THE NEW BERN SUN-JOURNAL FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCT. 6,; 1022. 1 "" "" 1 J t ' ' " 1 - 1 '' " ii i mm m . ; ';. Moran Makes Good In His Guidance of Cincinnati T7 ' r - r Pat Moran hecame .'manager' of the ; machines that he had little hand in Phillies in . 1915, succeeding Charley -making." Dooin, who had piloted the club to Despite his failure in 1920 and 1921 sixth place, in 1914. i ;v . V - jthe Cincinnati club retained Moran as : Moran won., the National , league manager for this, year and this sea pennant with the ' Phillies in '15, 'son has seen him, stag? a .. realJy steered them Iriot second place' in 1916 'spectacular comeback. Pat has ;ust and 1917, fell to sixth place in 1918 , about lived down, the opinion that he and was fired. . . Then Tie, moved toi Cincinnati, re- placing Christy Maftfaewsori, who, bad f brought the Reds into "third "place ni the work t building a new champion- , ctiyi'5os , at . Trinity Trinity 1918. ' ' .- ship teamKand" he has done it largely I. does riot have- the one-yea rj rule and Again -he signalized his first year with minor league players. . (hence no freshmen team.' Coaches as manager of a team by wining the I ' of the men who worked for him f-Steiner and Eturbage have taken the flag, from Cincinnati in 1919. And jwhen Cincinnati led the league infquestion of reserve materi al for their again his team started slipping after ! 1919 just seven remain. These are varsity into serious consideration and Winning ; a "championship, falling to' Eddv Roush and Pat DUncan,' outgeld la- second team with a complete organ- tjura piace ui u una siiu in la, In .1922 'he moved back to second" place "Moran ; is . one-year if manager.' many close followers ,of baseball then sa&'of him. 'He,1 won ' the, flag for Philadelphia with a team Dooia had built and he did the same for Cin cinnati . with . a club ' of Mathewson's construction. V ' ,' "He, wrecked two pennant-winn,ing 25Q L asked, me. blood ! - v ". ,.B.:" LKjL-J j 'n . w v-i' tkncjwn. rounds that slorioas foellnj - that comes with dew, pure, ruddy eom plexioa. ... A GOOD PLACE TO BUY r M r'i, 1 '""St'S l A .5 ANt PRICES THAT" RlfGHT "NOTICE OUR' SERVICE" ;; iNcoRpoiRfAf fee Hay, Grm Feed, Jlour,: Provisi6ns PHONE 863 ' COR. S. FRQNT & EPEN ; u- . , , - , ... - Y If HI ;8: 'Mh h fir was a one-year manager and a team wrecker rather than team' builder. I This, year1 he has almost completed j regulars; Rube isressler antt ureasj Keale,' outfield subs; Ivy Wingo, reg - sale, ular catcher; Jake Daubert, first base man and" Adolf o Luque pitcher. - v ,The " silver lining1 to all " domestic clouds is pay day. , ' Personality"' consistV'in' havirig" a good, opinion of "yourself and 'keeping it hidden. Peoples, Y36 Blackheads , , i - , anq o isoilsr 4 .No .Tfixrard is", offered. laiiRA't1iw Lxe.lost forever! No question will bev except one question. "How Sdid yon lose them?" There is but one ' v answer,--'! cut out new- fad treat ments and guesswork; I -used one of nest i powertui biood-cieanseiv, - purifiers ' and f lesh-bullderS- unu mai is a, o. isow my- pinkish, my skin :' clear as a ' my cheeks are filled out and my . rheumatism, .too, .is gone!" This will, be your experience, too, if you try S. S.. S. .It is guaranteed.."to be yurciy vereable in all its remarlcably effec tive - xaedicinal ingredients. S. S. 8. means a new history for you from now on! S. S. S.,-is!,6teres In - two sizes.'; jTho larger size la the" more economical. . . At -33$;' . BiFPV CO. " 1 1 & avnv TH1 -Ii! " iiii Jii Second Outfit to PJay Stronger; Prep aod High'.. Schools Eicren in State. J , DUT.HAM Oct. 6. A seconfl team jiayin,g scheduled games on., Its own hook fet the next possibility 3s -"gridiron jizauuii bccmio w uc "-i umuuu ; 'There is a livelihood t hat a sche- dule will be arranged with jthe stronger-high and- prepschoor o'fttfits in this secrtion.' Already l egotiatyons 'are un- Ldev' way for a' gaitie 9n .Saturday, Oc tober 18. This ga;me would immedi ately follow the tvarsiy clash ' with Caitolina: i in" Chapl . Hill on Thursday of i:ext week. S ' i Thoiv ."second elevfin . would present a fairly strong line-Ui'i a nd should make it interreting for any tl ling in this neck of the woods. The ; J robable line-up ; as given out by Coach Burbage, who is running:, ine secot na .- sinng men, would be: Newell, last year's srub, center; Porter and i Ray, : freshmen, guardsf "Weaver, fresh man, and Pick eh's last swa.sons's scri4b, tackles; Troy, freshman,- and Dinty Moore, last year's-, sub-ends. The backfield will , f probably be: ' Winters, freshman, . i quarter; II. Johnson i and Everett, freshmen halfs; H. Jveaver, fresh nian, full b;ick. ' PIKEilT Virginia" Team Ha s Been Un dergoing HardJ Practice r" Diiring: Course of Week r ir Charlbttes-rille, Va., Oct. 4.-Virgi-' nia's football squads have been mak 'ing good use of the bright afternoons this week in, their . preparations for v, 'against scrubs and Smother will prob - lably be held, this aftsernoon. Head I Coach' Campbell is working hard to J get his varsity squaI in condition to (hold the Tiger to as' small a score as possible. j i .::-:-," " Moniay afternoon the varsity took tKe lower Lefevre ' Field for signal and dummy scrimmage practice while Coaches Hankins and Rinehart brought the freshmen on to the main field for the first ! scrimmage of the season. With over j first year men to De pui into piay . ic was nara1 to give a. inorougn lest zo tne aoimies of any one of them, but the coaiches spotted a good many youngsters , who showed promse oif real ; ability, i It IS probable that a prep school efieven may come, to Charlottesville Saturday for a practice game with the tfirst year team. PEANUJ GROWERS HAVE , eNtIered BIG SUIT . Norfolk; Va., Oct. 5. Suit for the recovery of $3,650,000, three-fol4 damage under the ; Sherman antii trust . Act, : was today ; instituted in TJ. 3. ' District Court here by; the Peo nut Growers' . Exchange against a score br more Individuals and con cerns, members of the National Pea nut Cleaners and'Bheilers' Association jlfe Virginia and . North Carolina. ; 1 f!IS P l mm I - REG. U. S. PAT, OFF. II BEST mi 1 Eh CO (NEW JERSEY) DETERMINATION 'HELP Hi Manager of St. Louis Team Calk Attention to Import ant Facts in Series By Branch Rickey There are other elements in a world series besides arms and legs and- brains. No baseball player deliberately quits, but Ive seen a club lack snap in its play. I've seen men fall to run aut their hits and I've seen clubs give up when they were behind. The most trivial and insignificant :hing mentally upsets some players, Failure of new bats to arrive, when ixpected, due to the faul of some of - lelal of the club, will make droopers Quarters in an upper berth is food for discourse for a week. Bad pitching in batting practice, an inconvenient jump for an exhibition game, feeling ol managerial favoritism, a siight domestic difficulty all may cause trouble! Discovery of some- opponents' sig nals Or inside knowledge of the op posing club gives a club additional confidence and tones it up for the next game. The temporary loss of a player fre quently causes a club to fight harder. The . promise of prize money, held out; as. Napoleon held out the prom ises of booty to his soldiers on the eve of battle, has a good effect on tho fighting spirit of a lot of players. The Giants won , the pennant on September 25. ,. The Yankees were, not mathemati cal winner's s until several days later. That may be a good break for the Yankees. It surely is if the Giants were to let up in their play. I thought there were unmistakeable signs on the part of -one .or two of the Giants to take things easy in the last game played against the St. Louis Club. (Continued on page three). III l leveral Schools WiU Start The Season Today I JNew isern tupis-wui-sei iiicix mm j try-outf the season, at j Ghent J 1 arK- "J-V "uu 41 Thel' jMounjt aggregation, ar rives riere, tma .morning ana are a ratUef aggressive looking set., of i yoingsters, with one or two real huskies ; in the bunch. ' , ' . Quite a large number of support ers were out at. the park at' 3 o'clock, 'shortly beford the game was, called. Both teams went 'through ' a snappy practice and showed . that j, they had undergone some hard coaching. Other high school games today are as follows: ': ., ' Greenville vs. Washington. ; Goldsboro vs. Kinston. The games that are now being played will not have any effect on the state championship series, which pro bably will start some time during the latter part of this month. In the meantime, most of the schools ' have Pile Sufferers Don't become d'espondent try Dr. Leonhardt's HEM-ROID no greasy salves no cutting a harmless rem edy that is guaranteed to quickly banish all misery or costs nothing. Joe Anderson's, Drug Store. Advt. SB FUNDS VIDSON President of State -University Endorses Campaign for Presbyterian College. ? CHAPEL HILL. N. C, Oct. 6. Ex pressing the wish that the Davidson College campaign for a $600,000 en dowment and expansion fund might be "a hhundred percent over sub scribed," Dr. H. M: Chase, president of the University of North Carolina, today gave the movement for "A Greater Davidson for a Greater South ern Church" his enthusiastic endorse ment. , Dr. Chase highly praised the work and standard of Davidson College, whose chief characteristics through out its century of history has been the highest form of Christian education and training of Christian character and manhood. Dr. Chase is one -among the best known and beloved of educators in, the South, andhas hosts of friends in every county of North Carolina. - , "I am only too glad," , said Dr. Chase, "to take advantage of this I campaign to give expression . to my respect and friendship lor Davidson, and to express the earnest hope that it may be given the iunds it,iteeds to pursue the work; whih, it iaVdoing so admirabjy. I always think of Davidson aa a wonderfully? fine1 college,., doing splendid work, and .1 conoeiye'iit to have; a very definite claim" v on'" the friends of higher education every where in North Carolina." ' " " The Davidson campaign is being conducted among several counties of North Carolina at the present time, and will be conducted in all. of them within the next two months. Funds raised by the campaign will be used for the rebuilding of ruined Cham bers Hall, and for increasing the col lege endowment1 for the efficient ex pansion of the institution. arranged several - games in - order i& get into ; shape for the forthcoming elimination series. I D ft Here 's Your Gk To Buy Staple and WE ARE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS AT OUR PRESENT LOCATION, WE ARE GOING TO DISPOSE OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK AND FIXTURES WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS. COME IN AND SHARE PORTUNITY. THE STOCK MUST BE SOLD. CUT TO THE CORE. I Phone. 838. . u ... :. 16 Pasteur Street. iller Huggins With His (By Associated Press). POLO GROUNDS, N. Y., Oct. 6. The midget manager, Miller Huggins, shuffled the deck of the Yankees' pitching staff this afternoon and then led with his third ace, "Waited Hoyt in hopes . of winning a first victory in the world series from the Giants, who are already in proud pos sesion of one game. Manager McGraw looked with critical eye over the Giant hurlers but gave no intimation ! of his choice for hurling duty until game time. "I have McQuillan and Scott both ready to start," said McGraw, "and don't forget that 'Rosey' Ryan look ed pretty good, in there in the first game. I am perfectly satisfied with the way my team is going and our pitching has been good." ' Huggins probably will continue his fixed program of starting his five-star pitching staff in ordet unlesstheGiants upset his plans by knocking some hurler unexpectedly into the discards. Huggins' plan contemplated Hoyt to day, Carl Mays tomorrow, and Sam Jones on Sunday, Bush, with a 5-day rest; will then' be fit for Monday, "I'm not worrying over my pitch ing," said Huggins, -"but the batting slump the club is in. If we can come out of it we should win this series. Though the crowd has been big, with every seat taken, the contests The Pain of Neuritis Is Relieved ' A most helpful asset in fighting the persistent pains of neuritis is the new TINGLE'S IjAXO ASFIHIN. Neither a habit-forming nor a narcotic drug, it does hold great pain-defeating powers. . The - sali cylic acid it contains quickly dis tends the many tiny blood vessels, relieving congestion and the con sequent pain. The tired, irritated nerve centers ae soothed and ft-ee, natural perspirttion usually takes place. ine aigrestant contained in TIN GLE'S LAXO ASPIRIN prevents "' at- TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFERING IT MEANS A BIG SAVING TO YOU. THIS Satisfied Pitching Staff have been marked with the absenoe of the early rushes to the park and . today was no exception. Scarcely 1000 spectators were on hand when the gates to the unreserved section , of the stands and the bleachers were" opened ' today. After they, had been seated the earlier arrivals trjckled in slowly. .... ,' The day was warm and clear and a light breeze from the North waif ted the October, haze that has been both- ernig the batters as twilight came on' during the late innings of play. It was cooler than yesterday and perfect baseball weather. Butcher Rejoices Over Wife's Recovery ."My wife suffered for five years and practically lived on toast and hot water. Doctor said she would have to' be operated for gall stones, A lady advised her' to try Mayr's Wonder ful Remedy and after taking A- bot tles over two years ago, she has been I entirely well ever since." It removes the catarrhal mucous, from the intes tinal tract,' and allays the inflamma tion which causes practically all , stomach, liver and intestinal ailments. 'including appendicitis. One dose will fcondince or money refunded at all , druggists. ; . t) . : the disturbance bf digestion which so frequently follows the use of ordinary aspirin. The laxtive qualities ..bring about a more -err fective remedy. These-cleanse the body of the waste poisons that are at the root of the whole matter n the reai cause of the intense pain, Each of the ingredients in TIN. GLE'S LAXO ASPIRIN performs a definite, helpful work' toward bringing about absolute relief. That is why you should aak-1 for TINGLE'S LAXO ASPIRIN,: the im proved aspirin with the three, points: , t . "" B . i - It's absorbed easily. It relieves pain quickly. l ItV a gentl laxative. '; ' - - t Ask Ypur Druggist fon the ?Three, Point Box"' Therapeutic Research Laboratories i , ; ( 1 Washington, D. C. . " , Fancy GREAT xOP- PRICES ARE PRICES 1

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