,' t -vr-.. SUNOURNBK lsT:rk C v v y ' ( Afternoon , .Kx - " 1 1 a ; cpl Sttndwy.v. ' I f Enteredas second : c-lass matter; itr.thl postoiTice at New : Hern, S fCS G., under the act of vMarch 1 j AkL (iOKRCH . . . . . : . .Editoif ; Ieinbe 4f 'TIm " Associated - Press ' Tu. Associated Ptfita is"" ex clusively entitled to iuse lor re publication of all new? dispatches credited to i it or - nojt otherwise credited ia : thia paper and" also the local news ymbushed J? ere in" NEW BCKSCRIITIOX RATES : Payable inr- Advance I'. Period ? 1 year tt UlOntllS 3 iponths 1 mouMi . 1.', week' ". . By Carrier. .... .JS7.oo : i . 8.50 ''. -. . trf vtBynir sloo tio EDITORIAL P A GE Friday- Afternoon, Noveriiber 25, 1921? e'-.,yt, , . it: . . -'-- r '.-V il'l.-'S TP ? T. I BERN 5 tH4 - - 4 - J. THE WORM WILL TURN. e, pre-Thanksgivihg ,v argument be tVeenVthe " univei'sitieg of Northr;Garol(nF C ahd Virginia a that there C i have been several-disputes ietweent the ita institutions .in- the - past. , " ' , 4 Heetofore,- rthCroIiha; ;Sas givcnH Hj toJyirginiaIen6Ye iVfsity took aV4efenive. staHd..on some, particular vquelSIon?f$Kp0 s0:y manyr years; ?ago the ' T:ar; H6e.is cailed ,s tothe fact thatfk certain: foot-, bll ' player was. ineligible.; The word sent l jba'ck was that TirgihmV;sel own , iye:';and:: ::tha;; !nothing,to do or say1 relative : to the sub- HE ART Yf ENDORSEMENTS v Several letters havet).ee'n received here from ' Concord, . Fayetteville, Wilson, Washington d'TSthtQ? refer- WITH OTHER EDITORS " SHOP KAUI.Y With' Christmas. only: five weeks off, now is tne time to . begin snoppng. , ui .iu , u.e uia wiuq iut vuuwmm Very often . many of our citizens ait :Y.; M. C::Aii:h about a wk, or three or four ' 1 niuVsi 1 - " bH'tet iifej-; .y'X i: ? ' . ' ' ': -. ' "' , ,1 days before Christmas to even-cart P'dS. .Jf. : .;;:..:i; J . j ' shopping, . This - makes very incon- THE TOWN GOSSIP W'HKN SHE: told me. j W i ?1 -VXD COULDXT cut around it. j . lUIUUl, jl ,.D1I1JC UVVflfUU) COWL! I one I of the towns named gives a I hearty eridQrpae'ntj.pf, this organiza- tloa .and speaks !ih s highest ierms, of ".; f. ) the work -it has"' accomplished.' ' y: ' 1 ; ' f It ." is seldom l-th-at any cause is given : here. ' ;But that stateCof affairs Cannot exist fprevr. Everyone knows .what the. pro-' ; SterbiaL.wpxid-'v fpllowect tlejorm's -exampie.3il--!: V'ti3l r Th university; has. turned. ; J IWIrefV-irr " p.a!yt ptested . overthe elig; 1 iollityj of ;'Jol isoLt- North' Carolina 'i poHtei" lyf told Virginia 'f ew: tKirigs. OfTcourscCi in' view of pasi?: events, this was -almost - . t,Ve Thanksgiving , t) ay . game . f Hethle 4tic ; touh.sel ' t. :;;ht i eertain fthai';'-cthis T.'ouia -Drinsr Tortft uarolinrto termsi;;:; . A' ; 0oh$.v - KortKb Garolil rfef J j reSte-reiices itl dh0. .would not beertnitted rtaplay. MeA the whole Tar RteuMv e l 1 1 In tother words, the v Nyrpled twe 4 . 0- - thS0''iliTlGSv ? Virginia Maintained her bluff x&$ . long po3sible:tjast,;:h:bweveri, she ?liad : 4 .give in and announced .that her team : ivoul ;a?apeLHili;f6rthe ;; game'. ;: tThey had la m;ake the tripurihg; the hightj?theyt4idil't getrie.-;proprrstiJ fhey probably, WereupetMn:iacc6unt' of i the muddlean'd they lost the . game.. v Perhaps, these thiQgsr were; not decidedly; . responsible for her 'defeat, .' bit no ohe'2 can te :. . -r ; .::-v A'j;'' I '.Vir.;Ha,by? trying to -act' in -an arbi trSiCTiMflWCTlt such, saj tinahimity ef approval; ; The fact hat 'not a single criticisrh is ; offered , a- gamst t tti'l C pmmunity f ifeC." Atand: ; 1th AtCt'hd.f Various fbwiS;iifi Ndrh ; Qarofinaf i lare more than s.atifified 'with it: shoulcfe ' ;. fvenient tap uihe shopper and the : clerks too.' because everything is picked over and there is such a rush jthat you""ca"finot ""get W&pr service ,.frorn . the clerks because they are ' busy every minute. t ': Xow ,whilj tie mereliaJits are . l;c--IgiiVing to .. receive th.en. Yuletide good. and' while we have plenty of ! time; - is the : proper- time to do the .Jchriatma shopiting.r If .tba is , done, j we'caii'enjby'tne' heydays every;ib , I more as we, are, prepared for it, hit V- ii.ng done,, all the .shopping 'necessary qariyt -We will Ije id ofr.ttii 'THAT WE were going. ; ,, j ' ' . ' f '. ' 7 TO HAVE company for dinner. !' ; ' - --' ' ' ' V 1 TpIED to persuade her. THAT IT would be. " ' ' THE PROPER i thing. ' TO SAVE my life, ; v AND GOT the joke all mixed up. AND MY sleeve. ' guarantee. enpughVfpj the people- of New ; feern thai slicli aft erganization is needed hurJfy, that preval's . anxoiife sdU -llte shoppers.. w ... ' , t: Antff too... if ,we4do .the: snoppmg tuirly,v'we ican get onr packages i eady to' be' maQed' early." The trains are ai- . . . ..ThlS. being .SO, We' Cannot, afford, to fail - ,4 December Owing to the rush caused v in me ai iv wnict , is to ; pe wagea ior : ' .L i ' 41. ' n J.li. .... -V. t-- ! 1 Wre cannot afford to miss this, opportun ity for giving, Qur- 43yg,and girls th e pro- hoped that by -this -time-h'efhas' learned-"--lhiiRt.ii: Qarplia 'aabakbon her . own ,, and no longer ntendspjaying the .."part,pl i;;dppmatJi Musr' ..." .' i ' : .-v ... - r , per . kind of training and recreation. It v; is upK ofpn-xQg fyeryr ciuzen . 01 y xsew I Bern to ! Jov hi.4 art : to' help in every 1 wayhesiposs'bly.can-w jc v f ;.C tlndicationshusf ajr ariethat ihe cam- ; iiuccessifvipr f avorable ' regard" tV! ili have been ihese ' indications are correct and r, that , when the dwvitompleted it : wilf be ; ' founds that the citizens have BUbcrihed momnncVu1 'did'wbrktfcfeii peopei Only a; few 'days remain before, the cahssrstartfiXth ifig this interval do all the boosting you . . rcan for the project Every word in fayoi Of it wjll ' a ve its Cyeight, f or not matter . who '.you; "'are,' y'oif vave some sphere ;;;irifiuenM ':j$e$;sfy$: andiflelnt; lije'-l wjjaf L- ;antrest:stirf 'the . u.?;'isVsethingC . which all of usihoiild ; get ' eritpusiastic '. over.. It's-something We should work for.- by 'so much tmail, express, etc. Do not have y our packages delayed in Vt ich ing pieii-destiiation. Hail them early and : baef them there by Christmas ": Be prepared for Christmas' and ydu-iwilj. enjoy' it and be much hap- iPieritbau -if s you, had '.waited late' to begin i to get ready.- Smithueld Htrr aid, . ' '' ' . -v . ' '--'. ; ; r Domestic-DisarniaJBent ' '-' ! Wlill e 'the world is, seriously con sidering. practical me?tfiure8 : o pre vent1, thev taking of life in warfare it would be well for the citizens of ibis county ;'tp pause jandvf ?ce; the ;. f 4cts regarding ' lynching. ' "Statistics; have beeot compiled .showing that , - during I th jflrst t6n months-of .19 2 'fifty -two- persons have been lynched in- the Ignited States. Surel3fJ,wjined- ap; p- plication 'oif the disarmament princi- J pie-; In; our domestic . life? Lynchings life for many years. The number de creased ,54 per ceijt - in . the ( twenty yMi'a front 188? ti 1908, but , the" de crease since the latter 'date has been Vnuh less. Every state, save . six, MassaeltfiStts, Conneticnjt, " Vermont, eMUir''V'RhoeV' I slad, ;, and. Ltan, nas oeen QjRgracea Dy tne iaK lng of :Hfe?of-Ww..'Th'ef.itde't-ofc 'ials," and ? citizens in genehal of this tate,. is . yery comTOndabe."-; a nd - if pspoused Jnore . generayy .would. -result -In greatly rcdueiJijf flhe ctipie of lynching. ; No country ean renmably hope to curb war when fesprtli vio- TO HAVE yhe turtvey. CARVED IN th "kitchen. BEFORE IT was fbrought -te.' RUT SHE was, adamant. 4, '. 'I,. :v ' a: ' - , -.-.;. . areKaU'lfriJow what I rrfean." SO WHEN we and the company. ' x SAT DOWN at the table. THERE WAS the turkey. . ' ' -' - J ' IN ITS entirety. , ri, '..:' . '' ; AND. I girded up my loins. AND CRABBED the earViiiit'Uftavv AND DEBATED for a.'miBjet. . , ' 'K ' WHERE TO start in. AXU djeelded. TO CLIP off a trmg. AND- STARTED' .sawing. WHILE .TR,YI$S. tos, entertain . THE X'OMPAKY. 'i .'. H ;.l-t IX THE gravy .dish. -, :''. AND JIOOLED' the table. - " SO THAT tlie coffee. SI.O.SIIJED 'OUT' of the cups. . AN.D THE .water. -t - ' ij'i OUT OF the glasses. 4 AND IT took me fifteen' Jnirititete;'" TO FINISH the blamedi jbb. : , v,-: ; - AND IT'S alL on account. - , . - -. - -. . OF THE . Pilgrim Fathers. ; - (.- . . . AND PLYMOUTH Bock, f "v' . AND EVERYTHING. ONE THINp , Aftr Another e . i . .. . ; . , : Ql KSTlf )XS AND AVSWEpS AND I wish to goodness. THAT THEY'D celebrated, k . THEIR, BIRTHDAYS. ' BY EATING tomato soup. PR,DR1N4CING it. f . " ' 1 . :" ' OTl WHATEVER it is. ,' : . . . -' ; HAT,' fOtJ df to soup- INSTEAD OF tcauaihj.!- - ''-: ;' t ' ''- ' H ' 'JV";" alt the4 things Thicfrttr goingh todoi or lence instead (if .the EProcess of law ls tpleraSed o5cifec.le as jizavA Urn ,. jn the United States. Win- ttJTPS!nna Jo iir na L , ..Friendjp cfyMr., and Mrs. Ernest H. :-hr.o Sh whdhas . ..' ij - - j'J'."" t . T ii I i i I fcn V f ' I -) . . ... i. . i J ' -. ' - .. 1 111 111 WitaWGHT Conversation. Ul, THAT trouble. ; ''hi: 'Aim ,lj iUt.ii. ! .THATiltwas tfelMng. THE JOKE about the Irishman. "AND Tin? sick mule:" - WHEN THE knife slipper. IN CARVING iurkeyS. licnr' Editor Will ymu V'-ease:! tel i me .howja- nian may srow Aore i'aiir; tifiil ' thiin.'lii b at pre.scntV , I ha''W s to help.:, : : ' - . : 4- vi ' ? V' . ' L. H.' Cutii?. jr ; . Paltcm yourself .after Bill Bldei.Jl7 , ' Dear. 'Sir: .How can I determin .' wiiether - Ii :am!luc&. :;or 'notV ,,-1' .;'-ij'--&x.&-fl-y'KM;M Dr.. 3o0 . Rhem.' j ''-.; ;; Oct Into a' iKiker aiinUe sometime. It i you hokl; Jour aCts agjlnst a straielif;'? Uusii it's a sign Umt you are nnlcVy.' 'Honored v Sir--I have been v te all the automobile dealers' in- town' aaA; j v each ' one ' tellsl fue ' that lthe car kitr $ sell Is the 6est;in" th(i;wold. Hoy Way? .; I learn- the, truth ? . ; . . .Don't' 1ki her withv tlie ' dealewi ' ; Write to.;, the. mamifacturens" oth the various makes , of," automobiles. J ( r'''r''Vr--'-r---f '. :''-' Dear Hster-fAV bet "B'V thai a certain thing was right, ,'C" supported . ' '.C" in the- contention although "-V-'V w.agred.;0', '"thataf ; '"E" apprevef.'. : 'B'L wtdttrd' be wrong in the assertioa.,- piwiamg: iBM-ine mauer was iet -up. t W vJ3,."f F'v'and "B" joined aghinsti J i'B"; and T" in .the argument. WhleW tapryou;tninfc is enutieuto tne waper, s..' ' John Tfltson 4 I THANJC .you )iitIeeted-eir--C'an you infori j where I can ; get , a Book 'orr- Hi efain Your , Hair?" "! . -r-: ' ; ' Paul M MOTHER! OPEN" 7 ':" CHILD'S BOWELS WITH ; CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP ANtJ HIT" the vase'; oF'flow'eM. ' f , ,--. - . y . -.-V. ' "Sjir-.' JX THE center of tljetableiii. Vn. ALMOST tlnuclr it - T- SOT-1 changed off. ; AND STARTED tt?y ell , the ohe.V v ''M v.; 'nTfr'fflteT-" ON A; ifubway 'train. . , , AND. I struck a.bope. . ' YV.i ' .,".?.. . ,:; sdMBWIIEBJB-;N".the' wing1. Your "little ' one" " will jt love ;? the "fruity" tate of "California' Fig Sy- t fup" . even ; ; coneupatea," uuious, ir ritable, ' everisn, -or iuw t coiu. i. teaspoonful never fails to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few ; hours; you iaji . see for' yourself; h;6w thorough ly all tfcef sour: bil4, " nd r undigested f oo'uE the bowefe-andypu have 'k well. ;'ikvful .child 'i:airi. Ot moiner- jKeeiJ", tawiur I'Fig yrup" hantV. They knov dw td - - 1 At a book store ..... .. . ... . . . Sf1 . I -.. '' a man cask :'V Dear Sir Where can checks . without having 1 lip' pe .identi-f" Red ? - : ' v. ; : ;' 1 ' " .' 'r. .-' .. ': ; ;v ;'',. Guion Dun.p.j : Do yon suppose ;rd; bp?' aitsvrertn foolish questions if knv? ; Esteemed Fjr.endVhat jO f youV' ni Ad. think was the chief beneftt. irtvColun-; bus' discovery-bf America J k ' ;t '''v A '" iv' ; '-'.v:''- v,:A A..Kafef. ' -'. V' ' . ' ; ' f - '. ' -: New Bern's victory- overVjGrtenvltfe: in the baseball series, y f "J V f'j : ' - -'5? ' , 'ri:Ji Brokerage Firm ' Ft!-?; :','-' , .. ".IB3L:'Assox'iatedPrcSibL- ' ttine','eairftrntat-Fi-Syrup"-whieh has directions for babies apd; ehi'dreh ;of 1 ait.,cges...,prtptea on.rootiie. iuouier: Vou. must .ay .; '(iif irriia'f 'or you . vf ;j'...'i;v.iM';,lji roteerager firm : of.Clemont,JX Catea &;'C?6.',''':'WithhAriuartera here audv branches iijhiany parts ttlf:' Florida closed' its 'doors today and announced,", it would go into Voluntary liquidation. ' .;. ;,,;: ' - i I, ,n ii, I .ii ;.,t ' i i.i... i i i Kin f ' . v.' -' "' r t .v':.:--";-,. 4',;i, . --:r'5; - -----' ' 'r"y w-";'"- r -; ; . ". -- v",; .iv '-v- f :'f ! V Aa" ;vi?vpfti lipilllipi 'igli:: !-::'.I.v:i Xv:v;-:. .'V "ks-i?' 'v .ci..''.:,-.,..,'j I ; . v v . " . .. r V' V , ; v:;:'-'?vi.; - f . i r v. w jf SATURDAY s ' U j " 1 "SPECIXl' FOR4 4 OMENVl li.?. ; jge.i&f t,; Twills, : THfeairiesVMeaB's ; nTj-trimmedf ia.nd.5Tail.ored. iiSpeelaljif pry thi voccasiori- -;$22;50lMs ' dresses : a Finely-made adaptations of ' the Newest Modes. Canton Crepe Silk,'f"AU, Wool Tri ! cotines, ' etc." Unusual vales - $14.98 UP ' -...v ... ;. ;;;s' . : , . . . , ; COATS : . ... .$i5.oo up ;lSTS;!nv'.;:;'i SKIRTS . : , ' 4.50! up Pluih and Fur' Coatsi . j ' ,; ' 'MiHinVry,;.Shoei ! lTo e very mari ' and woman in;. New; Bern ai?d : vicinity - They represent the most Jimuilidffe Apparel c that have been submitted to you this sea son. -i v';;; ; .v Special; For Saturday! Extraordinary Values! Your' monev will' GO FURTHER you wil get BETTER STYLE and' QUALITY and you'll receive GREATER VALUES than ever before by buying your clothes here. Then; too,, there is the CONVENIENCE of paying for your purchase on terms arranged to suit YOU. .,'"'-- : : : . Open inAbcount Now AND PAY LATER This friendly store, will take care of the clothing needs 'of the ENTIRE FAMILY. Our guarantee is -YOUR protection. f SATURDAY : SPECIAL FOR MEN SUITS ..t'-'V -. Superbly tailored in the Newest Styles. Blues grays, browns, mixtures and now elies. ( Conservative , . . and- sport models. x $27.50 1 OVERCOATS Special grouping of Quality. Coats of the newest pat terns. A wide choice of materials,' colors, and sizes. Special at $27.50 UP TROUSERS $3.50 up HATS 2.50 up SHOES 5J00 up MACKINAWS mm Ill Tie Esitif Fa ii flly fTTiTl TT1 If iimg C '.-74 12$ JVIWcleteet mpMiy r Ne Bern, N. C. J. . : '- 1' J L . ,t - . "... ' V.' ;! ; V :

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