. MONDAY -AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 9, 1922, " 'Or 1 Fine Recbrda Were Made BvlTbsK' Carina Teams THE NEW BERN SUN-JOURNAL ampipship Ijm The Giants SfOIIg) ; ' GIANTS CONTINUE T O HOLD CHAMPIONSHIP iGOllCIf B U f - - t" im T.i , tt;'!:1,1,1'!'1 ;-",i',wHwffj'1;1 , , TT'ri i ' VptAvp 'nW"Vitin I -""E 1,,, WMl.luyvilWiUiam.uli.iULiiii I lu.l.ll.l.i.mn,. jii.liiiii.i;,!..!.!- I..H.U iiihmUIUiiuh.l.iujjihiimii illJ,':gg.milu null. .in I II I UUL...JJU II i) ,i,iium, I L I ilWL I I r I I IK - r-H43Z if s;, 33 . Si r 0 flfu uiii.-,uyft "'North 'Carolina ' football ' tedms, that 'the Methodists have a smooth attack.' Forty-three i points .t;r-nn-fnwirt tf f itorv 'SatiirtJft v running . 7 -.' !. "i , - against Gtulford and 27- against Ham(ten Sidney are not to he sneez -ainsf -.admittedly powerful " oppor.- ems, made- air ., unusual collective ed at ' the only question is whether AewJng ,and fchqpiestlonably jaised .-these two, teams showed enough of, a t3e general opinion ot -the native-ton defense to demand real running pow fciand of football as She uxlsts in the er. On the defense the Methodists Tfir,Heel : state. : . -. , ,- j have not been tested. They have not ' Carolina' -work . agAirdt Yale w8 jyet known a slashing, versatile attack tfc most m passive; perTorrriande tho :saeh as they must fa.ce when they meet university yt'pa'TO (has nfed? Jiiorth , ot 1 Oarolifia Thursday. Whether they tH--Mason-and Dixon lihe in years. Lean stand it then' is "another ques i'erter's men actually - gained-mote , tion., ; . . - . ': ground than the Elias, they showed a powerful' "and Varied " running and r issing attack, and they had the Vigor 1 3 ' come back ; strong, enough in--the List . quait-eif to l' outrush the -Yale t am. t V ' - r ' i " State ' gave Washington and Lee a - Wake- Forest has not done enough yerto-show whether there Is anything to be seen. Tougher teams than Elon will have to "drawit out, If It isthere. Incidentally, Elon gave the Baptists just about all they could handle and the future is net yet bright for Wake powerful dose of North Carolina foot- Forests Guilford romped over Lenior 1 air and though-lbsihg in the -end es-jand may yet spring a. -surprise. : ! tablished clearly the"' fact that -Martr ! ;The. atmosphere, is now clearer on e ""'K2"aPrIiV--'iJtstanding - ability 1 the relative strength of all state teams and should (pnow; hoot i. forward'to tr wses, tnanvhad -been i ex- and m the- next two weeks it is going to be a lot clearer. ' Carolina looks nowt Into the face of the meanest job' Javidsoa -also,' unless Georgia Tech i any team in the sduth has this sea S beenjij-astlyoVef-rated, -i-staged son., She. meets Trinity in Chapel Hill i of those comebacks '-tharacteris I Thursday, waits one-day-and takes on of the -Wilde&tsandv;by!holding the jSoctlh Caroliha Saturday, again In nado tocl 9 points; 'all made'tn" the Chapel Hill, waits another five days t half., gave other , teams something I and clashes .with State College in Ra- yorry about . ; V ,". ' leigh i'nvthe biggest Intranstate garji :he otlief state teams performed of theV year. Wake Forest and Davkl- e;to schedule; Trinity showed a son -meet in Charlotte next -Saturday?! n-eut yictcrovej' HampdefiT Sid Another 10 dys and the dope will fie whfih ,re-V ror s the ppinlonJ oui.lainqrJaJJLta. see ijt , ,,.,,,,- i'i A. 4 A . Q ; it.. t.i i( t. u . ji'Vi? ! &&A.Jh3 Jh -f .hp . m fL.-j&i on? -I.. I UpX:0 , yOT?V V 3L Hl4'A2 ' V-') rl Work a ball' Mentor. -, ! p rmr - i y ji .r r rij 11 no qrnrn-n iiii .rrxiu'" li Li"mw!iJ "is-" wo-' ":-,?sft?5w?iW : i By defeating the-New York Yankees in four straight games, vhte New York Giants continue to hold the" World's championship, . . , FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. -Oct. 9. ,. Peace efforts on the part of Dr. David G. MacKethan, president of the new ly organized athletic council here," -in the shape of a conference between him and M. B. Andrewst: superintendent of city schools; - were for the time -shewing, successful, and Robert x.Oi.Burn, . coach of the FayetteviHe High School football team, has withdrawn hia res ignation!'' ' - ' i The immediate cause of the trouble' ' is "Taeheved to have been thei attitude taken by Superintendent "Andrews In interpretating :. and aiptyirig'-r the rules laid down by the State lAthletle , Committee for the ' high .fithoola, throughout the State. Coach Burns, it is said, maintained that Mr. Andrews was" -nbt--folliO-wins the rules as laid down by the State committee. ; The trouljle simmered slowly for several weekai-nnally. comb ing to a head of its own? accord Tues- day when Coach Burns' announced hia intention of resigning. ? :,-r ta -i - If the 'resignation had. gone through -the local high school would prbftt4 r Iy today be without a team, as it ; is known that the majority of 4h mem- bers ofAhe team.i,were,insympath.yj with th-stand taken by.Cpach-Bttrj, and had decided. to quit playing looti- IcQraw Is 1 Vindicated He' Made m if 1 t m 4- v NEW TORK, "Oct. 9. Just before roller to short, Scott hurling the ball tv e opening -of' the world series last home so fast that Groh could not reach . idnes3ayiv Joha Joseph .McGraw, the ' plate, ; He , started to return to Sometimes called ' "little .Napoleon, '.. thitd, --but was run own by Schang. said thtt ;lub with the' m&st tonslstent . When the ball was thrown back to f inters wins the most ball : -games." His the, box. Bush , 7 found himself . in statement has been vintiieatedooi-: trouble." Frisch, the fastest runner on f rmed "and sealedl-Hia Giants, rated -.either "team."'" stood perched oh thir3 e ven as the iriOat conservatives of xL: base and Irish -Meusel was on second, t rta, -to have'rfotlifng-i more, 'than- a I At the . plate,' swinging his bat ieft- nf fighting" chance- of 'winning: one ; handed stood t Tpung, ' ,whb usually thiri rsa. 3,; ja :oKt,.no3U-niiie -aTiaof 'MUleT SHgiiisutliellacwt ttnai ic'ulty h series camet 4 a -close with yea-jwould be to- let Young walk; to firfci. jay' game, which the Giants took 1 filling the bases so that a force otfH utuiMaiU-ktiUwbe has j os t jn one n d e,te .e, 1 'V r'trrpuo-h frte ,'flfiiantTJ drons-t hjs Phlts jjrt right fieia. fAt Dper-- jl-j ' of th -"S-.ikte1 wton 1 mome,ntf tnitjp UjdbpcJd 'ifojotjt'hei m at:: . .. taupfiri li 0," theidbsilwajf. dt'Wdt-abit'filift t ie' one bLiiiavorid chaiiipior.".---'-'-- - - The -rnV Qovnfatt--oTheTahlflr t as that of a house 'momehtaritly di viJed.' Miller' Huggiris.'J the' head -of tiie house-hold which had been -enjoy-Ing a 3 to & lead over th6 Giants, dif fered with his pitclter, ' Joe Bush,- In his strategic problem for -blocking- the tnslaught; of the. ehampons :- In' the t:iJith inning.-, Bush ' - became angry fcnd teefore'-he could calm himself. "Long Joe'T Kelly -had -smacked one t f hi curves -o; hard tind 'so far that f e' Giant Vacei across the plate with t ..e ruti 'that :ie3 ' the Yankees. amd : ether Giant -trotted- in with the te -that er them A" ; "..a- i'anks- enjoyed tne j5rospect ol i ctory f or tmlyf M naautes.-When . ? "came-ttrTTar InnileeeflEK'TKe e was'deadiocked at two alL' They i e a Tun m 'MeH9ers 'scratch - hit. i tng' sa. rifice, ffwJTSlJitcli' iArta ine, ianta,i sewnpawana. s t sach. ? fotceitterfleJa 'irVm t fcat of Evemd Stotrrr.henhrcw-In . l:e fly- almost' caught Meusel as he s ;: for 'home." It! seemed'1 the ankt t ifely had squeezed out a victory.. ' . The Giants, Win In 8th , , . nd' thtfn "In1 theieighth.lhe -.cour- .us Giants fldog'out-their'challenge. . i, the tTanlrti'.first'hisemaii; halt t .'ithem'-fo a mVAnetit toy fcfopping ; ricro'f t's hard blow Tjaclt dt ; firs" se" tknd'Ieiplng Ofthtf - bitg -Justin njt to -beatf.: the i-runeftr ;But 'the ; .tiiig Giants' would ridrbe denied a tury 4()itk and sure." Greh eut i the h orid sqtarelyMrt -half with & single if rtpje'ilog the"uff fttfo center 24. Frisch hit a liner-that bounded kcMillait'-TenterflelnV'who jug X Itw an d . the batter was -credited tfi t itwbagSei",Vhile'''Gr)hwent rto- thlrdi'-'U48n'' Meusel - shot f Jaae!n.'.ak..l'ruh is-, race at. bat ti ngy -wou Id ednlinue- to Hie weakf'So- he ordered Btiid'3.llC-ru.ii'XS;ter fecth Giaili aird Yankee -players SaWlt'waa" a splendid' : example, of -real .inside baseball strategy. . The" break of the gime'Tuined' It' nevertheless. i: ' r. e. I e I 3,000 DRY LAW BREAKERS V G'jTT OFVwlTHOUrilEARIXG which-thy won last.year when they, also defeated the Yankees. If he easy victory of the National League team was due to the hard M ba0i.eteer coacivBu rm?tift hitting of its player. - None of the Yankee pitchers proved' effective against the Giants and three of them had to be relievedibe-. iheim therteam to a.man, washout Abr" fore the end ofhe gaifrel V''" - N SELECT BOYS TO I JUDGES Team of Six Go from. Here "to V, the State Fair and Enter .ft I r , . -, . --"" - -. .' v.. .-. ;-.-- - Y Judging Contest. " - Locals ; Play Washinltbhrf 1 Next Friday Afternoon game New '.'Following their successful . with Rooky Mount last week. Bern High School, will hook up Friday afternoon- of this week with Washington.1-. The- game will ; be played at Washington. " ; At the same time, Washington will send her second team to New pern to Fifteen boys met at Patten's farm Saturday and also visited the farms of Mr, Grantham -and . East Carolina Lumber, Conftftyio-ajidj,ti thei;ubS at Ghent Pash. ili of the bpy?wse go to Rale CHJinton Register, ICeivneth-IJeath, Vant iirj'ofiardsbh, ft'tbet'l-fehcrf tia Ernest ?WJite, with Leslie Brinson andEv ?vvseafflseidv'as n. team likfilf- lUyhfofe Watson Newx Bern fans are predicting a double victory for the local' elevens. fifttfcfrsaie'tiiTif tAe victtoi-y o5the iflrst team doesn't promise 4 to be an isy one. Washingi . played Green- . ,1- i, i ville last Friday and both teams scor ed 6 pbints. It was a hard-fought bat tle and : Washington' showed mp in mighty good form.1 However,, that fact isn't causing the locals any particular uneasiness. They ,4 believe "they'll be able to take Washington into camp Friday. f - V -' , j The Cubs k have; - developed a good team .and . they're going to put up a stiff battle, tdoA' Y : vi,-s YwY ,. Other .ames fhave i been scheduled anwilljeiyed before the opening of the .-cnamptfVsnjP f jSeries v next. helm, the team Jo; a.fman.jurjQuft . ' practice . Wednesday eveningi,-and.,,h-. s tove of peace once more fluttered set ren.ely, overthe'ity'1ipjpp4',lA f,j, nflnnvfliinuiiiifl ' ;.. ry HMiFRqiTV THE MARKETS U I :' - Will IUIIW I I I New York Newspapers Praise "Work of the Carolina EIev 1 en Against Yale Team. month. j This - team will leave Sunday for rtaieigrr.v-wnere-- vnep win juuge live storkawd.eeed'aWtlltifaiaieiDffi pAt ig- for- -a in? ae-s-H41efeest jwdgewn i u JurKpatricK ana j. uj lawton will accompany," them on the i ! " r-. !" ' - . . - inother''Link In btate X t i trip, - CAJIPBELJj SCHOOti BOARD ' AVNS OVER APPOMATTOX LYNCHBURG, Va., Oct. 7. A suit by the school board - of Campbell -WASHINGTp,- Oct. 7.--5,000 Vol- , county against the Appomattox board itead 1 law. - breakers" have gone free Jrtder- the statute Of . limitations, it was deelared- at -the Department of Justice -tdday. ' 1 " " - Lack of 'Jmlgesjf to try 'cases, was the reason, "glven; " Violatprs fgotawajr without pen"alt'y,'Veeauiie-of the cram- me!stt'6f -the -Judieial dockets ThernXTmTJe-fT?aC wnrescapefHa will'be greatly increased because-ad-1 diticnal judges created by T a' new act will nDTTK"vianed antil Congress re- 1 Mt ?A '"Hears roise aJtf tlr fr Tears" Philadelphia head,linekf IThings are quiet in .'Philadelphia1'- . - - t f. v c t f. t i O: r i- IJootbaft Results I J lK i ill,.: - ti munr. I " , Tulsa' S. Mobile O:, -'.'- , -,1,'ntversHy of Richmond 0, tnlver- : i SSYMlastesippf 0. . i Yath Carolina p Frestoy terlan Col le, e OB-i"'"' fvvWT.jT iyf:, r- ')-.. r c:tadd 14r Paris YMahd; ( Marine Truinlng-iSttrtlon'' v r. V&iatotf ana' Jefferson 19, BetW inj"?. ''f'' t"tA " rr5 1 Pennsjtvanla State Uo, Gettrshurg 0 t- J t r Wauhlngtoit And lee 14, North Car olinaStateor ' fnlted . States-InfantTT- ficliool 12, Wo3ord College 07:' s : r -i - Virginia MHftary-Instftute 51, Roan oke College' 0. 4 . V. 4; I. 20, Wdliam arid Mary 0. -r-- ' Trinity: Baai prten-Sldttey 0;-' . , ' ; Wake Forest "9, Elon 0. ' ; Talo-18, Untverelty of North Caro lina 0. ... . - ' ' Arrny fiafisiU UnlTersity 0. t Harvard 20,rlloly' Crow Or' -, J ;; FrincoQ'5V Virginia 0 --- .' ! Chicago Z(fr deorgl -0 i . t ! Ciarecl-lV, lavidson- 0. . t Gtailford 81) -Lenoir 7r m t I FtUwaa 7 Florida 6, ::. j,,. Cordial invitation is extended to the mcir ot ,'qw Bern to attend, the menfs meeting at ' tetevrtisonte warehouse, foof of Cravetr stietV'rWednesday af ternoon at ''rtock-- -( tried yesterday afternoon in the cir cuit -j;ourtvof :Appomattoi school chil dren 'crossing the county ( line to,. at Ve'Wd, ''school ApfilC fun phett county, resulted- i$ a, jiidgntent aof, $1511.82 for pbelijffauftty. v- ,vk HighWay Sv ilt '. Vy,-"- If-- ; stem 5 ! -: Cam I : Before October has passed into his tory, the statwill have let the build ing of a hard surface, road from the Craven-lcounty line, at Havelock, to Beaufort. This information was ; re ceived ., yesterday from , Clauda R. Wheatley, of Beaufort, and from John E.' Cameron, district commissioner. There is nothing to prevent this road -from being contracted for in a short time although some opposition to the yoc'tors"' Indicted . . Beaufort road was understood, to have Charlotte, Oct. 9.- True-bills were J developed in the Morehead-New Port found by a jury Thursday against Dr.i seetion .of - Carteret . county, where RWiPSam EiWishatt ch&rgedwth per-tsentiment tried to put forward a plan sprraang aj arimma percuipn - upon j to. Driage ine souna Deiweep. neauion yoang TOmin wljiodiep Afterwards artd Morehcad' City with a fridge and at a local nospitai, and against J. w. rxoaaway. inis project : is stui larin Summers,., former physician, charged! the (future due to cost, it, is under with the same offense upon anothe'r stp'od : young woman of the city formerly,) .The new link will bo nearly the last employed as' k municipal tiurse. 'William Hammond caught' an ant eater In New- Jersey. An ant-eater is not man on a picnic. to be let on the Central Highway, from "the mountains'" to the sea. A small stretch in Craven from the end of the brick coming out of New Bern this way for several miles . is yet to McGRAW; DEPENDS ON THESE PTCHERS FOR WORLD'S SEHIES . y y4 '-'''-aH tl y - - j -yy! "Aw III-"' r.- ,.;Y ' T'j .I '"- - be let. It is understood. Otherwise all of the roadway from Kinstpn to Have lock is either finished' or : under con- struction.' The work on the-road from Cove towards New Bern is progessinb, rapidly and soon work will . he started on the Havelock end of the Craven; link, the other side of New Bern. Lenior's part of the Central High-' wy has. been completed fp?,s6me timet, now. ; y,-J -.- Strong praise for the work . of the University of North Carolina football team in its game against Tale Satur day is given in alKNew, York pewsr papers. A -detailed study.of the reports indicate that, .the'; ; Tar Hefrl3' gained more ground ,' than-- Tale, . that., they,, jhrew a genuine fright-into-tha -Tale- cohorts, that McDonald once crossed !, n-nal lino nn'Tv: tn hp rfnn11fl Vf- ca'use CarOIlnS, was ..onWi'de that -Bfixi !. 2 I t S .4.3, n . '.- V attecjtaie mm n3it. tjire' iaucn.i aowns tne Tar iieeis came uacK - in the fourth period and outplayed- their opponents. , . ... ' ' Especial praise ' is given to Red Johnston, the. brilliant Tar Heel back, and to the running and forward pass ing, game - of -the Carolina team. The Ne,w Tork Times' - account of the game follows: 'North Carolina, although, out scored hy Tale today 18 to 0, thre'w a genuine fright Into the Eli victors. Four times the southerners reached the Tale 40-yard line, on'one occasion took the -ball across for a touchdown, which, however, , . was disallowed; blocked three kicks and, like Carnegie Tech last week, gained more ground COTTON FUTURES . (By Associated Press). . NEW TORK, Oct. 9k rCottpn i f U- December....!........,, January .-. March . . May . . . '. . . . . i . -. . . '. juiy 21185' 21.85 21.87. 2185 21.60 ' than--their big northern rival. -- -t. ; ' r 3';'- THE COTTON MARKET. .. ( (By Assocjated Press.! NE. TORK,, Oct, (.TThe '.cottpn. market opened firtij, .aCan.'ivanca. of 15 to 30 points., jjp- a -renewaliol last week'. buyrn (jTj.ent; -and-sold.fsoipe, 3'p to,.,d -poits.;'n, .Jblgiieif, on the active months", during the 4r9 few minutes, with 'December ' touch- ,m?.21.'9'.Ji- ftjBj,n?MD "1 t ' '"J-' " TBIllrfSTOlt0'MkRlC!ET5'1 ! f'" f i (BytAssejiated- Press).2'''?1"'" 1: NEW TORlC'.Oct; r".Brisk' bid ding up ,of,- the oil shares fpajtpred th' opening of today's. , stock .market. Standard Qil . ,6f New Jersey', opehetl up slightly more than 2 'points filgher and' then,1 extended jits - gain to-. 12 points at 2141; ya , new high, record. New- tops also were 'established ,by Associated Oil and. Texas Company, while gains of to ' 2 Toints wer registered by Standard Oil -of Callfor-i nia, . Mexican Petroleum' Pan-American and ' Sinclair; 4Rall 'shares also were in fair jaemand? Southern Rall way' preferred ' moving "up-- one 'fo 'a new high, and gains 'of to 'l -be ing registered' by Baltimore &?Ohiff, Reading andv Canadian rPafeiflci"---';'. from England ibs. of Virginia tobacco. Old as Viiinia tobacco is, today there is rio milder, purer smoke and no other with its distinctive character and taste. Yt.' For cigarettes Virginia tobacco is the lest. 1 Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. MM eVaaiSL Cigarette n 'JSOTJi Vinrinia tobacco is . thainct grown tn - v irgiiu, the Carolina,.aBd Georgia' -r.. -4 4 - Y Si