FRIDAY NOVEMBER 25, 1921 WEDNESDAY, .NOVEMBER 23, 1921 f i $ i . " f ' I T-, J It PERSONAL 5 7' . ,. ....... . A JK, S. Johnson, of EayboFO, was here today on a business trip.-. , : j , ,. flss.NantHe Moore is spending a tetpt days in Kinston. visiting friends. . .V Mrs. W. It. Riser lias returned from 'a visit with friends in Washington. A N: C. Davis, of Goldsboro, was jiniong the out of town viitors here today. c , . . , - ' W.' P. Tooly, ; of Yanceboro. '' was ''J-ffrnong the ' out of town; visitors here today. ' ' .:' ' t " ', ,. r x . ni'!--'ili: Mri and- Mrs. Howard .German are -"pending: . a few days with relatives in Kin&ton l FRIENDS FAILED TO" Hons oestoh Salem, Va., Woman Almost In Despair Gains 35 Lbs. . Arid Health Perfect "Actually, I would have - given r.iy farm to be-restored to health and here Tanlac has done this for me at a co3t too little to mentioti.V -said? Mrs. -Min - fte'.Deston; .-717 'Delaware- St.; Salem, rjiev fa. -V r am '"j. J. Baxter lias gone to High Tolnt vlrfa;re he will spend a, few days visit iS iis brother; ' '". --. ; y - . , Miss M31Ioh Mallard ha gone to Kinston Xo spend a. few days with Mrs. C. wViSimpson. v ; . . . i Thomas Wxlker, - of , . Greenville, spent, yesterday, in. the city on a visit to friends and relatives . ' - 'Mrs. I?. C. GodwinXleft yesterday for "KLnston- where- she spent Thanks giving wth .her : mother,-, Mrs. J. W. Wilkinspn. - i - !v . ' - -- Lycurgus Cutler has returned from Chapel Hill and will spend a few days here with his parents., Mr. and Mrs. if i3 Ida Bloojrt, f Kinston, ..returxtt d - this morning after spending Thanksgiving with rMlss. Sadie Block-. T. H.' Taylor , of "Vanceboro, ; was seen on; thV streets of thee Uy .this rr1biitrg-.JT';V"s:,-v; -if . ; -li V' : h - 1 H- v -1.1' ' 3JHUer;Hadl,Bad tack . ; ' Although"a few of the(huhters( from Ko-pj Berrv WhOv.'jtodk to ,th,e .woods'; l .yeijrdajf had ' fairly "goo'd Mucky'the1 jnaaonty felt that- tney wcreijonan ed.; Several of them came back with out" bringing a single bird with them. v: . .Bijr Sportiog Goods Stock t William T. Hill is advertising1 a big sporting oods stock for the Christ : aa -trade. He has toade speical ar l' rangements for supplying 'all possible calls fot anything f in .' the snorting goods line, HV is especially, equipped ; for supplying hunters with equipment.- uffered bo deardfully from in digestion that at times . an attack would, come on me at the table and t would' have to be carried to bed. .For six tveeks before X took Tanlac I had lived on eggs, sweet milk, toast and hot water, and I got ho' thin that actually 'my friends failed to .j-oeog-liize me. ' ; .; :; ' "I- had' about' given up all hope of aettting well; when fortunate'y I jrof hold of Tanla"c. It is just astonishing how fast I 'improved and I could feel myself getting new. life and energy too, am in perfect health, and oh, so happy to be ab'lc to enjoy life again." 'Tanlac is sold in New Bern by the Bradham rug Co., and "tiy leading Oruggists everywhere. Ad. ,! Rodman Guion,; a recent bride, rand piece of Mrs. Hand. The decorative effects throughout the home were artistic- and beautiful. Southern smilax, which, lends itself so gracef ully to decoration, was us ed throughout the house ;is a back ground for the quantities of inult. oloored autumn flowers, which were interspersed with ' bright 'y burning tapers. Little MioS Elizabeth Williams presented the card tray et the door and the guests were greeted in the ha'l by Mrs. 'John Gunion, Afrs. Frank liyman, Mii Laura Iyris.and Miss T31- i fiH'iori. In the reception room the (railing, sroliax, which outlined door ways ind window's and .festooned the sillo -walls, made a beautiful setting for. the- baskets of lovely chrysanthe mums. : Here the guests were graci ously received by the hostess, who wfls assisted btthe fionoree, Mrs. Rod-n-an Oiiioi'Mrs. Owen H. Guion and Mrs. Elizabeth - B. , Ellis. In passing o the dining room, Greetings were' extended by Miss Har-. riet Marks, Miss Jane Stewart and Miss Doily llyrnan. In the 'dining room' a variety of colors were used - in the decorations, whi'e numbers of brightly beaming tapers twinkled among the flowers. " Mrs. Richard Duffy, Mrs. Haywood Guion and Mrs. J. S. Bryan received MrSi' Hand - Hontes ComplinrcntaryS ' .v : To Mre. Guion V v -T Mra. ,Wil-iam Hand gave a beauti fully appointed reception Wednesday afternoon at . her home, on Union street, .complimentary to Mrs. "W. IJ-. Works Lilce a Clock CTANDARD ramtdr world tnrtr. TWf J form. Us at first muf&isUon f CoMl ur La Grim ud avoid . ,". ' , ? uineat. ucaini raaaes bcarinr Mr. HiH'i r trait and aigsaUire. At DnuulttfM Centi It. H. 6XLU CO . DETROIT : . . .Wins .Tenuis. Champioiwdilp , . ' v By def eating. George Roberts ftree : ' ets out of four? yesterday morning, L. H. Cutler, 'Jr., 'won the elimination i tennia championahjp' --at 'the -Country ,Club. The games were .close -.and ex- - citing in ;every . respect- and-both -play : ers received vocifergus. ppIavi33-irom .' the galleries. i i, iX ,1 f. ft r-jf pt Beturncd JProta. Chapel ; HII ; : . L .s 1 K ''vThetseenLvrlvtf or rnor..MfWT?prrv R , CSapel Hill .ryesterday to see the .yir-1 V.'T j?nla,raroli'na garrV Returned norra u t -thwm.rnirfg.- Bome ?'of(-them -rwere noticeably. hoarse ..but .all , of , them! stated -that they; had had a splendid ! lime oathe. trip., j j Baby's Every' v Need may be supplied at OXLEY'S BABY -? SHOP. When in the city b to look ..usr'up" home was thronged with callers who were delighted to greet .the handsome bride and to enjoy Mrs. Hand's hos pitality. At six-thirty o'clock the receiving party was served a delicious hot col lation. - the guests. The dining table, which had a yellow satin cover, was center ed with a beautiful vase of La France roses and purple iris,, overhung with the electric dome, outlined with hot house smilax. Four jade candlesticks, bearing adorned the prettily appoint. ed table. j Serving a dolicio'w ice course in j -pi a pink and white were Misses Eliza 1 116 ATlTiy OtOre OpeilS Ellis, Anna Clark, Helen Ho'listr, ! Qa-Jw 1Q7 iji Dorothy Ellis and Margaret Kehoe. ! J&lUraay, ICl IVliaale The punchtable, whither the guests ! effeet were invited for sparkling punch, was j picturesquently arl-anged in the hall. the punch bowl bein 'KILDRENSiDOLDS should not be "dosed," Treat them externally with Vapo Rub Over 17 Million Jars Used, Yearly MO V' Plione 440 ' 132 Pollock St. " O. CUTHRELL Automobile ' Tops Made and Be paired: French Glass for Back Uitrtains . n Work Gnaranteed Accessories a flower-bed of various hued bios-1 pffifff?fiyF.&&VZTmffiBS& "cms. Serving pnch were Mrs. Wade j rl'J V HkW WVCQ -Meadows. .Miss Martha Munger, Mrs. j M JWt?&i Cf yoa csn ismdte 8 Thornsa Williams and Miss Catherine 1 fCSL QSSTlf Mr.'ihn Lefferts. ! , Durinsr the reeeivin' ' feniirx, I t . o-1 ' vviio CllU I U3'Ji SUse Murine Eye Remedj ic? ? year Eyes CScs.-Ciear and Ksaithy. want as-JCiring KesuJts j Ksu.z3tusstiotZauQsi9iiisst,stiUa3 ft e - sure f A 41, PoHock.t.jOpD.E iW Office i . Only- Qne Thing - No w i - ' -Lacking--Money. - ;, "I ihave' doctored 'nine . year3 for . . -. - Wornach and.; liver t6ub"le and" sperit p . . thousands of-do;iars,but . instead of . becoming cured of-thes ailments, my , - V bloating and pains and " att'acVS be-1 .. i" came, worse, I was persuaded a. year : - : ago to take Mayr's 'WonderfKI KerciecTy ' , i and liave never suffered 'since takjng -' the first dose. I wish I had the money .... -.' back' ,Jl vspet-for-s other medicinc.' iti - . is .;simple;' harmless preparation ! V that Vemoves the .catarrhal mucu fi-em ,he" iftte'stlnal tract and- allavs' : " " the inflammation which causes prac- m - -tfieftyirtmal,-'4K-er'and inte?i- P aL"rs is ailn?eits,- ancludlns appendicitis, dcWilli-e'on-vlnoe or. money 're-i t funded. At' all druggists. Ad. I t-,r)l! .-rm ,.y- , , , -.tJ i -":;--'v-- '-. ':.."'"' .. ''- '. : ,t-c? " ' ; ( .; ',, file Army: Store! opens! Si(urday,;2l37 Middle E. T. BERRY, JR. J . 'Paintec-i - C Signs nd - Automobiles Special ; prices ' on ';two r or i ' more cars.J V Phone 702-J. OS Metcalf St. and : Herns 2 M 19 IE FOR tTHANKSGiyiNG DrugCorrip'y Bruad ..S '. t " Poock St Read The ClasVited Ad? palmist' ' . -.. .-.' . ... -. . v. ".Madame. ,DeBorof street. Announcement! Mrs.' Bertha - Thomas wishes to announce that she - has moved to 40 South Front 1 Sk-'l and is prepared to;take , table boarders. Can' also 'furn ish room. " Get a true history o' your life read by thet? Scientific Palmist.. This sifted. w;oraan .will r5ad your life,' character. fortune and bent -of 'your disposition by tho Science oIl?alm istry.. , , - '-'- - - . ' - - . i - . . ,: .'-'- ;:' t She Reads Your Life Like A Book Hss bcen consulted by the most famous men and women of the country and guarantees satisfaction. Her work speaks for itself, If you have been crossed love, if interferers have broken your dearest and tenderest lies in every affair" it is v. ise ; to consult a Palmist, who gives you reliable and im portant advice on business changes, journeys' sickness, wills, deeds, mortgages,' love courtship, marriages divorce tells )f you will marry the one you love. liver jibing htiictly C'oniidcntial Saiisf action Guaranteed MADAME DEBORO r liocatc-d in Ili'idgcton in Tent on Bridge Street The One Picture That Everybody Should Sec Without rail 'THE GOLEIVT The Giant of Fhotoplays .' - . .y ACTION" that rushes through tingling crises playbd by thou sands of people. , i . DRAL that touches the heart -with its luvc and conflict. CHARACTER itbat . shows " tbej most miprcssive figure ever created by man. . BILMTY that stirs the soul witlt-a nevv pictorial artistry. SCEJfES that riot ih i-evel, pageant and conflagration. SETS that for color ' and vastiicss thrill the' bnagiiiation. .'.. 'DELIGHT that is snre to eon;o from what America's ablest -eritics eqU "the n:ot perfect pic mc'cver n:ale." ; - This picture bears the endorsement of every paper in New York - 'city as the erowiiiiig'aehievemcritpf the motion pictu,"p industry. Adults 23 cents,' children 15 ceuls" to' all shows oil '"this picture. . : ; . ' - - i SATURDAY Wallace Reid in a special return en gagement of one off his greatest picture,. 'Too Many, . Millions," Also one of those snappy Sunshine comedies. ' If 1 1 - " !.; :"- i( Let you Kodak keep the Christmas Story This is just the place! to come for just the ' camera you want our stock 4Jbf . Kodaks and Brownies is completer and our photographic experience at" ycrar service-v r Kodaks from 8. oo: up." BAXTERS largest iewelers 'in E. Carolina. . - Dri .f. O. Baxteri On-tomc-trist , ' (Specialist in fitting glasses); ' i ' x V r-r. - Iff - - 3 Lots Lots Choice $4.98 Beautiful Velvet and Panne Vel vets. Black and high shades. Large and small shapes. Choice $7.50 Velvets and Panne Velvets. Black and the high shades. Large and small shapes. V; Beautiful Velvet, Panne Velvet and Satin. Black and the high shades. Large and small shapes. $10.00 to $18.00 FIRST IN, SYLE : S. COPLON & S ONS FIRST IN QUALITY : ":i8i N pfl (Hlllf'll RIIP- contMoAnce 6f our r I THANKSGIVING SALE Ol fK ' IS THROUGH TODAY AND TOMORROW WE HAVE A FEW SUITS AND OVERCOATS LEFT AT . and ; 25 Boys Suits with extra trousers at Values to $13.50 10 OFF ON ALL HATS 'AND CAPS 21 To 18 Yrs. OFF 10 ON ALL OTHER BOYS SUITS . Clothing Specialists 93 Middle St. New Bern, N. C. ' The Best State' in the Union ; - appreciates the fact tbat its citizens are the best in tna land and shows t&at appreciation in -the. laws it , inakes 'or their protection and service. ' ' - v' . , ' The banking laws of our state are made with a, view to affording the most liberal banking service, with the maximum safetyx .-. 1 , -,. wJ -4 These' laws fornl .the basis ot this state-chartered' In stitution's generous policies and wide service. ... "." -.i I '' , ; .. . . ' . - . .' . i .i . ! Citizens Savings Bank & Trust Company ' 1 SHOW SHCBTXJIGHiT . i , ......... . .. - .. " .t ; v A Super Special Production ; 'HMS ME TRUMPJS' From the fansous' stage play by Cecil .Uajcctau, Look at thiti cast it cannot be equalled. ; W inter j Hall, Frank ; Browlee, Alice Terry, Jo. Kilgour, Iancelia; DilUnsron,. Bruisley Slww, Thomas - Jefferson, ' Xorman Kennetly, EdtfardL Connelly,' ' Bull Montana, and Howard Crainpton. tf : " ' ; vf ' v - A swiftly moving' story' 6t high Sjoclety life In a setting pt sur passing beauty which attains thegreatest of mahlngv t-calism tlmt. will noneal to all. ' 'A " '' i ' ; i- ; '.. J A Two Reel Comedy All Laughs J Tomorrow The King of Laugh Makers, don't miss hjm, Buf ter Keaton in "The Saphead" " You'll laugh! Also a Century Comedy ud Pathc ''cws'.- three wonders. NEW BERN'S-GREATEST MUSICAL sHowsHOP dec: 1ST ALL ARE AGREED REGINALD DeKOVEN'S 7 Wonderful Comic Opera , "ROBIN HOOD" Is the greatest musical entertainment ever written. Eclipses all other productions - in beauty and musical effectiveness. ' A RALPH DUNBAR'S PRESENTATION Now on transcontinental tour. Is the identical company which nearly a million 1 music lovers ; in hundreds ol leading cities have just acclaimed. ' . --"':- The Most Superb Production In Recent Years. ' ' . With an All-Star Cast of Operatic Artists. ' -. i Best Singing .Chorus En Tour Superb Symphony Players in pompany's Own Orchestra - -; . ''.-' v; '', ; ',- . VALENTINE, Conductor PRICES: 1st Floor $2.50; Bal. $2L00, $1.50, $1.00 . MAIL ORDERS TREMENDOUS -1 i

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