'. 6 PAGES If THE WEATHER FA.1R TONIGHT AXIK FRI DAY. , SUfiHTLY .WARM. r " ,. .EB IN THE WEST ' TODAY NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 19, 1922. PRICE. FIVE CENTS FOUNDED 1876. nn I IB"?1 M . -r - on i 'A :'An:Insp '."-"' -- J ; v. Service A t Ta bernacleThis ":'-.' ';- , .- , ; ; ' .' , ' " 'T Tells Sinners 2tmw i o jret Mj terfial Lift Splendid Presentatibn of the Case of "What Must I Do To ;Be Saved?' -Made By Mr. Ham At :Tiorh ing Service Today. Large Audience Was ; Present To ;Erijby the Sermon! t GOVERNMENT'S OIL SUPPLY IS TURNED OVER TO INTERESTS Teapot Dome Naval Oil Reserve Is Secretly Leased To Mammoth Oil Company By the . Republicans. It Ap pears To Be A Juicy Plum Passed Out To Party Politicians. - (Special T Correspondence) WASHINGTON",, . Oct. lfy St ocfc speculation in the shares of - .-the Mammoth OiL Company, to which Secretary of the Interior, Fall secret ly." leased the Teapot -Dome naval il reserve (in- Wyoming) has already renewed the. demand tor an Investi gation' of this - questionable transac tion.,. Senator LaFollette .; ( Rep. Wis.) and Senator- Kendrick (Dem.;. Wy9.) have urged the Senate to conduct an inquiry but th 5 .resolution irrepfiac ed by. the former has .been, pigeon holed by Senator ''Smoot TRep. Utah) ehairtnan of th Committee ort Pub lic Lands. - ;;.'..'.. , . -,. 1 , Th Washington, D.- C.) News, in an 'editorial, gives some - of the ..de tails by which the. speculators wh got control of the stock of the Mam moth. Company are capitalizing the public wealth for their private gain. The -.News says: - ' r . . ' -- ' . Watcb Teapot Dome- w "Iemember- Teapot- Dome, about which this newspaper . had . consider able; to say some months ago? Leas ed by Secretary, of 'the- Interior .Fall to the Sinclair Oil . Co., thus giving up to private interests, of probably the ' greatest reserve supply of . fuel for - the jiavy, caused an inquiry to be started in the Sen'at by LaFollette and Kendrick. ' The inquiry was side tracked at that . time, but the bene ficiaries seem bound to bring it down on- themselves in due time. i , "Teapot ; Dome has now passed in to "the control of r the ; Mammoth'-. : OJ1 Co a subsidiary of the Sinclair peo ple, ' who are in , turn subsidiaries of the Standard. And today, : in 300 daily - newspapers , qf t the country, ap "pear great ladvertisement.s announc ing that .the-: company1; has - leased 9320 acres known - as "Naval Petro- ' Another largre. and 'attentiVe .audience assembled at the,' taber - nacle tent this, morning to hear a -powerful serm6n"by Mr.1 Ham on the subject: .'What Must I do to Be Saed.'J . J r , .His text was taken from the 0tli and "Slet verses of tbe.lfeth , ' chapter of the Acts: 'What must I do to be . saved?'"" believe on -A.he Lord Jesns " Christ and thon . Shalt be saved.''' ; , 4 - ' ! , "7" tre-said this question wtis only ' asked 'In one 'ilace in the Bible, "-'-but there- -were two similar one. -That on the day of Pentecost, the people lasted:- VVliat Must We IK)?', k ' ' ' , Mr Ham Said it was -foolish to 7 ., to tell an; impenitent person -to ; ' hdvelhat .the truth washid- tien'ri'bm'Jheui.'but the minute they weKn -f or-wm-irrital -God . - vaT the power to save inem u ther"' bolietl. &tlvaUon isi the r I Work ft G,1 tor man and, not "" : work for 5XJod. Salvation'was'de-..... !j liVerancenot, an attempt to im-. f vprever or reform, or a resolution ' I- - to do ; better. ; Eatan himself v i ' preached salvation to gei folks" "' where lie could - doi more with '., . them..' Salvation makes a -new . ereature, a regenerated souL -w , . ' He eaidfthAt the .four apostles in their books gave - us fthe scriptures but tht they, were unfolded by PauJ Jpjja the others in their epistles and , pjacWngs and Wislons. Salvation is vox k garment to put pn and take off & t v our convenience. .- Just praying d not giveus salvation, and may ' not -even lead ;us . toalvation. Just -f.eelc5ng is not sufficient that it is not found untij it was revealed unto us end would not be found save in Christ i Jesus. People are not brought to sal ivation py simply crying unto them to repfent.". Paul preached repentance, not from creed, . dogma or doctrine, but through Jesus - f of the. remissions Of sins, . . 1 S ja . . j 'Jfe Hoke of -the confusion arising fronv fo'k$ reading hfe ( pcriptiires. ,-That 'thev were addressed to the Jews -I fl AS, J -t -'V. V. nUJ ln.1 """.T V" v.uy,ia - "Vleum Reserve No. 3 in Wyoming." -.reading If would be well to note to t . fjhe ; anjnouncement Estates -thajt w,u. .yxi . wfelte flowing 10,000 to 20,000 bar-- W"ia rr"lla-, rels the day are being brought e . ,. x -MK,a. u fro - depth o 1500 feet the ' . - r . .-. 7,. ... , : Salt Creek Held, or wtiich this is a . 1 0 lime. 3 and 1 1 respectively, part w now capable of . producing V 1 1 IV 1 1 'TY UI t nviuj lilU I. W O 11(1 ut t.v us: if we were , saved. Believe and ' have, faith. That is- Was impossible to repent and stop short at that, but that we must lay hold of Christ, He said that alK believers - had a lawyers, an VLADIVOSTOK IS f SCENE, LAWLESSNESS ; ' - T - , -r ' " " , . 'TOKIO, . Oct.. 19. Lawlessness reigns .In Vladivostok as the result of t he axn'Oteh of a victorious red army, official, dispatches say. The French- consulate; was.- attacked ycsteiday and foreigners have ap pealed for .protection. The Amer ican consul , has engaged as- ar ref uge for - Americans a building fly ing tlic American, flag and guarded. PORT STOPipiONS Officials Feared That Army of I. W. Workers Were on Way There DETECTIVES ARE iil SCENT IN IU1UKDER CASE Reported 'That Preached And Choir Leader Were Not Murdered In Orchard : advocate in IHeaven ih -the person of ' Jesus to plead .our case and intercede for -usu That unbelievers had no one td appjeal.to. . - - v "He" .old of .the offerings in Israel ' an3 how-they were of the blood of a lamb tor- a' dove and, H.hat. there were . po. more offerings, but the Lord had given -;uv the Son, '.who was our re deeming. Itwe would believ and ac .e'ept,.., . ,'.--It ::.wasr a splendid"- presentment ( -of ' tiift" case, "What . Must 1 DO to be : rfavea,", apd wer wieh that we had a " fuller account of the, message, but A time', and '.being .short of help at this .. time "prevents. -. x--. - AGED BOXER NOW ' TRAINS MN GERMANY v BERLIN, Oct. 19, "Only one . box- Hvi throne remains t Uftoccupied in "fie: nj,any,'s pugilistie word. The .own -erless- title is that , of . welter-weight -championship, and a holder is expect i ed to develop for It -during the coming whiter. The ; other champions are as ifollows: , ." -. .j,: . .-". j Fly-weight, Eric"h; Kohler; bantam, ! Urban Grazz; feather, Kurt Sasse; .'Pht, Richard Naujocks; middle, Kurt 5Prenzel; light-heavy,- Walter Buks jujn.. and heavy, Hans Breitenstraeter. .: phenomenon" Volkmer, , a boxer t'wfio has passed 'his. fortieth year, is ifu training to contest the bantam-weight title. At the same time that 'he meets the champion Grazz, if is 'planned to" have . the1, bill include two other title-iholders, Naujocks and Breitenstraeter.' : Opponents for the latter two men have not yet been def initely selected. ' v.' 150,000 barrels per day from existing wells. A great pipe line is" to be built and ' to crown all.y limited number of the "2,005,000 shares is now being offered to the public. '"These shares, of no par - value were thrown n the sub market -of New York Monday, Oct. , 9. That same' afternoon the shares, Vhieh had opened at 39, juihped to 43 and the-next day to 45. ; .- "At 45 the outstanding shares of this - "one corporation,' - having merely a lease on Teapot Dome they don t own; it yet, mind you- are worth on the- market the not inconsiderable sum of $90,000,000! v There are those ; in Washington who intend to keep; their eyes on Teapot Dome " Senator' (Kfendrick charged thai Secretary Fall vexecuted . the lease to the Mammoth Company in "a secret, non-competitive 'way,", nd declared that the government .had lost be tween : $15,000,000 and . $20,000,000 by reason "of the low. rate of royalties stipulated in the contract. Secretary Fall authorized a statement to be published in the Boston Transcript by way of rejoinder to Senator Ken drick. The reply that Secretary Fall made : to Senator - Kendrick's charge of secrecy in th eexecution of the lease was this: 'Numerous interviews with the leading oil companies convinced Sec retary Fall that Sinclair (promotor of the Mammoth Company) was the only man in a position to make a suitable contract. This point never has been understood and Secretary Fair has been too-proud to explain it;, hence the charge that the con tract was negotiated 'in secrecy.' It was in the sense that the Secretary did not advertise for bids." . Whether it is Secretary Fall's in vincible pride that prevents the Sen ate Committee on Public Lands from shifting 'the charges . and evidence filed with. U.by ..Senator LaFollette is not clear but the, fact is. that no ac-, tion has been- taken . notwithstanding the demands for an . investigations :., Secretary . Fall, 1n hia interview. rith : the Boston Ttapscript declared that he was '.'not functioning as Seer retaiififci'&$W!ior in the leasinp of ? publlte oil-, lands Under the leas ing act of February 25, 1920, but, by direction s of the President, , wais ad ministering a -naval oil reserve for the Navy: Department, under a wholly different set of laws." He did not re-. veal what legal restriction - deprivedl him of the right to makel a compe titive contract .for 'the 'development of Teapot Ddriie reserve, or why the whole transaction was carefully con cealed front congress and .the 'public after the . lease had ' been made and became binding': on tlie government; ,aiid be 'failed likewise toy': indicate what statute required that; he let the Mammoth Company . get control of the fields v on a basis' that Senator Kendricfs says' is 20 per cent below that of any other leases in adjacent territory. r- v ' :' ' . , ; , : . No explanation has'.' ever v been made-why1 these great deposits of oil heretofore held - as reserves) for the oil burning ships- of the Navy and the ' Merchant . - Marine, should be turned - over to T nrivate interests for heir exploitation. .Alt experts are agreed that the best place to store the oil was jn the ground until such time as it should -be needed. FROSTS OCCURRED f 'ffA Wednesday : night " , Washington, . Oct. . 1 g.-Frosts oc curred this" morning as far south as Vicksburg, Miss., and Greenville, S. C," according to, the weather bureau. Bv Associated Press). - ... PORTLAND;- One., Oct. 19. Jlore than 200 men were under aircr.t here today following the mayor's declaration that Portland was threatened by an invasion ol members of the I. W. VV.-comini; licre to join in the - waterfront strike and his oredrs to the police:, to round them up. . y In wholesale .raids in sta tions tyt thp city where the dock workers reside 350 men were a r ' rested checked inore than 225, mwt of them believed menibers 4it the Marine Tansport t'nion of ; Portland - were ja tied on charges - of vagrancy. The others were re least d. . A ' - William Ford, said to be head , of the Portland I. W. W. .was among those arrested. - Rciwrts in the liands of officials 1 were said to show that I. W. W. ' -country have adopted t lie slogan , ''on to Portland" and plans called lor an Ininuxliate -march. ,v ; 1 (By Associated Press) . ' ,.FAV BRUNSWICK, X. J., Oct. Detectives today investigated the( report , that tlie Rev. Edward' Wheeler Hall and Mrs. Eleanor R. Mills, choir singer were mur dered in a shed at Weston Mills, a settlement several miles away from town and four miles from f where their bodies were found. Affidavits which contained this information were made public by tlie police yesterday almost at the same time Dr. J. F. Anderson, chemist, reported that an anlysis of the blood soaked ground where the bodies were found lead him to believe the murders took place there, . , . - This Mornifig U I uUUIiu l UUIaIi UUIUIM llIERfli ' : ;.,,'.' Members of the Conservative Party Arid' Gov ernment Ministers Vote To Appeal To ,Tne Country As The Conservative Party 'And Ask For Support. . . 7 ... - , ; . -f ' . " " - ' ;''h CABINET HAS RESIGNE& NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J., Oct. 19.' New evidence in the Hall-Milles murder case, is in . the hands of the authorities, it was declared today- by a man ' close : in the . confidence of county prosecutors Beekman, of Somerset and Striker of Middlesex. The situation was given color by continuation of activity on the part) of detectives and others "on the case. Letter Is Received. TRENTON, ' N. J- Oct. 1 9. T ills H.;,Parker, Burlington county detect trw?, today made public an unsigned leaer mailed at Philadelphia pur porting to solve the Halls-Mills case as 'one of murder and suicide. D ,!S1 TO m 1PRFSS HERE TOWIOflRDW TRYING MEH WDDDSFIRELOSS General JVlanager of the Co operative. Marketing As sociation To Be Heard v Caution is a great asset, in fishing; especially if you are the fish. What is worse than your . - wife cooking the same thing for supper that you had down town for,. lunch? Scores of Craven county farmers are expected to come . to New Bern 'stomorrow to hear the address which Oliver J. Sands, general manager of the co-operative marketing associa-"" tion, is to make at the court house in this city tomorrow afternoon at 3 o' clock. ' ; - -Mr. Sands is one of the best known men in the marketing-association and he comes to New Bern with a message of importance for the co-QperatJve members and those who are contem plating affiliating with the organiza tion. There will be plenty of roam for everyone and it is hoped that there will be "a large attendance. Forest Fire Warden Is Here ;In the Interest of Fire Prevention King George, Who Has Been On A Holiday . Outing, Rushes Back To London And Makes Preparations For Any Eventualities TKat , v May Occur. , - ' ' t ' i' . (By Associated, Press) LONDON, Oct. 19. The resignation -o rime- A.: "Minister Lloyd George was announced 'this 4 after The resignation of Viscount , Peel, ' the "secretary.' y-'" of state for India,' was announced also. r J ' The resignation of Lloyd George carried with ': it ' v his entire cabinet. i LONDON, Oct. 19. The government of Prim Minister Lloyd George resigned this afternoon.' ' Mr. W. Darrow Clark, chief Forest Fire Warden ' of North Carolina, is spending a few days in the" city in the interest of the prevention of forest fires . in Craven and Pamlico coun-' ties and In an interesting interview given the Sun-Journal this morning he stated that Mr. J. E. Daugherty had . been named as . fire warden in Craven county and Mr. Frank Brin son, in Pamlico county and that these gentlemen would have supervision of the forest fire prevention work in their respective counties. In past years, says Mr. Clark, Crav en and Pamlico counties have suffer ed great losses on account of the for est fires and in the future it is hoped to cut down this loss as much as is possible. LONDON, Oct. 19. Announcement of thegoV-? ernment's resignation was made by the Central-News but up to 3 o'clock this afternoon no other announce-' ment had appeared. . TO KIWANIS CLUB HOLDS I A SPLENDID SESSION A splendid meeting of the Kijranis Club was held at Centenary Method ist church last night and, was thor oughly enjoyed by the large number of members who were present. .President Bll Hand presided over the meeting, which was opened with an invocation by Rev. W. v. McRae, pastor of the ehurch nad followed by the singing of "America" by the en tire assemblage. ' . ' f' - The evening's program was in charter ofMr. Beemer Harrel, sec-retary- of the T. M. C. A., who spoke briefly ,on getting the fathers and sons of the county and city together for the "Father and Sno" banquet which is to be held in New Bedn some time in November. Mr." Harrell also told of instances of co operation and fraternizing of tlie boys of';the county school with thosh of the city institutions of learning. Prof. Teuton H,ard Kiwanian Harrell then presented Mr. F. Li., Teuton, principal of the Farm Life School at Vanceboro, who spoke very interestingly of the typejting the tickets' of the farmer who can make the farm and farm life more attractive so that it will hold the boys on the farm. He painted ah ; attractive picture of the electric lighted farm, the painted houses, farms and yards fenced .in, good roads, etc., and the progressive LS PLENTYDP H E AT Chilliness at Central 'Build ings To Be A Thing of Past After This Week The school at the Academy Green type of farmer who would be an asset hs been inconvenient t0 a consider- tnTravP'riraiitv auIe uuruig int.- twu iclcui Atr Ha- at inhc nrMont of spells of cool weather by having no the Chamber of Commerce, a guest of heat- Last Jul' the scho1- board Save a local concern me coniraci to in stall a new boiler. Owing to numer- the Kiwanians, spoke of the develop ment of the boys, spiritually, mentally and physically; of how the boys of New Bern had been so greatly chang ed by the influence of the Y. M. C. A., and Hi-Y club. He also begged New Bern to be unselfish and to carry this work to the county and in this father and son banquet he wanted to see the boys and fathers of both city and county joined together in such a bond of friendly and brotherly spirit that the future generations which are to be niaole up of the boys of today, will show that the foundation which are laid now will tower in a build ing that will stand for time and eter nity. How to Distribute Dr. C. S. Barker and Mr. Charlie Seifert spoke on the methods of get- distributed to the farmers and their boys. Dr. Barker thinking that the various clubs of the city should purchase - these tickets and distribute them to the (Continued on page three). LONDON, Oct. 19. After a brief audience With King George this afternoon' Mr. Lloyd George returned to Downing ttreetwhere he received a miners dele-, gation, but according to the head of the delegation Mr. Lloyd George said he could not confer with, them' as prime minister, as he had resigned. i ; . ous delays and other causes, the work is not yet finished. It is hoped that after this week there wlil be no further trouble about heat. At the new schoo's in Riverside and Ohent, the Ideating apparatus are working fine, and there is no trouble regarding heat. PROTEST TREATMENT AMERICAN CITIZEN (By Associated Press) .TOKIO, Oct. 19. Ambassador War ren today lodged a protest with the Japanese foreign ofljee against the treatment of R. M. Andrews, Ameri can business man, whose house and office were ransacked by police in search of photographs he was sus pected of having in his possession. It isn't the baby's It is the upkeep. crying at night. LONDON, Oct. 19. The Lloyd George coalition'; . received its death blow at the hands of the' conserva- , tive party when the members and government' min- u' isters at their meeting in the Carlton Club today voted by 186 to 87 to appeal to the country as the conservative party. This creates a situation of the greatest confusion and uncertainty the country has known for many years. - The next move, certain to be made, will be the resignation of Austen Chamberlain and his associates Lord Balfour and Lord Birkenhead from the cabinet. It is expected Lloyd George will then present -hit resignation to the King and advise him to summon a cabinet leader to form a government. . . ; This course would be taken because the conserva tives have the largest number of members in the house of commons. . , The conservative leader expected to be picked ' is either Andrew Banar Law or the Early of Derby. LONDON, Oct. 19. King George, who has been on a holi day at Sand Bingham, returned . to London today. It is expected that Lloyd George will be receiv ed by him late today. Austen Chamberlain and some of the other cabinet members, conferred with the prime min ister after the unionist meeting. IX)XDOX, Oct. 19. Moytl George outlasted all the states men who guided the great na tion through the war. In the turmoil of readjustment, he kept his seat at the steering wheel , when all around him were log ins theirs. The men with whom lie sat at Paris as the "Big Four" of the peace conference,. long1 ago -toppled over. Premier Orlando of Italy was the first to go; His -cabinet resigned in June, 1919. The following January Cleraem cau. the French tiger, was cast aside. IiONDOX, Oct. 19. 6:30 P. M. When Mr. Uoyd George : ten dered his resignation to J the king he advised Bis majesty to summon Andrew Bonar Law to form a new cabinet. -f - . Breach of promise is girl's long suit, thorny