il'MTOBM! I! FLIGHT F D'JEO U HOURS G-annuousLT World's ; Record Was Broken Today By Edward Stihson At Mineola - TWO HOURS BETTER THAN FORMER RECORD Aviator Formerly Was Engag ed As' Instructor at Kelly , Field, Texas (By Associated Press) I.IINEOLA, N. Y., Dec. -The Larsen monoplane, pi- lotedv by Edward Stinson, which this morning broke the world's continuous flying rec ord of 24 hours, 19 minutes end V seconds, descended ih ortly after 11:15 a. in. , ' af ter having been in the air 26 hours, 19 minutes and 35 sec- The o racial times were: Ct-rt Yesterday morning Finished This morning at 11:15. Stinson, stationed at Kelly Field, Texas, during' the war r.s a civilian instructor be cause of his delicate health, probably trained more Amer ican flyers, than any one, man. Stinson was forced to de scend because of a faulty oil connection with which he and his machanician, Lloyd. Ber taudt, had battled since three o'clock this morning. .They still had gas enough to have fx own until sundown. ' Both men ' were almost blinded by oil when they de Ecended. They' also suffered intensely from the bitter cold, for although the plane ' equipped with a cabin, Stin son had not left his seat in the open cock-pit since " 4 'chician had little time to seek shelter. AUTpMOBILE BANDITS KILLED TWO PERSONS (By Associated Press - PEARI,RIVER, N. Y Dec. 30. The automobile bandits who killed the paying.-teller and bookkeeper of the First National Bank- here yester day in a futile attempt at robbery and seriously wounded Adolpn Miller, a railroad switchman, who sought to i large today. ' . ' v : r DISCUSS NEW GOVERNOR FOR THE IRISH STATE i (By Associated Press)' ' -LONDON, Dec. .30. Discussion of candidates for the Governor-Generalship of the Irish Free State under the npnin? Ano-ln-Triah treatv ia Kmrto- revived, the latest name mentioned in rnnnection with th nnt tipine-: tKat .. - - - r ot Earl of Athlone, younger brother of .Queen Mary. Will Stage Dance Tonight The Christmas dance will be staged at Stanley hall tonight and it is ex pected that a large number will be present, to enjoy the occasion. Music will be furnished by the O. Henry orchestra. The dance will start short ly after nine o'clock. , . - VOUNGSTOWN TO HAVE "BREATH INSPECTOR" (By Associated Press). YOi:XC5STOVX, ., Dec. -30. jXotiee of a "breath in- . spector" to ba appointed for the police . fdrce, i inserted In the police roll-call here yes terday as a joke, wa&Jinilcd as a good idea toy "Mayor-elect ; George Jj. Olds, who said today : that he would put it-into force when lie assumed, office Jan.-' . uary 1. : .- The notice said that the "breath inspector" would sniff at all policemen every four hours an dthat scent of cloves, wintergreen or . pcpikrmint would put a black.' mark on the record of the offending of- fleer. - Gaw Fnrth Irti-Mtinr Fart1 vave rcrtn interesting r acts At Big Meeting Held Ye3 terday at Kinston sum ikes FINE TALK TO -.Til r rflnaprnp " VTvcmnxT 1 nn a v i olina Chemical Company, which is op- ; KISTON, pec. 30 -Aaron Sapi- posl a traiff 0 potash had i l.: ro of California and the man "best, ant holding3 in German potash min informed on .co-operative marketing ino. C0Tnpanies - -. . , . iL ATCa'"-aS,Dr-- Y;- Joyner.- The witness declared thai if given T"""" : V, V "r- '"".C ? terday at the Lemor court house here- , . . " . y. made one. of the best, speeches ever. beardas, tUiS fction of Jhe state on state, Un, -t , protecte h6 ad'd-Co-operative Marketing told of , the f . , actual progress of the 'organiation of 5?" will be at the the burley farmers an dtheir success 'ej y 01 the German Ptash com' -"rotten your system of dumping to-f va.Kj LUi lh msL villi ij. - j o. - 1110 speech; which - held the audience -in the court house for two .full hours, was Viril in nature and bristling- with 1 points and actual facts, around which none could assay to go. - .' . His speech jnade clear that -the farmers of : Kentucky, and other states in the burley belt, were actual- lv reaW trt sell heii nrnrtnp.ta tn the buying companies tbat only six ware- houses m Kentucky were open, com- '( panies were ready to do business j then, that money could be" obtained I ' in any needed quantities, and that the organization- would' obtain twice what they obtained for last year's crop, through co-operative marketing. He branded the Wilson and Kinston To-i bacco Boards, of Trade as fighting the esities in all parts . of the country interests of the farmers and stated j is rapidly -reaching completion, it that he was glad to hear that one was said today at the justice depart Kinston -warehouse was siding with Iment. . . ' " - - ' the growers. He predicted that the!. Department agents, 'assigned to the Wilson market would - not sell ..over j duty by: Director Burns of the bureau 20,000,000 pounds, of weed in ;192 ; of inyestgiation, it was' ; said, have and that their tfoors would stay em- been gathering "price information In pty."( He also stated that .loyal Caro-jail' of the large 'cities and in smaller liniansi - citizens- of Kentucky and ; communities and country districts as other states, had offered to :. build : well -an., dit was- believed that the warehouses in any town in which theJwhole country will have been covered present warehouses fought the " co operatives. . ... , , y. . HARDING PRAISES , v TRAVELING SALESMEN . (By Associated Press) ' s OMAHA, Neb., Dec. 30. Belief that the national business situation is going to improve in 1922 was ex pressed by President Harding in a message today -by the Omaha Cham ber, of Commerce in connection with an entertainment for travelling sales men who .work out of Omaha. President Harding said it was his earnest hope that travelling men will continue -in the- coming year the splendid work . for American business and : national confidence which they have always conducted in the past. "It. has long been a conviction with me," he wrote, "that no group of men do more to spread the spirit of opti mism than do these ambassadors of business, as 1 like to call them. I firmly believe that the effort which they and many others are put ting forward is going to bring about a vast impro'vement in national busi- !ness during the coming year." BijAciotAiii plot dexied . ; liY IXDICTED ATTORXEY BOSTON, Dec. 30. A plea' of not guilty 'was entered in the Superior uourt late today, by William J. Cor- I ' lL attoney of ; nTZirJ to indictments ! I ? conspiracy to extort roony . r rf rr .1 :i m pt I nnnvon o I " - iiiant namea uurtis. ne lurnished J10.000 uuiiua, ......... i;orcoran, wno is now a resident of New York state, was indicated some time ago. Disbarment proceed ing in this state also are pending against him. :; These a advertised asbiestos gloyes must, be i for . home-brewers : to wear while pouring , a drink. American . Concerns Have Ov-, erlookecj Possibility' of A- ' mjrican ' Production . I CONTRACT: ALSO SIGNED " WITH FRENCH MINES Germany v.Tp Furnish 75 Per . Cent of Supply; France 25 Per Cent v v; ' T.ty Associated Press) .VM.TliNGTON, " Dec, 30. The American fertilizer- companies which contracted 'to . tajke 75 ier cent e , their potash requirements for thi3 season from the German . patash syn dicate, have contracted with French mines in Alsace for the remaining 25 J ' lJ VVUtj til V HV lit. V ItllUl L I. Ulll" 1. mitte'e was fold today-by Wilbuti La SU rows, -of Washington, counsel for the IT. S. Potash Producers' Association. Th 3 companies produced more than 60 per cent of the potash ferti. lizer turned' out in this country, Mr. Larowe said. -He testified that- the , i eaerai xraae commission had re ported in 1916 that the Virginia-Car- protection for five years, as proposed t. sX., j . , , . 1 , the American potash industry could Id Government Is Making Good Headway In Retail Price ; ; Investigation - . ; - . (By Associated Press) . . WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. Federal investigation of retail prices of nec in another- week. ' Reports from v the department's agents, officials said," are being pre pared . for Attorney General Daugh-i erty, who has announced his inten tion of making public the results of the investigation to show what mar gins exist- between - retail prices and product cost of food, fuel, shoes and clothing in , various localities. . TICKETS BEE PLACED 01 SALE Tickets For Big Banquet May Be Secured Now by Those - Who Wish to Attend Tickets, for the big Chamber of Commerce banquet, to be given next Monday - night, may . be secured at the Chamber of- Commerce or at the New Bern Shoe Store.. ' t Committees are at work today selling tickets for the event but they probably will be unable to see every one and it is for the convenience of the general public that the tickets have been placed on sale at the above named two places. The tickets cost ? 1 each and are not limited to "Chamber of Commerce members. - . Everyone is cordially in- vited to attend. i.i . r- - xtepons receivea irom some or tne committee members this afternoon were to the effect that the tickets were selling fast. It is expected that about 200 persons will be in atten dance. There isn't any safety in auto num bers. Fight in the senate makes it look like a League of Eplanations. : iRiiirfiTinHTiBin ! I til 1IL U I 1 1 H I I iii 1 HLUnOfll HMD , RETAIL PUCES HEW YEARS GREETINGS OVER RADIO-PHONES (By Associated Press). XEW VOHK; Dee. 30. "Q. S. T. I. S. T." in radio pur lanciv "overybtkly listen' fol lowed by tlic toll of a bell strikius Hie seconds that -iraikfd the ik sting Of J921 and tli voice- of a lsiinister invocins bluafvintj on (he New Vcatv will -float tliroush , thy air and ijito ;.t!ie cars of more tlsan 50,00 amateur radio . oixrafoi-s In the ..- vicinity of Xew York at wklnisht, De- ' ctrtKbe:", SI. ' , K Froift . sfaiio-i liAK.. located at Taj-iyiovvii, : 'X. Y., lU-vw Ijii'cjls' liocvo . -ill rra!t 1 by means1 of a broadcasting radio phone, to 'one-' of - Uk? largfet audMiu-es that cwr listened to ,a minister. Songs by a selected choir will also be heard' over the radio-plioue. - Thres More Robberies . Were Reported Lait Night. Gang Still At Large . Although local .police have their suspicions relative- to the identity of Lhe burgalrs-yWho have been making so : many visit-., to residences- in , New Beri "and vicinity 1 of . late, i0' evid ences has been secured which would permit the . officers to . make arrests. : Chief of. Police Bryan and his men are devoting all their time to work ing on the burglaries and are-doing everything possible to learn who' the men are. . " It. is believed that the gang keeps plose -"watch on the officers and that some members of the gang, keep the others informed a st othe where abouts of the policemen.' . Three-more robberies Were report ed -.last night. Burglars entered the ihome of T. ,M. . Daniels, John Tolson and Tom Carroway. Mr.. Tolson gave chase to the ma nwhom he discover ed in his home, but did not succeed in catching him. Special Baptist Service -.Rev. A. W. : Ayers this afternoon an nounced -two special services at tne first Baptist fchurch Sunday. Sunday," being the first lay and the first Sunday of the New Year, Mr. Ayers has prepared two special per-: fflons, whieh are certain to apoeal to all-who attend. .: " Sunday morning will be, "Family service" .t -'the church. Every family is invited to attend this service and to sit' together. The subject of the ser mon will be "The Relation of. the Home to the Kingdom." Those who have" no families will, of course, be cordially invited. . , Sunday night there will be a ser mon emphasizing the work of the young people. , Much Praise Given . Picture Seldom has a picture been given greater praise than that which was accorded "The Four Horsemen, ot the Apocalypse,"' which has been at the Athens Show Shop for the past tw days and which was witnessed at each jperformauce . by a large . audi ence; .1 The picture unequestionably is the greatest spectacle that ever has 'been filmed. It abounds with thrilling scenes and its plot is of such a nature as to hold the interest and attention of the -audience throughout its course. The management of the Athens theatre is to be congratulated upon having booked this splendid production. ; Rotary Club Meets Vonight The meeting of the Rotar:- CVb will be held tonight and ill members are urged to be in ati.3n't:tnoe. Tiie meeting will start at 6:33 o'clock, a 3 usual. An excellent suppe.r is being prepared and a goo.I tim -i is assured all who attend. - ' Cot Hdrabl3 husi ns::s also will be broug it ' bt 'ore the Splendid Musical Program One of the most enjoyable features of the Shrine ceremonial yesterday was the banquet served by he Eastern Star at the Shrine Home. Particular ly enjoyable was the musical program which was in charge of Miss Nina Basnighf and Mrs. H. E. Barlow. Due to the fact that Mayor Ed. Clark was out of the city today, there was no police court and all the cases were continued unti itomorrow. There will be a special meeting of Craven chapter. No. 129 O. E. S., this evening at 8.. All members are urged to be in attendance. Will have initia tion. . IMISTO THE HEWITT ! 0 0 His LH P 0 NEW FACTORY STARTED II THIS leiliG Nascef Manufacturing Company- ESegina Making Over alls at Plant Here ' INSTRUCT EMPLOYEES IN MACHINE OPERATION Fifteen Girls at Work Today. Twelve More To ,Be.In f vttructed Next .Monday ', New Bern's newest- manufacturing enterprise began operations t thia morningvwhen the Nassef 'Manufac turing Company began making over alls at the new building recently erect ed or Pasteur street. . -.- v ; PronVptly at . : eight . o'clock thi-j morDing the current was turned ' , on and the machines began to hum. Fif teen girs-reported for work and ware given . instructions in, the manipula tions of the machines.' Twelve others will . betaken , on next week for in 'Struction. The number will be grad ually increased until a force of 0 experienced workers ha3 been secur ed.::' . ".' ,- . . v i- There who reported for work this morning were greatly elated with their experience and expressed them selvesas being pleased with-the word ing .conditions. 5 The machines are all new models and are so placed that there is ample light for the operators of each of the ' machines. . Working conditions have- beem made as com? fortable as possible for the girls and it is not expected that the concern will- have any great difficulty In :-e curing labor. . OYSTER ROAST FOR ALU Enjoyable Event ' Is Expectedj At the Country Club This Evening Alumni of A. & E. College will have an oyster roast at the country club tonight, beginning at - 7 o'clock and expect to make of it a most en joyable occasion for all, who attend. It had previously been announced that the oyster roast would start at 8 .o'clock. : All those interested are 're questedto note the change of hour. All alumni of A, & E. are cordially invited to attend. Students' o : fthe college, who are home for 'the holi days, are also Invited to be present. Members of the high school football team . will be guests of the alumni for a occasion. , ' Editor Haywood Returns Home - .R. W. Haywood, managing . editor of the News and Observer, who, with his wife and children, has been spend ing the holidays here with Mrs. Hay wood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Cox, left this morning on a brief visit to' relatives in Polloclwville. RAISING EON FOR M EAST Var Savings Stamps Being Given by North' Carolinians To Aid i n Relief Work RALEIGH, Dec. 30. War Savings Stamps are being received with con tributions to the Near East Relief Fund for its work of child-saving in Armenia and Assyria, it was announc ed, today by Col. George H. Bellamy, state chairman. These stamps will be used same as money in purchasing and sending food and clothing to the thousands of starving orphans and refugees still unable to care for themselves in the Bible land. With the Turks now driven out of Armenia, as soon as the crops can be raised the refugees are expected to be able to take care of themselves Col'. Bllamy pointed out. Among the contributions sent in response to the Christmas appeal to the Near East Relief to Josephus Daniels, Honrary State Chairman, was one from a prisoners in the state penitentiary. Jack Hall. who. is ser ving a sentence for bigamy sent in. a one uonar Din, one oi tne nrst contn-i butions to be received in response to Air. .uanieis ippeai. HI BURGLARS DISPLAYED VERY FOOR JUDGMENT Tlic last place Miat burglars, , under ordinitry circnnistaiici'S ivould be expected to visit, Is a newspaperman's , - home, . Tho , burglars who are operating in tills city, however, evidently are no ordinary gang, ,-. for last niht they attempted -to force an entrance Into the home of II. I. Cmmpler, of the New Bernian. . . Inmates of the home heard . -' someone trying to climb np on the porch roof and endeavor to open one of the windows. They were unsuccessful in the attempt and gave it up." OFFICEIIS SHOT Two Constatbles Wounded at Pactolus. Two Still Op . , erators Captured . i - GREENVILLE, Dec.' 30. Consta ble J. S. Fleming and another mem ber of a raiding party were shot and painfull injured by moonshiners while attempting to capture a still, in the Pactolus" district during.- the holiday season, officials in this city' were in formed yesterday .afternoon..' Fleming was shot just below the eye while the other man. whose name-could not be learned.-today, received bullet wounJs in the leg.. .All .members of the party narrowly escaped with their lives and were ; forced to flee from the still ar mid a stream of shot gun and pistol fire.. Dorcas Ward and Stephen Leho, white men, were yesterday afternoon given a' preliminary hearing before Magistrate J. F. Tyson, charged with being members of the party that fired upon ' the officers. They were bound over to the next term of superior court under bonds of $500 and $300. each. Their arrest resulted from war rants sworn out by members of the r aiding party, who it is alleged, recognized- them as leaders of the gang as they fled to the woods and began 'the gun fire. 1 '. The story of the raid is one of the most thrilling brought to the atten tion of the-- public since . prohibition went into effect and has created- con siderable interest in all sections whore it has become known. The still was located by the officers a day or so be fore the raid. ' It was when they re turned to make the capture that three or four men were seen to leave , in the dense growth of vegetation sur rounding the still. v - As the officers entered the clearing to take possession of the place they were startled by the rapid rep-rt,of firearms. They turned to seek shelter behind trees, but Mr. Fleminj? and the other man were injured b?for3 this could be done. .. This is the first time officials have been fired upon by blockades in many months, and the o&tcome i the case will be watched . with conbul-jr-able interest. In the meantime, jt'ier members of the party may be' appre hended, according to .officials, who are making every effort to bring thehi to account. ' ' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE DIRECTORS REMOVED (By Associated Press). BOSTON, Dec. 3 0. The board of directors of the First Church of iChrists, (Scientists) today announc ed the removal of the board of trus tees of the Christian Science Pub lishing Society. The trustees at the stfme time insisted they were still in office and that the fact that their res ignations had been offered to the supreme court placed jurisdiction solely in the court's hands. Special Values in Blankets Special values in blankets and comforts 'are being offered in today's advertisement bf J. S. Cheesman & Company. This store has a large stock of beautifully-patterned blankets and comforts and is offering them at great reductions. A reading of their adver tisement in today's issue will prove of interest and profit. Shriners Returning Home Shriners frOm other towns, in at tendance at 'the ceremonial here yes terday, returned to their homes this morning. While quite a number left here on the midnight train, the ma jority remained over until after the conclusion and did not leave New Bern until this morning. Robert. L. Bailey, of Greenville, who is well known locally, was in the t?ity today on a brief business visit, BY BLOGKRS IIIQUHD IT SAYS ATTITUDE OF El France's ' Insistance on Subma rine Has Brought Forth ' " ' . Much Criticism v BRITISH BEGINNING f TO SHOW DISPLEASURE Article Is Rread From French Paper, Hinting at War",. With Great Britain ' (By Associated Press) v WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. Aioerx sarraut, neaa ot tne- French arms conference dele gation, at a meeting today of V ,'-:' i i V ' X .'..". : : s" : mittee, declared in 'substance that France . was beginning to , be regarded with suspicion by 'the other, powers represented at the Washington meeting, 'arid that this could Hot 'gtr oir;.- M. Sarraut went on to say In substance, according to , re ports received from members bf other delegations, that the position o f France' had be come very., uncomfortable.' , The remarks of the French delegation's head were made during a discussion of the .Root resolution to regulate . - "...J.' J "- A i-Z yuDmanne warxaie. i ti de read from a French peri odical by Lord . Lee, bf ; the 'British delegation, f according to reports, aroused the ' mem- li -P 11.' I. 'oers oi me rrcm;xi ucicgauuu and drew forth . responses, 'from M. Saurrout and Admif ral de Bon . of the . French group. , The article in question pur- rmar . rt V1PWR of ,Hyx v the naval general staff, ap- Inrrwrintr the 11RI mnrlfi hv fer- , , . ... :: many of the submarine a- gainstf merchant shipping dur ing the recent war. The arti cle. read by Lord Lee said the only weapon possessed by France to defend her coast and attack and destroy the Brit ish navy in event of war with Great Britain, was the subma rine. ' : - LONDON, Dec. 30. Efforts of the Washington conference -to curb t he use of the sub-, marine as a weapon and France's claim for a large un derseas fleet appeared to be. the topic of interest in Lon don. ' , The majority of the editor ial writers assail the French' attitude, which the Daily .Tel egraph says faces the world with "the possibility of world- icy away from the capital ship; and toward the submarine," T R POWERS MUST A E