i awANis cam EFiCIMLYPK EVERY FARMER ' 0 ; 7 THE WEATHER FAIR TONIGHT. FRIDAY IN CREASING CLOUDINESS. PROBABLE RAIN. :yj rerence m r r n r n p r tr Proposals Being Sub i lite J c:i Account, of. Ac tion by Japan OTHER DIG WARSHIPS ARE TO BE RETAINED Ar-srica and Great Britain Are Also Demanding Spe cial Concessions (By Associated, Press) . WASHINGTON,'. Dec. 15 Ccncicleration of the r aval rat'cn question wa vvJsr stood to have been cr;":pUted by the Big re : cr tne wasiiuig" I'.s-l'.'Z ?t state L:c. iiugitt;3, . ... i and Mr, ;pent an hour '.;cu;;L-i, it was underr .ooJ, the naval ratio , .c aastion and, at the I rea'.i-up cf the session . it was H!: rated that they .would .not meet again. This, was takenv to fore cast fmal and complete agreement on limitation cf naval armament as regards to United States, japan and Great Britain. WASHINGTON. Dec. 15. Alternate proposals, relating to .the '5-5-3 ratio as worked out apparently overnight by naval experts ' were presented today ; to. Secretary Hughes, Mr. Balfour and Baron Kato, which indicated according to delegation ' spokesmen, that no; formal agreement 'had beenreached by the Big Three." .': ' . 1 The! . proposals, submitted as a means of balancing the . naval ratio to compensate for the retention of the Mutsu by Japan, would permit Great Britain to build two super Hoods, scrapping -vfour old dreadnaughts and one battle cruiser of the type of the Ti ger and Repulse,' or to build two battleships of. the Royal Sovereign class, scrapping of . four dreadnaughts but of; no battle cruisers. . ; : The' increase of the Ameri can Ctonnage by 25,000 would admit : the substitution of the super-dreadnaughts, Colorado, and Washington,; for the old battleships. . Delaware and North Dakota. ' J. A. Harrington, formerly of Thomasville, 1. C, is visiting nela- lives in the-, city for a : few days. Mr. Harrington expects to make hia Xutur henri In. Reidsvillej ,Ci WELCOME, x New Bern is proud . this evening to en tertain visiting Kiwanians at the charter- pre- sentation meeting of the; ; local Kiwanis Club. -f: ".(.. V;.. :. : .New Bern realizes th'je ,yalue and merits of the Kiwanis, not only W this community, but in -every other community, as welj.' Kiwanis .stands for ' development .and', progressiveness:; for friendship . and good fellowship. ' ' ' , u v' 1 The Kiwanis Clubs of 'Eastern North" Carolina include in their ' membership the most progressive men of this section of the state. 1 ' " .THEY BUILD! , They .build a spirit of service, of co operation, of unselfishness and of.responsi-' bility. , :' -. - ' : . New Bern is proud of its Kiwanis Club and it feels it a great privilege to have here this evening; Kiwanians from our ; neighbor ing towns. , - BULLETINS GERMANY IS UNABLE TO PAY. ' - ' (By Associated Press) y , BERLIN,- Dec. 15. The German : government, is .-. was announced today,, has informed) the committee of guaran tees . that it is impossible f or, -Germany , to, pay the sum due in reparations January ,15 and a moratorium. " CONGRESS, ADJOURNS DECEMBER 22. ' (By' Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. the Curtis resolution that congress ad journ for its holiday recess from December 22 to January 3. The resolution now goes to, the house where favorable action 'is anticipated." v L a , ; NEW ASSISTANT SECRETARY APPOINTED. - ' WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. DSver, of Tacoma,- to be assistant .secretary of the . treasury wds , understood today to have dent Harding. Mr. Dov.er would of North Carolina. His - appointment would complete the new organization of the - treasury, which provides for three assistant secretaries and an under-secretary. !( TROOPS icoroi Have. Put an End - to Disturb ances in Troublesome Coal . Mine Areas -.-.v , :': (By Associated Press) ' PITTS BURGH,' Kan . , .. Dec. 15.- With the arrival of three troops of national guard cavalry .- here 'this morning, the situation in the Kdnsas coal fields was quiet. There were no reports of further, activities "by . the marching women, who for the last three days have congregated a the mnes and prevented miners from go ing to work. DA1L EIREANN MAY VOTE TOMORROW ON TREATY DUBLIN, Dec. 15. Hope that the Dail Eireann would be able to reach a vote on ratification of the Anglo Irfsh treaty in a republic session to morrow was expressed by Michael Collins, one of the .advocates of rati fication as 'the Dail went into secret session this evening. Mr. Collins -said to; the Associated Press correspondent: : "We are no nearer to a public agrement than we were yesterday." NEW BERNNORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER i eaches Id y . that " she consequently asks vj The senate today adopted The nomination of Elmer been ' recommended by" Presi succeed Angus W. McLean. EXPECT TREATY TO BE RATIFIE Senate, It Is Believed, Will Ratify Quadruple Agree . ment in a Hurry (Ev Associated Press). WASHINCTON, Dec. 15. Ad ministration senator who called to day "at the. White House predicted there would not be more than two or three votes against ratification of the quardruple power treaty when it reched final vote in the senate. The treaty is still in the hands of the state department, today .and it has not been disclosed when it will he sent "to the White House for the President's delivery to the senate. 1IAHRT FOOTK IS MAKIXG Ki:.l)V l'Olt A JUG HOUT Mr.1 Harry Foote, promoter of lo cal wretitling matches, is looking about wKH a view ot putting on a real, snappy,, first class match be1 tween two of tho "big-league" wres tling boys some time during the holi day season -and as soon as the ar ticles" can be arranged between a pair of hefty grapplers, the exact date of their zntetmg here is to be announced. ... reemen I 64 Li Lit m mm IE 1TREATY Change of . Sentiment Notice ' abl ' at Meeting Held This ' i '. . , Afternoon M'SVINEY'S SL$TER 5 ENDS A LETTER 6f PROTEST 4- Urgej That Irish Parliament Refraim From-. Ratifying . . British Treaty (T.y AsKOfiatc-il PressV. -DT ; TI IjT N. . - : Den. v 15." The. Da-i Siroann Icvia? resumed . Ia prxyn tc r.es :ion its consiiloration i of tlie. tTpaty "allinr-for the,-c?Ufciislmont- ofyth rish Free Std.te. ' Toilaj's jtiion wn? JreW :t priv ate desjilo tlio OYiin.ii -live rfot .been ioached. on the -01 Mrd'M fi' JsHi'iev y ot Mn- Vr." ' 'lfpj'"(ii"i'!f l:r-'-'., i.-wr:k ' slstwfl tlx' reaty 'anil 1 lieir 'nietlirr.i of exorojH-j ng tl?;Ir authority, t j -: At the private' sejss'on yesCerday. courtefty j -and f riendlinsss ontirely :up-erccded the .siiappiness noticeable n t5i' mom!sft" It was- found neees ;.1ry, however, to appoint a committee, o eyninw all thj -orrefipouJence re atlns to ihe' ileleteiA' iniwion to London and in report ol this coram 5 1 ee .was presented today. ;w- . v Today's newspapers publish - a let er from Mary JeSwiney; sinter of tht ateT Lord Mayor of Cork, proteRting igatnst ratisflcalton of. the treaty. . Supreme Court Is Asked - To Express . Opinion As To Constitutionality of Act v By MAX I. AKKKXlTTIiy RALEIGH,. Dee. J5j The senate today re-referred the municipal, fin- xnee aet and by resolution, asKen tne uprtme court as to its opinion to he constitutionality of the act with efepence to the hrfuse amendment rplMsin? JVIadison county from ., -the ict. ;-- Opinions . of. lawyers differ on - the. iuestipn. The- senate is very desirous .o amend the' act by striking out the amendment, but this would require hiNoe readings in the bouso and three 'h'the Eienate, which would put ad iourrnnrnt into next week. The "-house passed a mass of local .ills and jrlid some work on public npasiiifa. nassimr the bi'l .whii-h rive the risht refund of .taxes paid n errof and amendments t otiie med icine practice tut, which ..will allow he hoard to refuse license to peo olo of had character. Witness Tells of Finding the Blcod Stained Garments at Eastlake Home ' (I'.v Associated Press). MONTIiOSK, Va., Dec;. lr. Gar ments such as usually are included in a naval petty officers kit and hear ing blood stains wore produced today at the trial of- ltoger D. Eastlake. charged with murder in connection with. the ilcnth of his wife at Col- nnial lieach and were identified as having Iieen found in the Kastlake home. Vj. Paul Brinks, an engineer, des cribed how he. with a party cf ser chers had found the stained garments hidden in a. box of toys. Neither 'Miss Sara. Knox, indicted jointly with Eastlake. nor the defen dant, displayed the slightest sign of emotion the morning f the murder, adding thr.t Eastlake did not even look at the body of his wife. Miss Knox, a Baltimore-, nurse, is to fce given a separate trial. 1P1ANCE ACT RE-HEFERAEB-iy THE SENATE E ASJ LAKE M g 1921 at fin .MAYOR EDWARD CLARK The' above is a 'photograph of . KOlding' the - o41ice of .mayor of , New KUanic Club. . , . ' For one man to hold both : of these offices is a petty high recom mendation. - air. Clark has lived up to that, reputation. , He is an etricienV'-city official and he has made the Kiwanians an excellent president. AMTW iwanians wm oecure Their Charter Tonight i New Bern's Kiwanis : Club .will receive its charter tonight. ;. A ' bis banquet will he staged at Stanley Hall at .vvliieli scores r ' visitors are exjHX-teil, from uear-ly - tow iw. lisirict Jovernop:.'Mrriman. will be. on band to maki the ojlicial presentation. Ii W; v Hand, : in 'clutrge of the program, lias prepared a program whieli will not ix?r mit of -a. single dull moment, during' the course of tlc -eve-' llillg. . . Tlie baiujuet wUl bo ; seized I he. rederai Authorities Asks That Governors of States Call Conference Py Associated Press.) AVASH INGTOf , Dec. 1 15. Gover nori of the fteveral states are to be ' asked to call conferences; of -federal! dint net attorneys and state prosecut-j ing ritlorneys with a view of bring-' ing about nicafer tween tile iCt), t;: 1 co-operation be- and state legal agencies. Attorney General Da ugli er ty announced today. 'The federal government is being called upon more and more to do the work of the state. .Mr. Daugher- ty said, expressing the hope that some plan could be decided upon whereby the state could enforce its local laws 'itself. - j Messrs:; j. S ,Wootteii and .W. M.'. Tyndall, of 'Ki'iston. returned home last night after spe'ndiiig the day here 1 attending to business. IIT SITES TO ill STIIEIB -ENFORCE. LAWS!' ELKS' BAZAAR -, ; ! v ,-. '-y V EV ' - . :. Edward Clark, who in addition .to Bern, is also .president of the local at 7:30 o'clock. In addition to inejiilKirs of the local club their -'wives also will .be. in nttend ance. . Stk-eral r iris's will In of fereU .during Hie . course of the evening. Speakers or note bolh local and from otlMr towns kill havtl interesting things to . say with reference - to. Kiwanis aud i other, subjects of " iiltereHt. : Tonight's, affair promises to be tlio. most successful occasion of its kinil 'ever, lipid in,: New ' Kerm Kiwanis have .: been look-' iiiS forward, to it tor jsorae ' time and that are going to .. lirake it a gala affair. Large Humber of Attractions Were Enjoyed by Persons Present Last Night 'Thoae' who attended the Elks Baz ;.:ir last night enjoyed themselves to !n' fullest extent, finding there many ?' i tract ions- to amuse them and a l.v.-go variety of articles for sale, 'i'lie attendance was not as good as ; i.en .exp-cted but the members ;,,r , Kiks irum Corps are hopeful that their many friends throughout ti( city wi.l he on bund tonight and during the rest of the week to help make the bazaar a succes. The occasion is really one of th best ol its kind that has been staged iri New Bern this season and it de :'"i'ves the patronage of local resid ents. Mrs. lavina Brinkley returned home to Ki'nston last night after , spending the day here- shopping and visiting friends. ? ' .s1 " should sign' up in- the Co-; operative Marketing cam- paign for cotton -and to bacco. It means s, better' prices. ' . - ' Single Copy: Five CenU The Bill Provides. For Changing Gity Limits the Rowland Lumber Company. SPUR TRACK BILL PASSES THE HOUSE No Further Opposition Is Expected In -The .Legislature Against the Two Measures Reveising its .. unfavorable report of last week, theocity and towns committee , of the . state legislature yesterday af temjon reported fayorably, oh the ; bill to change the city limits of New Bern so as to exclude the Rowland Lumber company., ; -'; 1 The bill t, was ;.rushed,-in,to the hopper last night and. was . passed hy the house. It wilt be carried to the senate . to day, were t ; is not believed any Opposition against it . will be expressed. . " The other municipal bill, ' ' . . ' . . I . aUtnorKZing the -City OtllCialS ' of-New.1 Bern; to condemn pro- perty necessary ; for the cori struction : of a spur track to . Union Point, , also passed , the J house yesterday '' afternoon R and - is up beforethe senate ' today. " ' ( s- The favorable report on'the-y. city (limits bill, returned yes -i , jii K V ' ' .. . ... v n . I' 1 4 .. .1-1 ;eraayi .was unanimous, rait ? ' members expressing the nVfrju j;? 1 selves a3 being in favor .of ta , t :-. , measure. - ' . , , - .i n News of the action ; taken bys th;.-! city and town committee ,was receiv-, ed in New Bern yesterday evening with general satisfaction. Following -. the action of :. the . eommittee last ' week, it had' been considered extre- ; inely doubtful whether faVorabl ac- '. tion could be obtained." It ' developed, 1 however, that the committee had not U been fully informed concerning th ' : details of the, measure, and when it was presented to them anew yester-r day afternoon, the same member who . . made the motion that an Unfavorable report be rendered, ' announced that ... he was in favor of changing, the verr -v diet. Other members of the commit,- '' tee expressed . themselves similarly and th vote in favor of .the, blU wa -unanimous.. . .-'j. :'. .' t, Quite a number of local business, and professional men 'were present at jthe hearing, among them being. R.-A. Nunn. H. P. Whitehurst, R,vv C. , I T i . .. . . T-1 1 T u . T I n . , pred Hardisoh. Mr. Harris and A. A, Kafer. Mr. Turnbull, president of Ihe Rowland Lumber - Company, -r also was present at. the meadlng. . He . e3(f- ; pressed himself as greatly apprecia tive of the action taken by the cltl- ens of New "Bern and thejr efforts In his behalf. ' : ' , . The Newpern delegation freturnsd home this morning, very well satis fied with the results of their mission to Raleigh. FATHER WHOSE SPANKING."'-..:'. KILTiKO GIRL GETS REJUAt ' ALBANY, Dec. 15. Nathniel In graham, strangled to death his six-. vear-old daughter, Beatrice. ",whil chastising her at Hyde Park In Febr ruary lpst, was given a-new trial, by the court of nppeal3 today. -Thestate. highest court said: . , - . ' "The view of all -- the circum stances and .urro-.iiJding' conditions 4; there is not- Kullh'ient vweight.of evidence to tusiity a ' finding ot f murder in the first degree, hat' i a premeditated design to- k?l," ; ; VflilOt

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