Russian Players Are Coming To The U, nricef dii Is Koarinff il To I acHe Cnicago I'D RvlTvR "Sea PCJiT OHC6. TrtArt HUCK FINN AND TOM SAWYER - - - - By DWIGJ Defeat! atwavs" files the Princeton .certain to out forth every effort t6 Tiger. That 'is why ChicagcJ is certain Irfuinphvcver Chicago. to see Prrncetqn at, it? best when these . V!"hile wfeshtern critics believe that two eleven, "meet at Chicago Saturday; fchicagcf haa an excellent ohauce to October ts:f , t ' neat ..its victory over Princeton, the football-., enthusiasts the , country- Mt-r arfc .u-U MwOitefcc f r-.:vors- ncer await With frnip.h 'interest ithe ine the ?n)M of rt::'KU .will clash between :,these two teams. SotJit-nve i notijmK' -Hi'. y-:ir, but smsc will be at the top of, their gime. -It; how" iarts' alv.viys managers ti- turn f Hould prove g.real exchange.-of foot- out a ' star. performer--iti the back ball greetings betweei Xfce ea&t.aniT field; J r -: .t . wesf. ' -i J- " ' , ,'" i w ,! , True, Princeton didn't look .very Lsat year Chicago father upset-the- good. against Virginia. A 5 to 0 score football done by defeating'vPrlncetoa was ihe.margin of tho Tigor victory. 9 to 0. A, short forward pass and a The fact that Princeton wasn't able, field goal by Romney turned the trick, to cross the , southerners', goal line It was th first time the Tigers were doesn't seen to worry : Coach pill vsr- defeated on. tneir own -gridiron itoper. ne says nis team nas great by a western eleven. ; t :- ) ! -. ' promise and that he 'doesn't wan., it tc ,. The meeting at Chicago thisf year rime too lasi. ; i .. finshed a two-year contract between Doth elevens will be minus a num- the two universities. It is hinted that ber of the -star performers of last fea- Princeton does not oare to continue" son'. Despite' this, both Roper and i i football relations with Chicago.. The Satg'g claim the 1922 elevens are sup reason -is lha :ChlcagO feaftiC; makts erior to those of 1,921., Neither coacVi the schedule a bit; iinwletdy. In other' is inclined to be. 'boastful, so it 'seems Words the competlf ion ChTchsro is 'able certain that wescorn fooiball en'' to oCer is greater tb&n FVincetort cx-i e'ats are. tn for some footballs pected or desired;' '' when Princeton meets Chicago. - ' It ' is pretty good author&y . that Ropen is speciaEztng' m he l;ickng there will be no new agreement. Since, game. Stagg is : also-, devoting much Princeton seems determined to sever time to . that department of ' play. It relations la football, the Tigers ria- wouldn't- be -at lal surprising if the -turally woul J. prefer to 'do so after a toe of some athlete piAyed a piomm- vtctory. For tha r'eason' Princeton is 'nt part in the outcome o the panic. 311 REi Tfl M DIVER II f:V Tl-ill! r.u7.:El SEEKSTflEflSURE TOTOH se SCOUR w .6cT To 6WeM vwr we- km-- IP l rw 'jSS. i i n First Game of the Sea-son Will Profession Heidi Plainly By Take Place on Own ' j Men Now Been Invaded by 'The Females ELON COLLEGE Oct. 20. 'rhc I initial football grldifon contest Vh . .. (J3y Associated Press). ,, LONDON.- Off: 20. The nrofossion the "home grbiihds tor .-Elon -Wil be f dep gea dtvirtg; -which anyone plajed liere Saturday. Hampddn-Bid- wouj"d , siaasify as' a calling particu ney College of. Virginia is the Chils- "y fitt6d for men been suc.ess. tiansV opponents for' this cncoun.cp. - '(Uny ; invaded by a woman. 'Margaret Cery little Is T.kno-vn 'hffe of, the Syid,., &n tTrtgtiSh -girl, is acclaimed strength of the, Virginians. However, ,a hf the.mont efficient, and 'dar-' they always bring out a very strong ,n wearers fef fhe helmit in 'British ' Double-Democratic lowers .earhze they have no easy op- " .'ghe-'has gained a wide reputation ! ponent to face., last year a 'IfatoP- Hg Tth'e Mst two years, and more i len-ayaney. wnere mess teams met in lrecently for her efforts in the recov uj v.v-nij erv of " treasure frotn me sunken I tr - . . .. ;T Td .mi ' , , . - : m m m, w m a n -n imauinvv iiim iih i t V ni i i ii 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 9 ill . ii- 1 Uf iilAltaUlLLt. H II i HI I n I HI I I 1 I 1 1 HI I I ' ... I r-l MOSCOW, Oct. 20. Five theatrical, musical and artistic attractions from Russia are to appear in he United States during the , coming winter and spring under the auspices of the Bus sbian ed CrossR in America. The proceeds of the performances will go toward ussian fai.nine relief. Ar rangements to this end have .been made with te People's Commissariat of . Education, which V has charg of theatrical affair's for -the Soviet gov ernment. -' : , T Tho first attraction booked to tour America is the Andriev National Rus sian orchestra- of 35 pieces, playing the balalaika the Russian national. instrument. Tne prcnestra is now mir- ing an engagement , in s. -.etrograa. i In December Baroness Zenia Alea:- 1 ariirtuna TniroTViQrrlf tin apnnranKeti. od harpist, accompanied by a Russitm soprano and a violinist; is scheduled to- arrive in New York.; At the same time -the Lubijnov quartette playing instruments used in the- days of Ivan the Terrible, will be sent to the Unit ed States. The (musical program of the quartette consists of the oldest of Russian melodies and "Russian -foiK song-3. , ' ' ' - Ariother attraction is the new-Mos- ? cow 'JCapeUa," a chorus of ,109 voices under Paul Chisnakov, wf the Moscow consibrvatory of music. The Kappella has tbeen rceated since the revolution.' and) has not yet beensh.eard out of ircu'jsia. uitaiiapin rormeriy .sang ,witn thi Kapelja as a soloist. ' The "Gabima," the .old Jewish , the-a-re company. composed of sixty mena- tiers, inclUdlng its onWv orchestra, . is .f. booked to arrive in New York in tlie spring. These plays are all given -in ancient Hebrew. ' .. ; The Russian Red Cross Is arranging also to' bring Phillip AndreyitcH Malyavin to the United-etates - with ; twenty of his canvasses and several hundred of his smaller .sketches. He will ;have exhibits in . various ' cities. Malvflvln. jnV1p.ri hv hiaadmirpfn the greatest ,of Russia's . living painters, is now engaged Upon a large canvas of a. .typical Russian peasant, to b presented to the 'United States Con gress in recognition of , gratitude for ERNETHY GOES TO HE IE .Nominee In Third in Virginia by one touchdown,, the . score being seven to nothing. The- bat tl "was a terrific and 1 hard fought one, and the victory for 'Hampden-' kidney lacked the flavor Of a 61ean-cUt one. Hampden-Sldney has met 'tho Trinity ;team and "encountered a "de-i feat at- the hands of the Methodists, Spanish galleon lyins in ten fathoms of "water 'ttear- the 'shore, of Mull', an island off Scothmd. There, in the cozy little harbor of Tobermory, and less than a' Iruridfed 'years? from the beach, lies: one of the -great treasure - ships For Congress tHeard 'There Today i True Former GOLISEORO, Oct. -20. CharlC3 L. Abernehy, of New - Bern, double democratic nominee for Congress ar rived jn the city today and, went, with the county candidates to Grantham's Store on the first lap of the campagm Bill ' Against Banker But Others Exon crated by Jury Of thefepanish Armaa. ThCboat was,5tiheraryj A barbecue, a Speech by Mr. one of -the many vessels launched by 7 to 9, 'which 'is' the "OnVbasis of 'mbltlbus PhiHi. in 158S.' for his their: relative strensrth, known here - On the other ' hand Oii'iiiaye'd a good game against Wake Borest" and, won a decisive "vict6fy ""'over'jt.enior. Capts. Grady Brown and( Kirklarndj all backfleld men, who have been out of the g-a;me."f)r'mtlieTjstfee-fefftl'day4 on account of Injuries are now in uni form again ahrf expected to ;6e' rIn'Tgbod attempted' conquest' of England. ; So certain 'was this -monarch .that Jie?would add' the British Isls to his already-large domains, that he actu ally seht 6h ' hisTewe'Hed ' regalftr tin invance'It is believed todaythat tn richly bejewel'.Sd crown llving Eomfi- ', linrt.!'' alvtv Hapt ; nf ' water Of . tho Adfil wto,.1 .iin rtvr sixty ainonji '.'the 'wr.ei;k:igs ehape.for, the fSatuniay affair. Riiny.Tahte a? FioVenuV' whir-h' MKs Na for weather lias Interlered wttB pfactM ha8 succeeded in negotiating. : i during the first paif of the week, but ' Although- the task ' presents rtiany in spite of. this Coach Corbey ;, says problRma which would cause anxiety that his charges are in nne shape, and to - diVcrs of' 'the 'stronger1 'sex. Miss itching to, stretch, their limbs in a Naylor shows- no fear. She. had -had regular' contest. . .. . ( :. 'vhe or two ttaVrdw escapes from" dea'th The American Christian Convention -1n th vtmr- ;irkM'. which is meeting in Burlington., and; without belng' in ' any way deterred ""urm Jioia yievuraay TrA.fT0-rA.tazkits - the' risky business iiuuii bbcbiuu hi iiiu couego nere wmagajn-:' r - adjourn ana attenaThe football1 game at that time In a' body. : v . agair . Miss'NayIor"t'ecently Jmade - a -trip to ha. southern -ooast'Qf .England and STOPTHr'tVUiiivP mir i" s?nie excellent specimens" of STOP THEAS UE i COAL JBndeea. plant life. She ) nearly lost , iOTXTIE WATJVI 4MyCOZher jJfe when her 'feet became en- ibernethy and by the county-candi dates eame ofP" at :-ll o'clock. $ It was lot expected fthat "the 'Congressional ndmlnee ?would atrive until ; tomor row, but a wire 'to Col. 'George K. Freeman last : night stated ; that he would be -on hand today. Saturday-at ' STATESVILLE. Oct. 20. In ? a story sent out from this city Wednes day regarding three true bills of In dictment . having , been returned a- trninst John .W. Guy. -'Sr.,-.. s former cashier of 'the First : National Bank of Statesville: it was erroneously stated that one of the bills returned rhareed Guy and - E. ; O. Herritagu V with ' violation of the banking iiaws, 3 o'clock they Will speak, at'Pikeville. j a : true bill ;was found against , Guy Mr. Abernethy wpneed the Wayne anj not , a true bill a sto Mr. Herri county campaign "here recently with tage.' A second bill of indictment a speech that caught the ears of some t charged Guy and McLain with vlo PHONOGRAPHS ARE BEING GIVEN AWA.Y The C. D. Tomas , Music Compaxiy, the home of better music, have ; a. most, interesting advertisement in tlie Sun-Journal this afternoon in whic'n they make a inost unusual oper to tne readers of this paper, :--'v f,1 To each and every customer wfcio purchases $10 worth, of records th;y wij give, absolutely free, a high class phonograph. This machine is one thtat evesybody will be proud to own. It pl).ys any ten inch record and is worth, a place in any home. The supply is limited and they will be presented to those who first call. v AT VLADIVOSTOK VLADIVOSTOK, Qet. i 2 0.-Anser- ican and British marines landed ljere today to guard the ctaisulates the two nations. Runs in. stockings are to blame for long skirts. s Country cousins will scon get even for city cousins vacations. -r- t They Give Service. ' P R. Phillips & Son, proprietors of -the Elm ' Street Meat Market, haye an interesting advertisement in The Sun-Journal'' ."this 'afternoon, to the effct that they are better pre pared now than ever before ' to- serve the people of this city . with. the best quality of beef and pork. They are giving the fastest delivery service .in the city and , are seeking; th business of local citizens. Houses are not as scarce as they were, "but the rent Is. Quarreled Since , .Wedding Day "My stomach and . liver trouble madV regular grouch of 'me. I was sore ai everyona, including my wue. and we quarreled every day ..since the wedding.' She is a. dear little girl and. I know it was my fault. Mayr's Won-' derful Remedy was recommended for my stomach trouble, and since taking it I have felt like a new man. My wife and I now get along beautifully." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus '.from the intestinal tract and allays the in flammation which causes . practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments,- including appendicitis. One dose Will convince or money refunded.- DR. E. F; MENlUS ETqft .SnecfalUt , SAM jL AXON XO-V-rJlcrn, N. C IUSAJD SUNSrOVRNAIi VWANT JUS tangled . 5 In- a ladtler'Which- stie was usipg,- and only her presence of mind To 'save .m'oney" aBtl -.Cbal.Vrhs'peet your house, says the ..c'ommerc de- enabledffer'cr ee'?lierseJi f-Wn-tt tbeM : things-; J ' - - jl-" f" . h?.uied- fcly to tDe P" ' ' Stop uu -'unregulated fwthru rui te for aroftrt mvwHich the house. , f ; ' ' : people' tv". . ' Use storm doors and -storm 'or-tovr Remember that these ggestior f,1, ""JW a possiWe saving of millions of r """"' -" . r1"? - .tons.of coal this winter.. . ' who have been listening to political speeches for a long1 time. Candidates on the' local ticket are of the opinion" that' he will give them some more alogn this same line with elaborations to Eult the occasion. They went down tot Grantham's Store to 'lay the issue of the democratic party intelligently beforevthe voters, but' they ate bar becue too. The occasion was 'One Of thanksgiving and feasting, as Well a3 work an? lambastingf The national re publican -'administration ' tot its Do notning Polciy." Ivery day the local candidates are adding a few more votes totheir Yinaiority for good mtas re. 'It seems1 to-" have sifted ' down to a'process-of figuring: just how' large the 'majority'- will be. i 1 ; -On ' Saturday the ' congressional nOmirtee' tOgether'-Witb Colonel" Free man, !J.-B.' Parker, Judge Bland, J house facing the.-v.irevailtng. h c613 wind. - i ' .... ' ; , , ' - Pltcrackstari?und''or"ln'aU.wri-( : flows andt doors.v Uses felt1'-if nec'e sary, under outside i doQrs. Reset, "th j door ijinge it necessar"' '-;- - 1 .-' Sep that ther are nd cracks -in-Hie window casings of Between Vallr-ah(iJ ... Casings, or betwefen 'the -sash.-Tfght-. en sasn td'eks. tTse' puttt-dndWathe'r stripping where necessary. . " -. . Insrtecf! windows and"'wallal Tof 'at tic. tead !air"ln an atjic "kee'psl 'the 1 openings frtm"" attic 'between ? walls.: In basement, phig-anydpeninga from bvCslde'or,1setweenvalls. Cover luynaoe ana team-: ana not '"water heating pipes, if '"practicable , iCiose openings 'between wklls 'a'nd nse. newspapers r,UM"dervthe carpets if . . .. Study , ianufacturer' - directions as tocare' of drn&eV 'Replace' Crick ed pt" broken gratesv "Bxarnine damp- . . and stoves are noting use dampers . should be closed. Clean' chimney ind stove pipes ' periodically r or' whenever - jiecssary. . ' f . . jt Lopk, wind:ows . whep . closed: ' t)th.vr $hades,r if ; practicable.:- Turij on neat 4n rooins with "windows "left open aijd ,an unused, rodms. Remember'' that good (ventilaUon is possible 'without largeopeEings.. J Remember ' that' thermometers 'are tetter of heat-tfian-are ihe va . rious members' of a; family, each with L his 'own Id(a: ol-want. Sixty-eight to peventy degrees is ;a t normal,- healtb- Whatf'inites a' galosh Tmaaderr than i lation of the banking law. .a irue bill was 'found as to Guy and not a true bill as to McLain. In a third bill against Guy alone for .violation of the tanking i lavJs-einbezzlement, a true' bill was found. Guy is charged With embezzling; $84,829.82 from tho First National Bank from .Nov. 1, 1919, to July 8, 1922. He. is at lib, ertv under , $20,000 bond. . . . ; over.. It .wi'l be tne last of the week and there won't no so many picking cotton as there were yesterday ; when the candidates went ; to Ebeneezer. CbL - Freeman, Clerk Hooks, and, other prominent members of the' party have been so busy in court this week and last week they .have had little time to attend' to the campaign; Nevertheless, some of them went to Ebeneezer, and exDect to be at Grantham tomorrow B. 'HoOTis; W. D. Grant, C.1 F.-Dees," G. and Pikeville Saturday. Col, Freeman E. Grantham, ? fend "Other county can-'said he might not be ab!e to go to-li3ates"-;wiir jonrney to Pikeville. ' By j morrow, but that he would surely go that'tlme the state fair-will be neaHy Saturday. v- iHEvCARRlEDTRABBlTsi FOOT AND :ELEW 206 MILES AN KOttft: BREAKING THE' WORLDS f RECORD FOR 156 MILES. Tr 'c;: i ' ; : - Jfe-r if ii H A- t it' 4 5 if". , f KVJ't! !; Lieut. ;R.. L.-Maughan and the Curtiss nigh speed pursuit plane equipped with 375 h. p. Curtiss C. D. motor?, in. ."which Lieut.- Maughan won-the -annual rare for the Pulitzer Trophy, at Detroit . H travilpd aiHhe rat8:Or-20mUesl-an hour for ? 156 miles, setting a new record. He wa? unconscious at'timpq 1 : i A m - r I I MM STOEETT MEAT We a noW in a position fto i umish you with ?the very best Native Pork arid Beef than money can buy. ( 1 A,U .we ask you o do is to give us , an orier. ' , . ''...-;:'. ..r."''' ... ,t. - .y We guarantee to give you( satisfac tion in both goods anJ delivery. - Our prices are right. ft Just step to your telephone :arifcl call No. 901. Nqw Bern, N. C. h5lasetottheiJtoy!lniV8peed-y-'-dttring the flight. cTJ&U

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