WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, OCT. 4, 1922. GiSiife arid Yaiiks Start Fray Today I. ' , Both Teams Display ' A Strong Offensive Nehf To and Bush WILL STAR IN OUTFIELD FOR GIANTS IN WORLD'S SERIES 'itc THE NEW BERN SUN-JOURNAL wn nil.ilMiiiiMniiliil't if . . Slated hine Todav Uo if NEW YORK, Oct. '4. In tjffehsive l and best hitting pitcher, is their av- ..l1 .4 144.4-1.. 1. . T ' 1-H HfnnnfU strength there is little, to choose be tween the. possible contenders, in. the. 1922 "World Series, .- as ' they appear grouped upon paper,' and only with the aid of the fates that decide that some player tshall hit when a hi,t' is most heeded op that another- shall fail when- failure Is most costly p an a pre ference be made. 1 .-. . Of course it is by the arrangement and distribution of the batting strength that a manager obtains the most possible out of his, team,- and. the actual attacking value of a ball club must be gauged by what the line up produces. In evaluating the teams, moreover, a consideration' must' be - given to their offensive abilities in re lation to their defensive character. 1 Art in stance of this is an Infield that may lead, all the other Infields of , the league in batting, yet be so poor iit fielding that' its rating would place it third or fourth among All the ' eight clmbsw The maximum offensive power - of an-Jnneld, which -inculdes the three basemen, shortstop,-catcher erase ' batting strengtn . On, the latter basis the New York Yankees lead the Giants by one point having a total of 31 & to the Nation als' .318. Considering , the St. Louis Club, -which had a fighting chance to win outvin the American League up to the close of the season, the Giants are still one point under the club that will represent the younger league. The Browns, too, hit .3J9 . . .These figures are based on the hit ting of Kelly; Frisch, Bancroft,; Groh Smith. Snyder and Nehf of the Giants Pip, .Wards, Scott, Schang and Bush Dugan of the Yankees, and Sisler; Mc Manus, Gerbef, ..Foster; -Severeid and Van Gilder of the. Browns. 1 In outfieldistrength the Giants are superior to 1 either Of the American League Clubs, a mid-season average of v. 331 being totalled by (MeuseU Young, Cunning and Stengel of the Giants," to .324 for: Tobin, Jacobsen and Williams ' of the Browns. The i Yanks are . third, - Witt, Ruth and Meusel hitting .316. : ' . 1 It - m mm I 1 MORieL Tee. mm lit PLEASED WITH lOlilPUT STARTS To?wrt START , 4 V'-s vS ' 4 1 v EST . Showed Up i in God Form in the Game Saturday Against George - Washington J. I , I - r.. i V a - V m is upset. oeft ,: Bitterly Opposed to- Provision Which Would Bar Outside i . Coaching for Team :' CHARLOTTE VILLE, Va.; Oct. 4. ICone 'of the 28- Virginia' players who got into the game against George Washington University; , were injured enogh to b kct out of practice Mon day for "Pop" Laningan who looked ' n Saturday over uio uu,3 i mo . wic oo. vitlin in niiPtinn nfnnrrrin FAYETTRVJLLB, Oct. 4.T-Faye,tte-Ville football ' fans, rand1 ' there are (many, were In arms Monday over the ruling, which according to a newspa per story in the Sunday papers, had been made at the conference of High School . principals meeting at i Chapel t If" for. ; To m To SCRooU LFoOrjrePS ok K,e (By Associated Press). NEW YORK. Oct. 4. In the horse-sho-shaped stadium under the lee of a rocky bluff, named rafter a man call ed Coogan, John McGraw'a Giants, National League pennant - winners were ready today to engage Miller Suggins' American League champions, e Yankees, in the first game of the series for. world baseball honors. The probable line-up for the open ing game follows: Nationals Bancroft, ss. Groh, 3b. ; j Frisch, 2b, ' ' Meusel, If. Young, rf. Kelly, lb. ' i Stengel, cf. ' , Snyder, c. . . Nehf, p. V J'J Schang, &, Ward, 2b. Scott, ss,,' i Bush, p. " Americans Witt, ct. Dugan,; 3b. Ruth, If. Pipp,: lb. r Meusel, rf. Physician. Surprised! , ' - ' A-.--'--!- ' ' ' :'U" .- "Hearing of some good results from : the use of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy I decided-to" try it on";a.chri(tnic case of indigestion and gastritis ! w-as inter ested' in. After thefirst dose the pa- tient was .relieved of gad- troubl and ; was soon able - to eat radishes and many things he ,-'had";;-.notvfeaten in': years." It removes the catarrhal mucous- from the; intestinal i .Craot, and, allays the inflammation" which causes practically all stomachvliver and in testinal ailments, including" append!-: citis. One dose will convince or money refunded at all druggists, u ' ndiana baby was' born with teeth. Iowa baby, : age five minutes, said "Mother" plainly. The rising genera tion is speedy. ' ? n : '.' v ' IS THE NEW BERN HOME; OR"; urday scran, said tbaX the-, worst ..hurt j thkton;woul have immediately a, face when- a player- passer! over him as he was on the grpund. - Whil the '34 to 0 victory -wor the Hatcherites is regarded as a good be ginning not to 'much.- stri -iS put upon it-on . account of the general .con football team who was not a member of "tha: faculty ot- - the. high school, from coaching the team for - the ' remainder- of , the season. . .': ' . This aroused 'the particular ire of the fans- he-re because-of the fact that ditlon of the visiting tean., t-'aptatn Coach Robert. O. Burns, who citehed Park, did i--ot evert get-, f Charlottes- the 'team which won the state high .villa, and the team as a whole -snowed J school . o'otbA.ll flitjle ' lastS year and that they were in no. ..condition., to , who is-oa the job again this year; is .:tand,.;np" gains (t steady- ttt-ream .;P' ' a--oluntary.--coach.iV'-.rv-M-':.- - i . i -However.iM. -B- : Andrews, superin tendent of city schools here. Relieved the -tension- somewhat when he de clared that while the -principals - at their meeting did adopt ' a rujing to fresh matej-ial ion a hot afternoon Virginia's1 team as a whole showed up well for-an opening game and' the coaches have a gjooa - foundation to begin preparations ; today "On; -tor- the trip jto,. Princeton next Saturday As that effect; it was not a "law" - yet the. game ;Salurday. demonstrated.the . and thatin,,no way would it affect ouality ;"of Vjrginia's--' driving power the contest at -the end of the, week is expected: tt bring - out both, v strong aad weak, points, on the. delensi.y? side- Fayetteville this year and. might not affect the local school next year. : Hei -explained, that the -resolution had been adopted by three confer- 1908 Baseball, Race Was Biest Ever Staged '4. As . close 'as American league ' champipqship NEW TORIC; Oct the race was this year between .the ; (tfe-w York . Yankees and' the' St. Lxuis Browns, and as equally exciting as it was last year ; between the Yankees and" the ' Cleveland ' Indians, . neither pares1 to that of - the! National lea gue :in the season, of ;1908. ,- i , The New York Giants andthe hj-, ence out of five. It will. be brought up at the two remaining conference to be held in the - eastern part ofl the State , in the 'near-'luture.'ana .( thdn it will. have to go. before the. State Ath letic Committee and receive the ap proval of that. body, before it can fin ally become a "law.". M r. Andrew 6tated that the: account given in the Sunday, papers of the : meeting was quite misleading. - c- r--. Better ' i m -r- ' 1 "'.':' . ;-- CIGARETTE Every cigarette full 7 ? weight ?and. full "size c. COFTUCHT 1922; LiOGETT S- MTER3 TOBACCO Co. Hum m i '- 111 , ' "' ""' . " " vfi' better ' v , better better Turkish Virginia Burley k is. ag&-?ubs finish etfn l?tie, which jthe Cuhfwwn, ..jaftej-.jthoe tv.cluhs fcind thd Pittsburgh Vicate hftd -entered 'ph lasit week, of tha "caniiWgn racing jfteplt a'nl ficifk.4 ThJfc se&dn was per haps the molt rerrraTkabie'; In tifce.his tory of baseball. : ; '' ' ' ; Pittsburgh" wasat the top f ' the heap on ,Octobert-R, New Yorkijplayed PiliUdiiJBJlia. thjiJvljdayiaiaditheQuak ers defeated Matthewson Coveleski twirled oforpbladelphiaT--3 4- to 2; Pittsburgh tan rdh.e Cubs ' both won their games and' the Giants fell with a, thud into third? place. I Chicago and Pittsburgh met in what was thought would ' be the deciding ganie of the season. If either Chicago or '.Pittsburgh xa.ptu'red that ame it won the ipennant, but if the contest ended irt d, tfe BVew-York would win, providing that it vanquished Phila delphia the same' day. The Cubs de feated the Pirates, 5 to 2, chiefly on Pittsburgh's own misplays. , That placed ' Chicago first, Pitts burgh second anl, New Yorki third. The Giants, however, had three games iemainingv' to play with Boston and, if they won air of them, their per centage would equal that of the Cubs and the campaign would result in a tieNew York did. win'and (an extra game was decided upon to settle tle jssue, Chicago winning. -.-!.; , . The whole, situation,, however,' had created by an incid-ent in a game be tween the Gants; and Cubs on Sep tember 23 in which Fred Merklev the Giants' iirst baseman, pulled what has since been , regarded ,as the "biggest bone" play in history. ,-...-. In the particular .. game in which Merkle errer the ninth- inning had been, reached and two Giants were ! out. ; McCormick was on third base and Merkle was on first when Brid well, the- Giant batter hit a clean liner over second base. McCormick scored and : Bridwell touched 'first base. - 1:1 t"" m,(':t of tr--. rTdemonium Uv.-t.ji, s-.z.-jL- sec,uu ii:.c ir the Cubs called for the ball to be thrown for him. .When Evers received! the ball ; Manager Frank Chance of Chicago asserted that,Merkle was out for failure , to 4'.tchi second base. While bedlam, b'riioe loose Umpire O' Day suspended play and ' left the field to think -out the problem. O'Day returned when most of the crowd had gone ; and 'declared that 1 Merkle was : out,i thus nullifying the run that McCormick would have scor ed, and ruled the gartie therefore was a tie, one to one. Therfv.when'the sea son ended in a tie, the paly-off was necessary. , J'. score rolle'd up against Wake . Forest has no special bearing upon the qual ity of the defense Carolina will offer to the . f romidable Yale eleven. But the groun-gaining potentialities which last week's game revealed dq rouse hopes that Carolina .will accomplish something when it gets possession of the ball. - - Carolina's team is not a partciularly heavy one; but it includes several players with good' physiques and with with two "or three years of: varsity ex perience behind them. The men are alert - and ' are . unquestionably hard the hope that even though Yale is said th hope that even though Yale is said to have one of the best teams in its history, Carolina will make a OOd The man who names fullman cars names towns'in .Asia Minor. - HART;;' SCE :-.---. J-':'' l- i ..iv. fi CLOTHE tRAPI HHIM for the liver Beware of imitations. Demand the genuine in 10c nd 35c pack ge bearing above trade mark. rv Y u ) ffy j .sij' Sealed bids will be received until Oct ober 9 Jh, to fiirnisK 200,00 : bricks,; kiln run, to average 80 hatdj to be. deliver ed F. O. B. cars Oriental, N. C. ' Delivery to commence week of October 9th, and at rate of 50,000 per week. Shipment to be made bill of lading attached. 7 BOARD OF. EDUCATION PAMLICO COUNTY Stonewall Nf C. 4 V V !T3T"-. t . -1? -' kh. ,i.jJ3fi!s ' iilli University Team is Confident of Making a Good Show Against New Bern CHAPEL. HILL, Oct. 4. Following the 62-to-3 football victory over Wake Forest in Goldsboro, the student body at the. University are now eagerly dis cussing Carolina s chances against Yale in New Haven next Saturday. 0 course, it is realized that the big AME LEGWOlWEfflOK RICAN NEW ORLEANS, LA,, OCTOBER 16201922 ; ! . OUTHERN RAIL? AY SYSTEM ROUTE OF DEPARTMENT OFFIC AILS FROM W :z NORTH CAROLINA ; : v STWO SPECIAL TRAINS SPECIAL PULLMAN CARS ON CHARTERED AND BERtlfi FARE BASIS October 14th Leave October 14th Leave October 14tn Leave October 14th Leave October 14th Leave October 15th Arrive Goldsboro2,, Selma-,'------- - - Raleigh -ifi. Durham. Greensboro New Orleans .2:00 p. .3:00 p. 4.05 p. .5:08 p. 7:45 p. 11:00 p. m. m. . m m. $34.27 .$33.55,; $32.12 $ao;ir TICKETS ON SALE. Oct. 5th to 18th, Limited returning 30 days from date of sale. Stop overs permitted. ' A''' PULLMAN FARES, from Goldsboro, Selma, Raleish and Durham, $10.13 for a, lower, and $8.10 for an upper berth. . . '.., SPECIAL PULLMAN CARS ON REGULAR TRAINS ON OTHER DATES Communicate with any Southern Railway Representative for Pullman reservations and further particulars. THE SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOUTH RALEIGH, N. CJ J. S. BLOODSWORTH, D. P. A. t