. ".. FOUNDED 1876 - - NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 9, 1922. PRICE- FIVE CENTS i fIK 11 "mm iiitfirfliHAW liMK II! Mm Iwrnm ffllfllMfr '-YVy' .- . . ' - KSMt.r:i 1 .;ff Case Before Supreme Court On November llftl1' , BaflliEpK MERE BRITISH BLOW Udl ii 10,000 PEftE WEREArep BRIDGES TO Hftlft v - .-ii- j k i i. iii -itJi i fi an nil - hi - . a - - ak-ta km . .a mgnmm - a- , j , km , m. m : i a ! ai mm mm . mmm mmmw- i . - .v. . j va .. k i v m a a a , a a Ti aaa k - a xa ira w d oil a a aa a t n m j - . jy;.H i K . 1 W,5h;:;,- . "AlbifMa L'iuL'lifc-.-'it 1 , ,n . , y'.j, 3-;i ; vance m the Pirectionof the Brifa?fe': - i'l!' - ; ' " ii Hil:'. Hji Mlli P,,iniiiWerA Snlendidlv Attended Interest in the Revival Keached Its Highest Sl?age Yesterday. CLIMAX REACHED LAST NIGHT. EiglwsfSrrnon n Destruction ot dinners MaderpeepIrnpression Upon the Large i , Ndmber Present. v it-1 lEEIEmFORmNQTHER WLtl ew Bern ' . . . for an- . 'y - it t pai-B 4ae 'of ft -scores jniBt '.4pKenihCd 9 of the, jreenJha'ki) wit botOe RW.. tr i Hiim announced .yesterday . that he Jiad ,lwid- ed to eUeiff his gneat; evangelistic campaign lit N ( Thimeansvthatf tixiMpeople of this city and vicinity will, have the rivilej?j of: two weeks';, r services ' from . tomorrow morning, ; as the meeting was supposed to !ecihe to a close- on next Sunday night. i:Kifntot Mr. Ham's decision will be received with greaf satisf action - on the . part of the. .citizenship of New Bern as a whole.--;vil6A-?.' T, 1 '.' ; '' :' J -;. -" - ' --; ;s in excess' of' ii,pbd. perBons heard on the bottom., If the tube were cut, Bey. M. P. ' Hm, Yesterday in "the! the : diver would die: If Paul's faith r greatest religious meetings which this: should fail, his Christ, life would be City; ever .nasAyeneui; w- . , ' ltiOE ennst, ana nooooy faithfully: than did; Paul. '. ,rtiif ' tVnrri- h Ktandnoiht of in-.Paul . was ras. ambitious, j, zealous - and. , . it, cyi jvfwvv f( . . j - "V . ' - ,From many points of .view, i,i prov-, ,'You are expect 4tAt:W'$W-Xn flpirit.of N4- BerrFandTvici'riity more faith Vashingten-.-County .: - Negro death for Bwglaf. v TO LIFE IMPRISONMENT .. . ' - ; .- ., '''' : r-r r-' ' . y " ,, 7t; Counutation Had , Been Rec ommended by JuTge,' Judy, v-.' County Officials and. Others ' v terpt, spifituaM- .an4 enthusiasm,, it ! healous for God a3, . he formerly was , ... "" eurasseaanyihin'eveEee interestsj :,c. : ,i-,i. ;"-v : -. - - j section bffiie. st'ae. .... 1 'What' have you' tJ - ' gain by the i ' orPNl'prVWnverted: hundreds manner .in which' you live! I want V: r - of prpfeflseVeWtft-hs fcnfitfsd; 'id lead betteraivee;.; Ant earnestness pas developed pjilv prohtlse's 'to weep thel revival : throliighj Jts 'concluding dayfeHr-Hh "mttny!eon?e?sions' at each service : 'V-y- MVI i lkir ; services "were'' held-; -.by the .evahgeliSt'-yesterday;. In-thc morning he .A'pofc'e to alarge congregation on ' fact's grfff eVpsji4enee:" His text . wW "For mejt8 lve Is. Christ, and fo ; die is gain.". Qlany ! strong pdints re garjiiing Paul's life were brought out, shdwing his ( 'constant service for Christ'sKingdom,"- wealth and " great teafcning said., MrV Ham. But s these things -did not satisfy, him.. Without Christ ; nothing satisfies. B But when Chfist came; into his life, -a 'great joy and happiness came over-Paul" J" J)Mierrvi.taKpoints of he r sermon ere as followst , ' ' "JKeep your eye on Christ -.and live Him. So many CQpy yourselves till thd similitude to ' the original is ' scajrcely ' .disilhgulshable." . 1 ''Do ijot even" try , td copy the life Jesus Uved;but 'live the life Jesus waiit's' you' to. live:" ?Paul's relation to Christ was like you -to go home' -and' take -a "'piece 'of papers and in . perfect privacy- write the ;&in of your life and the result. If you write; , 'For me ta' live -is money,' then : you also must write; to die, is loss' your i money will soon be gone. Or 'if you write, Tor me tolive is fame, then to die ' is loss you soon will be" forgotten. If you write, 'For me to live is pleasure then tod die will be loss. But , if you can say, with Paul: "For me to live is Christ,' then with him. you also can say: 'To die is gain." ' I.;. Two Afternoon Services ,Two splendid services were held in the afternoon. At 2:30 o'clock Mr. Ham spoke to ladies at the Centenary Methodist Church. The entire auditor ium was filled and there were many in the balcony of the church. The ser vice was a mpst impressive one and brought forth "a splendid response. At 3:30 o'clock Mr. Ham preached to men at the tent, about 2000 being present. The service ' was preached by a men's choir, directed by Mr. Ram say. Hundreds of men came forward at the conclusion of - the service with promises to lead better lives. The sub- thit of a-deep-aea diver. His very life , ject of the. sermon was "Men and Cowards." Mr. Ham said in part: "When I speak of heroes, I do not . RAIjEIGH, Oct. 9. The death seijteiace-of Joseph Johnson, neg ro, convicted in Washington coun ty, of ? first, degree burglary, was ' commuted today to life' impris , onment f' . by Governor Cameron .. Morrison, if Johnson was to" have been executed next Friday morn ,. iagi -ffios-'i'fi'.'. ' V ' Thef . commutation was. .recom , .niended' by the, trial judge, soli-, citor,-very member of the jury thai,Vconv3eted Johnson,- oonnty - officials apjl ?0 citizen pt, Vah-; r. ingtotf ,cou;nti. The s appeal: ;fof ; .conuniUaiion vvjhf ; madStbi Wie s; : piernor bj Pj t .Belt faegro law-j ;.,yerof ,Plymoutltu ' ' -; ;' PETITION pENJED- , BY, COURT ' CBXj Associated Press). WASHINGTON, Oct. 9. The sup reme court today- denied the pennon of the government for a rehearing of the cases in 'which the court at its last term defined the suability and status as a federal agency or then;mergency fleet corporation of the U. S. Shipping Board. ; ' Washington, Oct. 9. A rehearing of the 'Coronado coal case was today denied ;'by .', the supreme court. The Coronado Coal Company asked to have reviewed that part of the de cision which held that the United Mine Workers Union and certain in dividuals had not been guilty of re straint of interstate commerce. enforcing certain' tax taws, pending judicial determination of the issue raised by the railroads. Ruling Of Daiigherty May Close Up American Porte BRITISH TROOPS ARE ENTRENCHING Making Preparations to Halt Marching .Turk Turkish Commander Refuses to Withdraw His Forces at Shileh. - Oct. 9 A flood of, in-t :deriuntil the Treasury experts .figure tefcalSo.nak Amplications,- the ser ions-ij odt ; a way to tppl:a the "ships that hes9tand''etenC: of which HoTRcioisiHid jt 'care to specuiater;o;t4&ayBifcjon fldentlKexpected to follow tSeJI'erJkv fwnfswiseping decision thatlwAcOMrj OI any tski i unaer fiy taajt uwiiie Into the 'ports -ofi these v; d rj' United States An immeute d , world-widej today. If the order Hafig .down?' tpr ;tne customs agents ari&'-ary sleatBsrwhose duty it will be to.try to' enforce th unprecedented orders Officials took the position lo--day, 'however, that Congress framed the. law. so as tj give the executive branch of, the government no5 otle.r alternative! and it is now up to Con gress to change the law if it wants it changed. . ; ' Orders were dispatched by ths Unit ed Stattes Shipping Boa"d todny to cease immediately t!ie sile o all liq uor o nail boats flying th.j American flag. As for the foreign ships, nothing will be done toward enforcing. the or- tBucii liaiior shall not touch our Dorts" ,decree.AU"Ii Laskei,; cjh,airnap at. tiii i3ited';Staii'iShRipingi!Board'V7ho of American liners' to dispene'-'i,iqiMr took agQ0ravievJ5bhe sittiaio4 sticksv and is tuphejd by the United Stajtei Supreme Gourjt, whore ! pi-"esetrtTy will be test-'. eI Lasker has; visioijs pf tlra. decline of Great AineHcan ports. - . j He sees the great liners that now portin New York, Boston, Seattle and Porf land,' going instead to Montreal ana Vancouver with the consequent declin in business in those1 American ports. "The American Merchant Marine is immediately put at a great disad vantage," he observed disconsolately, "Foreign ships will continue to sell liquor and will be preferred. If. they can't touch American ports with it they will go' elsewhere, or dodge, the1 provisions by some' means or other." GIVES HIMSELF UP TO PRISON Mecklenburg County Man Abandons plans for Appeal and Goes to Prison cameyfrphi 'above.: His faith was like the tube.; that 'carried air down irom the surface of the ocean to the diver iA . . t . f. . irr . .y' ' if ,-;;. '. T- ' ' ; ' (Continued on page six). MenTO rdially Invited L Attend ' Down-Town Meetin ' Much interest is being display .. ed in the men's meetings which . are ibeing 5 arranged by the busi- Hess men f New Bern in connec- tlon wit&'the JHam-Jtainsay evan- gelctie campaign to' this city. , -f Tomoro-iv '-af terhooh at. 0:30 i - cfecloolt) ' MrVHam- 'wQl talk to Al the; men at :the New Bern Shoe BtorevonvMiddc street. He will ?: hkvd;'! an interesting snbjeqt to :;"- rrin -hfpyp tjem and, it. is , ur gently requested that every man Who can possibly do so be at this . service. ; ? :' r- (: V .' .:.--. ' Wednesda if r afternoon at 4 o'- clock, the meeting will be held at V Stevenson'ig warehouse No. 1, toot or of Craven street. Mr. Stevenson is having this entire warehoxise ceaned out and it' will be able to accommodate a thousand men or more. A quartette, composed of local men. will feature the song service. Every man in New Bern is cordialy limited to attend this service. Both these meetings will last only 30 minutes each. In addition to the above meet ings, Mr. Ham will speak at 4 o'clock at the Riverside Methodist church. At 4:30 he will go out to the home of Mrs. H. V. Arm strong, in Ghent, to hold anothep of his drawing-room meetings. Washington, Oct. 9. The supreme court today denied the application of the Champion Fibre Company for a review of the decision of the U. S. District Court for Western North Carolina,- which declared valid a bond issue of $570,000 by the Pigeon Riv er Raiyway Company, alleged to have been sold to William Witmer & Son for $2500. RALEIGH, N. C Oct. 9. L. B. King, of Mecklenburg county, convict ed of the killing of Irving Little, a Canadian, in Berry Hill township June 17, has abandoned his appeal to the supreme court and came to Ral eight voluntaritly to give himself up to the state prison authorities, where he has been sentenced to serve 5 years. He was indicted of first degree murder. He entered an appeal and gave an appeal bond, but decided to come to the penitentiary voluntarily and begin his sentence. King had not reported at the prison at 2 o'clock this afternoon, but it was expected he would 'surrender to pri son authorities later in the day. Forty-six Globes were Ruined When Heavy Voltage was Sent Over the Wires. iBIliii Document f of iLpcaUiarn ; Who Died Two Weeks ago, ' I I Eiied Witfc Clerks ' The will of E. B. Hackburn, who died in New Bern wto weeks ago, ha? been filed with the clerk of the court. The beneficiaries named in the docu ment are Mrs. Turrentine and daugh ter, of Wilmington, Mrts. Harry Shriver, of this city, and J. E. Latham, of Greensboro, as trust. ' GENERALLY FAIR THIS r " WEEK IS THE FORECAST A bolt of lightning early Sunday morning .completely ruined 46 of the 48 big light-globes of the city's new White Way. The lightning hit one of the lines on this circuit and shot such a huge voltage of electricity over the wire that only two of the globes survived. The others were rendered useless. Superintendent Godfroy and two of his men were kept busy for two hours or more yesterday evening, putting in new globes to repair th edamage, Mr. Godfroy states that it is the first time an accident of that kind had ever happened so far as he knew. DISTRUBING FEATURES ARISE IN THE NEAR EAST KIN ST ON FAIR OPENSTUESDAY Event Promises to Be the Best Ever Held Many Feature Attractions. Quite a number of New Bern cit izens, and people from other parts of the county, are contemplating attend ing the Kinston fair, which opens to morrow and which will continue for four days. Baloon ascensions daily, excellent horse races, a big variety of midway attractions and the finest display of argricultural and live-stock exhibits ever seen in a Lenior county fair will feature the big event. LONDON, Oct. 9. The Near East situation continued to present disturb ing potentialities today with the rev olutionary Breek army at Adrianople declaring it would not retire and with the victorious Turkish army concen trating at Brusa and Ismid, anxious to reach Constantinople and protect the Turks in Thrace. The uneasiness was increased by the fact that the allies are not generally considered to have sufficient armed forces to control either the Turks or the Greeks. While the British are using the ut most patience to conclude peace, it is believed the Greeks and French have warned that if a settlement is reached, the British will abandon the whole peace effort. At the same time the belief is that General Harrington has orders not to risk any act of war, and it appears from the tone of the British press that no war with .the Turks would receive popular backing. RUSSIANS IN ANOTHER WAR . Wahsington,: .Oct. 9;- Weather' out look for the weekibeginning ; .Smith iAtlnntip srnrt east tinlf state?- Generally, fair; temperature - below normal the first part of the week and normal j thereafter.,, . Pressure is low and sf ailing i over the Caribbean, sea, but no - disturbance has appeared as yet. West Gulf state:: Generally fair; temperature below normal : first part of week and normal thereafter; Pres sure is low and falling over the Carib bean sea,, but no disturbance has ap peared as yet. Ohio valley and . Tennessee: Fair until latter part of the week when showers are probable. Considerably cooler in the first part of the week, probably frost in exposed places. Nor mal temperature thereafter. . v-' ' 5 (By Associated Press.) "Vi -V?CpNSC!TA"NTINOFat-.OciV''H-.'.-;" Trlhc .Turkish Nationalist troops.'.', iv ' yesterday resumed thete Advance A : ; j - ' ; the , Dardanelles are - in thv ;;:.. : direction .of .anafc;. the -.British u iv . h:snipidMcrdini?-tt y .' ' aiiia idipatcb: to tl ltx-al, TCwa- '. j,' 'papeis.'K'''44.?f's's,'' : xx --wag-- reporten xng4MrnW.'.- that- TStiilrtafv IrtiiiHilatii. ko SAftMB.- : ' d vy-esterday -fer noo ehois' dfc: . tance t,f .coin (j Be,yros,ii h )mtUsMk-Mt tlje. Asiatic side, of f the" Bosphprmj..., BeikOH is "8' miles abode's the rA jijieM-, ; . ' can naval" ahchorage.' ?'v t. The British are entrench in g' around . ' ',' Beikos. : : - ' . ' V-'" ",', Turkish irregulars and small ands T of guerillas and bandits, which' Tre- A quently formed the advance guard',f a Turkish army, have appeared in small r t: vilages east of Cpnstantiiloj),-1 all within; the suburban' limits rbf'-COh- i : stantinople on the Asiatic' sld". y,'!' ' '; ';, The.'. British yesterday'" made'' final preparations for defense;' blowing up bridges'ad cross-roadB.i,'fvi:,-;'" ; ; ' A - Bf itish : destroyer' anctiore'j !Sun- day at "Shileh on the Black Se:t coast. The commander went ashrd, :niehe . ; Najonailists' officer there' and'" rei :her' put-'yd;him to withdraw' 'hi 'fifa w'i,x: Monday: , Turk Replied he had orders cVmaial,, . .,.', ' io9 tn: ICS NEW APPLE GROWING , CORPORATION FORMED Red and White Forces Are Fighting in Spask Front. Soviet Troops to Scene. Carthage, Oct. 9. Moore County Apply Growers, Inc., is the name of the company incorporated to operate an apple orchard in the clay sec tion of Moore county. The officers of the corporation are R. N. Page, pres ident. O. G. Spencer, vice president. and S. G. Garner, secretary, treasur er, with the following board of direc tors: J. R. McQueen, Lakeview: W. G. Carter, Hemp; C. Carbonton; R. B. Reynolds, Leamon. A farm of 130 acres has been purchased from J. M. Brown two miles east of Hemp, where the orchard will be planted right away. Experts from the agricultural de partment of the state have pronoun ced the soil in the clay section of the county ideal for apple culture. wh'efeSiDon the British;- cdmmahaef. declared hK also' " would 'tohia'Ma.ncf f- kept' to his anchorage close-' In shore. . - CONDITION -.OKHARTfrM?-' IS IMPROVED, TODA&:; ' . .- . . "- - -( ' (By Associated ; Preasi 'i;;i. : s-jiii-LOS ANGELES, CaUf.y;Qc:J;t;f- -jiiox Continued improvement-'Jfy&h"djtt4'f H's- ' tion of William S. (BmijHAr'ti. 3Upl -. '.V '.' star who has been critically 1U With typhoid fever and complications, .-was pronounced today. Hart's strong, .cpny stitution and remarkable -vitality have an important roll in his :fig.hii Tagajlnst ;. death and unless new compiicatipns . develop, there is little darier.Vphysi- - ; -cians said. - :.H,';:i'::' SIXTY BLOCKADE STILLS ARE REDLUCED TO SjHUK (By Associated Press). VLADIVOSTOK, Oct. 9. Desperate fighting between the "Red" and "White" armies is in progress on the Spask front. The battle is the most se vere recorded since the Japanese eva cuation began. The Soviet forces are not reported rushing troops with airplanes 'and tanks toward Vladivostok. The defenders are offering series opposition. k '.' - Winstou-Salem, Oct. 9. -Parties Parties here Saturday" from ; Stokes county reported, that ! Sheriff 'Tur pin, 1 afetr hearing a permit from the coun ty commissioners, this ' week, desttpy ed 60 blockade whiskey ' distUleries ; in the presence of a -large .crowd") of spectators, who had gathered to- wit ness the proceedings. .These 7pTa'jlts had been sized during the past few months and stored in a cell in:- the county jail. They were first offered for 9 sale at auction, but there .were no bidders, and then the high official proceeded to chop the stills up. into small particles. ' To Test Out The Validity Of Co-Operative Contracts It doesn't matter, but Gallipoli, which the British have left, sounds like a race horse. Ohio bandit left part of his thumb in a door. Police are busy trying to match it. One cause of trouble is fall is so pleasant we have to cuss other things besides the weather. (By Associated press.) ROCKY MOUNT, Oct. 9. The case of t he Tobacco Growers Co operative Association against W. T. Jones, who is charged with vioating the contract with the as sociation and Whilcls. is being made a special test case, was con tinued until Wednesday by Juttee Frank Daniels when brought up at this morning's session of Nash county superior court. The continuance of the case was taken at the request of Aaron Sapiro, who is representing .the, a-. ? sociation as chief counsel. '' At torneys for the defendant request ed a continuance and the hearing was first fixed for Thursday. ' Mr. Sapiro, however, stated that -it ' would be impossible for him to be present then, and the lt$ was ""subsequently changed to Wednes day. Special significance is nt tached to the case, which Is tha first of its kind in this .Statcapd f a large array of legal talent U par- -I actuating. . ; ' '.. , 'ji