what business. you are adapted 4 to. ,ca Tells yon. ; about absent friends, whether .- living - or . dead. . Tells v you what planet you were horn underland wbt ;t 'of the country is luckiest for you. . ' .". PALMIS.R:! Ia the ley-to -the cabinet Nof character in which nature; conceals not only the motion power necessary- for every-. day life, bu( those Wtent talents and - energies . tWj by :. , knowledge of self; we can bring to bear upon s our v lives. Should this not convince the, most critical. that, palmistry Is a science as practiced by.Madan.Mays. the.giftcd worn-, an wiU read your character like a book. Listen to her words 7 of wisdom. She willt help : you. She, is here to entertain! and please, not to misrepresent herself.. Give her call, then speak ofher as you find fter. ' Will be open 'for busi ness November ,24. Her Cha r j Office Iloura 114 Middle New Rem. an offer which us deliver one of them to CO, Ac - Deposit -1 i f. ' ji 1 SAVINGS Bern, N.C and future. UUU11UVU e; given in. fall jbusiness matters and amriy;ft'aIri. ), in tile !name 'of 'your futufe - coirupunloru 'ft whethel: j , true. -I ? viX J To l.Ki ii till ges . are JRea$atiabIe. 9:30 A. Si. to 10:30 r M Street Second Floor, ' will astound every Welhavejonly,, . a, sold tothose who you at this re- PHONE NO. 153 - V- '1 hhrk.' ? a t h ( r S; . Oysters are good during any month wfthran'"r" 'unless captured during a month Without an fr." : -' -1 ' v ' ; .. ... ii r. . . - . -.. , v i . : r ,y . - -. . U .-. - : : - '.!. i ,