- r. i- 6 6ru);!T?W ' U I : Vs? THE WEATHER iv cloudy tonight and su.v ';day wAioiten is tiik v lvrKjuoii SECTION FOUNDED 1876. Danrae Estnated At I Two Million Dollari Over In " ' Early Morning 1 Blaze v"i : . - NEWSPAPER PLANT IS COMPLETELY WRECKED Fire Demolished Building3 In ; Halt, a Uiocic or nean oi t ( Business Section ' , 1 1 - " ' I 'i; ( By Asijoeialed: P-i';;s . v v ".. -AUGUSTA.. Ga., Kov. ''Se Nearly ' one-Jialt of .'--th,e '700' block of r,lAA : .iiWirtif Ainrusta's t. 4 iis. 1 n n l,- 1 A n ! now 'Ma : ' I 'I, 1 Li U -J Li AUGUSTA, at;- ItESTflDVEO BY VMinfss section', stands Va .. mass ot-jv-, to -MiakQ. sonic r inielys suggestions with, refereme to. t,he diive., rqinsthis morning is the, result of -a j ;v, ; , ,Jihus far the campaign has proewded splendidly A tine spirit zz&ity vYs bci7 rhfrnd'te1;: J0rwid-tettfn--MpidlyL.pKrt.of all tho who have' been Valledupon to help and there 11 a't'3'u. way - through , -the HarriBon J ,Uest ion hut :'thaJ: Uje campaign wtll bp a success.,, ..- . niKlliK and the Tlbion Hotel ' -Jind, . . ' ' ' , on ,(tiOji''oT the- 3. IJ .Wmte & Co. , . - TTTTT 'i T.fy to buildings'. -and . RtocU. -iis sr. liirajf 0nX?jroxin1ately two million '.yi1lirr- the. juilding. . loss .. .. alone, j will run .around'-a million and tL half.,, 00" llork -of '-Jaehiion street,- ; which , ii !a-part .'of -tlio Jolinson building. la ! (ofally dpsrtroyed. . " The : following ; hwldlnps wer,f .in the? VPatn -of.-. "the-, i Johnson buildirlfir, total loai , Harrison Vjviiidihg.' tpiai iobs The Augusta Chi emUe, lodat mem-1 )h newspaper.' the quarters Qf.wJjich , ware a part 6f the;ltarrif3on -.buildniK ; in also :a total loss), r - ' ; ' : The J. IJ. White & Cn' . store, Which is in the aa.mw.bmldfngi as the Albion'ir&tel.'waB; partly-burned and 1 fhkv ii.t.(r"-flttma)te throusrhout, . The -oTaces bf business destroyed on' BroaA tie-t were: - . . Llggett's drtft etoic Ferns & I C0-a clothihf; fttwe, JOnn j. aiuier k , Co. Gardeirs da.g store. Albion ho- j .H..th men's clQtlung department, of , J. B: -White St., Co "; .; -..t;, fa,... - FOUR BANDITS GET ,-BIO JEWELRY HABl.M'JS F - . J - ' " ' '3, i ' Wpv Afesoeiated Wess) Irrtt Tl f Vnv "sVFour M)fJia1' Mo, 'Nov rmed bandits entered the Ihce ot tlJ.. Sty Louis- ReOnuip Company in, hep'rt f.thp lay. ana isiauLi wit 'deweW-Lsaid to, bo . valued at ;60,000. ' , ' 'Weatljer Tredietions ' -(Uy Associated Press).; - WASHINGTON:- Nov. 2 6. Weather prediction? - for Ah'fe" week . beginning M onday '.. -include; ". -SoutL ' Atlantic states'-generftlly fair- weather and a ndrmal temperature.' J.T . ' ;'' HOSTILITIES Feeling Is 'Now f Prevalent In - England That Peace Nego tiations Will Fail -I (By Associated Press); i , ' : t LONDON, Nov. ' 26. A chorus of vigorous protest' against renewal of warfare in Ireland "in the event the present peace negotiations collapse U raised by the morning newspapers ti-fter the meeting yesterday of Prem ier Lloyd . Jeorge and Sir James ?raig. I'lster lvemier. In this con ference the Brifjshcablnet chief in formed Sjr v James ' Craig that Sinn Fpjn Ireland had refused to-swear al legiance to the crown in return for '--n I'lster agreement to enter an All- the situation resulting from this re ' fusal N aMs forth the references to a 'possible'-recurrence' of hostilities.' ' - Further developments are- awaited with the -keenest anxiety the news- raperil generally -.hiding UVtle comfort in the outlook bejwvnd the fast .that pegotintions are still proceeding. OPPOSE IRISH ' . " - A TCD A W D IliV ifn III .11 ini IU' v i. s V nn Z3 OJ Armstrong Is ' Selected "As Street Division Gommanders Select Captains For Y-M.G. A. Drive JMrcrtors -of the Ccmimuii.'y V. W fimiiimlci-s," captains or trains ami .nn'ei s ; f , ' k wli -lt-ns tu'i's will l.old n' luoiMins m Mondaj SiJit ' bi O rt C'hi inW ot Xvrtiincii e l-ocnw, for the purpose tnnv to me :. camijaiia 101 l)crinl'V w"V and O. V ord lui? Smith., of to. con f IT te st-t" V. M tf. A. hoanl Jh.it Ii if utUfti nre wilh'tlse aiioim roiumi'.tcrs. . . h , ' A ' KoN'iididlv - JMtiidHl nu'etuiK. aad (hfir!:' itcT'cstol . in ULc rampaiga, 'was' Jio;d In t,ic l-ooiiis ; of the t licnib'--r t CciniMCire: last A.iilg'K. V' OjJy -one captain w::s s v alvcnt; and Ur- i-t.nilenc'd to I ttrt'Cfet '"' hianirosted and, undr't1)r - h:::l-y.Jii- of; : Dii rftor ; Hai i y Mar obs,' tlic liit-otinS ; evaded thioush ! amount bl , bi'iiiiCHS tlirt 'err- 'TO bofoif. it. A'ainos " wyr IitImJ .fm1 t:" f- t;. i, .-(TaeiTs divisicn will work .ruder . the title .of ,."tId Hirkoiy J)ivi den" while How aid ' Ci life's men y hate selected , the "Kainbow -lXitisicit' as theiv name. The . Glem;; ''ll. '.: AValsiicp, John ' Jfolland, (iuion Dunn liar..! John T vlor, WUIir.m CliaCwIets, I. M. Willis,, Ji and. Alb-t WillK ... 0. . . At 3Ionday, night's niectlnit'.crinTs w ill he prcparc-d, eontain-in'''tlic:'nanica-.cf'ptoplc.'tO'.l)e. -alletl upon -during the progress of tho. ramnaiim., , It is expected . tliati, ,ur. muuii aiso m u : HANSON WINS - OVER GYCLONEt Swede ' Was, 'Successful In 'New Bern Motor Co-Has In i ' Ct ' N I c-h t'a Bout. Staeed . ! terested Many Farmers 4 -; At Wilmington t . i VrrAti'f!Tnv Kov 26." Peterson i iT.r, n the ArademV mat r.mmrisr the Swede . ,.f . . -th ,.fit.Bt fall; and Vn;..A lh nljt u the kind of a fight . ....,..aii- Tfananh : - , f - - . f 4timM 'd . 'T,;""" th'p end tame in a twmk- y - -- - hnrdlv before the J""! f's LonnmK ' " ""rently ciaied by. - 1 " . : ' ij,'. fn!. .tne taunts uu r HOWtls, oegdn u. u.v. l"""" ' P b fa",n "V? "? " uidun.uu - Teterron wasi reteived in an un- kIn ,y spirt by front Yow "ngsideis and1 hui time onthe imt made miser- ' le f(jr he hadthe crowd to con- w,th afc we1 ua a perfectly cort- dit.oned' wrestler and like the ballot that-is' pficked wltn a pin ne even-, tually ,went up in- 'the air,,- after .. los- ing his.head completely as-an appar-1 enf result of the kidding he was sub - jected 'to. .. ,' , .. ,v : - -. Peterson ' got the first , fall with a Bcifbrs-apd wnst'lock and tnctniruj with "a- full body-hold. 1 I . lirttii meiv snowed the effects of ! ,.!... training. .Both were in well nigh per-! TUItNBltlDGE, Weeles, fecf' condition and with the two meiijXov.; 2C Lord Chancellor .working--furiously : for cither froms head.' speaking- at a mass the-moment the gong sent them tar- jere today,-' said-.he could not conn ing i-into-' each other. 'dently predict that the Irish ques ; The Swede-' UMiaged to keep away :i ion would he .satislautorily solved. Ifrom'Peterson'srfieadlocks the bigger! He stated what the Brrtish govern- part of the time.i In several instances jnient had ottered Sinn Fein was that I the '-Jersey boy leaped through thermit one or two reservations. Ire- air at'his advrsary but his arms closed on nothing but thin -air, Han - son ducking to safety each instance.' . ',- RALEIGH COMPANY i -WILL RAISE FARES IBv Associated Press) RALEIGH, N. C Nov. 26 On and after January 1 the local traction company will be allowed to increase its streetcar fares to 8 cents for cash :we be to the attainment ot a eon fares; two ' tickets for 15 cents and . tented Ireland ? ' book tickets for school children on the basis of one round-trip ticket for: To Give Dance, Tonight one cash fare, an order to this effect There will be a danc e at Stanley being issued today bv the State Cor - poration Commission. The action of the chamber of commerce a few days ago in "approving the application caused 'the city commission to with - draw opposition to the increase. -. Have vnn forgotten to contribute - j to the Barium Springs Orphanage '.' start tit S o clock. If so. 'will you see your church treas- uier today or put it iu next Sundays I Comfortable two passcna-er sot i. collection, or .send it to Supt. En I have made many a match. wlnh McS. Hyde, Barium Springs.., N. C, - onions have spoiled just as many. 9 9 that's the DRIVE, WHICH WILL BL lAUfcD IN 1 Mib Ul 1 i ullhividlr o jnu o, ruK of RAKiwn 7F;nn for roys' work: here. '"'-- ' ' r' '"" ' " NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, t NOVEMBER 26. 1921 M.-V. ovfi'4i- Uv; yaU'.on - oi in ijlHK J mi i:kt i:i;uis swu-i 'ji'4,4 ,ji 1 lx'( !t"li"i $ oil i Ljejh ;ii a A ni f J I Wion juiius i iwn iy of i tl:;, ! t" .iJ-witli illrs. a ' laiiiH '.'two divisions. nvo tnvisions. ui-n'iai Mary various v team captains ave - J unn I)n AV. Ij. II. Uutlrr, tfliraCT AHE BtlNb bULU , In Iractor rarmmgr - , Since' tftklns over the local agency -for .Fordson tractors, the New ..Bern Motor Cohipany-has been making an intensive drive among- the farmers of this feeetloll and, as a result, has in tpitMl'ittite a,;-mamber oUtnem ia !ihe purchase of one of the machines Indications arc that the farmers of Cmven founty are goin, to buy mon Itratttysiunng tne nixi iew munui than ever before In view of th fatt the Now IKru Motor Company is urg us that oraers pe piacou a vany a. Kblo to that all- delay and in i r, hP avoided. th. hxed up its? ISTuS: Tht.-plaf.e of bnuuea presents attractive appearance. ft Tramvul, 9 Jho, New. Bern Cbmpary, in an advertisement ,ay"8 pap4.;, refers to a spetia' S& rlon that recentl- JeTn the farm of evOover- n, t nth r.nnlniH whir h j -x . in .. every respect and n at. h interest. ; ........ : : . I . IRISH QUESTION IS IN DOUBTFUL STAGE England, - Berkm- meeting f in.nd should be placed in exactly the , jjanie position as Canada, i ... "Whether the offer will be accept- ' ed.vl cannot say."' waul the Lord J "It is very ea.sv," he added, 'to why do" y(iu ,lVr an,u an"y IUI1U Wei I'L" Ll L'iaiiu .t-n lai- win ii.v .vii..- If obtaining peace?". If such a trag- ic necessity were to arise, no British .bvernment would shrink from the - ) respotisiDility. uut, wnen mat nan been dbne, how much nearer wouiu j hall tonight gotten up by the young : men of the city. This dance was to have been given last night, but the I. orchestra got mixed in then dates and 1 failed to appear at the proper tunc, A big crowd will evidently lake ad- Ivantage of the opportunity to trip ' the - light fantastic and an enjoyable . lime is anticipated. The dance will slogan that has 1MW r .9 Lcrert?.- Austrian Bloc die 53 Surgeon Here To Aid Children Dr. Adolf iLorenz, . famous blood less surgeo;i,kvhas arrived in this country 'andi'fsvill : remam '.fori four months. ''I vonra4re,"; said 'Dr. Lor 3nz "to. try, " though -I i know- It j is Absolutely impossible, vto repay, to Trior '- crippled1 childiieif vof. America, the good deedsn-which Etavey been don e - by Amqpcans to -tHe starving and diseased children of my; - own lapd." He )vill offer, his, services to hospitals throughout the . country. . . . ; 1 1 -f- KISSED HIS BRIDE K GOOD BYE; VANISHES N13W-' YORK, Nov. 26. When Joseph B: Sherry started last Satur day noon from his suite in the 'Cornell Apartments; at Broadway adn Forty seventh stret, .. he7 1issed . hi" b '. good-bye and asked -hereto jneel-fil a few hours later m tuv . Street,-.Theatre, ; Brooklyn. Khe "Vaited there all afternoon and has not heard from him since. .Wor ried by fear he , might have met with in accident or foul play, the, bride, Mrs. Bwsie CahiU- Sherry, Vesterday, isked readers of:lhe New. York Ameri can.. to - help in ' the search of him.' Mrs. i-ijherry,- . a :- pretty blonde, is ,roni' Louisville, Ky where her fath er is a mer&iaiu; She met Sherry last ipring. They were quarried in l!rook Syn Borough Hall, July 28 (last),-'Her jiarents were- irate at the niarriago, but since her husband's disappearance have sent' the girl message of encour agement. The couple - returned two weeks ago from llarrisburg. Pa., .and lived for a few days "at the .-Hotel Astor. A business engagement h;id induc ed their return to this "city and Sherry was to have . concluded final arrange ments the afternoon o his disappear ance. WITHDRAW FOREIGN OFFICES IN CHINA ( By. Associated Press) WASHINGTON, " Nov.- 20. Witii drawal of . foreien , postofhees in Cluna was infornlallv agreod to in priciplo today bj' the Far J-Jastern committee of the Washington confercru-o .uui ; a resolution to that effort will , be drawn up b" a siilj-conjinitti-e author ized to work out details of the pl;in. The question of extra t.emtoriaIi:v. the gradual abolition oi which was agreed to in principle vesterduv. was not considered at today s sitting. FIVE BODIES FOUND DRIFTING IN LAKE (Bv Associated Y 5) WATERTOWN. N. V.. Nov. 2 0. Five bodies, four men and one "0- man. were lound 111 a life-bo.it l "11 miles south ol Money J oint. Lake Ontario, last night, by tin- cri-w it the Isabella II.. a lake treighter. The victims are supposed to be from ti.- c rew of the Citv oi New or nadian cratt. which left Osw days atro. , ' ; I two lAVKS BABY TO BOY OX A RAILROAD mm Dr. i ! ; . ! ill ilk ; "?VV "V. " v ' , 7 'IS ' ,Ti r- -A -J Jf j. a J .m i -4 JJ L f I f , fell :i J;. j .'resent (.erinan representative atito make room tor ..mi more win aie B IN I ! 1 1 1 1 X i E G-i Nov 2" Ern-I Moscow. iisking for admittance 1.1 order that est Drown 17 of 1 alkeat h.' Fla., fell) - - ; they may be prepared lor lite t.i.- htir to a four weeks' old infant bov j A naval holiday should be cele- ( ues and responsibilities. Are, y.ci n ycslerday while a P aeng' ' on a-brated by laying oil the la.x-payers. Imong the number who are happv.' It train en route here from Dothan. .-via., when a v. Mian let; t!-: baby 0.1 the boys lap and never returned. been adopted for the community y. m. c. a.;. M U ER TO Pl FOR MM Will Reimburse Tumet-iTolcon $1?5 .For Damage fOone r ' 4 To Auto Track V; . i - - I,. i. ( iiinfr: 'WiMise.iefir ms-'jii a, "o lis on w- tli ;i ' 1 tui k ? bei,iiiSi.np to i iTurncr Tol-oii Kurn-u'tir" mpn.ily. on Mondftv ni' iit of tbis week, w-is -trii.-d i hefow M.tvor lark tins lnovtuna. The mnyor su.siiender. y judgment : upon (om'.i'inn Uku .Mr. Cooper pay Turficr-Toli .on Furniture Company t the amount of $125 for damage dons- i:o th.!? iru k. Mr. Cooper," it is under-A f. tood. as; reed to "do thts and further ' f -proceedings v.'ill be . dropped - in con ; nectiou'w:th the case. MEXICO TO ADHERE , TO ITS PROGRAM - MRXK'O CITY .Nov.. 2 6 The Mex-' loan government will stick to its prc- uimiMlv -innr.nnfPfl urnira nv 'rel ti ve . . . ............... i - . , - - . - - .. . . , , . . -, . , . . i to recognition ny ine , l nnea sstaies : i Alberto J. rani, foreign - secretary made clear in a written statement is sued iin 'answer to recent .nwrfo artMes .which declared that -a change in f government s policy won-Ma...-plated. "It is not true that tlvev present Mexicin government has becged or is begcin for . recognition" by the Unit- ed Btales, says the stat.emt, wnicn adds that "till-1 policy President pbregoti congress list Septemlit chanced. Th this -eonnfrftlo-rr the state Jib . J I . . bU V'... .... . ....w.i . . . J not engagea in r ouying ,-euiogies or ?' ' ' i -. . : i purchasing-Vilfence" and hat the for- K A telegram was. receiwd here to ign office-in its budget for next year day by Mrs -redenck C. Roberts, ha made no provision fbr "80cret..ex- :4nouncing the death at an early pnses" or propaganda. Aiour this morning of her, nephew, Dr. . 1. Denal is also made that Elmer-L0- .-.., .' ... " ver. wne was - reciuiL. v re nurieu iu ; have "carried communications from President Obrgeon to President Hard ing i containing appeals for- early re cognitionj of the- Mexican government, is any way connected with the Obre gon - goyernment. , v RETURN TRUE BILL AGAINST DR. MANNING (By Associated Tress) V IIALKIGH, Nov. 26. The federal grand jury late yesterday -return-id., a rue but against Dr. J. M. Manning, mavor of, Durham, for alleged .viia ; ion of the anti-narcotic: : - law.--:. 1.". Manning was arrested; In 'Durhura Saturday bv- department-of n'f loe 4'rents and Is held under a "bond tf $10,000. - His case probably 1 will come ! up at this term of federal court. "' j : n 5 PARES IN CHICAGO ' The most serious incident in con- ' nection with -, the demonstration oe HALTED BY COURT WRIT 'Vurrcd' when the mob found a French V 111.. ilVIL'. 1-.VJ. - V . X lUMtti v. .- V- Carpenter issued a temporary '.njunc surface r-treet car lines from puting lion , today restraining the Chicago surface street car lines from putting into effect a hve-cent fare at midnight tonight. Thco rder to reduce car faros Troni eight cents was issued by the Illinois ' Utilities Commission last night.. WOMAN DIES IN LEAP OUT HOSPITAL WINDOW WASHINGTON. Nov. 26. Eluding a special nurse detailed to watch over her. Mrs. Maude Mickey jumped from the third floor of the Providence Hos pital in the earlv part of the week, suit erinti' inptrics which caused her death a lew minutes later. She was being treated lor nervous i roubles, and was to have been re moved to her home today. VIN IIIMI7.K LEAVKS RIGA lilt THE SOILT CAPITAliSavings Bank of Toledo, and Clem O. iViniger. president .ol the Electric RIGA. Nov. 2u.- Iierr von llinde, Aulo-Lite ("omanv of Toledo, were former German minister at Moscow, todav appointed receivers of the lO'fl here today for the Soviet capital. He said he was not making tne trip in an ofhcial capacity, but desired to sludv conditions at Moscow. .Yon Ilindze was the loimer Russian '-ai s German aupitant. and was lOOK CU Ul.V.ll l-- .Ml. 'L i.iv iv: . Genua n d 1 pi on ia is. J Leiune and M. Vchitcherin. the I Soviet government foreign minister. .lli'U 1,1-111.1 i" .u-in'im 1 i'i. im 111.. cd Berlin to appoint on lundze MXjin dace of llerr Wiedenfield. the wolves a! Russia .ome 01 the door are inside. i .' i L U XLS Commissioner CAPTAIN CATHEY IS ICO YRS. OLD TODAY (By 'Associated Press)..' ItAbKIGIl. Nov. 26. Capt. George Cathey. who taught in tieorgia and . .Ncrlh Carolina . schools for almost. 8!) yeavs. is . 'celelit-nling' his 10.0th birthday -at the North Carolina home for -. Confederate Soldiers t:d:y He. ' ia .enjoying: renmi-kaWy 'sowl. Vealtv.v eiij4y:ng the. iw. oi iill ' . ' Ins r;-d'n.ies, H( wii'! bo7ii i:i;' Iianvilli;. Y:, , Nmii'm'l i '' 2tJ. iiiit aral Ir-raii.leaeTmm; AvVen.: he was lS ye:iis of aye. .-With :. 1 it-f : re;-.ill)n -of - be timet lie ; scrvetl a a captain in a (Jts-1 gia rr-'ilmcnt dnHm; Uu" i. tvd Wnr be cent Mined to terrrh' nn- ; Id two .years hi hi-t sebol ebbing' in Macon .county , in tl-e mountains if olNrth I ar . oliua. - .'.. ' ..- " . a-'ons chapter of the Ia1ns5li'ers- of the CoaTcd -;JfT l;:l-iy -showered l ap'ain athey witli giftA iiK-Iud.iiir handsome .. f ni mtnrj . f( r;s i-oo;n m . the liomc. C apraiii abey Iia-s throe-!aiiabtei-s living in Atlanta tiul .one .wai in Xbai-lexie.' ' no i nn tavi nn mLfflyiHiLun., i;?fSr of HipeathvWas.Re. in ht, nK-Hge to . ceiyed Here iTodAy--eH v- Kncjwnu In", New. Bern , '.. (ill! isaac, im. iayior,i at iviorgiamon, in. I'd,' - , ,'.- ".'...", . . ." .,". " - Dr. Taylor, who 'was one of. the staff of the. Broad Oaks Samtonum was born in New Bern in 1857, leav-. ing here in his boyhood. The buria will take place in, Morganton Sdndaj afternoon. He was known to a large number of persons in this city.- ITALIANS STAGE ANTI FRENCH DEMONSTRATE (By Associated Press) - . TURIN, Italy, Nov. . . 26. Anti French demonstrations, ...which vwert precipitated, last night, - followinf tiewspaper accounts . alleging .' bars, words were used by Premier Briand !to Senator Schanzer. head of th- (Italian delegation at Washington were continued here today with sucl. Intensity that , 300 trodps had beer .iwlled to restore order. V Hag and burned it publicly amidst l . -. . .. . . : . : . . . l.-... . .. r. EXPRESS CAR IS LOOTED OF VALUABLE CARGO ; INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. 26. Robbers., early todav looted a Penn sylvania -Railway.. Express car carry ing valuable furs, at Charlottesville, pear here. The amount of loot has not heen ascertained. The shipment was en route from New "York to St. I Louis The express conductor discovered the car- seal broken when the . oai reached the Indianapolis yards, short ly after the tram hail stopped tor or ders at Charlottesville. urn - a iita Mffn & TkT -V7" IN HANDS OF RECEIVER (Bv Associated Press) TOLEDO. U.. Nov. 26. Frank P. luMinisfin vico-iM-esnlenf of the Ohio W illvs corporation, one ot the biggosi automobile companies 111 tne country, fj'he appointment was made in the tVderal court in Toledo, bv Judge kil 1 ts and conflrmed by federal judtri m New 1 orli and Newark. N. .1. I here are many people who are really happv and who have a si...; tied conscience because they -.-an!rib i..LT-i, iiut-i ,tiiv t.i ill.- .-.i.j.iu 1 01 lie . .... .1 1 . . . ... .1 1 1. . jj.il orphans at Barium Springs ; i-d not, see your church treasurer a send a contribution to Supt. E. M- illvde. Barium Springs. N . inn ruKfUSL EVERY FARMER should sign up in the Co-, operative Marketing cam y paign for cotton and-to-hnrrn. It means hftttpr,;. prices. , , Single Copy: Fire Cents u uu Alderman Kafer Announces, Appointment of Successor To Geo. W. Meredith t ARMSTRONG HAS TAKEN s UP HIS DUTIES HERE Street Improvement Work ( Will Be Continued Along' V j Samev .Lines, It I Said,- -: , Alderman A. A. . Kafer --yesterday -afternoon announced the appoint ment of F. F. Armstrong as stiper.in- -tendent of street work, to . succeed j Oeorire. W. Meredith. . former . street superintendent, who retired . from' of-'; flee about three weeks;ago. . - .-' ; - Since ' Mr. ' Mereditli's - retirement. ; the vwork of improving - ' the'-- xity atreets has been under the direction. of? Mr.Iafer himself. - He has be.?n " n the" look-out for a capable man, K ljoyever, .an dwasf in "tou'dlK.wTtlivse- ooth here in.' New. Bern and .otli- - tttwni.'. .ilt was finally dec'jdeij .to j wrfrfi thtrtiost- to Mr. Armstrong..- . I am 'confident that he ' Will rtlake the eity-au excellent uiati,'"''said Mr. '. Kafer yesterday. "He .is. a ' hard worker , and will be conscientious in " the performance of his duty. .-.I doubt- whether we could have ? found a ibet--.er man. " . v.- v . ; -j-- -,- ,', , - "The work on the "city, streets 'frill , : e -continued -as "heretofore andr we y ; jre hoping to put -all-the streets- in rst class condition. Mr. Armtrongf . las assumed the duties of his ofTied ndl8 now In charge of all the.work ,' hat is being done." ; . - , It is stated Uhat , the" new '' street : :uperintendent will . receive : the vtme- : alary as did "Mr. Meredith $100 per month. - ' ' B. Y. P. U, TO HAVE , A V CHARGE OF SERVICE .-The B. Y. P. U., of the "Tabernacle, "aptist church, will put., ton -one , of heir programs tomorror,,iilghratj 'ie regular service at that church. t Up until right recently thee union -has been having charges of -moHt.-nll. fhe services' at the Tabernacle, but. for , the fact that Rev. W. M. Huggtns fas been filling the pulpit, they have-1 not put on a Sunday night service, tn i good while. It is reported that- ttm union has got up a fine program afid t is expected that everyone .whtf- at - ends this service will Ttvel th;t- -the ' lour was well, spent.. '",,. The B. Y- P. Lr.f will have its' regu lar services at "the jail and the Coun-' ty Home tomorrow afternoons 3 And 4, respectively. .. 4 . Meeting of Briglit Jewels . . The Bright Jewels will meet-jtomor row morning immediately after-'SUn-day Schol. Members who have . m) tunred in their thanks. . offering '.afe . urged to bring it to this meeting. .' . Six Men Who Escaped From the State Prison Farm Last Night Still At Large ,j v (By Associated Press) RALLiii tl. iNov. 2l. No trace oj! he six prisoners who escaped from the state prson farm near here . lajb. ... light when they smashed a window n one of the barracks had been found l.y prison guards up to noon today. The convicts were serving sentences ranging from 1,1 months to 20 years. Among the prisoners who ,mule Iheir escape was Tom Clayton. New York youth, who was collected at. Eavctievil'.e earlv this year o second degree murder and sentenced to serve In years for the killing of Deputy '"heriff -Blue, .who attempted to ar rest him on ihe streets . of . Fayetle- ill--. - ' :'"-: -; ohiiii s new style tdiorus girls whrt wear clothes must be awfully glad when the show is over. t. ARMSTRONG IS NOI IN CHARGE OF WORK DONE. UPON STREETS FIND NO TRUCE. ; OF PRISONERS'